13 research outputs found

    Prevention of childhood poisoning in the home: overview of systematic reviews and a systematic review of primary studies

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    Unintentional poisoning is a significant child public health problem. This systematic overview of reviews, supplemented with a systematic review of recently published primary studies synthesizes evidence on non-legislative interventions to reduce childhood poisonings in the home with particular reference to interventions that could be implemented by Children's Centres in England or community health or social care services in other high income countries. Thirteen systematic reviews, two meta-analyses and 47 primary studies were identified. The interventions most commonly comprised education, provision of cupboard/drawer locks, and poison control centre (PCC) number stickers. Meta-analyses and primary studies provided evidence that interventions improved poison prevention practices. Twenty eight per cent of studies reporting safe medicine storage (OR from meta-analysis 1.57, 95% CI 1.22–2.02), 23% reporting safe storage of other products (OR from meta-analysis 1.63, 95% CI 1.22–2.17) and 46% reporting availability of PCC numbers (OR from meta-analysis 3.67, 95% CI 1.84–7.33) demonstrated significant effects favouring the intervention group. There was a lack of evidence that interventions reduced poisoning rates. Parents should be provided with poison prevention education, cupboard/drawer locks and emergency contact numbers to use in the event of a poisoning. Further research is required to determine whether improving poison prevention practices reduces poisoning rates

    The different stages and actors involved in the process leading to the use of adolescent mental health services.

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    Although a substantial number of adolescents suffer from emotional or behavioural problems, only a minority receive mental health care. In order to understand this discrepancy, this article aims to increase insight into the help-seeking process. First, a model of the help-seeking process for adolescent psychopathology was formulated. This model takes into account the sequential nature of help seeking and the involvement of multiple actors (adolescents, parents and teachers) and service providers (general practitioners, mental health care professionals, teachers, and friends/relatives). Using structural equation modelling, the model was empirically tested on 114 Dutch adolescents (aged 12–17 years), who were selected for having emotional or behavioural problems from a representative general practice sample. Of these 16.5% had used mental health services. The sequence of stages and the actors involved in the process leading to mental health care use was similar across gender. Parents and adolescents had a comparable impact on this process. The general practitioner functioned as gatekeeper to mental health care, whereas the teacher’s role in the process was limited. Interventions aimed at increasing adolescent mental health service use should be directed at parents and adolescents, and at the roles of school personnel and general practitioners in the detection of problems and referral. (aut. ref.

    End-of-life decision making in pediatrics: literature review on children's and adolescents' participation

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    Background: Pediatric guidelines recommend that children and adolescents participate in a developmentally appropriate way in end-of-life decision making. Shared decision making in pediatrics is unique because of the triadic relationship of patient, parents, and physician. The involvement of the patient may vary on a continuum from no involvement to being the sole decision maker. However, the effects of child participation have not been thoroughly studied. The aim of this literature review is to identify studies on end-of-life decision making in pediatrics to explore patient participation and to assess the effects of such participation. Methods: Five databases - PubMed, PsycInfo, Medline, CINAHL, and Sociological Abstract - were searched for empirical studies on end-of-life decision making in pediatrics. Selected articles fulfilling the criteria were assessed for type of decision, participants’ characteristics, reports on participation of the minor patient, and outcome. Results: Fifty-seven articles on end-of-life decision making in pediatrics were identified. The majority of papers (n = 43, 75%) investigated parents’ and clinicians’ perspectives, while only 14 articles (25%) included perspectives of children and adolescents. Twenty-two articles (39%) reported some details on various forms of children's participation (e.g., receive information, plan care details, consulted before or after a decision was made). Positive (e.g., respect for patient's preferences) as well as negative (e.g., conflict due to diverging opinions) effects of children's participation in end-of-life decision making were reported. Conclusions: This systematic review highlights the need for research to identify factors that contribute to a favorable participation of minors in decision making processes as well as strategies to solve possible conflicts. More research should take into account the dynamics in the triadic process of decision making and emphasize children and adolescents’ perspectives. A better understanding of how to meaningfully involve children and adolescents in end-of-life decision making could facilitate the practice of patient participation in pediatrics

    Confiabilidade das aferições de estudo sobre violência familiar e desnutrição severa na infância Measurement reliability in a study on family violence and severe acute malnutrition

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Como parte do programa de investigação sobre violência familiar e desnutrição severa na infância, especificamente um estudo do tipo caso-controle foi avaliada a confiabilidade dos instrumentos utilizados no processo de obtenção de dados. Estudou-se a confiabilidade de quatro componentes do instrumento principal: (a) as Escalas sobre Táticas de Conflitos (Conflicts Tactics Scales - CTS) que medem o grau de conflito/violência familiar; (b) o instrumento CAGE (Cut-down; Annoyed; Guilty & Eye-opener) usado para indicar suspeição de alcoolismo; (c) o NSDUQ (Non-student Drugs Use Questionnaire) que visa aferir o uso de drogas ilícitas; e (d) a medida antropométrica de comprimento. MÉTODO: Para os três primeiros componentes citados foram avaliadas a estabilidade (confiabilidade intra-observador ou teste-reteste) e a equivalência (confiabilidade inter-observador), usando-se os 50 primeiros sujeitos captados no estudo caso-controle de fundo. Para a análise, usou-se o índice Kappa (k) com ajustamento (pseudo-Bayes) para lidar com problemas de estimabilidade. Em relação ao componente "d", foi estudada somente a equivalência (n=73), usando-se o Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (Intra-class Correlation Coefficient - ICC) como estimador. RESULTADOS: Todos os componentes mostraram estabilidade e equivalência aceitáveis. Quanto à estabilidade das CTS, CAGE e NSDUQ, as estimações de k foram em torno de 0,70, 0,78 e 0,85, respectivamente. Em relação à equivalência, encontrou-se os valores de 1,0 para as CTS e NSDUQ e 0,75 para CAGE. A equivalência estimada através do ICC para comprimento foi de 0,99. Algumas situações desviantes foram observadas. Os resultados apontam para uma adequada padronização dos observadores e refletem a boa qualidade do processo de aferição referente ao estudo de fundo, encorajando a equipe de pesquisa a prosseguir com maior segurança.<br>INTRODUCTION: This study is nested within a research program related to family violence and severe childhood malnutrition. Its aim is to evaluate the reliability of the data collection process in a case-control study. Four components of the main instrument are addressed: (a) CTS (Conflict Tactics Scales) used to measure violence at the family level; (b) CAGE (Cut-down; Annoyed; Guilty & Eye-opener) questionnaire used to gnage suspicion of drinking problems; NSDUQ (Non-student Drugs Use Questionnaire) used to indicate illicit drug consumption; and (d) heigth/lenght measurements. METHOD: Stability (intra-observer or test-retest reliability) and equivalence (inter-observer reliability) were evaluated for the cited components (a), (b) and (c). Information was replicated among the first 50 subjects selected for the underlying case-control study. The Kappa index (k) was used in the analysis. A pseudo-Bayes adjustment was carried out in order to handle estimation problems. Regarding (d), only equivalence was evaluated (n=73), using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient as the estimator. RESULTS: By and large, all components showed acceptable stability and equivalence. Regarding stability, the estimates of k were around 0.70, 0.78 and 0.85, for CTS, CAGE e NSDUQ, respectively. With respect to equivalence, k was 1.0 for CTS and NSDUQ and 0.75 for CAGE. Equivalence for height/length estimated through the ICC was 0.99. Nevertheless, some deviant situations were detected and are further discussed. The results point to an adequate standardization of observers and reflect the good quality of the data collection procedure concerning the main study, encouraging the research team to press forward with greater assurance