16 research outputs found

    Role of CaMKII in Synaptic Plasticity, Learning and Disease

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    Calcium/Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), a second messengermediated kinase, is one of the most abundant proteins in the brain, as it accounts for up to 2% of total protein, depending on the brain region1, 2. It was first discovered as the Synapsin I kinase, indicating that the protein was located presynaptically and involved in neurotransmitter release3, 4. However, subsequent studies showed that this kinase was also present at the postsynaptic site5, 6 where it is enriched in the postsynaptic density (PSD)7-9. The CaMKII family consists of four different isozymes, α, β, γ and δ, each encoded by a separate gene. The first CaMKII isozymes discovered were α- and βCaMKII4, 10, which form holoenzymes consisting of 12 subunits1. Later the two other isozymes were described (γ and δ), which are much less prominent in the brain11, 12. Even though the different isozymes are encoded by different genes, they are highly homologous in their domain organization (as reviewed by13). They all contain a catalytic, an autoregulatory and an association domain (fig 1). The autoregulatory domain, containing several autophosphorylation sites, is highly conserved in all isozymes. The differences between the proteins are found in the association domain, where variable insertions reside or splicing can occur. All isozymes also have different subtypes (e.g. β’ and βΜ, or αΒ) due to alternative splicing in the association domain

    CaMKII controls neuromodulation via neuropeptide gene expression and axonal targeting of neuropeptide vesicles

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    Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) regulates synaptic plasticity in multiple ways, supposedly including the secretion of neuromodulators like brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Here, we show that neuromodulator secretion is indeed reduced in mouse α- and βCaMKII-deficient (αβCaMKII double-knockout [DKO]) hippocampal neurons. However, this was not due to reduced secretion efficiency or neuromodulator vesicle transport but to 40% reduced neuromodulator levels at synapses and 50% reduced delivery of new neuromodulator vesicles to axons. αβCaMKII depletion drastically reduced neuromodulator expression. Blocking BDNF secretion or BDNF scavenging in wild-type neurons produced a similar reduction. Reduced neuromodulator expression in αβCaMKII DKO neurons was restored by active βCaMKII but not inactive βCaMKII or αCaMKII, and by CaMKII downstream effectors that promote cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation. These data indicate that CaMKII regulates neuromodulation in a feedback loop coupling neuromodulator secretion to βCaMKII- and CREB-dependent neuromodulator expression an

    Assessing the requirements of prenatal UBE3A expression for rescue of behavioral phenotypes in a mouse model for Angelman syndrome

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    Background: Angelman syndrome (AS) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder caused by the loss of functional ubiquitin protein ligase E3A (UBE3A). In neurons, UBE3A expression is tightly regulated by a mechanism of imprinting which suppresses the expression of the paternal UBE3A allele. Promising treatment strategies for AS are directed at activating paternal UBE3A gene expression. However, for such strategies to be successful, it is important to know when such a treatment should start, and how much UBE3A expression is needed for normal embryonic brain development. Methods: Using a conditional mouse model of AS, we further delineated the critical period for UBE3A expression during early brain development. Ube3a gene expression was induced around the second week of gestation and mouse phenotypes were assessed using a behavioral test battery. To investigate the requirements of embryonic UBE3A expression, we made use of mice in which the paternal Ube3a allele was deleted. Results: We observed a full behavioral rescue of the AS mouse model phenotypes when Ube3a gene reactivation was induced around the start of the last week of mouse embryonic development. We found that full silencing of the paternal Ube3a allele was not completed till the first week after birth but that deletion of the paternal Ube3a allele had no significant effect on the assessed phenotypes. Limitations: Direct translation to human is limited, as we do not precisely know how human and mouse brain development aligns over gestational time. Moreover, many of the assessed phenotypes have limited translational value, as the underlying brain regions involved in these tasks are largely unknown. Conclusions: Our findings provide further important insights in the requirement of UBE3A expression during brain development. We found that loss o

    The role of ubiquitin ligase E3A in polarized contact guidance and rescue strategies in UBE3A-deficient hippocampal neurons

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    Background: Although neuronal extracellular sensing is emerging as crucial for brain wiring and therefore plasticity, little is known about these processes in neurodevelopmental disorders. Ubiquitin protein ligase E3A (UBE3A) plays a key role in neurodevelopment. Lack of UBE3A leads to Angelman syndrome (AS), while its increase is among the most prevalent genetic causes of autism (e.g., Dup15q syndrome). By using microstructured substrates that can induce specific directional stimuli in cells, we previously found deficient topographical contact guidance in AS neurons, which was linked to a dysregulated activation of the focal adhesion pathway. Methods: Here, we study axon and dendrite contact guidance and neuronal morphological features of wild-type, AS, and UBE3A-overexpressing neurons (Dup15q autism model) on micrograting substrates, with the aim to clarify the role of UBE3A in neuronal guidance. Results: We found that loss of axonal contact guidance is specific for AS neurons while UBE3A overexpression does not affect neuronal directional polarization along microgratings. Deficits at the level of axonal branching, growth cone orientation and actin fiber content, focal adhesion (FA) effectors, and actin fiber-binding proteins were observed in AS neurons. We tested different rescue strategies for restoring correct topographical guidance in AS neurons on microgratings, by either UBE3A protein re-expression or by pharmacological treatments acting on cytoskeleton contractility. Nocodazole, a drug that depolymerizes microtubules and increases cell contractility, rescued AS axonal alignment to the gratings by partially restoring focal adhesion pathway activation. Surprisingly, UBE3A re-expression only resulted in partial rescue of the phenotype. Conclusions: We identified a specific in vitro deficit in axonal topographical guidance due selectively to the loss of UBE3A, and we further demonstrate that this defective guidance can be rescued to a certain extent by pharmacological or genetic treatment strategies. Overall, cytoskeleton dynamics emerge as important partners in UBE3A-mediated contact guidance responses. These results support the view that UBE3A-related deficits in early neuronal morphogenesis may lead to defective neuronal connectivity and plasticity

    Rescue of neurological deficits in a mouse model for Angelman Syndrome by reduction of αCaMKII inhibitory phosphorylation

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    Angelman Syndrome (AS) is a severe neurological disorder characterized by mental retardation, motor dysfunction and epilepsy. We now show that the molecular and cellular deficits of an AS mouse model can be rescued by introducing an additional mutation at the inhibitory phosphorylation site of αCaMKII. Moreover, these double mutants do no longer show the behavioral deficits seen in AS mice, suggesting that these deficits are the direct result of increased αCaMKII inhibitory phosphorylation

    A behavioral test battery for mouse models of Angelman syndrome

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    Background: Angelman syndrome (AS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by mutations affecting UBE3A function. AS is characterized by intellectual disability, impaired motor coordination, epilepsy, and behavioral abnormalities including autism spectrum disorder features. The development of treatments for AS heavily relies on the ability to test the efficacy of drugs in mouse models that show reliable, and preferably clinically relevant, phenotypes. We previously described a number of behavioral paradigms that assess phenotypes in the domains of motor performance, repetitive behavior, anxiety, and seizure susceptibility. Here, we set out to evaluate the robustness of these phenotypes when tested in a standardized test battery. We then used this behavioral test battery to assess the efficacy of minocycline and levodopa, which were recently tested in clinical trials of AS. Methods: We combined data of eight independent experiments involving 111 Ube3a mice and 120 wild-type littermate control mice. Using a meta-analysis, we determined the statistical power of the subtests and the effect of putative confounding factors, such as the effect of sex and of animal weight on rotarod performance. We further assessed the robustness of these phenotypes by comparing Ube3a mutants in different genetic backgrounds and by comparing the behavioral phenotypes of independently derived Ube3a-mutant lines. In addition, we investigated if the test battery allowed re-testing the same animals, which would allow a within-subject testing design. Results: We find that the test battery is robust across different Ube3a-mutant lines, but confirm and extend earlier studies that several phenotypes are very sensitive to genetic background. We further found that the audiogenic seizure susceptibility phenotype is fully reversible upon pharmacological treatment and highly suitable for dose-finding studies. In agreement with the clinical trial results, we found that minocycline and levodopa treatment of Ube3a mice did not show any sign of improved performance in our test battery. Conclusions: Our study provides a useful tool for preclinical drug testing to identify treatments for Angelman syndrome. Since the phenotypes are observed in several independently derived Ube3a lines, the test battery can also be employed to investigate the effect of specific Ube3a mutations on these phenotypes

    CAMK2-Dependent Signaling in Neurons Is Essential for Survival

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    Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CAMK2) is a key player in synaptic plasticity and memory formation. Mutations in Camk2a or Camk2b cause intellectual disability in humans, and severe plasticity and learning deficits in mice, indicating unique functions for each isoform. However, considering the high homology between CAMK2A and CAMK2B, it is conceivable that for critical functions, one isoform compensates for the absence of the other, and that the full functional spectrum of neuronal CAMK2 remains to be revealed.Here we show that germline as well as adult deletion of both CAMK2 isoforms in male or female mice is lethal. Moreover, Ca2+-dependent activity as well as autonomous activity of CAMK2 is essential for survival. Loss of both CAMK2 isoforms abolished LTP, whereas synaptic transmission remained intact. The double-mutants showed no gross morphological changes of the brain, and in contrast to the long-considered role for CAMK2 in the structural organization of the postsynaptic density (PSD), deletion of both CAMK2 isoforms did not affect the biochemical composition of the PSD. Together, these results reveal an essential role for CAMK2 signaling in early postnatal development as well as the mature brain, and indicate that the full spectrum of CAMK2 requirements cannot be revealed in the single mutants because of partial overlappin

    Delayed loss of UBE3A reduces the expression of Angelman syndrome-associated phenotypes

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    Background: Angelman syndrome (AS) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder caused by mutations affecting UBE3A gene expression. Previous studies in mice revealed distinct critical periods during neurodevelopment in which reactivation of Ube3a gene expression can prevent the onset of behavioral deficits. Whether UBE3A is required for brain function throughout life is unknown. Here, we address the importance of maintaining UBE3A expression after normal brain development. Findings: Using a conditional mouse, we deleted the Ube3a gene at three ages spanning brain maturation. We assessed the consequences of Ube3a gene deletion by testing the mice in behavioral tasks previously shown to produce robust phenotypes in AS model mice. Early embryonic deletion of Ube3a recapitulated all behavioral deficits of AS mice. In contrast, Ube3a gene deletion at 3 or 12 weeks of age did not have a significant effect on most behavioral tasks and did not increase seizure sensitivity. Conclusions: Taken together, these results emphasize that UBE3A critically impacts early brain development, but plays a more limited role in adulthood. Our findings provide important considerations for upcoming clinical trials in which UBE3A gene expression is reactivated and suggest that even transient UBE3A reinstatement during a critical window of early development is likely to prevent most adverse Angelman syndrome phenotypes. However, sustained UBE3A expression into adulthood is probably needed for optimal clinical benefit

    Localization of Retinal Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Kinase II-β (CaMKII-β) at Bipolar Cell Gap Junctions and Cross-Reactivity of a Monoclonal Anti-CaMKII-β Antibody With Connexin36

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    Neuronal gap junctions formed by connexin36 (Cx36) and chemical synapses share striking similarities in terms of plasticity. Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), an enzyme known to induce memory formation at chemical synapses, has recently been described to potentiate electrical coupling in the retina and several other brain areas via phosphorylation of Cx36. The contribution of individual CaMKII isoforms to this process, however, remains unknown. We recently identified CaMKII-β at electrical synapses in the mouse retina. Now, we set out to identify cell types containing Cx36 gap junctions that also express CaMKII-β. To ensure precise description, we first tested the specificity of two commercially available antibodies on CaMKII-β-deficient retinas. We found that a polyclonal antibody was highly specific for CaMKII-β. However, a monoclonal antibody (CB-β-1) recognized CaMKII-β but also cross-reacted with the C-terminal tail of Cx36, making localization analyses with this antibody inaccurate. Using the polyclonal antibody, we identified strong CaMKII-β expression in bipolar cell terminals that were secretagogin- and HCN1-positive and thus represent terminals of type 5 bipolar cells. In these terminals, a small fraction of CaMKII-β also colocalized with Cx36. A similar pattern was observed in putative type 6 bipolar cells although there, CaMKII expression seemed less pronounced. Next, we tested whether CaMKII-β influenced the Cx36 expression in bipolar cell terminals by quantifying the number and size of Cx36-immunoreactive puncta in CaMKII-β-deficient retinas. However, we found no significant differences between the genotypes, indicating that CaMKII-β is not necessary for the formation and maintenance of Cx36-containing gap junctions in the retina. In addition, in wild-type retinas, we observed frequent association of Cx36 and CaMKII-β with synaptic ribbons, i.e., chemical synapses, in bipolar cell terminals. This arrangement resembled the composition of mixed synapses found for example in Mauthner cells, in which electrical coupling is regulated by glutamatergic activity. Taken together, our data imply that CaMKII-β may fulfill several functions in bipolar cell terminals, regulating both Cx36-containing gap junctions and ribbon synapses and potentially also mediating cross-talk between these two types of bipolar cell outputs

    Relations between the milnor and quillen K-theory of fields

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    De novo mutations in specific mTOR pathway genes cause brain overgrowth in the context of intellectual disability (ID). By analyzing 101 mMTOR-related genes in a large ID patient cohort and two independent population cohorts, we show that these genes modulate brain growth in health and disease. We report the mTOR activator gene RHEB as an ID gene that is associated with megalencephaly when mutated. Functional testing of mutant RHEB in vertebrate animal models indicates pathway hyperactivation with a concomitant increase in cell and head size, aberrant neuronal migration, and induction of seizures, concordant with the human phenotype. This study reveals that tight control of brain volume is exerted through a large community of mTOR-related genes. Human brain volume can be altered, by either rare disruptive events causing hyperactivation of the pathway, or through the collective effects of common alleles