34 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Pre and Post-migration Livelihood Outcomes of Households with Absentee Heads in Osun State, Nigeria

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    Migration is often linked with a deleterious impact on rural area production and development. Although, the change of location for better opportunities also affect the lives and livelihoods of the migrant households’ in the rural communities. The study was a comparative analysis of the pre and post-migration living outcomes of absentee households’ heads in Osun State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure involving the simple random sampling was used to select 120 absentee household heads. Data collected with interview schedule was subjected to descriptive statistics, t-test and correlation analyses. Findings showed that more men (76.7%) migrated, leaving women to become the interim household heads. It was found that migrants have a higher average monthly income level (₦44,400). Prior to migration, most families were in the lower financial well-being category (83.3%), while only 55% remained in that category after migration. This follows the result of the t-test which revealed that a significant difference (t=0.00; p<0.05) exists between the well-being of migrant’s household before and after migration. Thus, it was concluded that unless the rural push factors are removed, rural-urban migration will continue at an increasing rate because benefits and opportunities acquired in the process influence the well-being of the rural households. The study recommends that enabling environment, facilities and opportunities should be created in the rural communities to transform livelihoods and improve the wellbeing of the people via interventions by national and international agencies

    Use of indigenous knowledge by women in a Nigerian rural community

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    287-295The study investigated Rural Women’s use of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) in the development of Ogun State, Nigeria. Among others, it aimed at identifying the nature and types of IK being used by the rural women, the extent of use as well as the domains of use. It equally aimed at finding out how the rural women’s use of IK has positively affected sustainable development in Ogun State. The survey research design was adopted. The targeted population comprised rural women in Odeda local government area of Ogun State. A purposive sample of 250 respondents was selected. Data were collected with an interviewer-administered structured questionnaire and analyses were carried out using frequencies and percentage distributions. Findings revealed that majority of the rural women were farmers and illiterates but have vast knowledge of traditional medicine. There was an extensive use of oral IK in various domains: culture transfer and preservation, food security, saving and lending money, population control, childcare, etc but its greatest impact was in the area of food production


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    This paper focuses on a design-reality gap assessment of selected information communication technology (ICT) projects in federal universities, South West of Nigeria. We determine the success and failure rates of the selected ICT projects based on the design-reality gap model dimensions: information, technology, processes, objectives and values, staffing and skills, management systems and structures, and so on. Thus, we adopt survey research design, including qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection in this paper. Moreover, we use purposive sampling technique in selecting the sample data. Five (5) heads of unit of the selected ICT projects responded to the questionnaire based on the Design-Reality gap model checklist and were also interviewed. The analytical tools adopted were percentage distribution. The data from interview were analysed thematically. The outcome of the study revealed that, UNILAG-CITS, FUTA-CRC, FUNAAB-ICTREC, OAU-MIS and UI-MIS ICT projects as partial failures. The study recommended that ICT project stakeholders/managers should draw up policy statements guiding the initiation, implementation and delivery of ICT project, it is important to conduct a need analysis/assessment prior to the implementation of ICT project initiatives. This will stimulate the demand for the ICT project

    Wpływ deficytu wody na poziom życia w gospodarstwach domowych na obszarze Iwoye-Ketu w nigeryjskim stanie Ogun

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    Water is an essential commodity which affects life and livelihoods in the universe. This study examined perceived effect of water scarcity on livelihoods in Iwoye-Ketu, Ogun State. Random sampling was used to select 80 rural households and water samples for the study. Data collected were analysed using descriptive, inferential and laboratory analyses. Findings showed that the mean age of respondents was 38 years with an average household size of four persons. The major sources of water were boreholes (97.5%) and rainwater (90.0%), the average trekking time to the water source was 24 minutes and the households requires an average of 162 litres of water per day. Water analysis’ result showed that the water has pH (6.87), total dissolved solids (0.175 mg∙dm–3), temperature (29.9°C) and turbidity (0.6 FTU). The major causes of water scarcity include insufficient rainfall (97.5%), increased sunlight intensity (97.5%), pollution of water sources (95.0%) and increased population (93.8%). About 60% of them perceived water scarcity to have a negative effect on their livelihoods. Correlation analysis shows that there is a significant relationship between usage of water (r = 0.370, p < 0.01) and perceived effect of water scarcity. It was concluded that water available for household use is not sufficient, although it is safe but contain some elements which are not of World Health Organization standard for good potable water. It is recommended that the community should build a hub for water collection and distribution close to the village centre and the government should provide water infrastructures to increase the supply of potable water.Woda jest podstawowym dobrem, które wpływa na życie i warunki życia na świecie. W przedstawionej pracy badano wpływ deficytu wody na poziom życia w Iwoye-Ketu w stanie Ogun. Do badań losowo wybrano 80 wiejskich gospodarstw i próby wody. Zebrane dane analizowano za pomocą metod opisowych, wnioskowania i metod laboratoryjnych. Średni wiek respondentów wynosił 38 lat, a średnia wielkość gospodarstwa – 4 osoby. Głównym źródłem wody były studnie wiercone (97,5%) i opady deszczu (90,0%). Średni czas dojścia do źródła wody wynosił 24 minuty, a gospodarstwa zużywały średnio 162 dm3 wody na dzień. Woda miała pH 6,87, sumę substancji rozpuszczonych 0,175 g∙dm–3, temperaturę 29,9°C i mętność 0,6 FTU. Do głównych przyczyn niedostatku wody zaliczano niewystarczające opady (97,5%), silne nasłonecznienie (97,5%), zanieczyszczenie źródeł wody (95,0%) i przeludnienie (93,8%). Około 60% respondentów uważało, że niedostatek wody wywiera ujemny wpływ na ich poziom życia. Analiza korelacji wykazała, że istnieje istotna zależność (r = 0,370, p < 0,01) między zużyciem wody a odczuciem negatywnego wpływu jej braku. Stwierdzono, że woda jest dostępna gospodarstwom w niedostatecznej ilości i choć bezpieczna, to zawiera pewne składniki, które nie spełniają norm Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia ustalonych dla wody pitnej. Zaleca się, aby lokalna społeczność zbudowała miejsce gromadzenia i dystrybucji wody blisko centrum wsi, a rząd powinien zapewnić infrastrukturę w celu poprawy zaopatrzenia w wodę pitną