14 research outputs found

    Groen en duurzaam nationaal inkomen

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    Duurzame ontwikkeling is een doelstelling van economisch beleid die wereldwijd wordt omarmd. Het is echter niet geheel duidelijk wat dit begrip precies betekent. Evenmin is duidelijk hoe de doelstelling van duurzame ontwikkeling kan worden gerealiseerd. Er bestaat in elk geval grote behoefte aan geintegreerde indicatoren, die een maat kunnen vormen voor de duurzaamheid van de economische ontwikkeling. In de literatuur wordt veel aandacht geschonken aan geaggregeerde matstaven als duurzaam en groen nationaal inkomen. In het onderhavige artikel wordt nagegaan of er voldoende theoretische basis bestaat voor de verdere ontwikkeling en de praktische toepasbaarheid van dergelijke indicatoren

    A note on sustainability and investment rules

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    We show in a rather general framework that if the motion of an economy can be described by a set of autonomous ??diff??erential?? equations and if the economy is aiming at sustainability the value of the total stocks of capital should be constant over time.?? For the case where time enters the constraints explicitly we provide a modi??cation of this rule??

    Topics in resource economics

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    Should environmental policy discriminate between exposed and sheltered sectors?

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    The present paper demonstrates that with imperfect competition on world markets, a government acting as a Stackelberg leader should impose stricter environmental policy on the exposed sector of the economy than on the sheltered sector, if it pursues the maximisation of social welfare. This is illustrated by means of a model a large class of economies

    Trading in exhaustible resources in the presence of conversion costs : a general equilibrium approach

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    We survey the literature on the general equilibrium approach to trade in exhaustible resources and present a model in which conversion costs are incorporated and in which the usual balance of payments condition is relaxed. It is found that in many cases the problem of dynamic inconsistency will arise

    On the concept of green national income

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    The present paper generalizes the Weitzman/Hartwick approach to national income accounting. We first establish a close general relation between the current value Hamiltonian of an optimal control problem and the optimal value of the objective integral if the time argument does not enter the constraints and enters the objective function only as a discount factor. This result is applied to a simple economic model covering most models found in the literature on national income accounting involving pollution and non-renewable resources. We critically review the usefulness of net national product as a welfare indicator and as an indicator for sustainability

    A general equilibrium model of international trade with exhaustible natural resource commodities

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    Optimal environmental policy differentials under emissions constraints

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    Is there a case to be made for preferential treatment of the exposed sector in an economy when compliance to an aggregate emissions constraint induced by an international environmental agreement is mandatory? This question is being debated in many countries, including The Netherlands, in the context of the implementation of the kyoto protocol. We address this issue in a general equilibrium framework in this paper, and theoretically cover several market structures, including perfect competition, oligopoly and large country case. Our main finding is that in many circumstances preferential treatment is not warranted from the point of view of maximizing social welfare

    Environmental regulation and international trade

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    We empirically investigate the responsiveness of international trade to the stringency of environmental regulation. Stringent environmental regulation may impair the export competitiveness of ´dirty´ domestic industries, and as a result, ´pollution havens´ emerge in countries where environmental regulation is ´over-lax´. We examine the impact of polluction avatement and control costs on net exports in order to grasp this phenomenon. Theoretically, our analysis is related to a general equilibrium model of trade and pollution nesting the pollution have motive for trade with the factor endowment motive. We analyze data on two-digit ISIC manufacturing industries during the period 1977-1992 in Germany, the Netherlands and the US, and show that trade patterns in 'dirty' commodities are jointly determined by relative factor endowments and environmental stringency differentials