145 research outputs found

    マルチヒーターを使用した一方向性凝固法による熱流動解析の試み : シリコン多結晶について

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    This study characterizes the microbial community composition over Haas Mound, one of the most prominent cold-water coral mounds of the Logachev Mound province (Rockall Bank, NE Atlantic). We outline patterns of distribution vertically – from the seafloor to the water column – and laterally – across the mound – and couple these to mound topography and hydrography. Samples of water, sediment and Lophelia pertusa were collected in 2012 and 2013 from locations that were chosen based on high definition video surveys. Temperature and current measurements were obtained at two sites at the summit and foot of Haas Mound to study near-bed hydrodynamic conditions. Overlaying water was collected from depths of 400 m as well as 5 and 10 m above the bottom using a CTD/Rosette system. Near-bottom water, sediment and L. pertusa mucus and skeleton samples were obtained with a box corer. Of all these biotopes, Roche GS-FLX amplicon sequencing targeting both Bacteria and Archaea was carried out, augmenting our understanding of deep sea microbial consortia. The pattern of similarities between samples, visualized by multi-dimensional scaling (MDS), indicates a strong link between the distribution of microbes and the specific biotopes. The microbial operational taxonomic unit (OTU) diversity was the highest in near-bottom water, which was sampled in the coral framework. For the first time, Thaumarchaeota marine group I (MGI) were found in L. pertusa mucus; Endozoicomonas was detected in skeleton, mucus and near-bottom water, whereas Mycoplasma was only detected in skeleton and near-bottom water, however not in mucus. Analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) indicates that overlaying water is well-mixed at 400 m depth but less so at 5 and 10 m above the bottom, where the composition of microbial communities differed significantly between summit, slope and off-mound. At all locations, the near-bottom water differed significantly from water at 5 m above the bottom, illustrating that the near-bottom water in between the coral framework represents a separate microbial habitat. Furthermore, the observed spatial heterogeneity in microbial communities is discussed in relation to environmental conditions

    Spatial distribution of intact polar lipids in North Sea surface waters: Relationship with environmental conditions and microbial community composition

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    We characterized and quantified the intact polar lipid (IPL) composition of the surface waters of the North Sea and investigated its relationships with environmental conditions, microbial abundances, and community composition. The total IPL pool comprised at least 600 different IPL species in seven main classes: the glycerophospholipids phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE); the sulfur-bearing glycerolipid sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol (SQDG); and the nitrogen-bearing betaine lipids diacylglyceryl-trimethylhomoserine (DGTS), diacylglyceryl-hydroxymethyltrimethylalanine (DGTA), and diacylglyceryl-carboxy-hydroxymethylcholine (DGCC). Although no significant relationships were found between the IPL composition and environmental parameters, such as nutrient concentrations, distance-based ordination yielded distinct clusters of IPL species, which could in turn be tentatively correlated with the predominant microbial groups. SQDGs and PGs, as well as PC species containing saturated fatty acid moieties, were related to picoeukaryote abundances and PC species with polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) moieties to nanoeukaryote abundances. The PEs were likely of mixed cyanobacterial-bacterial origin, whereas DGTA and DGCC species were mainly associated with cyanobacteria. DGTSs were likely derived from either pico-or nanoeukaryotes, although the DGTS species with PUFAs also showed some relationship with cyanobacterial abundances. Concentrations of the algal-derived IPLs showed strong positive correlations with chlorophyll a concentrations, indicating they may be used as biomarkers for living photosynthetic microbes. However, direct relationships between the IPLs and microbial groups were relatively weak, implying that the predominant IPLs in marine surface waters are not derived from single microbial groups and that direct inferences of microbial community compositions from IPL compositions should be considered with care

    Usability testing of a monitoring and feedback tool to stimulate physical activity

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    Introduction: A monitoring and feedback tool to stimulate physical activity, consisting of an activity sensor, smartphone application (app), and website for patients and their practice nurses, has been developed: the 'It's LiFe!' tool. In this study the usability of the tool was evaluated by technology experts and end users (people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or type 2 diabetes, with ages from 40-70 years), to improve the user interfaces and content of the tool. Patients and methods: The study had four phases: 1) a heuristic evaluation with six technology experts; 2) a usability test in a laboratory by five patients; 3) a pilot in real life wherein 20 patients used the tool for 3 months; and 4) a final lab test by five patients. In both lab tests (phases 2 and 4) qualitative data were collected through a thinking-aloud procedure and video recordings, and quantitative data through questions about task complexity, text comprehensiveness, and readability. In addition, the post-study system usability questionnaire (PSSUQ) was completed for the app and the website. In the pilot test (phase 3), all patients were interviewed three times and the Software Usability Measurement Inventory (SUMI) was completed. Results: After each phase, improvements were made, mainly to the layout and text. The main improvement was a refresh button for active data synchronization between activity sensor, app, and server, implemented after connectivity problems in the pilot test. The mean score on the PSSUQ for the website improved from 5.6 (standard deviation [SD] 1.3) to 6.5 (SD 0.5), and for the app from 5.4 (SD 1.5) to 6.2 (SD 1.1). Satisfaction in the pilot was not very high according to the SUMI. Discussion: The use of laboratory versus real-life tests and expert-based versus user-based tests revealed a wide range of usability issues. The usability of the It's LiFe! tool improved considerably during the study

    Effects of iron stress on chromatic adaptation by natural phytoplankton communities in the Southern Ocean

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    Effects of iron stress on chromatic adaptation were studied in natural phytoplankton communities collected in the Pacific region of the Southern Ocean. Iron enrichment experiments (48 to 72 h) were performed, incubating plankton communities under white, green and blue light respectively, with and without addition of 2 nM Fe. Pigment ratios were affected by iron addition only to a minor extent. The pigment composition as dictated by the light conditions was similar for both the iron-enriched and the unamended bottles. Upon iron addition, phytoplankton auto-fluorescence, as estimated by flow cytometry, decreased markedly, indicating iron stress of the endemic phytoplankton community. It was concluded that iron did not control chromatic adaptation via the pigment composition, but exerted a clear effect on the efficiency of electron transfer

    Changes in supportive care needs over time from diagnosis up to two years after treatment in head and neck cancer patients:A prospective cohort study

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    Objectives: To investigate changes in supportive care needs (SCNs) over time from diagnosis up to 2 years after treatment among head and neck cancer (HNC) patients, in relation to demographic, personal, clinical, psychological, physical, social, lifestyle, and cancer-related quality of life factors.Materials and methods: Data of the longitudinal NETherlands QUality of Life and Biomedical Cohort study (NET-QUBIC) was used. SCNs were measured using the Supportive Care Needs Survey (SCNS-SF34) and HNC-specific module (SCNS–HNC) before treatment, three, six, 12 and 24 months after treatment. Linear mixed model analyses were used to study SCNs on the physical &amp; daily living (PDL), psychological (PSY), sexuality (SEX), health system, information and patient support (HSIPS), HNC-functioning (HNC-Function), and lifestyle (HNC-Lifestyle) domain, in relation to demographic, personal, clinical, psychological, physical, social, lifestyle, and cancer-related symptoms as measured at baseline.Results: In total, 563 patients were included. SCNs changed significantly over time. At baseline, 65% had ≥1 moderate/high SCN, versus 42.8% at 24 months. Changes in PDL needs were associated with gender, tumor location, smoking, fear of cancer recurrence, oral pain, and appetite loss, changes in PSY with tumor location, fear of recurrence, social support, emotional functioning, physical functioning, coughing, and use of painkillers, changes in SEX with treatment, changes in HSIPS with muscle strength, changes in HNC-Function with tumor stage, location, social support, physical functioning, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, and speech problems, and changes in HNC-Lifestyle with smoking and alcohol use.Conclusion: SCNs diminish over time, but remain prevalent in HNC patients.</p

    Neutral H density at the termination shock: a consolidation of recent results

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    We discuss a consolidation of determinations of the density of neutral interstellar H at the nose of the termination shock carried out with the use of various data sets, techniques, and modeling approaches. In particular, we focus on the determination of this density based on observations of H pickup ions on Ulysses during its aphelion passage through the ecliptic plane. We discuss in greater detail a novel method of determination of the density from these measurements and review the results from its application to actual data. The H density at TS derived from this analysis is equal to 0.087 \pm 0.022 cm-3, and when all relevant determinations are taken into account, the consolidated density is obtained at 0.09 \pm 0.022 cm-3. The density of H in CHISM based on literature values of filtration factor is then calculated at 0.16 \pm 0.04 cm-3.Comment: Submitted to Space Science Review

    Detection of grey seal <i>Halichoerus grypus</i> DNA in attack wounds on stranded harbour porpoises <i>Phocoena phocoena</i>

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    DNA was analysed from external wounds on 3 dead harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena that were stranded in the Netherlands. Puncture wounds as well as the edges of large open wounds were sampled with sterile cotton swabs. With specific primers that target the mtDNA control region of grey seal Halichoerus grypus, a 196 bp DNA fragment was amplified from 4 puncture wounds. Sequencing of the fragments confirmed the presence of grey seal DNA in the puncture wounds. DNA sequences differed between the cases, implying that 3 individual grey seals were involved. As 8 control swabs from intact skin and the transport bag as well as 6 swabs from open wounds on the same harbour porpoises were all negative, contamination with environmental DNA is considered unlikely. The results provide a link between strandings of mutilated harbour porpoises and recent observations of grey seals attacking harbour porpoises. Ours is the first study to use forensic techniques to identify DNA in bite marks from carcasses recovered from the marine environment. This approach can be extended to identify other marine aggressors, including cases involving persons mutilated at sea

    The need of data harmonization to derive robust empirical relationships between soil conditions and vegetation.

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    Question: Is it possible to improve the general applicability and significance of empirical relationships between abiotic conditions and vegetation by harmonization of temporal data? Location: The Netherlands. Methods: Three datasets of vegetation, recorded after periods with different meteorological conditions, were used to analyze relationships between soil moisture regime (expressed by the mean spring groundwater level - MSLt calculated for different periods) and vegetation (expressed by the mean indicator value for moisture regime Fm). For each releve, measured groundwater levels were interpolated and extrapolated to daily values for the period 1970-2000 by means of an impulse-response model. Sigmoid regression lines between MSLt and Fm were determined for each of the three datasets and for the combined dataset. Results: A measurement period of three years resulted in significantly different relationships between Fm and MSLt for the three datasets (F-test,/? <0.05>. The three regression lines only coincided for the mean spring groundwater level computed over the period 1970-2000 (AfSLclimate) and thus provided a general applicable relationship. Precipitation surplus prior to vegetation recordings strongly affected the relationships. Conclusions: Harmonization of time series data (1) eliminates biased measurements, (2) results in generally applicable relationships between abiotic and vegetation characteristics and (3) increases the goodness of fit of these relationships. The presented harmonization procedure can be used to optimize many relationships between soil and vegetation characteristics. © IAVS; Opulus Press Uppsala

    The course of health-related quality of life in the first 2 years after a diagnosis of head and neck cancer:the role of personal, clinical, psychological, physical, social, lifestyle, disease-related, and biological factors

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    Purpose: The aim of this prospective cohort study was to estimate the relationship between the course of HRQOL in the first 2 years after diagnosis and treatment of head and neck cancer (HNC) and personal, clinical, psychological, physical, social, lifestyle, HNC-related, and biological factors. Methods: Data were used from 638 HNC patients of the NETherlands QUality of life and BIomedical Cohort study (NET-QUBIC). Linear mixed models were used to investigate factors associated with the course of HRQOL (EORTC QLQ-C30 global quality of life (QL) and summary score (SumSc)) from baseline to 3, 6, 12, and 24 months after treatment. Results: Baseline depressive symptoms, social contacts, and oral pain were significantly associated with the course of QL from baseline to 24 months. Tumor subsite and baseline social eating, stress (hyperarousal), coughing, feeling ill, and IL-10 were associated with the course of SumSc. Post-treatment social contacts and stress (avoidance) were significantly associated with the course of QL from 6 to 24 months, and social contacts and weight loss with the course of SumSc. The course of SumSc from 6 to 24 months was also significantly associated with a change in financial problems, speech problems, weight loss, and shoulder problems between baseline and 6 months. Conclusion: Baseline clinical, psychological, social, lifestyle, HNC-related, and biological factors are associated with the course of HRQOL from baseline to 24 months after treatment. Post-treatment social, lifestyle, and HNC-related factors are associated with the course of HRQOL from 6 to 24 months after treatment.</p

    Changes in supportive care needs over time from diagnosis up to two years after treatment in head and neck cancer patients: A prospective cohort study

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    Objectives: To investigate changes in supportive care needs (SCNs) over time from diagnosis up to 2 years after treatment among head and neck cancer (HNC) patients, in relation to demographic, personal, clinical, psychological, physical, social, lifestyle, and cancer-related quality of life factors. Materials and methods: Data of the longitudinal NETherlands QUality of Life and Biomedical Cohort study (NET-QUBIC) was used. SCNs were measured using the Supportive Care Needs Survey (SCNS-SF34) and HNC-specific module (SCNS–HNC) before treatment, three, six, 12 and 24 months after treatment. Linear mixed model analyses were used to study SCNs on the physical & daily living (PDL), psychological (PSY), sexuality (SEX), health system, information and patient support (HSIPS), HNC-functioning (HNC-Function), and lifestyle (HNC-Lifestyle) domain, in relation to demographic, personal, clinical, psychological, physical, social, lifestyle, and cancer-related symptoms as measured at baseline. Results: In total, 563 patients were included. SCNs changed significantly over time. At baseline, 65% had ≥1 moderate/high SCN, versus 42.8% at 24 months. Changes in PDL needs were associated with gender, tumor location, smoking, fear of cancer recurrence, oral pain, and appetite loss, changes in PSY with tumor location, fear of recurrence, social support, emotional functioning, physical functioning, coughing, and use of painkillers, changes in SEX with treatment, changes in HSIPS with muscle strength, changes in HNC-Function with tumor stage, location, social support, physical functioning, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, and speech problems, and changes in HNC-Lifestyle with smoking and alcohol use. Conclusion: SCNs diminish over time, but remain prevalent in HNC patients