398 research outputs found

    On the sum of squares of the coefficients of Bloch functions

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    In this article several types of inequalities for weighted sums of the moduli of Taylor coefficients for Bloch functions are provedComment: 13 page

    On the Fekete-Szeg\"o problem for concave univalent functions

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    We consider the Fekete-Szeg\"o problem with real parameter λ\lambda for the class Co(α)Co(\alpha) of concave univalent functions.Comment: 9 page

    On the Residuum of Concave Univalent Functions

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 30C25, 30C45.Let D denote the open unit disc and f:D→[`C] be meromorphic and injective in D. We further assume that f has a simple pole at the point p О (0,1) and is normalized by f(0) = 0 and f′(0) = 1. In particular, we are concerned with f that map D onto a domain whose complement with respect to [`C] is convex. Because of the shape of f(D) these functions will be called concave univalent functions with pole p and the family of these functions is denoted by Co(p). We determine for fixed p ∈ (0,1) the set of variability of the residuum of f, f ∈ Co(p)

    Évaluation du secteur communautaire du Service social de la Ville de Genève

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    Le Conseil administratif de la Ville de Genève a mandaté l'IDHEAP en tant qu'expert indépendant pour évaluer le secteur communautaire, une unité administrative rattachée au Service social. En prenant en considération les enjeux socio-sanitaires auxquels la Ville de Genève est confrontée, le concept d'étude proposé par l'Unité de politiques locales et d'évaluation de l'IDHEAP vise à établir un bilan de l'action du secteur communautaire, à déterminer la pertinence de cette action, son efficacité et son efficience, à tracer des perspectives en tenant compte notamment des prestations fournies par d'autres acteurs présents dans les domaines de la cohésion sociale et de la prévention socio-sanitaire, ainsi qu'à proposer des recommandations


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    We characterize the duals and biduals of the LpL^p-analogues Nαp\mathcal{N}_\alpha^p of the standard Nevanlinna classes Nα\mathcal{N}_\alpha, α1\alpha\ge-1 and 1p<1\le p\lt \infty. We adopt the convention to take N1p\mathcal{N}_{-1}^p to be the classical Smirnov class N+\mathcal{N}^+ for p=1p=1, and the Hardy-Orlicz space LHpLH^p (=(Log+H)p)(=(\text{Log}^+H)^p) for 1<p<1\lt p\lt\infty. Our results generalize and unify earlier characterizations obtained by Eoff for α=0\alpha=0 and α=1\alpha=-1, and by Yanigahara for the Smirnov class. Each Nαp\mathcal{N}_\alpha^p is a complete metrizable topological vector space (in fact, even an algebra); it fails to be locally bounded and locally convex but admits a separating dual. Its bidual will be identified with a specific nuclear power series space of finite type; this turns out to be the ‘Fréchet envelope' of Nαp\mathcal{N}_\alpha^p as well. The generating sequence of this power series space is of the form (nθ)nN(n^\theta)_{n\in\mathbb{N}} for some 0<θ<10\lt\theta\lt1. For example, the θ\thetas in the interval (\smfr12,1) correspond in a bijective fashion to the Nevanlinna classes Nα\mathcal{N}_\alpha, α>1\alpha\gt-1, whereas the θ\thetas in the interval (0,\smfr12) correspond bijectively to the Hardy-Orlicz spaces LHpLH^p, 1<p<1\lt p\lt \infty. By the work of Yanagihara, \theta=\smfr12 corresponds to N+\mathcal{N}^+. As in the work by Yanagihara, we derive our results from characterizations of coefficient multipliers from Nαp\mathcal{N}_\alpha^p into various smaller classical spaces of analytic functions on Δ\Delta. AMS 2000 Mathematics subject classification: Primary 46E10; 46A11; 47B38. Secondary 30D55; 46A45; 46E15\vskip-3p