1,180 research outputs found

    The Teacher as Servant Leader: Revisited

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    This essay revisits an original conference proceedings chapter from 1997, examining the biblical and educational underpinnings for the concept of teacher and servant leader

    Creep-rupture reliability analysis

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    A probabilistic approach to the correlation and extrapolation of creep-rupture data is presented. Time temperature parameters (TTP) are used to correlate the data, and an analytical expression for the master curve is developed. The expression provides a simple model for the statistical distribution of strength and fits neatly into a probabilistic design format. The analysis focuses on the Larson-Miller and on the Manson-Haferd parameters, but it can be applied to any of the TTP's. A method is developed for evaluating material dependent constants for TTP's. It is shown that optimized constants can provide a significant improvement in the correlation of the data, thereby reducing modelling error. Attempts were made to quantify the performance of the proposed method in predicting long term behavior. Uncertainty in predicting long term behavior from short term tests was derived for several sets of data. Examples are presented which illustrate the theory and demonstrate the application of state of the art reliability methods to the design of components under creep

    Constraints on microbial pesticide degradation in soils

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    Pesticides are an essential component of intensified agriculture and have contributed significantly to the increase in food production observed in recent decades. Since 1960, pesticide use has increased by a factor of fifteen to twenty, representing a market value of $40 billion in 2016. Soil monitoring campaigns to track pesticide contamination of croplands across Europe are quantifying pesticide residues whose residence times in soils exceed expected values. Diffuse contamination by pesticide residues raises concerns about soil functions, soil biodiversity, and food safety, as well as the transport of contaminants by wind and water to surface waters or to adjacent, organically managed croplands. Data on the frequency of occurrence and concentrations of pesticide residues in soil demonstrate a discrepancy between the determination of persistence and subsequent approval and their actual fate in soil. This raises the question of whether degradability of individual organic compounds has been adequately studied. Microbiological degradation is the most important process for reducing pesticide loads in soils. A reliable estimate of pesticide residence time requires an expanded understanding of the factors limiting microbial degradation. Degradation of anthropogenic organic chemicals in soils occurs much more slowly than would be expected based on their physicochemical properties. While processes that determine the fate of pesticides in soil have often been studied at different spatial and temporal scales, reasons for discrepancies between the observed complete degradation of pesticides under laboratory conditions and their persistence in the field remain unclear. This thesis addresses this challenge by focusing on the central question of why inherently biodegradable compounds in soils display increased persistence under field conditions. Organic contaminants in low but detectable and environmentally significant concentrations could remain in the soil once available concentrations fall below a threshold where bioenergetic growth restrictions come into play. In addition, potential microbial and biophysical limitations and environmental factors such as soil temperature and soil moisture are often examined separately in current degradation studies. Combinations of temperature and soil moisture changes associated with different concentration levels have been less well examined, resulting in an incomplete understanding of the degradation process. Another key factor in the demonstrated discrepancy between predicted and actual persistence in the field could be due to laboratory experiments that cannot account for field-scale processes. Therefore, degradation rates determined in laboratory experiments cannot be confidently extrapolated to the field scale. . This thesis identified further important regulatory mechanisms for microbially mediated pesticide degradation. The previously unknown concentration-dependent degradation dynamics and the concentration-dependent influence of limiting environmental conditions on microbial degradation emphasize the importance of studies using a realistic concentration range. Evidence of deep transport of a highly sorptive pesticide such as glyphosate primarily via preferential flow pathways into the subsoil with lower degradation dynamics underscores the need to include processes that can only be verified in field studies as part of risk assessments. The results of this thesis suggest that the biodegradation rates of pesticides are not homogeneous at field scales and may account in part for the discrepancy between complete degradation of pesticides under laboratory conditions and their persistence in the field. Laboratory studies in which soil samples are pooled and mixed to obtain a single "representative" sample can provide a simplified understanding of the process, but the complexity, particularly that of soil heterogeneity, of pesticide distribution and microbial degradation associated with prevailing climatic conditions, requires calibration of previously used methods in field studies and possibly at landscape, watershed, or regional scales. The scale-dependent degradation aspect will become even more important in the future; as soil properties and processes that control the toxicological aspects of contaminants include temperature and moisture, and changes associated with climate change will lead to an increase in extreme precipitation, longer dry periods, and soil erosion.Pestizide sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der intensivierten Landwirtschaft und haben erheblich zu dem in den letzten Jahrzehnten beobachteten Anstieg der Lebensmittelproduktion beigetragen. Seit 1960 ist der Einsatz von Pestiziden um das Fünfzehn- bis Zwanzigfache gestiegen, was 2016 einem Marktwert von 40 Mrd. USD entsprach. Im Rahmen von Bodenüberwachungskampagnen zur Verfolgung der Pestizidkontamination von Anbauflächen in ganz Europa werden Pestizidrückstände quantifiziert, deren Verweildauer in den Böden die erwarteten Werte übersteigt. Die diffuse Kontamination durch Pestizidrückstände gibt Anlass zu Bedenken hinsichtlich der Bodenfunktionen, der biologischen Vielfalt des Bodens und der Lebensmittelsicherheit sowie des Transports von Schadstoffen durch Wind und Wasser in Oberflächengewässer oder in angrenzende, ökologisch bewirtschaftete Anbauflächen. Daten über die Häufigkeit des Auftretens und die Konzentrationen von Pestizidrückständen im Boden zeigen eine Diskrepanz zwischen der Bestimmung der Persistenz und der anschließenden Zulassung und ihrem tatsächlichen Verbleib im Boden. Dies wirft die Frage auf, ob die Abbaubarkeit der einzelnen organischen Verbindungen ausreichend untersucht wurde. Der mikrobiologische Abbau ist der wichtigste Prozess zur Verringerung der Pestizidbelastung in Böden. Eine zuverlässige Schätzung der Verweilzeit von Pestiziden erfordert ein erweitertes Verständnis der Faktoren, die den mikrobiellen Abbau begrenzen. Der Abbau von anthropogenen organischen Chemikalien in Böden erfolgt viel langsamer, als man aufgrund ihrer physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften erwarten würde. Während die Prozesse, die den Verbleib von Pestiziden im Boden bestimmen, häufig auf verschiedenen räumlichen und zeitlichen Ebenen untersucht wurden, sind die Gründe für die Diskrepanzen zwischen dem unter Laborbedingungen beobachteten vollständigen Abbau von Pestiziden und ihrer Persistenz im Feld nach wie vor unklar. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der zentralen Frage, warum biologisch abbaubare Verbindungen in Böden unter Feldbedingungen eine erhöhte Persistenz aufweisen. Organische Schadstoffe in geringen, aber nachweisbaren und umweltrelevanten Konzentrationen könnten im Boden verbleiben, sobald die verfügbaren Konzentrationen unter eine Schwelle fallen, bei der bioenergetische Wachstumsbeschränkungen ins Spiel kommen. Darüber hinaus werden potenzielle mikrobielle und biophysikalische Beschränkungen und Umweltfaktoren wie Bodentemperatur und Bodenfeuchtigkeit in den derzeitigen Abbaustudien häufig getrennt untersucht. Kombinationen von Temperatur- und Bodenfeuchtigkeitsänderungen in Verbindung mit unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen wurden weniger gut untersucht, was zu einem unvollständigen Verständnis des Abbauprozesses führt. Ein weiterer Schlüsselfaktor für die nachgewiesene Diskrepanz zwischen vorhergesagter und tatsächlicher Persistenz im Feld könnte auf Laborexperimente zurückzuführen sein, die den Prozessen im Feld nicht gerecht werden. Daher können die in Laborexperimenten ermittelten Abbauraten nicht mit Sicherheit auf den Feldmaßstab extrapoliert werden. In dieser Dissertation wurden weitere wichtige Regulationsmechanismen für den mikrobiell vermittelten Pestizidabbau identifiziert. Die bisher unbekannte konzentrationsabhängige Abbaudynamik und der konzentrationsabhängige Einfluss einschränkender Umweltbedingungen auf den mikrobiellen Abbau unterstreichen die Bedeutung von Untersuchungen in einem realistischen Konzentrationsbereich. Der Nachweis des Tiefentransports eines stark sorptiven Pestizids wie Glyphosat primär über präferentielle Fließwege in den Untergrund mit geringerer Abbaudynamik unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit, Prozesse, die nur in Feldstudien verifiziert werden können, in die Risikobewertung einzubeziehen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit deuten darauf hin, dass die biologischen Abbaugeschwindigkeiten von Pestiziden im Feldmaßstab nicht homogen sind, was zum Teil die Diskrepanz zwischen dem vollständigen Abbau von Pestiziden unter Laborbedingungen und ihrer Persistenz im Feld erklären könnte. Laborstudien, bei denen Bodenproben zusammengeführt und gemischt werden, um eine einzige "repräsentative" Probe zu erhalten, können ein vereinfachtes Verständnis des Prozesses vermitteln, aber die Komplexität, insbesondere die Heterogenität des Bodens, der Pestizidverteilung und des mikrobiellen Abbaus in Verbindung mit den vorherrschenden klimatischen Bedingungen, erfordert eine Kalibrierung der zuvor verwendeten Methoden in Feldstudien und möglicherweise auf Landschafts-, Wassereinzugs- oder regionaler Ebene. Der skalenabhängige Aspekt des Abbaus wird in Zukunft noch wichtiger werden, da zu den Bodeneigenschaften und -prozessen, die die toxikologischen Aspekte von Schadstoffen steuern, auch Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit gehören und die mit dem Klimawandel verbundenen Veränderungen zu einer Zunahme von extremen Niederschlägen, längeren Trockenperioden und Bodenerosion führen werden

    The application of probabilistic design theory to high temperature low cycle fatigue

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    Metal fatigue under stress and thermal cycling is a principal mode of failure in gas turbine engine hot section components such as turbine blades and disks and combustor liners. Designing for fatigue is subject to considerable uncertainty, e.g., scatter in cycles to failure, available fatigue test data and operating environment data, uncertainties in the models used to predict stresses, etc. Methods of analyzing fatigue test data for probabilistic design purposes are summarized. The general strain life as well as homo- and hetero-scedastic models are considered. Modern probabilistic design theory is reviewed and examples are presented which illustrate application to reliability analysis of gas turbine engine components

    Statistical summaries of fatigue data for design purposes

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    Two methods are discussed for constructing a design curve on the safe side of fatigue data. Both the tolerance interval and equivalent prediction interval (EPI) concepts provide such a curve while accounting for both the distribution of the estimators in small samples and the data scatter. The EPI is also useful as a mechanism for providing necessary statistics on S-N data for a full reliability analysis which includes uncertainty in all fatigue design factors. Examples of statistical analyses of the general strain life relationship are presented. The tolerance limit and EPI techniques for defining a design curve are demonstrated. Examples usng WASPALOY B and RQC-100 data demonstrate that a reliability model could be constructed by considering the fatigue strength and fatigue ductility coefficients as two independent random variables. A technique given for establishing the fatigue strength for high cycle lives relies on an extrapolation technique and also accounts for "runners." A reliability model or design value can be specified

    Language Modeling with Utterance-Meaning Pairs

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    In this paper, we develop an argument from behavioristic psychology leading to the definition of a mathematical object which we call utterance-meaning pair. With this concept, the combination of a language model with a method to associate one or more meanings to an utterance can be mathematically described as set of utterance-meaning pairs

    Does Neuronal Activity Promote Glioma Progression?

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    Excessive glutamate release by glioma cells induces pharmacologically accessible neuronal hyperexcitation, including epilepsy. Two recent reports by Venkataramani et al. and Venkatesh et al. suggest that neuronal hyperexcitation stimulates bona fide glutamatergic synapses on glioma cells. Ionotropic glutamate receptors activate intercellular calcium signaling networks to orchestrate glioma cell growth and invasion, presumably by facilitating oncogenic signaling cascades and cytoskeletal remodeling

    Social Media Sites Use Intensity and Job Burnout Among the U.S. and Thai Employees

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    This research explored the effect of social network sites (SNS) use intensity in the workplace on three aspects of job burnout. The data were collected from non-teaching employees from universities in the U.S. (N = 174) and in Thailand (N = 182). Results from partial least squares regression revealed some evidence of the u-curve relationship between SNS use intensity and depersonalization in both countries. However, the u-curve relationship between SNS use and lack of personal accomplishment is only supported in U.S. samples. This suggests that while a moderate degree of SNS use at work tends to lower burnout, a high degree of use appears to create more burnout. The results also reveal a strong positive linkage between SNS use intensity and emotional exhaustion in U.S. samples. Overall, these findings imply that allowing employees to use SNS can provide some benefits, but it is important that employees do not overuse SNS to avoid burnout