170 research outputs found

    Semi-extensiva gröna tak i urban miljö

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    Det hĂ€r arbetet handlar om semi-extensiva gröna tak. I en tid dĂ€r förtĂ€tning av staden dĂ€r ofta de gröna miljöerna bebyggs Ă€r ett av de vanligare alternativen att lyfta upp en del av de miljöerna pĂ„ taken. De gröna taken har en viktig roll i vĂ„ra urbana miljöer dĂ„ de ger en mĂ€ngd förbĂ€ttrande effekter för miljön i stĂ€derna men Ă€ven för insekter samt rekreativa tjĂ€nster till oss mĂ€nniskor. Detta Ă€r speciellt viktigt i en tid dĂ€r staden förtĂ€tas och mĂ„nga av de gröna miljöerna gĂ„r förlorade Det Ă€r viktigt att visa pĂ„ en mĂ„ngfald i hur dessa tak anvĂ€nds och vilka vĂ€xter som placeras dĂ€r. IstĂ€llet för att endast plantera tunna extensiva gröna taken som Ă€r vanligast idag understryker detta arbete vilken bredd av vĂ€xter som kan anvĂ€ndas om man frĂ„n början i byggprocesserna lĂ€gger fokus pĂ„ de gröna taken för att kunna anlĂ€gga bĂ€ddar med tjockare substratdjup. Detta gör stor skillnad pĂ„ vilka vĂ€xter som kommer kunna vĂ€xa och trivas dĂ€r. Genom att anvĂ€nda stĂ„ndortsanpassade vĂ€xter sĂ„ blir planteringarna dessutom lĂ„nglivade och hĂ„llbara över tid. Augustenborgs botaniska taktrĂ€dgĂ„rdar ligger i östa Malmö som har en stor yta med gröna tak och taktrĂ€dgĂ„rdar som visas upp för mĂ„nga besökare och företag varje Ă„r. I arbetet kommer det göras tvĂ„ vĂ€xtbĂ€ddar till deras visningstak för att visa pĂ„ skillnaden i vĂ€xtmaterialet i olika substratdjup. För att visa pĂ„ skillnaden i hur vĂ€xterna kan se ut i olika substratdjup görs i arbetet tvĂ„ olika bĂ€ddar med olika vĂ€xtblandningar och olika substratdjup. I den tunnare bĂ€dden finns det inga lignoser planterade och perennerna som passar i den miljön Ă€r generellt lite mindre och lĂ€gre pĂ„ höjden. Den tjockare vĂ€xtbĂ€dden kommer upp nĂ„got mer i höjd dĂ„ nĂ„got större vĂ€xter klarar av att vĂ€xa hĂ€r. Det gĂ„r Ă€ven att fĂ„ ett buskskikt vid detta substratdjup vilket förĂ€ndrar karaktĂ€ren mĂ€rkbart. VĂ€xtkombinationerna har som avsikt att göra naturalistiska planteringar med rytm mellan solitĂ€rerna samt mixer av vĂ€xter som fĂ„r sprida sig mer slumpmĂ€ssigt. Blomningstiden har spritts över Ă„ret sĂ„ att det under vĂ€xtsĂ€songen alltid finns nĂ„gonting som blommar i planteringen. Genom att ha vissa vĂ€xter som jobbar i bottenskiktet av planteringen, nĂ„gon som Ă€r mer klumpvĂ€xande, nĂ„gon som Ă€r lĂ„ngsamt samt nĂ„gon som frösĂ„r sig mycket och hoppar runt i planteringen sĂ„ skapas en plantering som blir lĂ„nglivad och hĂ„llbar.This study is about semi-extensive green roofs. In a time of rise of densification in the cities and the green spaces often get built on, it’s a more and more common alternative to put some of the new green spaces on the roofs. The green roofs have an important part in our urban environments because it effects the cities environments, creates habitats for insects and recreative benefits for humans. This is especially important in a time of densification of the cities where a lot of the green spaces get lost. It’s important to show a diversity of how green roofs are used and which plants can grow there. Instead of only plant thin extensive green roofs which are the most common today this work focuses on the variety of plants which can be used if you in an early stage of the building plans focuses on the green roofs. This would make it possible to plan for plant beds with deeper layers of substrate. This makes a huge difference on which plants will be able to grow and flourish there. By using plants suitable for the site preference the plantings will live long and be sustainable over time. Augustenborgs botanical roof gardens is located in Malmö, Sweden and has a grand space of green roofs and roof gardens on show for a lot of visitors every year. In this study there will be two plant beds made for their show roofs to show the difference in plant material due to different depth of the substrate layer. To show the difference of which plants suits different depths of substrate layer there will be two different beds with different mixes of plants and different depths of substrate. In the plant bed with thinner substrate depth there is no bushes planted and the perennials suitable for this environment are generally smaller and lower in height than in the second planting. The thicker plant bed will have higher plants because slightly bigger plants can grow here. It’s also possible with some bushes in this thicker substrate which changes the character of the planting. The combinations of plants will be a naturalistic design with rhythm between solitaries and mixes of plants that can spread out more randomly. The flowering time is spread over the year to make sure it’s always something in bloom during the growing season. By having some mat-forming plants in the bottom of the planting, some plants that spread around with seedlings, some more clumpforming and some more slowly growing there will be a planting which will be living long and be sustainable through the years

    Grading of parameters for urban tree inventories by city officials, arborists and academics using the Delphi method

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    Tree inventories are expensive to conduct and update, so every inventory carried out must be maximized. However, increasing the number of constituent parameters increases the cost of performing and updating the inventory, illustrating the need for careful parameter selection. This paper reports the results of a systematic expert rating of tree inventories aiming to quantify the relative importance of each parameter. Using the Delphi method, panels comprising city officials, arborists and academics rated a total of 148 parameters. In order of total mean score, the top ranking parameters, which can serve as a guide for decision-making at practical level and for standardization of tree inventories, were: Scientific name of the tree species and genera, Vitality, Coordinates, Hazard class and Identification number. The study also examined whether the different responsibilities and usage of urban tree databases among organizations and people engaged in urban tree inventories affected their prioritization. The results revealed noticeable dissimilarities in the ranking of parameters between the panels, underlining the need for collaboration between the research community and those commissioning, administrating and conducting inventories. Only by applying such a transdisciplinary approach to parameter selection can urban tree inventories be strengthened and made more relevant

    Sociala kapitalets betydelse för ett familjeföretags generationsskifte

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    MedelĂ„ldern har stĂ€ndigt vuxit inom lantbruksbranschen. Enligt Sveriges officiella statistik sĂ„ var Ă„r 2016 var tredje lantbrukare med enskild firma >65 Ă„r. FrĂ„n samma rapport visades Ă€ven att var sjĂ€tte lantbrukare var under 45 Ă„r. Den statistiken tillsammans med en rapport frĂ„n Pwh (2018) dĂ€r dem visar att mĂ„nga familjeföretag saknar strategi om eventuell generationsvĂ€xling, tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt, potentiell övertagare och hur levnaden ser ut efter skiftet. Författarna undrar dĂ„ varför inte fler vĂ€ljer att lĂ€mna över sitt företag, varför vĂ€ljer mĂ„nga lantbrukare lĂ„ngt in i pensionen innan nĂ„gon frĂ„ga angĂ„ende generationsvĂ€xling kommer pĂ„ tal? Socialt kapital Ă€r ett begrepp och samlingsnamn för de relationer som binder en person med andra. Hur starka dessa band Ă€r mellan individer. Författarna vill undersöka om det Ă€r det sociala kapitalet som Ă€r en bristande faktor i mĂ„nga relationer överlĂ„tare till övertagare. Studien genomfördes med litteraturen som bas, dĂ€refter genomfördes intervjuer med fem specialister inom omrĂ„det, det vill sĂ€ga mjuka vĂ€rden inom generationsskiften. Som en avrundning till litteraturen och specialisterna valde vi Ă€ven att intervjua en utvald gĂ„rd dĂ€r vi misstĂ€nkte det sociala kapitalet var högt. GĂ„rden platsade in under vĂ„r frĂ„gestĂ€llning dĂ„ dem genomgĂ„tt ett generationsskifte generellt mycket tidigare Ă€n branschgenomsnittet. Resultaten sammanstĂ€lldes genom de teoretiska ramverk som plockades ut under litteraturstudien. Ramverket ”Theory of planned behavior” tillsammans med socialt kapital gav oss en tydlig bild att sĂ„ var fallet i mĂ„nga processer. Kommunikationen var alltför ofta bristfĂ€llig och det mĂ€rktes tydligt om familjen hade som vana att kommunicera. Hade familjen vanan att ha öppen diskussion sĂ„gs kritik mer som konstruktiv Ă€n negativ. Tilliten och öppenheten fann sig genom hela skiftet och processen gick snabbare, smidigare och det fanns nĂ„got pĂ„ andra sidan skiftet för överlĂ„taren. Inte bara meningslöshet.The middle age has grown steadily in the agricultural industry. According to Sweden's official statistics, 2016 was the third farmer with an individual company >65 years. The same report also showed that one in six farmers was under 45. These statistics, together with a report from Pwh (2018), show that many family businesses lack strategy for possible generation change, approach, potential acquirer and what life looks like after the shift. The authors then wonder why no more people choose to hand over their business, why do many farmers choose far into retirement before any question about generation change comes up? Social capital is a term and collective name for the relationships that bind a person with others. How strong these ties are between individuals. The authors want to investigate whether it is social capital that is a missing factor in many transferors to acquirers. The study was conducted with the literature as the basis, then interviews were conducted with five specialists in the area, ie soft values in generation shifts. As a rounding to the literature and the specialists, we also chose to interview a selected farm where we suspected social capital was high. The farm was placed under our issue as they had undergone a generational shift in general much earlier than the industry average. The results were compiled through the theoretical frameworks selected during the literature study. The framework "Theory of planned behavior" together with social capital gave us a clear picture that this was the case in many processes. The communication was all too often inadequate and it was clear if the family had the habit of communicating. If the family had the habit of having open discussion, criticism was seen as more constructive than negative. Trust and openness were found throughout the whole shift and the process went faster, smoother and there was something on the other side of the shift for the transferor. Not just meaninglessness

    Perceived personal safety in relation to urban woodland vegetation – A review

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    Urban woodland vegetation provides people with many aesthetic, ecological and psychological benefits, but can also generate problems concerning people’s perception of safety. This paper reviews existing knowledge about perceived personal safety in relation to vegetation, particularly woodland vegetation, in urban green spaces such as parks and residential areas. Individual and social factors, but also vegetation character, maintenance and design, proved to be important for perceived personal safety. Vegetation-related aspects identified as being of particular importance include landscape design, possibilities for overview and control, vegetation density, and vegetation character and maintenance. Vegetation of an open character with low density undergrowth might have positive effects on perceived personal safety without reducing other benefits. Issues for future research include context-based studies to consider several aspects of vegetation and their interactions

    Experimental evaluation of waterlogging and drought tolerance of essential Prunus species in central Europe

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    Fruit-bearing and flowering minority tree species, such as many species from the Prunus genus, are essential for multiple ecosystem services in the landscape. Although common, but never dominating, these minority species are often overlooked compared to commercial timber trees in relation to climate change. Induced stress on trees through climate change in central Europe will not only be caused by drought but also by extreme precipitation and pluvial flooding. This study experimentally address this by testing both waterlogging and drought tolerance in three key species of Prunus for central Europe that naturally span a wide variation of habitat conditions. The selected species Prunus mahaleb, Prunus avium and Prunus padus were subjected to both drought and waterlogging in a greenhouse experiment. Plant functionality in the form of midday leaf water potential, stomatal conductance and turgor loss point together with different aspects of biomass allocation and growth was tested. All included species lost their stomatal conductance and leaf water potential within a few days in the waterlogging treatment. Only P. padus had the capacity to recover with new leaves after the waterlogging ended, suggesting that avoidance strategies though leaf shedding can be a complementary mechanism to withstand waterlogging. P. padus kept its stomatal conductance and water potential for the longest time in the drought treatment followed by P. mahaleb and P.avium. This longevity in the drought treatment for P. padus could be explained by both tolerance strategies through lower turgor loss point, but also avoidance strategies with fast changes in growth and higher allocation of biomass to the roots. There is a clear risk that ecosystem service from Prunus species in the landscape can be negatively affected not only by drought but also by increased events of waterlogging. This highlights the need for including minority species and also other climate stressors in addition to drought in the planning and management of multifunctional landscapes

    Biokol som jordförbÀttring i biofilter - för ökad rening av zinkföroreningar frÄn tak

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    In times of increased flooding, enhanced by climate change, polluted stormwater poses an increased threat to the environment through contaminated water entering waterways. Bioretention utilizes natural processes in soil and vegetation to treat pollutants and combat this threat. Biochar produced through pyrolysis, has a high cation exchange capacity (CEC) and could therefore increase treatment in bioretention systems. This research applies a literature review, interview, and a model to explore the benefits and disadvantages of biochar in order to specify a soil-mix through an understanding of the production process and preferred application rate. High purification through CEC, increased water holding capacity, and carbon sequestration being the benefits discussed. Biochar application can however, cause clogging due to weathering, which decreases the performance of bioretention systems. A scenario consisting of a zinc roof discharging runoff into a flow-through planter is set in Alnarp, Sweden. The model presents pollution load and treatment capabilities of substrates to then design four soil-mixes to allow maximum hydraulic conductivity, maximized treatment through CEC, stability over time, and enhanced plant habitat. The theoretically optimal soil-mix consists of 50% sand, 30% biochar, 10% loam, and 10% compost, accommodating these factors and providing the best solution for a substrate in a flow-through planter for the removal of zinc pollution from stormwater.KlimatförÀndringen stÀller nya krav pÄ dagvattenhantering dÄ den medför ökad nederbörd med föroreningar i sjöar och hav som följd. Med bioretention gÄr det att dra nytta av naturliga processer i jord och vegetation för att rena dagvatten och övervinna problemen med föroreningarna. Biokol producerat genom pyrolys har hög katjonutbyteskapacitet (CEC) och skulle dÀrför kunna öka reningen i biofilter. Den hÀr studien anvÀnder en litteraturstudie, intervju och en modell som metod för att utforska möjligheter, fördelar och nackdelar med implementeringen av biokol i dagvattensammanhang. Dessutom ökar den förstÄelsen för olika produktions-metoders pÄverkan pÄ produkten och effekten av olika mÀngder biokol i jord. Fördelarna Àr hög CEC, ökad vattenhÄllande förmÄga, förmÄgan att binda atmosfÀriskt kol i marken, Àven kallad kolsÀnka. Genom vittring kan biokol dÀremot skapa problem i form av igensÀttning i biofilter. Ett teoretiskt scenario Àr skapat med ett zinktak kopplat till ett biofilter placerat i Alnarp, Sverige. Modellen presenterar föroreningshalter frÄn taket och reningsförmÄgan hos olika substrat; den föreslÄr sedan fyra förslag pÄ jordblandningar. Detta för att maximera den hydrauliska konduktiviteten, maximera reningen genom CEC, öka systemets livslÀngd samt för att skapa en förbÀttrad stÄndort. Med dessa parametrar i beaktning och om uppgiften Àr att rena zinkföroreningar i ett biofilter, bestÄr den teoretiskt optimala jord-sammansÀttningen av: 50% sand, 30% biokol, 10% sandig lerjord och 10% kompost

    Kontakt med barn i sexuellt syfte: En undersökning med utgÄngspunkt i principen om ultima ratio

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    NĂ€r lagstiftarna kriminaliserar en viss gĂ€rning innebĂ€r detta att ett brott har skapats. Detta sker frĂ€mst i syfte att avhĂ„lla mĂ€nniskor frĂ„n att begĂ„ handlingen i frĂ„ga. Men dĂ„ en kriminalisering i förlĂ€ngningen kan innebĂ€ra ett straff, vilket Ă€r en mycket lĂ„ngtgĂ„ende och repressiv form av myndighetsutövning, krĂ€vs att det finns vissa begrĂ€nsningar för nĂ€r en kriminalisering fĂ„r ske för att detta skall vara legitimt. En vĂ€ldigt grundlĂ€ggande princip pĂ„ det omrĂ„det Ă€r principen om ultima ratio, att en kriminalisering endast bör ske som en sista utvĂ€g. I sig sjĂ€lvt sĂ€ger principen inte sĂ„ mycket om vilka begrĂ€nsningar som finns gĂ€llande kriminalisering. DĂ€rför har ledning sökts i Ă„klagarutredningens begrĂ€nsande krav, som frĂ€mst rör de tre rekvisiten skada, fara och effektivitet. I korthet innebĂ€r dessa att den gĂ€rning som Ă€r föremĂ„l för en kriminalisering mĂ„ste orsaka en viss skada eller fara för ett skyddsvĂ€rt intresse, samt att man mĂ„ste kunna förvĂ€nta sig att kriminaliseringen fĂ„r nĂ„got resultat, frĂ€mst vad gĂ€ller den avhĂ„llande effekten. För att undersöka hur dessa rekvisit fungerar i praktiken har de tillĂ€mpats pĂ„ lagen om kontakt med barn i sexuellt syfte, som Ă€ven kortfattat benĂ€mns kontaktbrott. Lagen kriminaliserar i grund och botten en process som kallas för sexuell grooming. Denna process innebĂ€r att en vuxen pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt vinner ett barns förtroende för att pĂ„ lĂ€ngre sikt kunna förgripa sig pĂ„ barnet. Forskning har visat att internets oerhörda expansion under de senaste tvĂ„ decennierna har inneburit en helt ny jaktmark för sĂ„dana gĂ€rningsmĂ€n. Detta beror frĂ€mst pĂ„ den stora mĂ€ngden potentiella offer som tillhandahĂ„lls, men Ă€ven pĂ„ hur enkelt det Ă€r för en vuxen att kontakta ett barn utan överinsyn frĂ„n t.ex. barnets förĂ€ldrar. Lagen om kontakt med barn i sexuellt syfte har tre framtrĂ€dande rekvisit. Det första Ă€r sexuellt syfte, vilket innebĂ€r att den vuxne mĂ„ste ha som syfte med sin kontakt att i framtiden begĂ„ nĂ„gon form av sexuellt övergrepp mot barnet. Det andra rekvisitet Ă€r överenskommelse om möte, som betyder att den vuxne och barnet mĂ„ste ha kommit överens om att genomföra ett fysiskt möte utanför internet. Det sista rekvisitet Ă€r frĂ€mjande Ă„tgĂ€rd, vilket uppstĂ€ller ett krav pĂ„ att den vuxne ocksĂ„ mĂ„ste utföra nĂ„gon form av Ă„tgĂ€rd för att frĂ€mja att mötet kommer till stĂ„nd. NĂ€sta steg Ă€r att applicera de begrĂ€nsande legitimitetskraven; skada, fara och effektivitet, pĂ„ kontaktbrottet. I juridisk doktrin har kraven getts delvis olika innebörd, vilket medför att det mer eller mindre Ă€r en tolkningsfrĂ„ga hur de skall tillĂ€mpas. Resultatet av detta Ă€r att samtliga krav kan anses vara uppfyllda vad gĂ€ller kontaktbrottet, beroende pĂ„ hur man vĂ€ljer att tolka dem. Konsekvensen av detta Ă€r att principen om ultima ratio blir oerhört urvattnad och tappar mycket av sin betydelse.When legislators criminalise a certain act, a crime has been created. The main purpose of this is to deter people from committing the act in question. But as a criminalisation can result in punishment, which is a very severe and suppressive form of administrative supervision, it requires certain restrictions being made as to when such a criminalisation can be considered legitimate. A very basic principle in this area is the principle of ultima ratio, which means that a criminalisation should only occur as a final remedy. In it’s own, the principle offers little insight as to what limitations there are to a criminalisation. Therefore guidance has been sought in the limiting demands found in an investigation performed by a committee of prosecutors, which basically revolves around the three prerequisites harm, risk and efficiency. In short, this means that the act subject to criminalisation must cause certain harm or risk to an interest worth protecting; and the criminalisation must also be expected to have some result, mainly with regards to the deterring effect. To examine the practical use of these prerequisites, they have been applied to the law regarding contact with a child for sexual purposes, also shortly titled contact crime. Basically, the law criminalises a process called sexual grooming. This process involves an adult somehow gaining the trust of a child with the intention of eventual sexual abuse. Research indicates that the Internets massive expansion over the past two decades has offered a brand new hunting ground for such perpetrators. This is mainly due to the large amount of potential victims it provides, but also because of how easy it is for an adult to contact a child without the supervision of, for example, the child’s parents. The law regarding contact with a child for sexual purposes has three necessary prerequisites. The first is sexual purpose, which means that the intent behind the adults contact must be to commit some form of sexual abuse of the child in the future. The second prerequisite is agreement to meet, which requires the adult and the child to have agreed upon a physical meeting outside of the Internet. The final prerequisite is aiding action, meaning that the adult must also perform some act to further the realisation of the meeting. The next step is to apply the limiting legitimacy demands; harm, risk and efficiency, on the contact crime. Legal doctrine has given these demands a partially varied content, which means that their application is basically a matter of interpretation. The result of this is that one can consider all demands to be achieved regarding the contact crime, depending on how one chooses to interpret them. In consequence, the principle of ultima ratio becomes highly diluted and loses most if it’s significance

    Skiktning och strukturell utveckling i unga naturlika skogsplanteringar

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    Multilayered woodland types are an important part of the urban forest. The knowledge how to establish and maintain such plantations are not as deep as other knowledge fields concerning forestry. Therefore this study has looked upon how to achieve multilayered structures in young nature-like woodland plantations. As a theoretical base for the study three different major knowledge culture have been studied that concerns the subject, ecology, forestry and landscape management/design. This three theoretical framework concludes that many natural processes strive in the opposite direction of multilayered structures in their youth. At the same time this different theories give us a understanding who and why we could manipulate this stand through planting composition and management towards more stratified structures. To deepen the practical experiences and knowledge about these questions, a field study project was designed. All together twelve different stands that had been planted mainly during the 1980-s where chosen and studied in the Öresund region focusing on their vegetation structure and canopy stratification. Crown height and tree height together with crown projections where the main parameters used to evaluate the structure of the stands. The data was analyzed using a wide range of scientifically approaches including, the quantity stratification models LMS and TSTRAT. The results show that a three layered structure can be achieved within thirty years after plantation. The key element for achieving a multilayered structure where found to be a combination of both species mixture and management. A species mixture with oak and not to many other tree species together with some middle layer species and the low growing shade tolerant bush species like Alpine Currant Ribes alpinum proved to be one good alternative. Depending on the species mixture and the management goal, two different management tactics could be used for the thinning of the stand. One where the tree layer was favoured and one where the middle layer was favoured giving rise to different kind of multilayered forest structures.del av den urbana skogen men kunskapen kring hur man kan anlĂ€gga och sköta sĂ„dana planteringar Ă€r tĂ€mligen liten. Kunskapsbilden som finns i dagslĂ€get kring rikt skiktade bestĂ„nd, berör frĂ€mst skiktning i Ă€ldre kulturskogar och merparten av kunskapen kring hur man planterar och sköter skog Ă€r inriktad pĂ„ enskiktade monokulturer. MĂ„let med detta arbete har dĂ€rför varit att försöka utvidga den praktiska och teoretiska kunskapen kring rikt skiktade unga planterade bestĂ„nd. Som en grund för detta undersöktes tre kunskapskulturer som berör Ă€mnet, den ekologiska, den skogliga och den landskapliga. UtifrĂ„n dessa teoretiska ramverk kan man förstĂ„ att mĂ„nga processer verkar mot att flerskiktade struktur utbildas under ett planterat bestĂ„nds ungdom. Samtidigt ger de olika ramverken en förstĂ„else varför och hur man kan pĂ„verka de olika processerna sĂ„ att en flerskiktad struktur lĂ€ttare kan utvecklas. För att fördjupa den praktiska och teoretiska kunskapsbilden har en undersökande studie av naturlika skogsplanteringar utformats. Studien omfattar 12 bestĂ„nd i Öresund regionen och dessa har analyserats utifrĂ„n dess skiktning med hjĂ€lp av bland annat höjd, kronhöjd och kronprojektioner. Skiktningen har frĂ€mst analyserats med hjĂ€lp av de kvantitativa skiktningsmodellerna LMS och TSTRAT. Resultatet visar att upp till tre tydliga skikt kan uppnĂ„s i en naturlik skogsplantering inom en 30 Ă„rs period i Öresund regionen med rĂ€tt kombination av artblandning och skötsel. Avgörande för ett lyckat resultat verkar vara en artblandning med ek och endast nĂ„gra fĂ„ andra arter i trĂ€dskiktet kombinerat med nĂ„gra robusta busktrĂ€darter samt skuggtĂ„liga lĂ„ga buskar sĂ„som mĂ„bĂ€r. SkötselmĂ€ssigt finns sedan tvĂ„ huvudalternativ beroende pĂ„ mĂ„lsĂ€ttning och artblandningen. Antigen lĂ€gger man fokus pĂ„ att trĂ€dskiktet ska separeras ifrĂ„n mellanskiktet sĂ„ fort som möjligt genom att man efterstrĂ€var att kronorna lyfts högt eller sĂ„ hugger man tidigare i trĂ€dskiktet och gynnar mellanskiktet med busktrĂ€darterna istĂ€llet. Kombinationen av olika artblandningar och skötselstrategier ger sedan olika strukturella typer

    Residential urban trees – socio-ecological factors affecting tree and shrub abundance in the city of Malmö, Sweden

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    Trees and large shrubs in urban environments provide a wide array of ecosystem services, enhancing the well-being of urban residents. Public trees in Sweden are managed by local governments, but private-owned urban trees, which represent a large proportion of the total urban tree population, are managed by residential property owners. Residential urban trees are generally not included in urban forest management plans at local government level. This study examined property-level characteristics that could lead to better management decisions by property owners on residential trees in Malmö, Sweden. Using spatial sampling, 99 properties were inventoried to determine tree basal area (m2/ha), as a measure of woody plant abundance. In parallel, residents were surveyed about their attitudes to trees, and information on background variables on their properties was collected using through publicly available spatial data. Statistical modelling was used to determine relationships between key socio-ecological variables and tree abundance as well as reasons for planting and removal of trees. The results showed that positively perceived benefits of trees to property owners did not necessarily result in greater tree and shrub abundance on individual properties. Instead, house age and potential plantable space were the variables positively correlated with tree and shrub abundance. Years of residence had a negative correlation with probability of planting. The primary reason for tree removal was improper growing site, which indicates that providing practical information on appropriate site/species selection could reduce the risk of healthy urban tree removal
