22 research outputs found

    A high-resolution diatom-based Middle and Late Holocene environmental history of the Little Belt region, Baltic Sea

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    The large‐scale shifts in the salinity of the Baltic Sea over the Holocene are well understood and have been comprehensively documented using sedimentary proxy records. More recent work has focused on understanding how past salinity fluctuations have affected other ecological parameters (e.g. primary productivity, nutrient content) of the Baltic basin, and salinity changes over key events and over short time scales are still not well understood. The International Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 347 cored the Baltic basin in order to collect basin‐wide environmental records through a glacial–interglacial cycle. Site M0059 is located in the Little Belt between the Baltic Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. A composite splice section from Site M0059 was analysed at a decadal resolution to study changes in salinity, nutrient conditions and other surface water column parameters based on changes in diatom assemblages and on quantitative diatom‐based salinity inferences. A mesotrophic slightly brackish assemblage is seen in the lowermost analysed depths, corresponding to 7800–7500 cal. a BP . An increase in salinity and nutrient content of the water column leads into a meso‐eutrophic brackish phase. The observed salinity increase is rapid, lasting from 7500 to 7150 cal. a BP . Subsequently, the Little Belt becomes oligotrophic and is dominated by tychopelagic diatoms from c . 7100 to c . 3900 cal. a BP . This interval contains some of the highest salinities observed followed by diatom assemblages similar to those of the Northern Atlantic Ocean, composed primarily of cosmopolitan open ocean marine diatoms. A return to tychopelagic productivity is seen from 3850 to 980 cal. a BP . Anthropogenic eutrophication is detected in the last 300 years of the record, which intensifies in the uppermost sediments. These results represent the first decadally resolved record in the region and provide new insight into the transition to a brackish basin and subsequent ecological development.The large-scale shifts in the salinity of the Baltic Sea over the Holocene are well understood and have been comprehensively documented using sedimentary proxy records. More recent work has focused on understanding how past salinity fluctuations have affected other ecological parameters (e.g. primary productivity, nutrient content) of the Baltic basin, and salinity changes over key events and over short time scales are still not well understood. The International Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 347 cored the Baltic basin in order to collect basin-wide environmental records through a glacial-interglacial cycle. Site M0059 is located in the Little Belt between the Baltic Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. A composite splice section from Site M0059 was analysed at a decadal resolution to study changes in salinity, nutrient conditions and other surface water column parameters based on changes in diatom assemblages and on quantitative diatom-based salinity inferences. A mesotrophic slightly brackish assemblage is seen in the lowermost analysed depths, corresponding to 7800-7500 cal. a BP. An increase in salinity and nutrient content of the water column leads into a meso-eutrophic brackish phase. The observed salinity increase is rapid, lasting from 7500 to 7150 cal. a BP. Subsequently, the Little Belt becomes oligotrophic and is dominated by tychopelagic diatoms from c. 7100 to c. 3900 cal. a BP. This interval contains some of the highest salinities observed followed by diatom assemblages similar to those of the Northern Atlantic Ocean, composed primarily of cosmopolitan open oceanmarine diatoms. A return to tychopelagic productivity is seen from 3850 to 980 cal. a BP. Anthropogenic eutrophication is detected in the last 300 years of the record, which intensifies in the uppermost sediments. These results represent the first decadally resolved record in the region and provide new insight into the transition to a brackish basin and subsequent ecological development.Peer reviewe

    Analiza przebiegu klinicznego wczesnej zlokalizowanej boreliozy z Lyme wśród pacjentów Poradni Chorób Zakaźnych w Szczecinie

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    Lyme disease (also known as borreliosis) is defined as an infectious disease caused by a spirochete called Borrelia burgdorferi. It occurs in three stages: early localized infection, early disseminated infection and late persistent infections that affect many organs. In order to assess the clinical course, including the transition to the late persistent infection stage, medical records of a group of 175 patients, who reported at the Infectious Disease Clinic in Szczecin after treating chronic erythema in 2004, were analyzed. Clinical symptoms, presence of serological exponents and frequency of transition into the late persistent infection stage were assessed. In majority of the observed patients, the infection was limited to erythema migrans. Average time, in which serological negativization in the IgM class occurred was 13.2 months, 15 people throughout the observation time showed the presence of antibodies in the IgM class, which were not associated with clinical exponents of the disease. In 8 patients (4.6%) the infection turned into a chronic-arthral form. Lyme borreliosis, when properly treated and taken care of in the first stage, rarely becomes a chronic disease.Borelioza jest definiowana jako choroba zakaźna wywołana przez krętki Borrelia burgdorferi. Występuje w trzech fazach: wczesnej zlokalizowanej, wczesnej rozsianej i przewlekłej z możliwością zajęcia wielu narządów. W celu oceny przebiegu klinicznego, w tym przejścia w fazę zakażenia przewlekłego przeprowadzono analizę dokumentacji medycznej 175 pacjentów, którzy w 2004 roku zgłosili się do Poradni Chorób Zakaźnych w Szczecinie po leczeniu rumienia przewlekłego. Oceniano objawy kliniczne, obecność wykładników serologicznych oraz częstość przechodzenia w fazę przewlekłą zakażenia. U większości obserwowanych zakażenie ograniczyło się do rumienia wędrującego. Średni czas, w którym doszło do negatywizacji serologii w klasie IgM, wynosił 13,2 miesiąca, 15 osób przez cały czas obserwacji wykazywało obecność przeciwciał w klasie IgM, czemu nie towarzyszyły kliniczne wykładniki choroby. U ośmiu osób (4,6%) zakażenie przeszło w formę przewlekłą - stawową. Borelioza z Lyme, o ile odpowiednio leczona w pierwszym okresie, stosunkowo rzadko przechodzi w zakażenie przewlekłe

    Holocene North Atlantic surface circulation and climatic variability: evidence from diatom records

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    Diatom analyses have been performed on a 425 cm long Holocene marine sediment sequence from the North Atlantic south of Iceland and a 920 cm sediment core spanning the last c. 7500 years from Skalafjord, Faeroe Islands. Additional core data include stable isotopes and results from magnetic susceptibility measurements, while chronostratigraphic control has been provided by AM