146 research outputs found

    Sumbangan Pengenalan Waktu Tradisional "Pranata Mangsa" Pada Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu = (The Contribution Of Pranata Mangsa, A Traditional Time Reckoning, To Integrated Pest Management)

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    Cropping pattern and time of planting are two of several factors supporting Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Pranata Mangsa (PM) is a Javanese traditional time reckoning which has existed since some thousand years ago but formally as a calendar was socialised by the King of Surakarta in June 22, 1855. PM has twelve mangsas (similar to a month for other calendar system). Some farmers in Central Java, especially around Surakarta, still use this time reckoning system as a guidance for their activities including the agricultural ones. This system for example enables people to predict the beginning of wet and dry seasons and also to determine the best time for rice planting to escape from pests and diseases. Based on the information collected in Boyolali district, Central Java, it is known that there is a relationship between mangsa indicators with the attack intensity of rice stemborers. Keywords : Pranata Mangsa, Integrated Pest Managemen

    Strategi Memperkecil Resiko Iklim dalam Produksi Tanaman=(Strategy to Minimize a Climate Risk In Crops Production

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    ABSTRACT: Iklim merupakan faktor produksi tanaman yang penting, tetapi sangat su/it dikendalikan. Akibatnya resiko produksi tanaman yang ditimbulkan oleh iklim kadangkadang relatif tinggi. Untuk memperkecil resiko tersebut beberapa gatra (aspect) seperti penyesuaian terhadap iklim, substitusi unsur-unsur iklim, modifikasi iklim dan prakiraan musim perlu difahami. Pertanian maju diwaktu yang akan datang hams melaksanakan berbagai gatra tadi bersama-sama, karena kemungkinan tidak a da lagi lahan yang iklimnya benar-benar sesuai untuk suatu tanaman. Climate is an importance crop production factor, but its existence is difficult to control and its influence is difficult to predict. Crops production risk due to climate some times relatively high. To minimize the risk some aspects such as adaptation to climate, substitution of climate element/elements, climate modification and weather forcasting should be well understood. In the future modern agriculture has to do with the all aspects, because there is no more land where its climate really equable for any crop

    Analysis of the Institutional Framework For Radioactive Waste Management in Indonesia

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    The analysis of the infrastructure for radioactive waste management in Indonesia has been studied using several parameters, i.e. policy, regulatory authorities and their regulations, implementing organizations and financial system. By considering the international trends and the Indonesian program to utilize nuclear power, the infrastructure of radioactive waste management needs to be improved. The Act No. 10/1997 on Nuclear Energy for the future beneficence will have to be amended to incorporate several missing key points on waste management, such as definition of radioactive waste, disposal of Low and Intermediate Level Waste (LILW), and classification of waste. Full involvement of some important stakeholders, especially the State Ministry of Environment, on the radioactive waste management infrastructure is required since some radioactive waste is generated from non nuclear waste. Assigning full authority to the State Ministry of Environment for regulating radioactive waste generated by non nuclear facilities may be more effective, whereas BAPETEN is still holding onto control over the waste generated from nuclear facilities. In the near future, several regulations on clearance level, classification of waste, NORM/TENORM, and financial system are expected to be set up for urgent need. By considering the high risk for handling of radioactivity, including for transportation and storage, the liability or assurance of the safety for such activities must be accounted for. Finally, establishment of financial system for long term waste management in Indonesia needs to be implemented to ensure that the radioactive waste will not be the burden on future generations.Received: 21 April 2009; Revised: 18 August 2009; Accepted: 25 August 200

    Management of Radioactive Waste From Operation of Nuclear Power Plant -Perspective for Indonesian Program-

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    MANAGEMENT OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE FROM OPERATION OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT -PERSPECTIVE FOR INDONESIAN PROGRAM-. Nuclear power is the only energy industry which takes full responsibility for all its wastes, and costs this into the product. Nuclear power is characterized by the very large amount of energy available from a very small amount of fuel. The amount of waste is also relatively small. It is predicted in the near future of Indonesia NPP program, about approximately 200m3 of low and intermediate level waste and 6,76m3 of spent fuel is taken each year from the core of a l000 MWe Nuclear Power Plant. There is a new option for the spent fuel management i.e. repatriation of the spent fuel to the supplier country through Global Energy Partnership (GNEP) or Developing Global Nuclear Infrastructure (DGNI) programs. Disposal methods for radioactive wastes vary in many countries. The two main options currently employed or planned by countries are, near surface disposal facilities (for short lived and low level waste); and geologic repositories (for long lived and high level waste)

    Analysis of the Institutional Framework for Radioactive Waste Management in Indonesia

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    The analysis of the infrastructure for radioactive waste management in Indonesia has been studied using several parameters, i.e. policy, regulatory authorities and their regulations, implementing organizations and financial system. By considering the International trends and the Indonesian program to utilize nuclear power, the infrastructure of radioactive waste management needs to be improved. The Act No. 10/1997 on Nuclear Energy for the future beneficence will have to be amended to incorporate several missing key points on waste management, such as definition of radioactive waste, disposal of Low and Intermediate Level Waste (LILW), and classification of waste. Full involvement of some important stakeholders, especially the State Ministry of Environment, on the radioactive waste management infrastructure is required since some radioactive waste is generated from non nuclear waste. Assigning full authority to the State Ministry of Environment for regulating radioactive waste generated by non nuclear facilities may be more effective, whereas BAPETEN is still holding onto control over the waste generated from nuclear facilities. In the near future, several regulations on clearance level, classification of waste, NORM/TENORM, and financial system are expected to be set up for urgent need. By considering the high risk for handling of radioactivity, including for transportation and storage, the liability or assurance of the safety for such activities must be accounted for. Finally, establishment of financial system for long term waste management in Indonesia needs to be implemented to ensure that the radioactive waste will not be the burden on future generations.Received: 21 April 2009; Revised: 18 August 2009; Accepted: 25 August 200

    Prakiraan Hasil Pucuk Teh Atas Dasar Jumlah Hujan Bulanan di Kebun Pagilaran.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara hasit pucuk teh tahunan dengan jumlah hujan bulanan dan menggunakan taraf hubungan ini untuk membuat prakiraan hasil pucuk teh di waktu yang akan datang. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan survai di perusahaan teh Pagilaran di Batang, dalam bulan Maret 2000. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan metode regresi-korelasi. Hashi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang relatif tinggi antara hujan dalam bulan Maret, Mei, Juni, Juli, Agustus, September dan November dengan basil pucuk teh tahunan. Ini artinya memprakirakan basil pucuk teh tahunan diwaktu yang akan datang. Untuk itu prakiraan dapat dilakukan pada awal April, awal Juni, awal Juli, awal Agustus, awal September , awal Oktober, tetapi prakiraan yang paling bermanfaat adalah prakiraan pada awal April. This study is to seek the relationships between annual leaves of tea crops yield with monthly rainfall and using the relationships to forcast the annual leaves of tea crops yields in the future. The study was carried out in Pagilaran tea factory during Mart 2000 by survey. data collected then are analysed by mean of regression-correlation methode. The result reveal that there are relatively high correlation between Mart, May, June, July, August, September and November rainfall with annual leaves of tea crops yield. So, The montly rainfall of the seven months can be used to forcast the annual leaves of tea crops yield in the future. The forcasting should be held early of April, early of June, early of July, early of August, early of September, early of October and early of December. Te most accurate forcasting is the early October forcasting but the most advantage forcasting is early April focasting. Key Words : Yield, Forcasting, tea

    Pengaruh pembenah tanah terhadap efisiensi penggunaan air tanaman kedelai (Glycine max L.) pada regosol=Effect of soil conditioner on water use efficiency of soybean (Glycine Max L) Grown in regosol

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    ABSTRAK An experiment on the effect of soil conditioner on water use efficiency of soybean grown in Regosol was conducted in greenhouse and Soil Physics and Chemistry Laboratory, Soil Science Departement, Agriculture Faculty, Gadjah Mada University. The experiment started in May 1997 until November 1997. Completely Randomized Design with two factors, soil conditioner and watering frequency, was used. The first factor: soil conditioner with two kinds of soil conditioner e.g. spent mushroom substrates (SMS) with concentration of 0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0% and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) solution with concentration of 0.05 %, 0.1 %, 0.2 %, and untreated as control. The second factorwatering interval of all treatments were 3, 5, or 7 days. The objective of the experiment was to examine and compare the effect of applying spent mushroom substrates and polyvinyl alcohol as soil conditioner on soybean water use efficiency. The result showed that soil conditioner improved soil physical properties related to the soil capability to keep soil moisture available for plants. Significant interaction between the use of soil conditioner and watering frequency was noted with respect to plant water use and yield water use efficiencies. Soil conditioner increased water use efficiency, but no significant differences of water use and yield-water use efficiencies between the two materials of soil conditioner disregarding what frequent watering was given. Concentration 1 % spent mushroom substrates coupled with watering at three day interval led to better efficiency in both plant water use and yield water use. Keywords: polyvinyl alcohol - spent mushroom substrates - water use efficienc


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    This study aimed to compare and to determine the difference in the relationship between the weight of the digestive tract organs with the body weight of bali cattle and limousine cattle at the same age and sex.. Sampling was carried out by purposive sampling. Data of body weight and digestive tract organs of Bali cattle and Limousin cattle were analyzed using t-test. The relationship between digestive tract organs weight and body weight correlation analysis using correlation test. The effect of digestive tract organ weight on body weight was analyzed using a simple linear regression test. The results of this study showed that body weight and digestive tract organ weights in bali cattle and limousine cattle had significant differences (P<0.05). The weight of the rumen reticulum and large intestine had a strong relationship with body weight in bali cattle (r = 0.638; r = 0.761) compared to the weight of other digestive tract organs. The weight of the rumen reticulum has a strong relationship with the body weight of limousine cattle (r = 0.684) compared to other digestive tract organs. The regression model between body weight and the weight of the rumen reticulum and large intestine in bali cattle were y = 39,962x + 124.86 (r2=0,407) and y = 64,501x +78,928 (r2=0,579). The regression model between body weight and rumen reticulum weight in Bali cattle was y = 23,152x+281,06 (r2=0,467). The two breeds of cattle have differences in body weight, the weight of the digestive tract organs, and the relationship between body weight and the weight of the digestive tract organs

    Infiltrasi, sifat fisik tanah dan erosi pada berbagai lereng tangkapan mikro sub das kali babon Kabupaten Semarang=Infiltration, Soil Physical Properties and Erosion on Micro Catchment with Various Slope in Sub Kali ...

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    A research was done in Kedji, Ungaran District, Semarang Regency from November 2001 to April 2002, to study the infiltration rate, soil physical properties, and erosion rate of a small plot having different gradient scattered in microcatchment of sub Babon river watershed, Semarang Regency. Experimental design was Split Plot with three replicates, microcatchment of Tegalan and Rambutan as main plot, and slope: 15,25,40, and 60% as sub plot. Plot of 1 x 1 m2 size were made in levelled soil surface no tillage, on flat open spot free from gravels and shading from plant canopy or tree trunk in each respective designations. Soil texture, organic matter, soil aggregate stability, bulk density, permeability, pori distribution, and pH were taken from 0-10 cm soil depth were determined from samples. Rainfall, run off and soil loss were measured from daily rainfall. Volume of infiltration was calculated from effective rainfall minus run-off. Effective rainfall was calculated from rainfall ombro meter multiplied with slope degree. Infiltration capacity was measured using double ring infiltrometer method and calculated using Horton formula. Rainfall erosivity was determined using Bols and EI^ formula. Soil erodibility value was determined following USLE and using nomograph. The results indicated that higher slope degree affected reduce volume, rate, and capacity of infiltration, and increased run-off and soil loss. However, increase of run-off occurred following exponential graph. In Tegalan and Rambutan microcatchments open space with no vegetation, during rainy season there would be reduction of organic matter, soil permeability, rapid drainage pores, and water available pores accompanied with an increase of bulk density. In Tegalan microcatchment, run-off, soil loss, and erodibility were higher. On the oher hand, in Rambutan microcatchment, infiltration, organic matter, and soil aggregate stability were higher, resulting in a more stable condition to erosion. Result also found that predicted soil erodibility value using USLE formula was lower than nomograph. Keywords: infiltration -slope-micro catchment and erosio
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