144 research outputs found

    Detection of host proteins in the intestine of triatoma infestans by agar double diffusion tests

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    Dinámica de la transmisión de la enfermedad de Chagas en la vivienda rural

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    Fil: Wisnivesky Colli, María Cristina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    Probability of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission by Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) to the opossum Didelphis albiventris (Marsupialia: Didelphidae)

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    The probability of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission to opossums by independent events of predation and fecal contamination during feeding ("biting") with positive Triatoma infestans was estimated. Negative female opossums were challenged for 23 hr with 10 infected third and fourth instars of T. infestans, and tests for positivity for T. cruzi by xenodiagnosis were performed at 30, 60, and 90 days. From these data, seven probability parameters were estimated by maximum likelihood, and likelihood ratio statistics confidence intervals were calculated. Simultaneous estimation of p1 (probability that a "bite" will infect an opossum), p3 (probability that a bug that has been eaten by an opossum will infect it), and p6 (probability that the opossum will become infected if faced with an infected triatomine), resulted in p̂1 = 0.06, p̂3 = 0.075, and p̂6 = 0.059. On average, each opossum should be exposed to an average of 700 encounters with bugs during its life, resulting in about eight potentially infective contacts, to produce the 35% opossum prevalence found in the field.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Probability of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission by Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) to the opossum Didelphis albiventris (Marsupialia: Didelphidae)

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    The probability of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission to opossums by independent events of predation and fecal contamination during feeding ("biting") with positive Triatoma infestans was estimated. Negative female opossums were challenged for 23 hr with 10 infected third and fourth instars of T. infestans, and tests for positivity for T. cruzi by xenodiagnosis were performed at 30, 60, and 90 days. From these data, seven probability parameters were estimated by maximum likelihood, and likelihood ratio statistics confidence intervals were calculated. Simultaneous estimation of p1 (probability that a "bite" will infect an opossum), p3 (probability that a bug that has been eaten by an opossum will infect it), and p6 (probability that the opossum will become infected if faced with an infected triatomine), resulted in p̂1 = 0.06, p̂3 = 0.075, and p̂6 = 0.059. On average, each opossum should be exposed to an average of 700 encounters with bugs during its life, resulting in about eight potentially infective contacts, to produce the 35% opossum prevalence found in the field.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Ecología urbana de Triatoma infestans en Argentina: asociación entre Triatoma infestans y palomares

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    A study was undertaken in an urban area of the capital city of the province of San Juan, Argentina, in a housing complex of 768 flats distributed in buildings of 3 and 7 floors each surrouding an abandoned central winery. A total of 329 Triatoma infestans were captured, 293 on 4 terraces of seven-floor-towers and 36 inside the winery, associated with the great number of pigeons which nest in those places. The bugs were sheltered in the dung accumulated between the cement blocks used to floor the terraces and inside the unused tuns in the winery. Two main bug foci were identified associated with the dense pigeon colonies: 81,5% of the T. infestans collected were found in one of the towers (4B) and 11% in the central winery. After six months of insecticidal sprayind of the infested areas, those terraces in wich T. infestans had not been previously found resulted gave positive results. The feeding profile of triatomines shows a predominance of simple bird blood meals; in the buildings and the winery 95% of the T. infestans analized were identified for bird blood meals; the rest had fed on one or more sources: human, dogs or cats. None of the T. infestans was infected by T. cruzi.Estudio se realizó en una área urbana de la Capital de la Provincia de San Juan, Argentina, en un barrio de 768 apartamentos distribuidos en edificios de 3 y 7 pisos que rodean una bodega central abandonada. Se capturaron 329 ejemplares de Triatoma infestans, 293 en 4 terrazas de torres de 7 pisos y 36 en el interior de la bodega, associados con numerosas palomas que colomizaban estos sitios. Los insectos se refugiaban en el guano acumulado entre bloques de cemento que cubren las terrazas y en la bodega dentro de toneles en desuso. Se identificaron dos focos principales de vectores associados con densos palomares: un 81,5% del total de triatomas colectados se halló en una de las torres y un 11% en la bodega. A los 6 meses del tratamiento insecticida, resultaron positivas terrazas en las que previamente no se habia capturado T. infestans. El perfil alimentario de los triatomas muestra un predominio de ingestas simples sobre ave; en los edificios y en la bodega el 95% de los T. infestans analizados se alimentó sólo de ave; el resto fueron ingestas simples o dobles sobre humano, perro o gato. Ningún T. infestans presentó infección con Trypanosoma cruzi.Estudo realizado em local urbano da capital da Província de San Juan, Argentina, num bairro de 768 apartamentos distribuídos em prédios de 3 e 7 andares que cingem uma adega vinícola abandonada. Foram coletados 329 exemplares de Triatoma infestans, 293 em 4 terraços das torres de 7 andares e 36 no interior da adega, associados às numerosas pombas que colonizavam esses sítios. Os insetos refugiavam-se no excremento cumulado entre os blocos de cimento que cobrem os terraços e, na adega, dentro de tonéis fora de uso. Foram identificados dois focos principais de vetores, associados com densos pombais: 81,5% do total de triatomas coletados foram apanhados em uma das torres e 11% na adega. Após 6 meses de tratamento com inseticida, foram positivos os terraços onde anteriormente não se tinha coletado o T. infestans. O perfil alimentar dos triatomas mostra predomínio de sangue de aves; nos edifícios e na adega 95% dos T. infestans analisados alimentaram-se somente de aves; os demais fizeram repastos simples ou mistos em humanos, cães ou gatos. Nenhum T. infestans apresentou infecção com Trypanosoma cruzi

    Molecular characterization of cryptic and sympatric lymnaeid species from the Galba/Fossaria group in Mendoza Province, Northern Patagonia, Argentina

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    Background Freshwater lymnaeid snails can act as the intermediate hosts for trematode parasites such as the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica, that cause significant economic and biomedical burden worldwide, particularly through bovine fascioliasis. Transmission potential is tightly coupled to local compatibility with snail hosts, so accurate identification of lymnaeid species is crucial for understanding disease risk, especially when invasive species are encountered. Mendoza Province, in Argentina, is a center of livestock production and also an area of endemic fascioliasis transmission. However, the distribution of lymnaeid species in the region is not well known. Methods This study examined lymnaeid snails from seven localities in the Department of Malarguë, Mendoza Province, using morphological and molecular analyses and also describing ecological variables associated with snail presence. Results While morphological characters identified two species of lymnaeid, Galba truncatula and G. viatrix, molecular data revealed a third, cryptic species, G. neotropica, which was sympatric with G. viatrix. G. truncatula was exclusively found in high altitude (>1900 meters above sea level [masl]) sites, whereas mixed G. neotropica/G. viatrix localities were at middle elevations (1300–1900 masl), and G. viatrix was found alone at the lowest altitude sites (<1300 masl). Phylogenetic analysis using two mitochondrial markers revealed G. neotropica and G. viatrix to be closely related, and given their morphological similarities, their validities as separate taxonomic entities should be questioned. Conclusions This study highlights the need of a robust taxonomic framework for the identification of lymnaeid snails, incorporating molecular, morphological and ecological variables while avoiding nomenclature redundancy. As the three species observed here, including one alien invasive species, are considered hosts of varying susceptibility to Fasciola parasites, and given the economic importance of fascioliasis for livestock production, this research has critical importance for the ultimate aim of controlling disease transmission

    Contribuição dos humanos, cães e gatos à transmissão do Trypanosoma cruzi na Região do Chaco Argentino

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    Foi determinada a prevalência da infecção por T. cruzi nos humanos, cães e gatos, pertencentes a 47 rancherías em três povoados rurais; Guanaco Muerto (Córdoba), La Invernada e Amamás (Santiago del Estero), mediante reações seroldgicas e xenodiagnóstico. Poram examinadas 245 pessoas, 123 cães e 14 gatos. A taxa de prevalência na população foi entre 58,7% (GM) e 49,6% (LI). Foram detectados 76% de cães infectados, o que resultou significativamente superior aos 51% encontrados nos humanos. As porcentagens de cães (64,2%) e gatos (63,6%) com parasitemia foram significativamente superiores à correspondente aos humanos (12,5%). Se bem que 79% dos gatos estavam infectados, sua pequena quantidade e seus hábitos de perambulação determinam que sua participação na transmissão doméstica do T. cruzi seja restrita. Não obstante existir em média um maior número de humanos que de cães em cada lar, tanto de sujeitos sãos como infectados (6,5 vs. 3,3 e 3,4 vs. 2,4, respectivamente), foram detectados também na média mais cães que humanos com parasitemia em cada casa (2,1 vs. 1,0). As altas porcentagens de cães infectados e com parasitemia, além do hábito de repouso intra-domiciliário o qual ocasiona estreito contacto entre eles e os barbeiros determinam que os cães sejam os principais provedores de parásitos à disposição para a transmissão, e os hospedeiros mais importantes para /nanutenção da doença de Chagas na Região do Chaco Argentino.Trypanosoma cruzi prevalence rates of human, dog and cat populations from 47 households of 3 rural localities of the phytogeographical Chaqueña area of Argentina were determined both by serological and xenodiagnostic procedures. Human prevalence rates were uniform and ranged from 49.6 to 58.7%. Overall prevalence rate in dogs (75.0%) was significantly higher than in humans (51.0%). The overall proportion of parasitemic individuals assessed by xenodiagnosis was significantly higher in either dog (64.2%) or cat (63.6%) populations than among humans (12.5%). Although both the average number of resident as well as infected individuals per household was higher for people than for dogs (6.5 vs. 3.3, and 3.4 vs. 2.4, respectively), the reverse was recorded when parasitemic individuals were considered (1.0 vs. 2.1). Results are discussed in relation to dog between dogs and people, and dogs and bugs. In the light of present data, dogs must be considered as the major donors of parasites to vector bugs and thus, principal contributors to transmission in this region of Argentina

    Probability of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission by Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) to the opossum Didelphis albiventris (Marsupialia: Didelphidae)

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    The probability of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission to opossums by independent events of predation and fecal contamination during feeding ("biting") with positive Triatoma infestans was estimated. Negative female opossums were challenged for 23 hr with 10 infected third and fourth instars of T. infestans, and tests for positivity for T. cruzi by xenodiagnosis were performed at 30, 60, and 90 days. From these data, seven probability parameters were estimated by maximum likelihood, and likelihood ratio statistics confidence intervals were calculated. Simultaneous estimation of p1 (probability that a "bite" will infect an opossum), p3 (probability that a bug that has been eaten by an opossum will infect it), and p6 (probability that the opossum will become infected if faced with an infected triatomine), resulted in p̂1 = 0.06, p̂3 = 0.075, and p̂6 = 0.059. On average, each opossum should be exposed to an average of 700 encounters with bugs during its life, resulting in about eight potentially infective contacts, to produce the 35% opossum prevalence found in the field.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse
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