389 research outputs found

    Practical aspects of the use of phosphate binding materials in refractory mixtures, mortars and putties

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    Phosphate binders, particularly acidic phosphates of Al and Cr, are used for binding Al silicate refractories used for lining of burners, SiC refractories, and refractory mortars. The binders have apparent d. 2.13-2.18 g/cu cm, porosity 21.4-23.8%, compressive strength 223 71 kg/ sq cm, total shrinkage 0.2-0.8%, and refractoriness 1240 deg

    Effect of home-refrigerator storage temperature on tomato quality

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    Postharvest storage, handling and distribution of fruit at low temperatures is the most common and manageable approach to control ripening and subsequent deterioration and to maximize product shelf-life. However, tomatoes, as many other subtropical fruits, are susceptible to develop symptoms of chilling injury, a physiological disorder caused by the exposure to low temperature above the freezing point. Development of chilling injury depends on temperature, time, ripening stage and tomato type/cultivar. We studied the effect of home-refrigerator storage temperature on the quality of two types of tomato: cocktail tomato (cultivars ‘Amoroso’ and ‘Brioso’) and truss tomato (cultivars ‘Capricia’ and ‘Roterno’). Fully ripe tomatoes were stored for 10 days at two temperatures: 4°C as simulation of home-refrigerator storage and 15°C as an optimal storage temperature. We evaluated several quality parameters: weight loss, firmness, soluble solid content, titratable acidity, carbohydrates, titratable acidity and citrate content. Although we did not observe any apparent symptom of chilling injury, we found that 4°C temperature stimulates firmness decay in both cocktail tomato cultivars, increasing fruit susceptibility to mechanical injury. Moreover, already after 5 days of 4°C storage, tomatoes generally showed decreased sugar and increased acid content (especially in cocktail tomatoes) compared to 15°C stored fruit, indicating a loss of sensoric quality at 4°C

    Non-diffusive phase spreading of a Bose-Einstein condensate at finite temperature

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    We show that the phase of a condensate in a finite temperature gas spreads linearly in time at long times rather than in a diffusive way. This result is supported by classical field simulations, and analytical calculations which are generalized to the quantum case under the assumption of quantum ergodicity in the system. This super-diffusive behavior is intimately related to conservation of energy during the free evolution of the system and to fluctuations of energy in the prepared initial state.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Nation and/or Homeland: Identity in 19th-Century Music and Literature between Central and Mediterranean Europe

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    The aim of this book is to focus on the development of national awareness elaborated around a series of different case studies, in which the terms nation, homeland and people have been applied. This Romantic lexicon identifies similar but various conceptions of the national idea in some countries dominated by Italian, German and Slavic cultures, and in some groups or minorities such as the Jews and the Vlachs in Central and Mediterranean Europe. In order to clarify the cultural framework, the authors explore the construction of identity through folk tunes, poetry inspired by popular culture, and opera in which the national myths or heroes appear. In the self-making tradition, the national traits are sustained by the process of embodiment of any regional utterance, and also by disregarding the \u201cother\u201d, in particular the minorities. The symbols of the nation, as an achievement of the power that flourishes from the sense of belonging, are defined \u201cper differentiam\u201d. Theoretical perspectives are shaped by the new approaches to this topic, taking into consideration the artistic issues as socio-historical events and subsequently evaluating them in their aesthetic quality


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    In this paper the dependence of the band structure and the electron scattering mechanisms on the molar fraction x are studied in Hg1-xFexSe. The crossover from the zero-gap band to the open band-gap configuration at x 0.08 is predicted. We explain the drop of the electron mobility for x > 0.002 by the alloy scattering mechanism


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    It is demonstrated that free-carrier plasmons, being well defined collective excitations of the electron gas in the range of small wave vectors, can serve as a sensitive tool to investigate the optical processes related to the small momentum transfers. As an example the system HgSe:Fe is analysed both experimentally and theoretically. It is well known that the excitation of the free-carrier plasma in the light absorption process is possible only in the presence of defects breaking the translational invariance of the system. Due to the overall momentum conservation requirement there must exist a momentum source to make the photon absorption *This work is supported in part by CPBP 01.06. (141

    From a nonlinear string to a weakly interacting Bose gas

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    We investigate a real scalar field whose dynamics is governed by a nonlinear wave equation. We show that classical description can be applied to a quantum system of many interacting bosons provided that some quantum ingredients are included. An universal action has to be introduced in order to define particle number. The value of this action should be equal to the Planck constant. This constrain can be imposed by removing high frequency modes from the dynamics by introducing a cut-off. We show that the position of the cut-off has to be carefully adjusted. Finally, we show the proper choice of the cut-off ensures that all low frequency eigenenmodes which are taken into account are macroscopically occupied.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Spontaneous creation of Kibble-Zurek solitons in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    When a system crosses a second-order phase transition on a finite timescale, spontaneous symmetry breaking can cause the development of domains with independent order parameters, which then grow and approach each other creating boundary defects. This is known as Kibble-Zurek mechanism. Originally introduced in cosmology, it applies both to classical and quantum phase transitions, in a wide variety of physical systems. Here we report on the spontaneous creation of solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates via the Kibble-Zurek mechanism. We measure the power-law dependence of defects number with the quench time, and provide a check of the Kibble-Zurek scaling with the sonic horizon. These results provide a promising test bed for the determination of critical exponents in Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
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