113 research outputs found

    Protecting Intellectual Property in a Software Development Environment

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    In today\u27s modem workplace, information theft has become an increasingly significant problem. The ease of portability and distribution of computer files has been a valuable tool for businesses, but has also opened the door for dishonest individuals to steal these files and use the information for their own purposes. Hackers are a threat, as more and more businesses go online, but the biggest threat of information theft may actually come from within a company itself. In September 2002, a study was released by ASIS International, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce titled Trends in Proprietary Information Loss. 1 It sited former employees and on-site contractors as two of the most significant risk factors in proprietary information and intellectual property loss. The study also found that the risk area for information theft most commonly sited by companies was research and development, which would include program code developed within a company. Thus software developers, among many other types of employees, could certainly be a security risk to a company

    Bag-of-Features Image Indexing and Classification in Microsoft SQL Server Relational Database

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    This paper presents a novel relational database architecture aimed to visual objects classification and retrieval. The framework is based on the bag-of-features image representation model combined with the Support Vector Machine classification and is integrated in a Microsoft SQL Server database.Comment: 2015 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics (CYBCONF), Gdynia, Poland, 24-26 June 201

    Unzeit-gemäße Betrachtungen zur ukrainischen Geschichte

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    Dieser Beitrag verweist auf wichtige Phasen der ukrainischen Geschichte, die für die Bildung der ukrainischen Nation entscheidend waren, vom Mittelalter bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs, und ihr Echo in der Literatur. Er zeigt, dass diese Phasen auch zugleich Momente einer historischen, politischen und kulturellen Einbindung der Ukraine nach Europa sind, aufgrund derer sich die ukrainische Geschichte deutlich von der russischen unterscheidet. In einer Situation, wo der russische Aggressor die Eigenständigkeit der Ukraine bestreitet, ist die Rückbesinnung auf diese Momente von besonderer Bedeutung

    Professional development: The literacy portfolio

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    The focus of this staff development project is on the development and implementation of Literacy Portfolios in the elementary classroom. The participants in the project devise purposes for their portfolios, experience Writer\u27s Workshop and participate in a number of other literacy activities while creating their own portfolios. The theory of portfolio development is explained in great detail for the participants through the readings they complete during the course of the project. The active participation in the creation of a portfolio and the background knowledge in portfolio theory, will enable the participant to begin developing portfolios in their own classrooms

    Gli Hajdamaky di Taras Ševčenko. Il contesto letterario

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    The article attempts to place Shevchenko’s poem on the 1768 Hajdmak-uprising into a wider context, establishing relations with works on this subject which the Ukrainian poet may have known or probably did not know. These are first of all Polish works (Goszczynki´s poem Kaniow-Castle, Czajkowki’s novel Wernyhora). It also examines links with historiographic texts which appeared much later than the aforementioned literary works. An essential part of the “Hajdamak-text” is its Russian component, consisting of novels written by authors of Ukrainian origin, such as V. Narežnyj and O. Somov. There is one more link to Galician literature, where German as well as Ukrainian authors point out the connection between Galician “Opryšky” and Ukrainian “Hajdamaky”.The article attempts to place Shevchenko’s poem on the 1768 Hajdmak-uprising into a wider context, establishing relations with works on this subject which the Ukrainian poet may have known or probably did not know. These are first of all Polish works (Goszczynki´s poem Kaniow-Castle, Czajkowki’s novel Wernyhora). It also examines links with historiographic texts which appeared much later than the aforementioned literary works. An essential part of the “Hajdamak-text” is its Russian component, consisting of novels written by authors of Ukrainian origin, such as V. Narežnyj and O. Somov. There is one more link to Galician literature, where German as well as Ukrainian authors point out the connection between Galician “Opryšky” and Ukrainian “Hajdamaky”

    Lucjan Rydels poetische und journalistische Arbeiten während des Ersten Weltkriegs

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    Niniejszy tekst przedstawia wojenny dorobek Lucjana Rydla. Jego wojenne wiersze (m.in. Przed krucyfiksem wawelskim, W kaplicy Zygmuntowskiej, O wierzbo polska, Prometeusz) interpretowane są w kontekście poezji legionowej pióra Henryka Zbierzchowskiego, Tadeusza Szantrocha, Stanisława Stwory, Józefa Andrzeja Teslara. Wkład Lucjana Rydla w wydawany w czasie wojny „Ilustrowany Tygodnik Polski” nie ograniczył się tylko do tych kilku wierszy, ale objął także liczne teksty prozatorskie, w których autor zajął dużo wyraźniejsze stanowisko ideowe niż w swojej poezji. Już od samego początku swojej prac

    Der Moment-Schülerradiopreis

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    Einmal pro Jahr vergibt die Redaktion der Ö1-Sendung „Moment - Leben heute" Preise für besonders gelungene Schülerradio-Produktionen. Neben dem Hauptpreis werden zwei Anerkennungspreise verliehen. Monatlich werden von Medienfachleuten mindestens eine, maximal drei Sendungen aus allen an Schülerradio geschickten Produktionen vor-ausgewählt. Eine Jury der Projektpartner ORF, Kulturkontakt und BMUKK wählt aus diesen zu Jahresende die PreisträgerInnen des vorangehenden Schuljahrs aus

    Abschied von Österreich – zur Lyrik der Westukraine im Ersten Weltkrieg

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    A Farewell to Austria – the Poetry of Western Ukraine during World War I This article tries to sketch the notions concerning World War I present in Ukrainian literature of the time of that conflict. It analyses the poetry of famous authors from an elder generation (B. Lepkyj, P. Karmans’kyj, O. Oles’) as well as the works of rather unknown or forgotten authors from a younger generation (V. Atamanjuk, O. Kobec’). There is a certain shift to be seen between loyalty to the Habsburg Empire, patriotic emphasis when fighting for one’s own homeland within the first years of WWI, and apocalyptic visions as well as pacifistic accents towards the end of the war. Although we can find messianic motifs of suffering (Karmans’kyj) and resurrection (Oles’), no real political future after the war is seen in the works by the quoted authors


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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Jornalismo.O presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) consiste em uma grande reportagem em texto que aborda a história de vida de três pacientes com doença inflamatória intestinal, classificação que se refere a doença de Crohn e a retocolite ulcerativa, em Santa Catarina. Ambas patologias são autoimunes e crônicas. O texto também retrata a criação e as atividades desenvolvidas pela Associação de Pessoas com Doenças Inflamatórias Intestinais do estado (DIISC). O objetivo da reportagem é relatar de forma humanizada e sensível essas histórias, tanto para promover a identificação e a representatividade da comunidade com DII, quanto para divulgar o assunto para a população em geral, ampliando o conhecimento e interesse nessa temática