593 research outputs found

    (In)formal social participation of immigrants - are migrants from Poland socially active?

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    The analysis of the patterns of formal and informal participation of Polish migrants in nine selected countries shows the prevalence of informal modes of engagement over the formal ones. This is especially visible while analysing formal membership and volunteering in NGOs, which are typically used as indicators of a formal engagement. In both cases - non-immigrant NGOs and PIOs - their values are relatively low, and in each case do not exceed 6% of the researched population. On the other hand, the indicators of informal engagement are significantly higher. This applies especially to some of the dimensions of informal social activities like selfless help for neighbours and other people in close social environment, collecting for those in need and different forms of internet activity

    The State, Diaspora Policy and Immigrant Organizations - Lessons from the Polish Case

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    This paper examines the relations between immigrant organizations and the institutions of their state of origin as well as the influence of those relations on situation of such organizations. It focuses specifcally on the case of Poland over the period 1989-2015 in which signifcant changes with regards to diaspora policy were introduced. In other words, a shift from a model based on capacity building policies to a model focused on extracting obligations from the diaspora has taken place. These changes have had considerable impact on the role and capacity of Polish immigrant organizations as well as their relations with the Polish state

    Polskie organizacje imigranckie w Szwecji - raport z badania ekspertów

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    The report is an outcome of the project "Polish immigrant organizations" founded by the National Science Centre [grant number 2014/14/E/HS6/00731]. The proposed project was aimed at assessing and identifying factors contributing to the current status of Polish immigrant organizations in selected European countries (Germany, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain). The project envisioned two tracks of research: 1. Diagnostic research designed to assess the status of Polish immigrant organizations in selected European countries. 2. Explanatory research designed to identify factors affecting the status of Polish immigrant organizations in selected European countries

    Manfreda Sommera filozofia zbierania

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    Der Artikel ist der Philosophie von Manfred Sommer und seiner Phänomenologie der Sammelpraktiken gewidmet. Die Grundlage des Entwurfs von Sommer bildet die Unterscheidung von ökonomischem und ästhetischem Sammeln. Das ökonomische Sammeln hat den Charakter einer nicht unterscheidenden Kumulation. Das ästhetische Sammeln ist differenzierend und auf individuelle Eigenschaften des Gegenstands bezogen. Bei näherer Analyse erweist sich das erste als eine unvollkommene, unvollständige Version des anderen. Dem Sammeln liegt die Tatsache zugrunde, dass der Mensch ein homo videns ist – ein Wesen, das seine höchste Freude in der Betrachtung findet und in dieser Betrachtung für immer verweilen will. Die Darstellung des Entwurfs von Sommer endet mit der Zusammenfassung von konzeptbezogenen kritischen Bemerkungen.This paper is devoted to the discussion of Mannfred Sommer’s philosophy, particularly his phenomenology of the practice of gathering. Sommer’s conception is underlaid by the distinction between an economical gathering and an aesthetical gathering. Whereas the former can be described as an accumulation that is nondifferential in its nature, the latter is essentially differential – it is directed towards individual features of the object. However, on the closer consideration the economical gathering turns out to be imperfect and incomplete form of the aesthetical gathering. Gathering as well as collecting stem from the fundamental fact that we are homo videns – beings that find the ultimate joy in the activity of seeing. As homo videns we also desire that this activity should last forever. The paper ends with the discussion of the critical remarks upon Sommer’s philosophy.Artykuł poświęcony jest filozofii Mannfreda Sommera i jego fenomenologii praktyk zbierania. Podstawą koncepcji Sommera jest odróżnienie zbierania ekonomicznego i estetycznego. Zbieranie ekonomiczne ma charakter nierozróżniającej kumulacji. Zbieranie estetyczne jest różnicujące, nakierowane na indywidualne cechy przedmiotu. Przy bliższej analizie pierwsze okazuje się ułomną, niepełną odmianą drugiego. Zbieranie i kolekcjonowanie mają u swego źródła fakt, że człowiek to homo videns – istota, która znajduje najwyższą radość w oglądzie i która pragnie trwać w owym oglądzie na zawsze. Omówienie koncepcji Sommera kończy się zebraniem uwag wobec niej krytycznych

    Polskie organizacje imigranckie w Szwecji - raport z badania przedstawicieli instytucji

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    The report is an outcome of the project "Polish immigrant organizations" founded by the National Science Centre [grant number 2014/14/E/HS6/00731]. The proposed project was aimed at assessing and identifying factors contributing to the current status of Polish immigrant organizations in selected European countries (Germany, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain). The project envisioned two tracks of research: 1. Diagnostic research designed to assess the status of Polish immigrant organizations in selected European countries. 2. Explanatory research designed to identify factors affecting the status of Polish immigrant organizations in selected European countries

    Polskie organizacje imigranckie w Szwecji - raport ze studiów przypadku

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    The report is an outcome of the project "Polish immigrant organizations" founded by the National Science Centre [grant number 2014/14/E/HS6/00731]. The proposed project was aimed at assessing and identifying factors contributing to the current status of Polish immigrant organizations in selected European countries (Germany, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain). The project envisioned two tracks of research: 1. Diagnostic research designed to assess the status of Polish immigrant organizations in selected European countries. 2. Explanatory research designed to identify factors affecting the status of Polish immigrant organizations in selected European countries

    Rzecz jako fetysz. O moralności konsumpcji

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    The concept of fetish has its roots in the theory of primitive religion. The word fetish is derived from the Portuguese feitico. Fetishes were the small material objects (idols, amulets) used in religious worship. In comtemporary philosophy of culture and cultural studies it is very helpful to describe the treatment of things in the system of mass consumption by using the term fetish and the theory of fetishism. Luxury brands make their products powerful and full of heterogenic meanings, so these products become objects of the cult by customers. In this way arises the new religion – religion of products. Among discussed authors are: K. Marx, G. Perec, Ch. Taylor, H. Böhme.Pojęcie fetysza ma swe źródło w teoriach religii pierwotnych. Słowo „fetysz” wywodzi się z portugalskiego feitico. Fetyszami nazywano małe przedmioty materialne (idole, amulety) używane w kulcie religijnym. We współczesnej filozofii i studiach kulturowych pojęcia fetysza i fetyszyzmu są bardzo pomocne w opisie traktowania rzeczy w systemie masowej konsumpcji. Luksusowe marki czynią swe produkty obdarzonymi mocą i pełnymi heterogenicznych znaczeń, co sprawia, iż produkty te stają się obiektami kultu dla konsumentów. W ten sposób kształtuje się nowa religia – religia przedmiotów. Pośród dyskutowanych autorów są: K. Marks, G. Perec, Ch. Taylor, H. Böhme

    Polskie organizacje imigranckie w Szwecji - raport z analizy danych zastanych

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    The report is an outcome of the project "Polish immigrant organizations" founded by the National Science Centre [grant number 2014/14/E/HS6/00731]. The proposed project was aimed at assessing and identifying factors contributing to the current status of Polish immigrant organizations in selected European countries (Germany, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain). The project envisioned two tracks of research: 1. Diagnostic research designed to assess the status of Polish immigrant organizations in selected European countries. 2. Explanatory research designed to identify factors affecting the status of Polish immigrant organizations in selected European countries

    Radość zbierania. Filozoficzne aspekty kolekcjonerstwa

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    Gathering and collecting things is typically human. This attitude is connected with civilization and with Western presupposition that our identity enlarges with things which we possess. The collector’s possessing is a passionate and aesthetic form of possessing things which are valued first of all for their own sake. Collector’s activity is governed also by lust principle: collection is a reservoir of things which may give joy and plea­sures of different kinds, i. e. sensual, intellectual.Artykuł jest poświęcony filozoficznym aspektom zbierania i kolekcjonowania rzeczy. Wychodzę od jednej z gatunkowych definicji człowieka jako „zbieracza” – zbieranie określa istotę ludzką od jej półzwierzęcych początków. Następnie przechodzę do omówienia i analizy głównych relacji, jakie łączą człowieka z rzeczami (naturalnymi i artefaktami). W zakończeniu staram się pokazać, że obcowanie z rzeczami może – pod pewnymi warunkami – przynieść człowiekowi więcej radości aniżeli ich konsumowanie