154 research outputs found

    Do Organic Consumers Oppose Genetically Modified Food Stronger than Others? Results of a Consumer Research in Germany

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    The majority of consumers, in particular European consumers oppose genetic modifi-cation of food. Although consumers oppose strongly genetic modification of food, genetically modified food production increases world wide. The co-existence of both, genetically modified food production and food production free of genetic modification cannot be ensured. There is always a risk that non-genetically modified food gets contaminated despite safety regulations. Thus, even organic production, which is supposed to be free of genetic modification, is endangered and can maybe not ensure to produce food definitely free of genetic modification. Against that background, this consumer research focuses on organic consumers and their attitudes towards geneti-cally modified food. The findings indicate clearly that organic consumer oppose ge-netically modified food stronger than others

    Die Akzeptanz des Öko-Prüfzeichens aus Sicht der Nutzer und ausgewählter Nicht-Nutzer. Eine Situationsanalyse

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    Inhalt: Einleitung I: Überprüfung der Akzeptanz des ÖPZs aus Sicht ausgewählter Nicht-Nutzer - mündliche Befragung - A: Untersuchungsgegenstände und Vorgehensweise - B: Ergebnisse II: Überprüfung der Akzeptanz des ÖPZs aus Sicht ausgewählter Nicht-Nutzer - schriftliche Befragung - A: Untersuchungsgegenstand und Vorgehensweise - B: Ergebnisse III: Überprüfung der Akzeptanz des ÖPZs aus Sicht momentaner Lizenznehmer - A: Untersuchungsgegenstand und Vorgehensweise - B: Ergebnisse IV: Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse V: Schlußfolgerungen VI: Literatur und Quellenverzeichnis VII: Anhan

    Analysis of the purchase and consumer behaviour towards direct purchase of food

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    The paper presented the methodic as well as selected results of own empiric research (face-to-face questionings in seven different questioning regions, n = 1488) to the analysis of the shopping behaviour and the attitudes towards direct purchase. To the analysis of the buying patterns a Kaufverhaltensindex (KVI) was introduced. In the regional comparison will be clear that the questioning regions of Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia show KVI by far highest, while the eastern questioning-regions (particularly Thuringia) are marked by the lowest KVI. Within the attitude measurement (factor analysis) six attitude-dimensions could be extracted. In particular are these: confidence in the emotional product quality, price- consciousness, socio-political motivation, confidence in the conventional food-offer, the orientation to convenience food and health consciousness. The analysis of the buying patterns-relevance (regression analysis) showed the distinct dominance of the attitude dimension to price consciousness. From the segmentation of the whole random check (cluster analysis) result four clusters (DV-sympathizers, price-conscious not-DV- buyers, direct buyers oriented to organic farming and a conventionally oriented DV-cluster). The analytic interpretation of buying patterns and soziodemographic variables as well as the regional affiliation allows a continuing characteristic and differentiation of the found clusters

    Das Image deutscher Ökozeichen:Unterscheiden Verbraucher zwischen Öko-Verbandszeichen, Öko-Herstellermarken, Öko-Handelsmarken und dem Biosiegel?

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    In Germany, consumers are confronted with more than 100 organic labels, which lead to uncertainty about the reliability of such labels. As a solution, one public organic label, the Bio-Siegel, was designed. This raises two questions from the marketing perspective: (1) Do any of the individual organic labels have a specific image, a unique selling proposition (USP)? (2) Does the federal Bio-Siegel reduce consumer uncertainty with organic products? The overall objective of this study is to reveal and compare product profiles and preferences for organic labels at the German food market. 300 face-to-face interviews of consumers using a standardised questionnaire were conducted. The survey addressed the importance of organic labelling compared to other purchase criteria, the recognition and purchase frequency of selected organic labels, associations, similarities and preferences for specific organic labels. Data were analysed by different qualitative and quantitative methods. First results show that some organic suppliers achieved a successful product positioning of their organic labels

    Das Ökoprüfzeichen. Warum war eine erfolgreiche Einführung nicht möglich?

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    Zusammenfassung: Die unzureichende Erreichbarkeit von ökologisch erzeugten Produkten stellt für interessierte Verbraucher eine Kaufbarriere dar. Aus diesem Grund wurde ein einheitliches Öko-Prüfzeichen (ÖPZ) zur Markierung von Öko-Produkten eingeführt. Bei potenziellen Zeichennutzern stößt das Zeichen allerdings auf nur mäßige Akzeptanz, Ziel der Untersuchung war es daher, die Ursachen für die geringe Nutzung des ÖPZs in Industrie und Handel zu analysieren. Den Ergebnissen zufolge ist eine erfolgreiche Einführung des Öko-Prüfzeichens nicht zu erwarten. Gründe hierfür sind in den zu Grunde liegenden Vergabemodalitäten zu suchen, so insbesondere in der Anbindung an die AGÖL-Rahmenrichtlinien und in der Höhe der Lizenzgebühren. Darüber hinaus kann der unzulängliche Bekanntheitsgrad des Zeichens beim Endverbraucher als weitere Ursache genannt werden. Ob die Einführung eines neuen staatlichen bio-Siegels erfolgeicher sein wird, bleibt abzuwarten. Aufgrund der im Vergleich zum ÖPZ veränderten Vergabekriterien und ersten positiven Meinungsäußerungen der Akteure, stehen die Zeichen für das neue Bio-Siegel allerdings auf grün. (ZENNER, S. und B. WIRTHGEN (2002): Das Öko-Prüfzeichen - Warum war eine erfolgeiche Einführung nicht möglich? In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft. Bd. 80 (1), Münster-Hiltrup, S. 5 – 39

    Comparative analysis of the impacts of marketing instruments on the organic market in Austria, the United Kingdom and Germany

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    Conclusions: This paper provides a comparative analysis of the impacts of the marketing instruments: The price-level can be identified as an important factor for further development. To promote sustained consumer demand, the premium price-level should be closer to the conventional price, although consumers are willing to pay some premium. Organic produce is associated with healthy food, which may appeal to consumers interested in healthy nutrition. Nevertheless, producers, processors and retailers of organic food should bear in mind general trends in food consumption and create organic food with lifestyle-oriented design. In future, supermarkets will become the main retail outlets for organic produce. In order to compete with larger, mainstream retailers, outlets like organic food shops or direct marketing channels should concentrate on offering special and added values e.g. by offering locally/regionally produced food or by creating an environment which provides the consumer with a unique shopping experience. Promotion activities are extremely important in influencing consumer behaviour, therefore all those involved should invest in further promotion activities. (ZENNER, S., FOSTER, C., PADEL, S. und B. WIRTHGEN (2000): Comparative analysis of the impacts of marketing instruments on the organic market in Austria, the United Kingdom and Germany. In: ALFLÖDI, Th., LOCKERETZ, W. und U. NIGLI: Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference. Zürich, S. 523

    Präferenzen für unterschiedliche Produktionsverfahren und Herkunftsbezeichnungen – dargestellt am Beispiel eines Lebensmittels aus der Direktvermarktung

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    Because consumers’ preferences are relevant determinants in the purchase decision, their measurement seems to be extremely important. Therefore, the article presents selected results of preference measurement (conjoint-analysis) with special regard to different food production modes (organic production, conventional production and production reflecting animal welfare aspects) and labelling of food origin (out of the region, from farm-gate and without labelling of the food origin). The empirical research shows surprising results: the organic produce is not as strongly preferred as the product alternative reflecting the animal welfare aspect. As a consequence, marketing-strategies should pay much more attention to animal welfare aspects, whereas organic production seems to be a less persuasive promotion argument. The contribution ends with implications for further research.preferences, conjoint-analysis, food production mode, food origin, organic produce, animal welfare aspects, Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis,

    The Immunomodulator 1-Methyltryptophan Drives Tryptophan Catabolism Toward the Kynurenic Acid Branch

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    Background: Animal model studies revealed that the application of 1-methyltryptophan (1-MT), a tryptophan (TRP) analog, surprisingly increased plasma levels of the TRP metabolite, kynurenic acid (KYNA). Under inflammatory conditions, KYNA has been shown to mediate various immunomodulatory effects. Therefore, the present study aims to confirm and clarify the effects of 1-MT on TRP metabolism in mice as well as in humans. Methods: Splenocytes from Balb/C or indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase knockout (IDO1−/−) mice or whole human blood were stimulated with 1-MT for 6, 24, or 36 h. C57BL/6 mice received 1-MT in drinking water for 5 days. Cell-free supernatants and plasma were analyzed for TRP and its metabolites by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Results: 1-MT treatment induced an increase in TRP and its metabolite, KYNA in Balb/C, IDO−/− mice, and in human blood. Concurrently, the intermediate metabolite kynurenine (KYN), as well as the KYN/TRP ratio, were reduced after 1-MT treatment. The effects of 1-MT on TRP metabolites were similar after the in vivo application of 1-MT to C57BL/6 mice. Conclusions: The data indicate that 1-MT induced an increase of KYNA ex vivo and in vivo confirming previously described results. Furthermore, the results of IDO−/− mice indicate that this effect seems not to be mediated by IDO1. Due to the proven immunomodulatory properties of KYNA, a shift toward this branch of the kynurenine pathway (KP) may be one potential mode of action by 1-MT and should be considered for further applications

    LPS-induzierte Aktivierung des Enzyms Indolamin 2,3-Dioxygenase beim Schwein: Physiologische Konsequenzen und ihre Blockade durch 1-Methyltryptophan

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    Durch die Blockade des IDO-Enzyms mit dem IDO-Inhibitor 1-MT beim Schwein sollten regulatorische Funktionen von IDO und ein therapeutischer Nutzen innerhalb inflammatorischer Prozesse in vivo aufgezeigt werden. Eine Blockade von IDO konnte trotz der Anreicherung von 1-MT im Plasma und Gewebe nicht belegt werden. Allerdings vermittelte 1-MT IDO-unabhängige Effekte, die eine Modulation der Immunantwort bewirkten, welche bisher wenig untersucht sind und daher im Kontext des therapeutischen Einsatzes von 1-MT beim Menschen berücksichtigt werden sollten

    Predicting complications in pediatric Crohn's disease patients followed in CEDATA-GPGE registry

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    BackgroundComplications of Crohn's disease (CD) often impair patients' quality of life. It is necessary to predict and prevent these complications (surgery, stricturing [B2]/penetrating [B3] disease behavior, perianal disease, growth retardation and hospitalization). Our study investigated previously suggested and additional predictors by analyzing data of the CEDATA-GPGE registry.MethodsPediatric patients (< 18 years) diagnosed with CD with follow up data in the registry were included in the study. Potential risk factors for the selected complications were evaluated by performing Kaplan-Meier survival curves and cox regression models.ResultsFor the complication surgery, the potential risk factors older age, B3 disease, severe perianal disease and initial therapy with corticosteroids at the time of diagnosis were identified. Older age, initial therapy with corticosteroids, low weight-for-age, anemia and emesis predict B2 disease. Low weight-for-age and severe perianal disease were risk factors for B3 disease. Low weight-for-age, growth retardation, older age, nutritional therapy, and extraintestinal manifestations (EIM) of the skin were identified as risk factors for growth retardation during the disease course. High disease activity and treatment with biologicals were predictors for hospitalization. As risk factors for perianal disease, the factors male sex, corticosteroids, B3 disease, a positive family history and EIM of liver and skin were identified.ConclusionWe confirmed previously suggested predictors of CD course and identified new ones in one of the largest registries of pediatric CD patients. This may help to better stratify patients’ according to their individual risk profile and choose appropriate treatment strategies
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