19 research outputs found

    Friction and wear of selected metals and alloys in sliding contact with AISI 440 C stainless steel in liquid methane and in liquid natural gas

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    Aluminum, titanium, beryllium, nickel, iron, copper, and several copper alloys were run in sliding contact with AISI 440C in liquid methane and natural gas. All of the metals run except copper and the copper alloys of tin and tin-lead showed severely galled wear scars. Friction coefficients varied from 0.2 to 1.0, the lowest being for copper, copper-17 wt. % tin, and copper-8 wt. % tin-22 wt. % lead. The wear rate for copper was two orders of magnitude lower than that of the other metals run. An additional order of magnitude of wear reduction was achieved by the addition of tin and/or lead to copper

    Friction and wear of titanium alloys and copper alloys sliding against titanium 6-percent-aluminum - 4-percent-vanadium alloy in air at 430 C

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    Experiments were conducted to determine the friction and wear characteristics of aluminum bronzes and copper-tin, titanium-tin, and copper-silver alloys sliding against a titanium-6% aluminum-4% vanadium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V). Hemispherically tipped riders of aluminum bronze and the titanium and copper alloys were run against Ti-6Al-4V disks in air at 430 C. The sliding velocity was 13 cm/sec, and the load was 250 g. Results revealed that high tin content titanium and copper alloys underwent significantly less wear and galling than commonly used aluminum bronzes. Also friction force was less erratic than with the aluminum bronzes

    Method of fabricating an abradable gas path seal

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    The thermal shock resistance of a ceramic layer is improved. The invention is particularly directed to an improved abradable lining that is deposited on shroud forming a gas path in turbomachinery. Improved thermal shock resistance of a shroud is effected through the deliberate introduction of benign cracks. These are microcracks which will not propagate appreciably upon exposure to the thermal shock environment in which a turbine seal must function. Laser surface fusion treatment is used to introduce these microcracks. The ceramic surface is laser scanned to form a continuous dense layer. As this layer cools and solidifies, shrinkage results in the formation of a very fine crack network. The presence of this deliberately introduced fine crack network precludes the formation of a catastrophic crack during thermal shock exposure

    Surface recrystallization theory of the wear of copper in liquid methane

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    Copper was subjected to sliding against 440C in liquid methane. The normal load range was from 1/4 to 2 kilograms, and the sliding velocity range was from 3.1 to 25 meters per second. Over this range of experimental parameters, the wear rate of the copper rider was found to be proportional to the sliding velocity squared and to the normal load. Transmission electron microscopy was used to study the dislocation structure in the copper very near the wear scar surface. It was found that near the wear scar surface, the microstructure was characterized by a fine-cell recrystallized zone in which individual dislocations could be distinguished in the cell walls. The interiors of the cells, about 0.5 micrometer in diameter, were nearly dislocation free. Below the recrystallized layer was a zone that was intensely cold worked by the friction process. With increasing depth, this intensely cold worked zone gradually became indistinguishable from the partially cold worked bulk of the copper, representative of the initial condition of the material

    Filled polymers for bearings and seals used in liquid hydrogen

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    Filled polytrifluorochloroethylene /PTFCE/ shows better thermal stability, less creep, and higher compressive moduli than filled polytetrafluoroethylene /PTFE/. Bearing and seal materials exhibiting the best characteristics contain a high percentage of PTFCE

    Laser surface fusion of plasma sprayed ceramic turbine seals

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    The thermal shock resistance of a ceramic layer is improved. An improved abradable lining that is deposited on a shroud forming a gas path seal in turbomachinery is emphasized. Improved thermal shock resistance of a shroud is effective through the deliberate introduction of 'benign' cracks. These are microcracks which will not propagate appreciably upon exposure to the thermal shock environment in which a turbine seal must function. Laser surface fusion treatment is used to introduce these microcracks. The ceramic surface is laser scanned to form a continuous dense layer. As this cools and solidifies, shrinkage results in the formation of a very fine crack network. The presence of this deliberately introduced fine crack network precludes the formation of a catastrophic crack during thermal shock exposure

    Preliminary study of cyclic thermal shock resistance of plasma-sprayed zirconium oxide turbine outer air seal shrouds

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    Several experimental concepts representing potential high pressure turbine seal material systems were subjected to cyclic thermal shock exposures similar to those that might be encountered under severe engine start-up and shut-down sequences. All of the experimental concepts consisted of plasma-sprayed yttria stabilized ZrO2 on the high temperature side of the blade tip seal shroud. Between the ZrO2 and a cooled, dense metal backing, various intermediate layer concepts intended to mitigate thermal stresses were incorporated. Performance was judged on the basis of the number of thermal shock cycles required to cause loss of seal material through spallation. The most effective approach was to include a low modulus, sintered metal pad between the ZrO2 and the metallic backing. It was also found that reducing the density of the ZrO2 layer significantly improved the performance of specimens with plasma-sprayed metal/ceramic composite intermediate layers

    Effect of chlorine purification on oxidation resistance of some mechanical carbons

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    Oxidation experiments were conducted with some experimental and commercial mechanical carbons at 650 C in dry air flowing at 28 cc/sec (STP). In general, purification of these carbon-graphites with chlorine at 2800 C improved oxidation resistance. Additional improvements in oxidation resistance were obtained from purification followed by an antioxidant (zinc phosphate) treatment. For the commercial materials, purification alone gave greater oxidation resistance than the antioxidant treatment alone. The reverse, however, was the case for the experimental materials

    Friction and wear of several compressor gas-path seal movements

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    Rub interaction experiments were conducted on a series of sintered and plasma sprayed compressor gas path seal materials in contact with Ti-6Al-4V blade tip and knife edge rotors. The most rub tolerant materials investigated were sintered Nichrome and plasma sprayed nickel 25 percent graphite. The effectiveness of providing a compliant substrate for dense seal material coatings was also demonstrated. In general, it was observed that rotor wear and high frictional energy generation rates accompanied smearing or surface densification of the materials investigated. The onset of smearing was sensitive to rub interaction parameters and seal geometry. Two complementary models were proposed to account for the smearing trends. One is based on thermal effects, the other on particulate escape effects. They were shown to be consistent with the experimental evidence at hand, and together they predict that smearing, with the onset of high energy rub conditions, is favored when incursion rates (radial motion) are low, incursion depths are high, the seal geometry is of a knife-edge character, and the seal particle size is small

    Friction and wear in cryogenic liquids for composites of phenolic and of polytetrafluoroethylene of various particle sizes and concentrations

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    Friction and wear in cryogenic liquids for phenolic and polytetrafluoroethylene composites of various particle sizes and concentration