85 research outputs found

    The proteome of human brain microdialysate

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    BACKGROUND: Cerebral microdialysis has been established as a monitoring tool in neurocritically ill patients suffering from severe stroke. The technique allows to sample small molecules in the brain tissue for subsequent biochemical analysis. In this study, we investigated the proteomic profile of human cerebral microdialysate and if the identified proteins might be useful predictors for disease characteristics in stroke for tissue at risk in the contralateral hemisphere. We analysed cerebral protein expression in microdialysate from three stroke patients sampled from the hemisphere contralateral to the lesion. Using a proteomic approach based on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and subsequent mass spectrometry, we created a protein map for the global protein expression pattern of human microdialyste. RESULTS: We found an average of 158 ± 24 (N = 18) protein spots in the human cerebral microdialysate and could identify 95 spots, representing 27 individual proteins. Most of these have been detected in human cerebrospinal fluid before, but 10 additional proteins mainly of cerebral intracellular origin were identified exclusively in the microdialysate. CONCLUSIONS: The 10 proteins found exclusively in human cerebral microdialysate, but not in cerebrospinal fluid, indicate the possibility to monitor the progression of the disease towards deterioration. The correlation of protein composition in the human cerebral microdialysate with the patients' clinical condition and results of cerebral imaging may be a useful approach to future applications for neurological stroke diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment

    Hourly exposure to ultrafine particle metrics and the onset of myocardial infarction in Augsburg, Germany

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    BACKGROUND: Epidemiological evidence on the health effects of ultrafine particles (UFP) remains insufficient to infer a causal relationship that is largely due to different size ranges and exposure metrics examined across studies. Moreover, evidence regarding the association between UFP and cardiovascular disease at a sub-daily timescale is lacking.OBJECTIVE: We investigated the relationship between different particle metrics, including particle number (PNC), length (PLC), and surface area (PSC) concentrations, and myocardial infarction (MI) at an hourly timescale.METHODS: We collected hourly air pollution and meteorological data from fixed urban background monitoring sites and hourly nonfatal MI cases from a MI registry in Augsburg, Germany, during 2005-2015. We conducted a time-stratified case-crossover analysis with conditional logistic regression to estimate the association between hourly particle metrics and MI cases, adjusted for air temperature and relative humidity. We also examined the independent effects of a certain particle metric in two-pollutant models by adjusting for copollutants, including particulate matter (PM) with an aerodynamic diameter of >= 10 mu m or 2.5 mu m (PM10 and PM2.5, respectively), nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and black carbon.RESULTS: Overall, a total of 5,898 cases of nonfatal MI cases were recorded. Exploratory analyses showed similar associations across particle metrics in the first 6-12 h. For example, interquartile range increases in PNC within the size range of 10-100 nm, PLC, and PSC were associated with an increase of MI 6 h later by 3.27% [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.27, 6.37], 5.71% (95% CI: 1.79, 9.77), and 5.84% (95% CI: 1.04, 10.87), respectively. Positive, albeit imprecise, associations were observed for PNC within the size range of 10-30 nm and 100-500 nm. Effect estimates for PLC and PSC remained similar after adjustment for PM and gaseous pollutants.CONCLUSIONS: Transient exposure to particle number, length, and surface area concentrations or other potentially related exposures may trigger the onset of nonfatal myocardial infraction

    The risk of infections in hematologic patients treated with rituximab is not influenced by cumulative rituximab dosage - a single center experience

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    Background: Rituximab, a monoclonal antibody directed against CD20, is approved for the treatment of CD20-positive B-cell Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and rheumatologic disorders. Due to its potent activity in depleting CD20-positive lymphocytes, the influence on opportunistic infections is still under discussion. Thus, we analyzed the impact of rituximab either as monotherapy or in combination with other chemotherapeutic regimens to elucidate its role in contributing to infectious complications. Methods: The records of consecutive patients (n = 125, 141 treatment episodes) treated with rituximab alone or in combination with chemotherapy and corticosteroids were analyzed retrospectively for the incidence, spectrum and outcome of infections during treatment and 6 months after the last course of rituximab. Univariate analysis of cofactors such as steroid medication, antiinfective prophylaxis, underlying disease and remission status were performed. Results: Altogether 80 therapy episodes were associated with infections, the median number of infections per patient being 1 (range 1–7). The number of infectious complications was significantly higher in patients receiving a combination of rituximab and chemotherapy compared to rituximab monotherapy (p  0.14). Conclusions: Rituximab in induction treatment, either as monotherapy or combined with chemotherapy by itself does not increase the incidence or change the spectrum of infections in hematologic patients. However the possible influence of higher dosages of concomitant steroid medication on frequency of infections suggests that a heightened awareness of the potential for infectious complications should be applied to patients receiving higher doses of glucocorticoids in combination with other therapeutic regimens

    Hourly Exposure to Ultrafine Particle Metrics and the Onset of Myocardial Infarction in Augsburg, Germany

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    BACKGROUND: Epidemiological evidence on the health effects of ultrafine particles (UFP) remains insufficient to infer a causal relationship that is largely due to different size ranges and exposure metrics examined across studies. Moreover, evidence regarding the association between UFP and cardiovascular disease at a sub-daily timescale is lacking. OBJECTIVE: We investigated the relationship between different particle metrics, including particle number (PNC), length (PLC), and surface area (PSC) concentrations, and myocardial infarction (MI) at an hourly timescale. METHODS: We collected hourly air pollution and meteorological data from fixed urban Background: monitoring sites and hourly nonfatal MI cases from a MI registry in Augsburg, Germany, during 2005-2015. We conducted a time-stratified case-crossover analysis with conditional logistic regression to estimate the association between hourly particle metrics and MI cases, adjusted for air temperature and relative humidity. We also examined the independent effects of a certain particle metric in two-pollutant models by adjusting for copollutants, including particulate matter (PM) with an aerodynamic diameter of >= 10 mu m or 2.5 mu m (PM10 and PM2.5, respectively), nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and black carbon. RESULTS: Overall, a total of 5,898 cases of nonfatal MI cases were recorded. Exploratory analyses showed similar associations across particle metrics in the first 6-12 h. For example, interquartile range increases in PNC within the size range of 10-100 nm, PLC, and PSC were associated with an increase of MI 6 h later by 3.27% [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.27, 6.37], 5.71% (95% CI: 1.79, 9.77), and 5.84% (95% CI: 1.04, 10.87), respectively. Positive, albeit imprecise, associations were observed for PNC within the size range of 10-30 nm and 100-500 nm. Effect estimates for PLC and PSC remained similar after adjustment for PM and gaseous pollutants. CONCLUSIONS: Transient exposure to particle number, length, and surface area concentrations or other potentially related exposures may trigger the onset of nonfatal myocardial infraction

    Lateinisch-griechisch-arabische Begegnungen

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    Das spätmittelalterliche Mediterraneum war geprägt von komplexen Gesellschaften mit einem hohen Grad kultureller Heterogenität. Menschen mit unterschiedlichen ethnischen, religiösen und linguistischen Hintergründen lebten zum Teil schon seit Generationen, zum Teil erst kurzfristig mit- oder nebeneinander und kamen auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen miteinander in Kontakt. Die Erforschung dieser spätmittelalterlichen mediterranen "hotspots" kultureller Diversität verspricht wichtige Erkenntnisse über die Konstruktion von sozialen und kulturellen Identitäten und über die integrativen und desintegrativen Prozesse in komplexen pluralen Gesellschaften. Dieser international und interdisziplinär zusammengestellte Sammelband behandelt Aspekte interkultureller Kommunikation, wie sie in Architektur, Bildkunst, Handwerksproduktion und Schrifttum reflektiert werden, untersucht die Genese hybrider Kunstformen sowie Kulturpraktiken und fragt nach der Rolle und Selbstverortung spezifischer Personen und Korporationen in interkulturellen Kontaktsituationen

    Геофизические закономерности локализации месторождений углеводородов Баренцево-Карского региона

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    Background: Rising serum levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) after radical prostatectomy are indicative of recurrent prostate cancer. This double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II study evaluated the anti-tumour activity of the anti-epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) antibody adecatumumab in delaying biochemical disease progression. Patients and Methods: Prostate cancer patients with increasing serum PSA levels following radical prostatectomy were randomized to low- (2 mg/kg) or high-dose adecatumumab (6 mg/kg) or placebo. The primary efficacy endpoint was the mean change from baseline in total serum PSA at week 24. Secondary endpoints included PSA response rate, prolongation of serum PSA doubling time and time to biochemical disease progression. Results: The primary and secondary endpoints of the study were not met in the predefined analyses. In a retrospective analysis of patients with baseline PSA <= 1 ng/ml and a high EpCAM expression, both the mean increase in PSA from baseline to week 24 and the PSA doubling time at week 15 were significantly improved in the high-dose adecatumumab group compared with the placebo group. Most frequent treatment-related clinical adverse events were gastrointestinal (diarrhoea and nausea) or general events (chills), showing a dose dependency but no grade 3/4 intensity in any patient. Conclusion: In men with rising PSA levels after radical prostatectomy and no evidence of clinical relapse, adecatumumab delayed disease progression in a subgroup of patients with baseline PSA levels <= 1 ng/ml and high EpCAM-expressing tumours. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Base

    Framework and baseline examination of the German National Cohort (NAKO)

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    The German National Cohort (NAKO) is a multidisciplinary, population-based prospective cohort study that aims to investigate the causes of widespread diseases, identify risk factors and improve early detection and prevention of disease. Specifically, NAKO is designed to identify novel and better characterize established risk and protection factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, respiratory and infectious diseases in a random sample of the general population. Between 2014 and 2019, a total of 205,415 men and women aged 19–74 years were recruited and examined in 18 study centres in Germany. The baseline assessment included a face-to-face interview, self-administered questionnaires and a wide range of biomedical examinations. Biomaterials were collected from all participants including serum, EDTA plasma, buffy coats, RNA and erythrocytes, urine, saliva, nasal swabs and stool. In 56,971 participants, an intensified examination programme was implemented. Whole-body 3T magnetic resonance imaging was performed in 30,861 participants on dedicated scanners. NAKO collects follow-up information on incident diseases through a combination of active follow-up using self-report via written questionnaires at 2–3 year intervals and passive follow-up via record linkages. All study participants are invited for re-examinations at the study centres in 4–5 year intervals. Thereby, longitudinal information on changes in risk factor profiles and in vascular, cardiac, metabolic, neurocognitive, pulmonary and sensory function is collected. NAKO is a major resource for population-based epidemiology to identify new and tailored strategies for early detection, prediction, prevention and treatment of major diseases for the next 30 years. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10654-022-00890-5

    Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Gene Encoding Transcription Factor Prep1 Is Associated with HIV-1-Associated Dementia

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    BACKGROUND: Infection with HIV-1 may result in severe cognitive and motor impairment, referred to as HIV-1-associated dementia (HAD). While its prevalence has dropped significantly in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy, milder neurocognitive disorders persist with a high prevalence. To identify additional therapeutic targets for treating HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders, several candidate gene polymorphisms have been evaluated, but few have been replicated across multiple studies. METHODS: We here tested 7 candidate gene polymorphisms for association with HAD in a case-control study consisting of 86 HAD cases and 246 non-HAD AIDS patients as controls. Since infected monocytes and macrophages are thought to play an important role in the infection of the brain, 5 recently identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) affecting HIV-1 replication in macrophages in vitro were also tested. RESULTS: The CCR5 wt/Δ32 genotype was only associated with HAD in individuals who developed AIDS prior to 1991, in agreement with the observed fading effect of this genotype on viral load set point. A significant difference in genotype distribution among all cases and controls irrespective of year of AIDS diagnosis was found only for a SNP in candidate gene PREP1 (p = 1.2 × 10(-5)). Prep1 has recently been identified as a transcription factor preferentially binding the -2,518 G allele in the promoter of the gene encoding MCP-1, a protein with a well established role in the etiology of HAD. CONCLUSION: These results support previous findings suggesting an important role for MCP-1 in the onset of HIV-1-associated neurocognitive disorders