62 research outputs found

    The Epigravettian chronology and the human population of eastern Central Europe during MIS2

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    The goal of this paper is to refine the relative and absolute chronology of Epigravettian culture (26.5-15.0 ka) in eastern Central Europe (ECE) and clarify its relation to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and subsequent climatic changes. Epigravettian sites were sorted into three chronological clusters: initial LGM (ILGM) (26.5-24.0 ka), local LGM (LLGM) (24.0-20.0 ka), and post-LGM (PLGM) (20.0-14.7 ka). We obtained new radiocarbon dates from previously dated and undated sites, then analysed the lithic tool typology and faunal data to seek correlations between age and archaeological features.The lithic typology study did not find differences between ILGM and LLGM sites, but the tool type variance between LLGM and PLGM was significant, applicable for relative chronology. ILGM and LLGM lithic assemblages were characterized by domestic tool dominance and the frequent use of flake tools. PLGM assemblages were correlated with armature dominance and blade/let tools. Among the armatures, backed point variants characterized the PLGM sites compared to the ILGM and LLGM. The sole ILGM lithic armature was the retouched blade/let point. The LLGM also possessed this type and often included backed blade/lets.ILGM faunal data, although few, implied the hunting of mammoth and reindeer. The LLGM data represented recurring hunting of reindeer and horse, and PLGM data indicated the hunting of horse, reindeer, and mammoth.Our results suggested that the territory of Poland was deserted by humans in the LLGM. Moravia and Lower Austria was inhabited until the first half of the LLGM, while the Carpathian Basin was all along the ILGM. The preference for the Carpathian Basin could have been the milder climate, the abundance of fauna, and permanent access to tree vegetation. After the LGM the glacial flora and fauna gradually disappeared, leading to a reduced human presence in southern ECE. Thus, the disappearance of the Epigravettian culture and Pleistocene hunter-gatherer occupations are linked to the amelioration of climate that resulted in the disappearance of the Pleistocene environment. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Human Origin

    Centric diatoms of large rivers and tributaries in Hungary: morphology and biogeographic distribution

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    Centric diatoms of 107 different Hungarian running waters were investigated. Among them the largest was the River Danube, from which more than one hundred plankton samples were analysed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Only one sample was analysed from creeks, which were the smallest running waters analysed in this study. There were also channels with slow currents flowing out of rivers or connecting different rivers.In total, 41 centric taxa belonging to 11 genera were found during this study. The average number of taxa found in a single watercourse was 7, the maximum 40 and the minimum 1. Cyclotella meneghiniana was the most frequently encountered species (present in 60% ofsites). Twelve taxa were found in more than 20% of sites, 7 taxa between 5–10% and 6 taxa only in one site

    How to combat cyanobacterial blooms: strategy toward preventive lake restoration and reactive control measures

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    A study of Daphnia-Leptodora-juvenile Percids interactions using a mathematical model in the biomanipulated Sulejow Reservoir

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    A model (DALIS 1.0) of pelagic zone trophic interactions was developed using long-term, comprehensive data sets of the Sulejow Reservoir. We calibrated the model using observations from the pelagic zone of the Sulejow Reservoir made between 1999 and 2001. The model performed well in the description of Daphnia sp. – L. kindtii interactions when hydrological conditions were stable. A discrepancy between observed and simulated results was found when water inflows were high, which washed out the biota. We suggested that the hydrological impacts should be coupled in the updated DALIS model. Using DALIS, we also tested two scenarios: the food web model (A) without Leptodora; and (B) without YOY fish, under both good and bad food conditions for Daphnia. Results indicated that Leptodora would have a more significant impact on the reduction of Daphnia biomass than juvenile fish during some periods. As the maintenance of high Daphnia densities is recognised as a key factor in top-down effects, the DALIS model may provide frameworks that support ongoing empirical work. It is therefore recommended that the model be incorporated into the programme of the Sulejow Reservoir restoration

    Comparison of protein expression profiles in inflammatory bowel disease and concomitant cutaneous manifestations on tissue microarrays

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    Background: Data and statistics on cancer mortality over the last decades are available for most developed countries, while they are more difficult to obtain, in a standardized and comparable format, for countries of Latin America. Patients and methods: Age standardized (world population) mortality rates around the year 2000, derived from the WHO database, are presented for 14 selected cancers and total cancer in 10 countries of Latin America, plus, for comparative purposes, Canada and the USA. Trends in mortality are also given over the period 1970-2000. Results: In 2000, the highest total cancer mortality for males was observed in Argentina and Chile, with rates comparable to those of Canada and the USA, i.e. about 155/100 000. For women, Chile and Cuba had the highest rates in Latin America (114 and 103/100 000, respectively), again comparable to those of North America (around 105/100 000). These reflect the comparatively high mortality from cancer of the stomach (for Chile), lung and intestines (for Argentina) in men, and of stomach and uterus (for Chile), intestines and lung (for Cuba) in women. Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico had the lowest total cancer mortality for men, due to low mortality from stomach, colorectal and lung cancer. For women, the lowest rates were in Brazil and Puerto Rico, reflecting their low stomach and cervical cancer rates. In Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Venezuela cancer mortality rates tended to decline, particularly in men. Rates were stable in Ecuador and Puerto Rico, and were increasing in Mexico and Cuba. Conclusions: Mortality from some common cancers (including colorectal and lung) is still low in Latin America compared with Canada and the USA, and decreasing trends have been observed in the last decades for some cancer sites (including stomach, uterus, lung and other tobacco-related cancers) in several countries. However, mortality from female lung and breast cancers has been increasing in most countries of Latin America, and several countries still show an extremely elevated mortality from cancer of the cervix. Selected neoplasms amenable to treatment, including testis and leukemias, also show unsatisfactory trends in Latin America

    Utilisation des anomalies morphologiques chez la diatomée Achnanthidium minutissimum comme indicateurs de pollution métallique dans différents environnements d'eau douce

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    International audienceIn the presence of different environmental stressors, diatoms can produce frustules presenting different types of deformities. Metals and trace elements are among the most common causes of these teratological forms. Metal enrichment inwater bodies can be attributed to the geological setting of the area or to pollution. The widespread benthic diatom Achnanthidium minutissimum (ADMI) is one of the most metal-tolerant species. In the present study, ADMI teratologies were defined from samples taken from eight very diverse, widely-distributed inland water habitats: streams affected by active and abandoned mining areas, a metal-contaminated stream, a spring in an old chalcopyrite mine, a mineral-water fountain, and a sediment core taken from a lake affected by metal contamination in the past. Deformed frustules of ADMI were characterised mainly by one (sometimes two) more or less bent off ending, conferring to the specimens a cymbelloid outline (cymbelliclinum-like teratology, CLT). Marked teratologies were distinguished from slight deformities. Hydrochemical analyses, including metals and trace elements, were carried out and enrichment factors (EF) relative to average crustal composition were calculated. To improve our knowledge on the potential of different metals and trace elements to trigger the occurrence of ADMI CLT, we carefully selected 15 springs out of 110 (CRENODAT dataset) where both ADMI and above-average metal or metalloid concentrations occurred, and re-analysed these samples. The results from the eight widely-distributed core sites as well as from the 15 selected CRENODAT springs led to the hypothesis that two metals (copper and zinc) and a metalloid (antimony) were the most likely triggers of ADMI CLT formation. From a quantitative point of view, it isworth noting that the lowest concentrations triggering ADMI CLT can be fairly low, particularly in the case of copper contamination. The antimony-rich site was characterised by a marked-teratology variant where both ends of ADMI were bent off

    Achnanthidium minutissimum (Bacillariophyta) valve deformities as indicators of metal enrichment in diverse widely-distributed freshwater habitats

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    In the presence of different environmental stressors, diatoms can produce frustules presenting different types of deformities. Metals and trace elements are among the most common causes of these teratological forms. Metal enrichment in water bodies can be attributed to the geological setting of the area or to pollution. The widespread benthic diatom Achnanthidium minutissimum (ADMI) is one of the most metal-tolerant species. In the present study, ADMI teratologies were defined from samples taken from eight very diverse, widely-distributed inland-water habitats: streams affected by active and abandoned mining areas, a metal-contaminated stream, a spring in an old chalcopyrite mine, a mineral-water fountain, and a sediment core taken from a lake affected by metal contamination in the past. Deformed frustules of ADMI were characterised mainly by one (sometimes two) more or less bent off ending, conferring to the specimens a cymbelloid outline (cymbelliclinum-like teratology, CLT). Marked teratologies were distinguished from slight deformities. Hydrochemical analyses, including metals and trace elements, were carried out and enrichment factors (EF) relative to average crustal composition were calculated. To improve our knowledge on the potential of different metals and trace elements to trigger the occurrence of ADMI CLT, we carefully selected 15 springs out of 110 (CRENODAT dataset) where both ADMI and above-average metal or metalloid concentrations occurred, and re-analysed these samples. The results from the eight widely-distributed core sites as well as from the 15 selected CRENODAT springs led to the hypothesis that two metals (copper and zinc) and a metalloid (antimony) were the most likely triggers of ADMI CLT formation. From a quantitative point of view, it is worth noting that the lowest concentrations triggering ADMI CLT can be fairly low, particularly in the case of copper contamination. The antimony-rich site was characterised by a marked-teratology variant where both ends of ADMI were bent off. © 2013 Elsevier B.V