2,305 research outputs found

    Mobile behaviors of generation C in the local labor Market: A case study of Poland and Russia

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    Rozdział z: Functioning of the Local Production Systems in Central and Eastern European Countries and Siberia. Case Studies and Comparative Studies, ed. Mariusz E. Sokołowicz.The article discusses issues related to the mobile behavior of the young generation (generation C) in the labor market. This subject is relevant and important especially in the context of ongoing changes in the unit functioning on heterogeneous labor market. The purpose of this article is therefore to identify the understanding of mobile behaviors by generation C and to answer the question of whether this generation identifies these behaviors with obtaining a competitive advantage in todayʼs job market. This article will present the results of the research carried out on the selected representatives of the generation C on the territory of Poland, a country belonging to the European Union, and Russia, the largest country in the world. The choice of countries was purposeful because of the different macroeconomic conditions and geographical location.Monograph financed under a contract of execution of the international scientific project within 7th Framework Programme of the European Union, co-financed by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (title: “Functioning of the Local Production Systems in the Conditions of Economic Crisis (Comparative Analysis and Benchmarking for the EU and Beyond”)). Monografia sfinansowana w oparciu o umowę o wykonanie projektu między narodowego w ramach 7. Programu Ramowego UE, współfinansowanego ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (tytuł projektu: „Funkcjonowanie lokalnych systemów produkcyjnych w warunkach kryzysu gospodarczego (analiza porównawcza i benchmarking w wybranych krajach UE oraz krajach trzecich”))

    Hybrid forms of entertainment in the media

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    The media environment is an extremely variable universe where every now and again we can observe the emergence of new phenomena. Many of those form through blending of often rather different and distant areas. As a result, there emerge hybrid forms, which are not entirely established or completely defined. This article is focussed on those kinds of mixed types based on media entertainment, e.g. infotainment, edutainment, politainment, politicotainment, docutainment etc., which can be observed in the means of mass communication. The goal of the study was to define their essence, their distinctive features, and to indicate the place of those hybrid forms within the media discourses being carried on today

    Cognitive Qualities of Radio Reportage in the Light of Scientific Research

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    Despite the fact that radio documentaries broadcast mainly strong emotions, the news valu of this genre is also an essential feature. Therefore, it is necessary to describe the potential of such works to expand knowledge about the surrounding world which could be significant for the listeners. The aim of this article is to present theses put forward by scholars with regard to radio documentaries. Researchers’ analyses are related to the genre’s potential to broaden people’s minds and influence the recipient’s perception.Zadanie „Stworzenie anglojęzycznych wersji wydawanych publikacji” finansowane w ramach umowy nr 948/P-DUN/2016 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę

    Application of activity - based costing in companies in Poland

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    Findings of the research have both practical and theoretical implications. First, from the practical point of view, future implementers of ABC systems should be aware of factors actually influencing ABC implementation as well as problems which can be encountered during the implementation process. Managers considering activity-based costing implementation may see level of detail and methods of construction of an ABC information model. They may also benefit from the knowledge of how information generated by an ABC systems is actually used by companies. All this may help to make better decision about ABC implementation and if the decision is to implement ABC, it may help to implement it successfully. From the theoretical point of view the research carried out makes it possible to establish a general tendency: modifications in costing systems applied in Polish enterprises and development of management accounting practice such as ABC follows the same general direction as management accounting practice in the world.Wnioski z przeprowadzonych badań mają znaczenie zarówno teoretyczne jak i praktyczne. Z praktycznego punktu widzenia, przedsiębiorstwa rozważające implementację ABC w przyszłości powinny mieć świadomość czynników wpływających na implementację ABC jak również problemów, które mogą się w procesie implementacji pojawić. Menedżerowie rozważający implementację ABC muszą zdawać sobie sprawę z poziomu szczegółowości i sposobów budowy systemu informacyjnego rachunku kosztów działań. Mogą oni również skorzystać z wiedzy o sposobach wykorzystania informacji z systemów rachunku kosztów działań. Wiedza ta może sprzyjać podejmowaniu lepszych decyzji odnośnie implementacji systemów ABC, a jeżeli decyzja o implementacji zostanie podjęta, może się przyczynić do zwiększenia prawdopodobieństwa zakończenia procesu wdrożenia sukcesem. Z teoretycznego punktu widzenia, przeprowadzone badania mogą się przyczynić do określenia ogólnej tendencji: modyfikacje systemów rachunku kosztów w przedsiębiorstwach w Polsce oraz wdrażanie nowoczesnych metod rachunkowości zarządczej takich jak ABC, zmierza w podobnym kierunku jak praktyka rachunkowości zarządczej na świecie

    An Empirical Study on Decision making for Quality Requirements

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    [Context] Quality requirements are important for product success yet often handled poorly. The problems with scope decision lead to delayed handling and an unbalanced scope. [Objective] This study characterizes the scope decision process to understand influencing factors and properties affecting the scope decision of quality requirements. [Method] We studied one company's scope decision process over a period of five years. We analyzed the decisions artifacts and interviewed experienced engineers involved in the scope decision process. [Results] Features addressing quality aspects explicitly are a minor part (4.41%) of all features handled. The phase of the product line seems to influence the prevalence and acceptance rate of quality features. Lastly, relying on external stakeholders and upfront analysis seems to lead to long lead-times and an insufficient quality requirements scope. [Conclusions] There is a need to make quality mode explicit in the scope decision process. We propose a scope decision process at a strategic level and a tactical level. The former to address long-term planning and the latter to cater for a speedy process. Furthermore, we believe it is key to balance the stakeholder input with feedback from usage and market in a more direct way than through a long plan-driven process

    Slow and fast motion of cracks in inelastic solids. Part 1: Slow growth of cracks in a rate sensitive tresca solid. Part 2: Dynamic crack represented by the Dugdale model

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    An extension is proposed of the classical theory of fracture to viscoelastic and elastic-plastic materials in which the plasticity effects are confined to a narrow band encompassing the crack front. It is suggested that the Griffith-Irwin criterion of fracture, which requires that the energy release rate computed for a given boundary value problem equals the critical threshold, ought to be replaced by a differential equation governing the slow growth of a crack prior to the onset of rapid propagation. A new term which enters the equation of motion in the dissipative media is proportional to the energy lost within the end sections of the crack, and thus reflects the extent of inelastic behavior of a solid. A concept of apparent surface energy is introduced to account for the geometry dependent and the rate dependent phenomena which influence toughness of an inelastic solid. Three hypotheses regarding the condition for fracture in the subcritical range of load are compared. These are: (1) constant fracture energy (Cherepanov), (2) constant opening displacement at instability (Morozov) and (3) final stretch criterion (Wnuk)

    Delayed fracture in viscoelastic-plastic solids

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    Delayed fracture in viscoelastic-plastic solids - assessment of load carrying ability of glass-like polymers having potential applications as structural material

    Metody i środki techniczne stosowane na zajęciach z biologii

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Organizational conditioning of job satisfaction: A model of job satisfaction

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    Job satisfaction is an important predictor of job switching. Knowledge of the predictors of job satisfaction offers business owners and management staff the ability to shape the work environment so that the most valuable, loyal, and experienced employees can be retained in the company. The objective of this project is to test a model of job satisfaction based on person-organization fit (P-O fit), perceived organizational support (POS), and perceived supervisor support (PSS). The study examines whether PSS directly relates to employee job satisfaction or whether P-O fit or POS mediate in this relationship. Additionally, it is examined whether POS is a moderating variable between P-O fit and job satisfaction. The study was conducted using a sample 484 employees of a company in the IT sector. It turns out that POS, and P-O fit to the organization are variables that act as partial mediator between PSS and job satisfaction. The relationship between PSS and POS is both direct and indirect. P-O fit is a partial mediator of this relationship, while POS is both a partial mediator and a moderator between P-O fit and job satisfaction. Among employees who POS to be high, consistency between an employee's and the organization's values is indirectly connected with job satisfaction, whereas among employees who POS to be low, this relationship is both direct and indirect. In their operations, employers should focus on shaping managers' attitudes towards their subordinates in an appropriate direction, as managers significantly influence employees' perceived organizational support and job satisfaction