954 research outputs found

    Advances in testing for sample manipulation in clinical and forensic toxicology - Part A: urine samples

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    In many countries, adherence testing is used to monitor consumption behavior or to prove abstinence. Urine and hair are most commonly used, although other biological fluids are available. Positive test results are usually associated with serious legal or economic consequences. Therefore, various sample manipulation and adulteration strategies are used to circumvent such a positive result. In these critical review articles on sample adulteration of urine (part A) and hair samples (part B) in the context of clinical and forensic toxicology, recent trends and strategies to improve sample adulteration and manipulation testing published in the past 10 years are described and discussed. Typical manipulation and adulteration strategies include undercutting the limits of detection/cut-off by dilution, substitution, and adulteration. New or alternative strategies for detecting sample manipulation attempts can be generally divided into improved detection of established urine validity markers and direct and indirect techniques or approaches to screening for new adulteration markers. In this part A of the review article, we focused on urine samples, where the focus in recent years has been on new (in)direct substitution markers, particularly for synthetic (fake) urine. Despite various and promising advances in detecting manipulation, it remains a challenge in clinical and forensic toxicology, and simple, reliable, specific, and objective markers/techniques are still lacking, for example, for synthetic urine

    Synthesis and physicochemical properties of spherical catalysts based on TiO2-SiO2/MxOy, where M - Co, Cr

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    Catalysts TiO2-SiO2 composition in the form of hollow spheres modified cobalt and chromium was obtained. Spatial structure of spherical samples after heat treatment was study by method of 3D microtomography. Status cations of transition elements and titanium was characterized by UV-Vis DRS. The catalysts were tested in the oxidation reaction of heptane

    Advances in testing for sample manipulation in clinical and forensic toxicology—part B: hair samples

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    As a continuation of part A, focusing on advances in testing for sample manipulation of urine samples in clinical and forensic toxicology, part B of the review article relates to hair, another commonly used matrix for abstinence control testing. Similar to urine manipulation, relevant strategies to manipulate a hair test are lowering drug concentrations in hair to undercut the limits of detection/cut-offs, for instance, by forced washout effects or adulteration. However, distinguishing between usual, common cosmetic hair treatment and deliberate manipulation to circumvent a positive drug test is often impossible. Nevertheless, the identification of cosmetic hair treatment is very relevant in the context of hair testing and interpretation of hair analysis results. Newly evaluated techniques or elucidation of specific biomarkers to unravel adulteration or cosmetic treatment often focused on specific structures of the hair matrix with promising strategies recently proposed for daily routine work. Identification of other approaches, e.g., forced hair-washing procedures, still remains a challenge in clinical and forensic toxicology

    Состав углеводородов в продуктах синтеза из окиси углерода и водяного пара

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    Исследован состав продукта синтеза из окиси углерода и водяного пара методами газожидкостной хроматографии. Показано, что продукт представлен смесью углеводородов C5-C20, спиртами и кислотами состава C1-C12; наряду с н-парафинами и а-олефинами присутствуют соединения изостроения. Определен индивидуальный состав фракции С5-С8, где обнаружено 83 компонента

    Воздействие экзогенных процессов на рельеф урбанизированных территорий и методы борьбы с ними на примере г. Ханты-Мансийска

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    Direct Laser Metallic Powder Deposition Process is one of the most popular direct additive manufacturing processes which use laser as a heat source to deposit the metallic powder layer by layer for surface modification and fabrication of three-dimensional parts. The properties of the deposited layer, such as microstructure, hardness and dimensional accuracy determine the usage properties of the processed parts. The temperature and size of the melt pool, the cooling rate and the solidification conditions dominate the microstructure, hardness and dimensional accuracy. In this work, a closed-loop process control based on the infrared (IR)-temperature signal was investigated by deposition of thin walls. Process control with constant set-values and path-dependent set-values was tried and compared. The results showed that the process control with a path-dependent set-value can notably improve the homogeneity of the microstructure and hardness as well as the dimensional accuracy of the deposited samples


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    A mercantilização da magia na urbanização de São Paulo, 1910-1940

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    Based on legal proceedings against those who practised withcraft and sorcery, spiritism, healings rituals and other practices considered as crime by the Legal Code of 1890, this article seeks the historical meannings of religious faiths in a changing urban context. The study focuses on questions such as the propagation of spiritism, the differences between "low" and "high" spiritual rituals, and the way in which these thems were treated by the press and by the leadership of the campaigns against magic.Com base em processo movidos contra réus incursos nos artigos que criminalizavam o curandeirismo, o espiritismo, a feitiçaria e outras práticas similares, o texto busca o significado histórico de crenças religiosas na perspectiva de um universo citadino em transformação. Contempla questões como a propagação do espiritismo, diferenças entre rituais do "baixo" e do "alto" espiritualismo e o tratamento dado ao tema pela imprensa e pelas autoridades que lideravam as campanhas antimagia

    Разработка техники и технологии для осуществления зарезки боковых стволов в добывающих скважинах Нефтегорского месторождения

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    Surface alloys were made on mild steel, coated with nicker and chromium using laser surface alloying. Mild steel was coated with a composite layer of nickel and chromium using the plasma technique. This was followed by laser irradiation using a continuous carbon dioxide laser. Oxidation and corrosion behaviour of these alloys was then determined by carrying out oxidation in air at 800 degrees C and corrosion tests at room temperatures in 1 N H2SO4 With a 75 mu m layer of nickel and chromium each, it was possible to make surface alloys on mild steel, which had a chromium concentration of 6-7 wt%, but the nickel concentration varied from 10-20 wt%. Oxidation behaviour improved significantly over the as-coated specimen and aqueous corrosion improved considerably