7,876 research outputs found

    AMBER and CRIRES observations of the binary sgB[e] star HD 327083: evidence of a gaseous disc traced by CO bandhead emission

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    HD 327083 is a sgB[e] star that forms a binary system with an orbital semi-major axis of ~1.7 AU. Our previous observations using the VLTI and AMBER in the medium resolution K-band mode spatially resolved the environment of HD 327083. The continuum visibilities obtained indicate the presence of a circumbinary disc. CO bandhead emission was also observed. However, due to the limited spectral resolution of the previous observations, the kinematic structure of the emitting material was not constrained. In this paper, we address this and probe the source of the CO emission with high spectral resolution and spatial precision. We have observed HD 327083 with high spectral resolution (25 & 6 km/s) using AMBER and CRIRES. The observations are compared to kinematical models to constrain the source of the emission. It is shown that the CO bandhead emission can be reproduced using a model of a Keplerian disc with an inclination and size consistent with our previous VLTI observations. The model is compared to AMBER differential phase measurements, which have a precision as high as 30-micro-arcseconds. A differential phase signal corresponding to 0.15 milli-arcseconds (~5 sigma) is seen over the bandhead emission, which is in excellent agreement with the model that fits the CRIRES observations. In comparison, a model of an equatorial outflow, as envisaged in the standard sgB[e] scenario, does not reproduce the observations well. The excellent agreement between the disc model and observations in the spatial and spectral domains is compelling evidence that the CO bandhead emission of HD 327083 originates in a circumbinary Keplerian disc. In contrast, the model of an equatorial outflow cannot reproduce the observations well. This suggests that the standard sgB[e] scenario is not applicable to HD 327083, which supports the hypothesis that the B[e] behaviour of HD 327083 is due to binarity (ABRIDGED).Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Towards micro-arcsecond spatial resolution with Air Cherenkov Telescope arrays as optical intensity interferometers

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    In this poster contribution we highlight the equivalence between an Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope (IACT) array and an Intensity Interferometer for a range of technical requirements. We touch on the differences between a Michelson and an Intensity Interferometer and give a brief overview of the current IACT arrays, their upgrades and next generation concepts (CTA, AGIS, completion 2015). The latter are foreseen to include 30-90 telescopes that will provide 400-4000 different baselines that range in length between 50m and a kilometre. Intensity interferometry with such arrays of telescopes attains 50 micro-arcseconds resolution for a limiting V magnitude of ~8.5. This technique opens the possibility of a wide range of studies, amongst others, probing the stellar surface activity and the dynamic AU scale circumstellar environment of stars in various crucial evolutionary stages. Here we discuss possibilities for using IACT arrays as optical Intensity Interferometers.Comment: Appeared in the proceedings of "The Universe under the Microscope - Astrophysics at High Angular Resolution", Journal of Physics:Conference Series (IOP; http://www.iop.org/EJ/toc/1742-6596/131/1

    Іван Іларіонович Лукінов: життя і діяльність у документах (за матеріалами особового фонду в Інституті архівознавства НБУВ)

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    Запропонований аналіз складу документів особового архівного фонду вченого в галузі економіки – академіка НАН України, РАН та інших академій І.І. Лукінова, який зберігається в Інституті архівознавства НБУВ. Розглядаються джерельні можливості фонду у вивченні і відтворенні біографії та діяльності вченого, його участі у розробленні теоретичних засад формування економіки УРСР та незалежної України.An analysis of the document collection of the personal archive fund of I.I. Lukinov, a scientist in the field of economy, Academician of the NAS of Ukraine, the RAN and other academies, preserved at the Institute of the archive science of the V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine is suggested. The source possibilities of the fund regarding the studies and reconstruction of the biography and activities of the researcher, his participation in development of the theory of the economy formation of the USSR and the independent Ukraine are investigated

    On the high order multiplicity moments

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    The description of multiplicity distributions in terms of the ratios of cumulants to factorial moments is analyzed both for data and for the Monte Carlo generated events. For the PYTHIA generated events the moments are investigated for the restricted range of phase-space and for the jets reconstructed from single particle momenta. The results cast doubts on the validity of extended local parton-hadron duality and suggest the possibility of more effective experimental investigations concerning the origin of the observed structure in the dependence of moments on their order.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; corrected version to be published in JP

    Probing discs around massive young stellar objects with CO first overtone emission

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    We present high resolution (R~50,000) spectroastrometry over the CO 1st overtone bandhead of a sample of seven intermediate/massive young stellar objects. These are primarily drawn from the red MSX source (RMS) survey, a systematic search for young massive stars which has returned a large, well selected sample of such objects. The mean luminosity of the sample is approximately 5 times 10^4 L_\odot, indicating the objects typically have a mass of ~15 solar masses. We fit the observed bandhead profiles with a model of a circumstellar disc, and find good agreement between the models and observations for all but one object. We compare the high angular precision (0.2-0.8 mas) spectroastrometric data to the spatial distribution of the emitting material in the best-fitting models. No spatial signatures of discs are detected, which is entirely consistent with the properties of the best-fitting models. Therefore, the observations suggest that the CO bandhead emission of massive young stellar objects originates in small-scale disks, in agreement with previous work. This provides further evidence that massive stars form via disc accretion, as suggested by recent simulations.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    VLTI/MIDI 10 micron interferometry of the forming massive star W33A

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    We report on resolved interferometric observations with VLTI/MIDI of the massive young stellar object (MYSO) W33A. The MIDI observations deliver spectrally dispersed visibilities with values between 0.03 and 0.06, for a baseline of 45m over the wavelength range 8-13 micron. The visibilities indicate that W33A has a FWHM size of approximately 120AU (0.030'') at 8 micron which increases to 240AU at 13 micron, scales previously unexplored among MYSOs. This observed trend is consistent with the temperature falling off with distance. 1D dust radiative transfer models are simultaneously fit to the visibility spectrum, the strong silicate feature and the shape of the mid infrared spectral energy distribution (SED). For any powerlaw density distribution, we find that the sizes (as implied by the visibilities) and the stellar luminosity are incompatible. A reduction to a third of W33A's previously adopted luminosity is required to match the visibilities; such a reduction is consistent with new high resolution 70 micron data from Spitzer's MIPSGAL survey. We obtain best fits for models with shallow dust density distributions of r^(-0.5) and r^(-1.0) and for increased optical depth in the silicate feature produced by decreasing the ISM ratio of graphite to silicates and using optical grain properties by Ossenkopf et al. (1992).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for ApJ letter

    A mid-IR interferometric survey with MIDI/VLTI: resolving the second-generation protoplanetary disks around post-AGB binaries

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    We present a mid-IR interferometric survey of the circumstellar environment of a specific class of post-Asymptotic Giant Branch (post-AGB) binaries. For this class the presence of a compact dusty disk has been postulated on the basis of various spatially unresolved measurements. Our interferometric survey was performed with the MIDI instrument on the VLTI. In total 19 different systems were observed using variable baseline configurations. Combining all the visibilities at a single wavelength at 10.7 micron, we fitted two parametric models to the data: a uniform disk (UD) and a ring model mimicking a temperature gradient. We compared our observables of the whole sample, with synthetic data computed from a grid of radiative transfer models of passively irradiated disks in hydrostatic equilibrium. These models are computed with a Monte Carlo code that has been widely applied to describe the structure of protoplanetary disks around young stellar objects (YSO). The spatially resolved observations show that the majority of our targets cluster closely together in the distance-independent size-colour diagram, and have extremely compact N-band emission regions. The typical uniform disk diameter of the N-band emission region is about 40 mass which corresponds to a typical brightness temperature of 400-600~K. The resolved objects display very similar characteristics in the interferometric observables and in the spectral energy distributions. Therefore, the physical properties of the disks around our targets must be similar. The grid of protoplanetary disk models covers very well the observed objects. Much like for young stars, the spatially resolved N-band emission region is determined by the hot inner rim of the disk. Continued comparisons between post-AGB and protoplanetary disks will help to understand grain growth and disk evolution processes,Comment: 30 pages, 21 figures, in press in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    VLTI/AMBER observations of the binary B[e] supergiant HD 327083

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    HD 327083 is a luminous B type star which exhibits emission lines and an infrared excess and is therefore classified as a supergiant B[e] star. In addition, the star is the primary of a close binary system. It is not clear whether the B[e] behaviour of HD 327083 is related to its binarity or its evolutionary state. Here we address this issue by studying its circumstellar environment with high spatial resolution. To this end, we have observed HD 327083 with the VLTI and AMBER in the medium resolution K-band setting. 13CO bandhead emission is detected, confirming HD 327083 is a post-main sequence object. The observations spatially resolve the source of the NIR continuum and the Br-gamma and CO line emission. In addition, differential phase measurements allow us to probe the origin of the observed Br-gamma emission with sub-mas precision. Using geometrical models, we find that the visibilities and closure phases suggest that the close binary system is surrounded by a circum-binary disk. We also find that in the case of the binary HD 327083, the relative sizes of the continuum and Br-gamma emitting regions are different to those of a single supergiant B[e] star where the standard dual outflow scenario is thought to apply. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the mass loss of HD 327083 is related to its binary nature.Comment: Accepted in A&

    Accelerated sources in de Sitter spacetime and the insufficiency of retarded fields

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    The scalar and electromagnetic fields produced by the geodesic and uniformly accelerated discrete charges in de Sitter spacetime are constructed by employing the conformal relation between de Sitter and Minkowski space. A special attention is paid to new effects arising in spacetimes which, like de Sitter space, have spacelike conformal infinities. Under the presence of particle and event horizons, purely retarded fields (appropriately defined) become necessarily singular or even cannot be constructed at the "creation light cones" -- future light cones of the "points" at which the sources "enter" the universe. We construct smooth (outside the sources) fields involving both retarded and advanced effects, and analyze the fields in detail in case of (i) scalar monopoles, (ii) electromagnetic monopoles, and (iii) electromagnetic rigid and geodesic dipoles.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures, LaTex2e; minor misprints corrected, one reference added and some terminology change