7,537 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan suatu produk baru yang berupa handout melakukan pekerjaan dengan mesin bubut di SMK PIRI 1 Yogyakarta. Tujuan lain dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tahapan pengembangan dan kelayakan dari handout melakukan pekerjaan dengan mesin bubut sesuai dengan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) di SMK PIRI 1 Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan ((Research and Development)). Pengembangan produk baru berupa handout mata pelajaran kerja mesin melalui beberapa tahap, yaitu (1) studi pendahuluan; (2) perencanaan; (3) pengembangan produk awal; (4) revisi desain; (5) uji coba lapangan awal; (6) revisi I; (7) uji coba lapangan utama; (8) revisi II; (9) uji coba lapangan operasional; (10) revisi produk akhir; dan (11) penyempurnaan produk. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Siswa kelas XI Jurusan Teknik Pemesinan SMK PIRI 1 Yogyakarta. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa angket. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif untuk mengetahui kelayakan handout pembelajaran melakukan pekerjaan dengan mesin bubut. Hasil penelitian ini adalah media pembelajaran yang dihasilkan berupa produk berbentuk handout mata pelajaran melakukan pekerjaan dengan mesin bubut. Berdasarkan silabus, standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar materi-materi kemudian dikembangkan menjadi tiga (3) buah handout. Materi pokok dari tiap handout, yaitu (1) handout 1: menjelaskan pengertian mesin bubut dan macam-macam serta bagian-bagian mesin bubut; (2) handout 2: menjelaskan pengertian alat potong dan kecepatan-kecepatan mesin bubut; (3) handout 3: menjelaskan roda gigi pengganti dan proses pembubutan. Uji kelayakan terhadap handout pembelajaran melakukan pekerjaan dengan mesin bubut yang dikembangkan, menurut penilaian dosen ahli materi memperoleh skor rata-rata keseluruhan sebesar 3,46 dengan kriteria penilaian baik, guru Program Studi Teknik Pemesinan sebagai ahli materi memperoleh rata-rata skor keseluruhan 4,4 dengan kriteria penilaian sangat baik, dari ahli media memperoleh rata-rata skor keseluruhan sebesar 4,05 dengan kriteria penilaian baik, dan dari uji lapangan memperoleh rata-rata skor keseluruhan sebesar 4,12 dengan kriteria penilaian baik. Standar kelayakan handout apabila skor rata-rata keseluruhan tidak kurang dari standar minimal yaitu baik. Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa handout melakukan pekerjaan dengan mesin bubut di SMK PIRI 1 Yogyakarta yang dikembangkan sudah baik sehingga layak digunakan untuk mendukung pembelajaran melakukan pekerjaan dengan mesin bubut


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    Emha Ainun Nadjib or more familiarly called Cak Nun is someone who is multitalented because apart from being a preacher, he is also known to the public as a writer, culturalist, and scholar. With his abilities, Cak Nun formed a group of religious activities capable of accommodating people with heterogeneous patterns. In practice, the Padhang Mbulan recitation is carried out on the night of the full moon every month with a short time starting at night until the early hours of the morning. The learning method used in the Padhang Mbulan recitation is interactive and communicative lectures such as free and open questions and answers, punctuated with humor, using language that is easily accepted by the community, and supported by traditional and modern instrumental music. This study discusses (1) how the journey of the Padhang Mbulan recitation in Jombang in 1994-2020, (2) how the uniqueness of the Padhang Mbulan recitation in Jombang, (3) how the influence of Emha Ainun Nadjib's thinking culture on the Padhang Mbulan recitation congregation in Jombang In this study, the writer uses historical research methods which include heuristics or source collection, then verification or source criticism, followed by interpretation or interpretation of sources, and ends with historiography or writing of historical facts. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the spread of intellectual culture carried out by Cak Nun to the Padhang Mbulan recitation congregation which will later have an impact on the life behavior of the congregation such as a patient and resilient spirit, a high tolerance attitude, a critical attitude towards something, and broad insight. Keywords: Cak Nun, Padhang Mbulan, Spreadin


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    PT. Blambangan Foodpacker Indonesia is a company of fishery industry that result a product, its product called by Sarden. This company supplies its product trough two sources area. They are Muncar and Banyuwangi. The supply of product in this company is rise, so it needed a planning of product distribution. The aim of this distribution is to minimize the cost of product delivery. Based on that fact, so it necessary to apply the transportation method. It is done to determine the suitable product allocation and to minimize the delivery cost. There are same steps to apply the transportation method. The first, we predict the supply for July – September 2006 by using trend linier and trend exponential method. Then we chose the value of least MAPE. Next, the result of forecasting is processed by NWCR (North West Corner Rule) method. The last, testing by MODI method so it can be gotten the optimum allocation From the result of processing data can result the optimum solution by cast total Rp 924.603.000, 00. It can be compared before applying the transportation method. It is Rp 926.590.000, 00. So, it is gotten the saving Rp 1.987.000, 00. Another that method, we can also use software QS to get the saving


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    One of the most important ideologies that had given great influence to national revival in Europe and the World globally of the early XX century was fasism and nationalist-socialism. These Ideologies spread and competed with another great ideologies, such as liberalism, capitalism, socialism, and communism. As the main part of the European colonies, Asia had been affected by the spread of world facism, and nationalist-socialism immediately, including the Dutch-East-Indies, ecspecially on the island of Java. The creation of facism and nationalist-socialism on the islands of Java which were inseparable from the coming of these ideologies to their mother country, the Kingdom of Netherlands, so it created some of party such as Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging (NSB), Partai Fasis Indonesia (PFI), Partai Indonesia Raya (Parindra), and Gerakan Rakyat Indonesia (Gerindo). The outbreak of the Second World War brought the facism and nationalist-socialism to be one of the special movement in the islands of Java. The combination between historical romanticism and the presence of these “extreme” ideologies, influenced the nation’s leaders in expressing their thoughts, so these ideologies indeed gave a special part to the independence of Indonesia. Keywords: Facism, Nationalism-Socialism, Ideolog


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    This study is kinds of historical study which used some historical method, such as: heuristc (the source collection, critic (the source validity), interpretation, historiography (the historical writing). The purpose of this study is to explain the establishing background of TPQ at 1990, to describe TPQ progress in Gedangan Sidoarjo at 1990-2015, and to analyze the roleof TPQ toward the growth of religious education in Keboan Sikep Gedangan Sidoarjo 1990- 2015. Nowadays the Al-Qur’an educational institution, such as TPQ/TKQ or the others has enough advanced with PP No.55 Tahun 2007 about religion educational and religious educational being passed, the existence of TPQ getting stronger, this demands the organizers to be more competen. The professional establishing of TPQ becomes more important for the society which has Al-Qur’an teachers who already have reciting skill and teaching Al-Qur’an. There are some factors which give effect for progress of TPQ. They are management, curriculum, and role. If the factors give well development, it will give positive effect for TPQ in Keboan Sikep Gedangan Sidoarjo., like to increase and give education for society to get good religion educational, to develop all childhood potency for create childhood educational completely so that later can build the ideal generation in the future, have good character, intelligent and independent, also assist the governmet to develop science based education.This swtudy is trying to describe the progress of TPQ in Keboan Sikep village Gedangan Sidoarjo from 1990 until 2015. The result of this study is striving becomes concept and discourse also the early action to develop TPQ in Indonesia religion educational institution. Keywords: Al-Qur’an education garden (TPQ), progress, role


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    The purpose of writing a thesis entitled Dolly's Pimp Network in Surabaya in 1967 – 1999 was to examine the background and factors that led to the emergence that led the government to issue Regional Regulation No. 7 of 1999 concerning the prohibition of using a place/building as an immoral act, as well as forms of pimp networks that occur among prostitution actors. The methods and sources used in the research are historical research methods which include four stages, namely; Heuristics, Source Criticism, Interpretation, and Historiography. Supporting sources in preparing the dissertations used by researchers were primary sources such as articles in contemporary newspapers and magazines Liberty magazine, Pewarta Surabaja, compass, results of a population survey from the Central Bureau of Statistics from 1970 – 2000, and reports from the Surabaya city education office. The secondary source used is in the form of books as a supporting source.The results of this study indicate that the shape of the pimp network that exists in Dolly's localization is a connecting road that facilitates the running of the prostitution business in Dolly's localization. The network of prostitutes in the brothel consists of pimps, pimp brokers, prostitutes, and customers who were formed because of their business interests in prostitution and a sense of trust. Dolly's pimp network was formed in 1967 when Dolly Van De Mart first set up a guesthouse in the Putat Jaya area to become a brothel complex which was named the largest prostitution complex in Southeast Asia. Keywords: Dolly Gang, Pimp Network, Prostitutio


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    The modern Islamic boarding school named Darussalam Gontor, is an Islamic educational institution that has become the center of all modern-based Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia, because it has started the establishment of modern-based Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. Darusssalam Gontor Islamic boarding school implementing the modernization that carried out by santri in a well-structured learning system and schedule. In the middle of Gontor’s development in 1967, it had a dark history called the santri agitation in 19th of March or known as Persemar. Persemar 1967 is an agitation that carried out by santri of Darussalam Gontor modern Islamic boarding school in 1967. The agitation began with the emergence of several unproven accusations and negative incitement against the Kyai of the Darussalam Gontor modern Islamic boarding school itself. The agitation culminated on 19th of March 1967 with screaming and cheering while making a commotion and ignoring to politeness. It also destroying some of the inventories that belong to Darussalam Gontor Islamic boarding school. The perpetrator of the agitation was a santri in 5th year KMI experiment and was supported by several ustadz to make the Darussalam Gontor modern Islamic boarding school stands for one-group The problem formulations that used in this research are (1) What is the relationship between the agitation on 19 March 1967 and the 1965 rebellion of the Indonesian Communist Party? (2) in the agitation in 1967, why dothe santri ask Gontor to affiliated with other parties or organizations? (3) What was the role of the Kyai policy of the Darussalam Gontor modern Islamic boarding school in the agitation of March, 19th 1967? The steps that used this research method are the Heuristic stage, Source Criticism, Interpretation and Historiography. The tensions of the political conditions in Indonesia in 1965-1966 caused the chaos to community organizations and the modern Islamic boarding school, Darussalam Gontor. Several santri and teachers of the Darussalam Gontor modern Islamic boarding school were invited to affiliate with certain groups to get a lot of support and become the main reason of the agitation in March 19th, 1967 occurred. However, due to the insistence of the modern Islamic boarding school motto, Darusssalam Gontor, "Stand above and for all groups" Modern Islamic boarding schools have managed to maintain their motto for not affiliated with any organization or group to date. Keywords: agitation, santri, Darussalam Gontor modern islamic boarding school, Persemar 196


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    uring the colonial period, the Tulungagung area also recognized the term labor or romusha. Romusha is a forced labor system implemented by the Japanese government during the colonial period. Romusha workers in Tulungagung were ordered to build various infrastructures to support the activities of the colonial government. One of the buildings that became an icon during the colonial period was the South Tulungagung Tunnel or known as the Niyama Tunnel. , and so forth. This can not be separated from the influence of historiography which is Indonesiacentric. Writing history from the point of view of Indonesians has dominated our country. The stories that were written were then developed into the science of history and entered educational institutions. Therefore, the doctrine of the cruelty of the invaders is deeply embedded in the memory and rooted from generation to generation. It aims to increase nationalism in order to maintain Indonesian independence. However, is there not the slightest positive side caused by colonialism. This paper aims to analyze Indonesia-centric historiography to explore the period of colonialism and draw it in a more positive direction. This study discusses: (1) What was the public's view of the Niyama tunnel before 1986?; (2) How is the process of changing the name of niyama so that it is of wisdom value?; (3) How did the name change affect people's views after changing the name of Niyama to Tunnel Like Prosperity after 1986? This study uses a historical research method which consists of four stages, namely the heuristic process, namely the collection of sources obtained from the Regional Library of Tulungagung Regency, the Tulungagung Archives Agency, and others. The second stage is source criticism, namely testing and verifying the sources obtained. The third stage is interpretation, which is interpreting the data that has been obtained and has passed the verification process. The fourth stage is historiography, namely writing the results of historical research chronologically and analytically according to the research theme. . The results of this study indicate that giving a more Indonesian-centric name to the niyama tunnel is considered to strengthen the sense of Nationalism not merely to forget history as a whole. good or bitter memories of the Niyama tunnel. People's memories that have been positively suggested are then directed and guided by the government on how to open or cultivate new ex-swamp lands in Tulungagung. The success of the New Order government in changing the mindset of the people of Tulungagung and the implementation of the mass guidance program has increased agricultural production. Many new lands have been opened, such as swamps that have dried up and were converted into agricultural land where the previous year (1985) was only 769.50 hectares with a total area of 769.50 hectares. production of 4,142.2 tons which increased in 1986 to 5,873.4 tons. Even though after 1986 the harvested area experienced a narrowing but was able to produce more production, it indicated the success of the Bimas program held in Tulungagung Regency so that it was able to harvest three times in a year. Keywords: Opinion, Niyama, Cruel, Wisdo


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    Zakat Infaq and Sadaqah Muhammadiyah Charitable Institusions (LAZISMU) is a zakat management institution that has a obligation to empower the community’s economy. LAZISMU is used as a solution to poverty and social welfare problems. The distribution of zakat funds obtained is used finance various productive skills activities, providing capital for work and asssistance for beginners. LAZISMU has several programs including education, economics, sosial, healthat and da’wah. In carrying out the program, LAZISMU members use creative and innovative ways to attract people’s attention in channeling their funds. This study discusses (1) How is the history of the establishment of the Zakat Infaq and Sadaqah Muhammadiyah Charity Institute in Gresik? (2) How is the development of the Zakat Infaq and Sadaqah Muhammadiyah Charity Institutions in development the community’s economy in Gresik? (3) How is influence of the Zakat Infaq and Sadaqah Muhammadiyah Charity Institutions in the economy of the people in Gresik 2010-2020?. In thus study, the author uses hisorical research methods which include heuristics (source collection), then verification or source criticism, followed by interpretition or interpretaation of soursch and finnaly historiography or historical fact. The purpose of thus study is ti analyze how the influence of the charity Zakat Infaq and Sadaqah Muhammadiyah (LAZISMU) in the economy of the people in Gresik 2010-2020. The results of this study are sought to be a form of public awareness in distributing zakat, infaq and sadaqah fund at LAZISMU to be distributed to people in need.LAZISMU has a great influence on the community, with LAZISMU the community feels helped in meeting their needs and is able to reduce poverty. Keyword: LAZISMU, economis development, Gresik peopl


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    Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa untuk mempraktekkan ilmu yang bersifat teoretis yang telah diterima di perkuliahan. Pada saat PPL ini mahasiswa diberikan kesempatan untuk mengaplikasikan teori-teori tersebut sekaligus mencari ilmu secara empirik dan bersifat faktual, tidak sekedar teoritis seperti pada saat di perkuliahan. Kegiatan PPL dapat bertujuan untuk mendapatkan berbagai pengalaman mengenai proses pembelajaran dan kegiatan dalam lingkungan sekolah yang digunakan sebagai bekal menjadi tenaga pendidik yang memiliki nilai, sikap, pengetahuan, dan ketrampilan yang digunakan sebagai tenaga pendidik. Kegiatan PPL ini dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa kependidikan di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran PPL langsung pada lingkungan sekolah. Sekolah yang digunakan sebagai tempat praktek ini adalah SMP Negeri 1 Prambanan Klaten, yang dilaksanakan mulai dari tanggal 2 Juli 2014 hingga tanggal 17 September 2014. Pelaksanaan PPL ini dilakukan dengan mengajar di kelas selama kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah tersebut sesuai jadwal yang sudah ditentukan. Pengajaran di kelas pada kegiatan PPL ini diharapkan dapat dilakukan minimal 8 kali pertemuan, namun praktikan dapat melakukan kegiatan pengajaran di kelas sebanyak 6 kali dalam satu kelas, sedangkan kelas yang diajar sebanyak 3 kelas, yaitu kelas VII A, VII B dan, VII C . Metode yang digunakan dalam pengajaran di kelas antara lain, komando, resiprokal, kooperatif, dan diskusi. Untuk mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran digunakan beberapa media, antara lain power point, “make a macth”, STAD, Diskusi dan ceramah . Banyak kendala dan hambatan selama waktu dilaksanakannya PPL, baik yang bersifat intern maupun ekstern, diantaranya dalam pengkondisian kelas, Penilaian berbagai aspek seperti spiritual dan sikap. Namun, hal ini merupakan suatu kenyataan bahwa anak usia SMP memang dalam perkembangan seperti itu, dan hal ini merupakan suatu proses untuk menuju yang lebih baik. Dengan adanya kegiatan PPL ini, praktikan mendapat bekal pangalaman dan gambaran nyata tentang kegiatan dalam dunia pendidikan khususnya di sekolah. Adanya kerjasama, kerja keras dan disiplin akan sangat mendukung terlaksananya program-program PPL dengan sukses. Dengan terselesaikannya kegiatan PPL ini diharapkan dapat tercipta tenaga pendidik yang professional dan berkualitas
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