606 research outputs found

    Gender Earnings Gap in German Firms: The Impact of Firm Characteristics and Institutions

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    Most existing analyses on the gender wage gap (GWG) have neglected the establishment as a place where inequality between male and female employees arises and is maintained. The use of linked employee-employer data permits us to move beyond the individual and consider the importance of the workplace to explain gender pay differentials. That is, we first provide a comprehensive study on the effects of various firm characteristics and the institutional framework on the GWG in Germany. The innovation of our research is that we do not just compare average male and female wages (of specific groups of employees), but look at within-firm gender wage differentials. Our results indicate that the mean GWG within firms is smaller than the average overall GWG. Furthermore, we can show that firms with formalized co-determination (works council) and those covered by collective wage agreements are more likely to have smaller GWG. It is also interesting to note that the wage differential between men and women decreases with firm size and increases with the wage level. --gender wage gap,unions,works councils,discrimination,within-firms wage differentials

    Is there a wage premium or wage discount for flexible hours?

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    With flexible work time arrangements firms can quickly adjust to demand fluctuations, while employees may benefit from more time sovereignty. Depending on the specific type of arrangement the accompanying wage effects are ambiguous and have rarely been analyzed. According to the theory of compensating wage differentials, workers with more time sovereignty may be willing to forego earnings whereas others need to be compensated by higher earnings. We analyze the wage effects of work time accounts using GSOEP data from 2002. We compare wages of employees with and without work time accounts by propensity score matching. Our results indicate that work time accountees receive higher wages on average, thus suggesting an employer's discretion to determine the timing of flexible work hours, but with remarkable differences across sectors. --work time flexibility, propensity score matching, compensating wage differentials

    ALPAKKA (zeitliche Variationen im Auftriebsgeschehen und El-Nino-Ereignisse vor Peru: Auswirkungen und Überlieferung kurzfristiger Klimaschwankungen) : Förderkennzeichen: KZ G0147A

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    Hochauflösende Klimarekonstruktionen an laminierten Sedimenten, Erfassung von El-Nino-Ereignissen, Veränderungen in der Auftriebsintensität und -produktivitä

    Gender Earnings Gap in German Firms : The Impact of Firm Characteristics and Institutions

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    Most existing analyses on the gender wage gap (GWG) have neglected the establishment as a place where inequality between male and female employees arises and is maintained. The use of linked employee-employer data permits us to move beyond the individual and consider the importance of the workplace to explain gender pay differentials. That is, we first provide a comprehensive study on the effects of various firm characteristics and the institutional framework on the GWG in Germany. The innovation of our research is that we do not just compare average male and female wages (of specific groups of employees), but look at within-firm gender wage differentials. Our results indicate that the mean GWG within firms is smaller than the average overall GWG. Furthermore, we can show that firms with formalized co-determination (works council) and those covered by collective wage agreements are more likely to have smaller GWG. It is also interesting to note that the wage differential between men and women decreases with firm size and increases with the wage level

    How to limit discrimination? Analyzing the effects of innovative workplace practices on intra-firm gender wage gaps using linked employer-employee data

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    This paper provides a new approach to assess the impact of organisational changes fostering employee involvement, performance related pay schemes and other relevant trends in personnel policy on the gender wage gap. Our results indicate that innovative human resource practices tend to limit the wage differential between men and women. The innovation of this study is that we use linked employer-employee data to look at within-firm gender wage differentials. To investigate the theoretical hypotheses regarding the effect of selected human resource measures on gender wage inequality, we calculate a firm-specific gender wage gap accounting for differences in individual characteristics

    Ist Airbnb schuld an der Wohnungsknappheit in Grossstädten?

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    Berlin, Barcelona, Amsterdam – zu diesen Tourismushochburgen kursieren Geschichten von geschäftstüchtigen Leuten, die Wohnungen gekauft haben, nur um sie tageweise auf Airbnb anzubieten und damit viel Geld zu machen. Auch in Zürich wird eine solche Entwicklung befürchtet. Nun hat der Zürcher Mieterinnen- und Mieterverband eine Studie zur Vermietungssituation veröffentlicht

    Entwicklung der beruflichen Segregation von Männern und Frauen zwischen 1996 und 2005: eine Bestandsaufnahme auf betrieblicher Ebene

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    Based on the Linked-Employer-Employee data from the IAB (LIAB) we show how the horizontal occupational segregation of men and women in German establishments developed between 1996 and 2005. For this purpose we apply the dissimilarity index and the standardized dissimilarity index at the establishment level. The analysis of the heterogeneity of firm-specific segregation is differentiated by region and sector. In spite of the small overall decrease in segregation over time, large differences between establishments are revealed. Both the female share and the share of part-time employees are considerably larger in less segregated establishments. The latter also tend to employ more highly educated workers and, in eastern Germany, a larger share of unskilled workers. A decomposition of the change in labour market segregation over time reveals that the small decrease in the dissimilarity index is mainly driven by an overall shift towards less segregated occupations. Based solely on the change in the gender ratio by occupation, the dissimilarity index in eastern Germany would even have increased

    Is there a wage premium or wage discount for flexible hours?

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    With flexible work time arrangements firms can quickly adjust to demand fluctuations, while employees may benefit from more time sovereignty. Depending on the specific type of arrangement the accompanying wage effects are ambiguous and have rarely been analyzed. According to the theory of compensating wage differentials, workers with more time sovereignty may be willing to forego earnings whereas others need to be compensated by higher earnings. We analyze the wage effects of work time accounts using GSOEP data from 2002. We compare wages of employees with and without work time accounts by propensity score matching. Our results indicate that work time accountees receive higher wages on average, thus suggesting an employer's discretion to determine the timing of flexible work hours, but with remarkable differences across sectors

    Patterns of Overeducation in Europe: The Role of Field of Study

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    This study investigates the incidence of overeducation among graduate workers in 21 European Union countries and its underlying factors based on the European Labor Force Survey 2016. Although controlling for a wide range of covariates, the particular interest lies in the role of fields of study for vertical educational mismatch. The study reveals country differences in the impact of these factors. Compared to Social sciences, male graduates from, for example, Education, Health and welfare, Engineering, and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) are less and those from Services and Natural sciences are more at risk in a clear majority of countries. These findings are robust against changes of the standard education. Moreover, some fields show gender-specific risks. We suggest that occupational closure, productivity signals and gender stereotypes answer for these cross-field and cross-country differentials. Moreover, country fixed effects point to relevant structural differences between national labor markets and between educational systems

    Zebrafish Caudal Haematopoietic Embryonic Stromal Tissue (CHEST) Cells Support Haematopoiesis.

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    Haematopoiesis is an essential process in early vertebrate development that occurs in different distinct spatial locations in the embryo that shift over time. These different sites have distinct functions: in some anatomical locations specific hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) are generated de novo. In others, HSPCs expand. HSPCs differentiate and renew in other locations, ensuring homeostatic maintenance. These niches primarily control haematopoiesis through a combination of cell-to-cell signalling and cytokine secretion that elicit unique biological effects in progenitors. To understand the molecular signals generated by these niches, we report the generation of caudal hematopoietic embryonic stromal tissue (CHEST) cells from 72-hours post fertilization (hpf) caudal hematopoietic tissue (CHT), the site of embryonic HSPC expansion in fish. CHEST cells are a primary cell line with perivascular endothelial properties that expand hematopoietic cells in vitro. Morphological and transcript analysis of these cultures indicates lymphoid, myeloid, and erythroid differentiation, indicating that CHEST cells are a useful tool for identifying molecular signals critical for HSPC proliferation and differentiation in the zebrafish. These findings permit comparison with other temporally and spatially distinct haematopoietic-supportive zebrafish niches, as well as with mammalian haematopoietic-supportive cells to further the understanding of the evolution of the vertebrate hematopoietic system
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