768 research outputs found

    Dropping Out in Southeast Kansas: Why Students Leave School Early

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    This qualitative study takes a deeper look into the lived experiences of students in southeast Kansas who have dropped out of high school. As a result, school and community leaders are better informed to create effective strategy, policy, and practice in dropout prevention. Framed as a phenomenology, data was collected by conducting in-depth, face-to-face interviews with 12 participants and a focus-group interview with four participants. The researcher administered a survey/questionnaire to an additional 15 participants. Utilizing the Streamlined Codes-To-Theory Model (Saldana, 2009); organizational, structural, and elaborative coding techniques were implemented to reduce the data into categories, which led to the establishment of common themes and conclusions for the study. The findings indicate the most common reasons participants share for their decision to drop out relates to negative school experiences, followed closely by life-events occurring outside of the school culture. Many participants stated that there was nothing anyone could have said or done to keep them in school; however, almost half said they might have been persuaded to stay in school if conditions were different. The overriding conclusion was that students who dropped out lacked the appropriate motivation to finish or complete the desired goal, to graduate. This was explained by applying the Expectancy-Value Theory of Achievement Motivation (Keller, 1987) to the study. This study concludes that dropout can be reduced by increasing the value a student places in having an education or being connected to the school. Further, chances of completing the diploma requirements can be greatly enhanced by increasing students\u27 confidence in their own ability to be successful

    A Digital Escape Room Whodunit about Digital Accessibility

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    She Floats Thru the Air: With The Greatest of Ease

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    A colorful booklet showing mountain tramways in Idaho, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Quebec. Booklet serves primarily as an advertisement for tramway construction by the American Steel and Wire Company.https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/books_pubs/1299/thumbnail.jp

    Closed Circuit Television Cerdas Berbasis NodeMCU ESP-32

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    Closed circuit television disingkat CCTV merupakan alat bantu yang telah banyak digunakan oleh perusahaan maupun rumah tangga dalam melakukan pemantuan. CCTV pada umumnya dihidupkan secara terus menerus dalam kurun waktu yang ditentukan pengguna. Penggunaan CCTV secara terus menerus berdampak pada pemborosan daya listrik dan usia penggunaan perangkat lebih singkat. Maka diperlukan penelitian CCTV hemat energy dan hidup hanya pada waktu yang diperlukan untuk penggunaan perangkat CCTV yang lebih lama. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membangun Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) yang hemat energi dan masa penggunaan perangkat yang lama. Terdiri dari dua blok uatama yaitu CCTV Sistem dan blok controller. Blok CCTV berfungsi menangkap gambar dan menampilkan pada layar LCD 14 Inchi. Blok controller dengan pemroses Utama NodeMCU ESP32 sebagai pengatur waktu CCTV mendapat tegangan listrik untuk hidup. CCTV Cerdas ini akan bekerja pada rentan waktu jam 21.00 malam sampai 06.00 pagi dengan mengimplementasikan modul Real Time Clock (RTC) untuk masukkan waktu. CCTV Cerdas mendapat tegangan supply jika sensor PIR Motion mendeteksi panas tubuh manusia pada radius 3 Meter.  Berdasarkan hasil pengujian alat dapat disimpulkan bahwa CCTV Cerdas berbasis NodeMCU ESP-32 dapat bekerja dengan baik yaitu setiap kali sensor PIR mendeteksi panas tubuh maka akan menyalakan unit CCTV.Closed circuit television abbreviated (CCTV) has been widely used by companies and households for monitoring. CCTV users generally turn it on continuously. Continuous use of CCTV has an impact on wasting electrical power and shortening the device's lifespan. research was carried out on energy-saving CCTV and a longer CCTV usage period. The aim of this research is to build a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) that is energy efficient and has a longer device usage period. Smart CCTV Consists of a CCTV System block and a controller block. The CCTV block functions to capture images and display them on a 14 inch LCD screen. The controller block with the NodeMCU ESP32 main processor as the CCTV timer gets electrical voltage to turn on. This Smart CCTV will work between 21.00 pm to 06.00 am by implementing a Real Time Clock (RTC) module to enter the time. The CCTV block gets a supply voltage if the PIR Motion sensor detects human body heat in a radius of 3 meters. The test results show that the NodeMCU ESP-32 based Smart CCTV can work well. The CCTV block will always turn on whenever the PIR sensor detects human body heat

    A Retrospective Review of the After-Hours Social Work Service in a Tertiary-Care Public Hospital in Australia

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    Purpose: After-hours social work (SW) services seem to be provided in many major healthcare centres but there appear to be no data describing these services, in terms of the number of patients seen, their characteristics, types of problems, SW interventions provided, their effectiveness or the impact of providing after-hours services on the provider. The aim of this study was to investigate the patient characteristics and types of interventions provided to patients who received an after-hours SW service and the effect of providing these services on the service-provider. Method: A retrospective review of data collected on patients who had received after-hours SW service for urgent/crisis scenarios over a three-year period in a tertiary-care public hospital in Australia was undertaken, with two illustrative case scenarios. Results: A total of 172 occasions of service were delivered, with most services provided to patients/families in the Emergency Department (ED) or Intensive Care Unit (ICU) following trauma or with a medical condition. Counselling for trauma, grief or loss were the types of interventions most often provided. Interventions were most frequently rated by the SW-provider as highly complex and imperative. At times, providing the after-hours service negatively impacted on the service-provider the following day, with tiredness and hypervigilance most frequently reported. Conclusion: An after-hours SW service within a tertiary-care hospital was provided approximately five times/month, predominantly involving counselling to patients/families in the ED or ICU, and rated as highly complex and imperative. These results provide evidence, albeit anecdotal, that an after-hours SW service is of value in this setting

    Flight Control Design for a Tailless Aircraft Using Eigenstructure Assignment

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    We apply eigenstructure assignment to the design of a flight control system for a wind tunnel model of a tailless aircraft. The aircraft, known as the innovative control effectors (ICEs) aircraft, has unconventional control surfaces plus pitch and yaw thrust vectoring. We linearize the aircraft in straight and level flight at an altitude of 15,000 feet and Mach number 0.4. Then, we separately design flight control systems for the longitudinal and lateral dynamics. We use a control allocation scheme with weights so that the lateral pseudoinputs are yaw and roll moment, and the longitudinal pseudoinput is pitching moment. In contrast to previous eigenstructure assignment designs for the ICE aircraft, we consider the phugoid mode, thrust vectoring, and stability margins. We show how to simultaneously stabilize the phugoid mode, satisfy MIL-F-8785C mode specifications, and satisfy MIL-F-9490D phase and gain margin specifications. We also use a cstar command system that is preferable to earlier pitch-rate command systems. Finally, we present simulation results of the combined longitudinal/lateral flight control system using a full 6DOF nonlinear simulation with approximately 20,000 values for the aerodynamic coefficients. Our simulation includes limiters on actuator deflections, deflection rates, and control system integrators

    Alat Kendali Hand Tractor Berbasis Berbasis IoT Pencegah Penyakit Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome

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    Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) adalah gangguan kesehatan yang disebabkan karena getaran mesin pada tangan secara berlebihan. HAVS memberikan efek rusaknya pembuluh darah, otot dan tulang menajadi lemah, serta kehilangan sensoris secara permanen.  Seseorang yang tedampak Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) salah satunya ialah pengendara Hand Tractor. Pada penelitian ini dibangun alat Kendali hand tractor dengan mengimplementasikan Internet Of Things melalui Wifi LAN Untuk mengurangi getaran yang diterima pengendara hand traktor. Alat kendali Hand tractor yang dikembangkan memanfaatkan smartphone Android sebagai remote control, Access point sebagai penghubung, rangkian elektronik berbasis Node MCU ESP8266 untuk menerjemahkan perintah dari Smartphone android menjadi gerak untuk menggerakkan tuas kompling utama untuk maju dan berhenti, Tuas Gas, dan kopling perseneleng untuk belok ke kiri dan belok ke kanan. Sebuah aplikasi android dikembangkan sebagai remote sumber perintah. Metoda yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini adalah Research And Development dengan sepuluh (10) tahapan. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan alat kendali dapat menarik tuas kopling handtractor sehingga alat dinyatakan cukup mempu menggantikan pengendara handtractor.Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) is a disorder of the human hand caused by exposure to machine vibrations. HAVS causes damage to blood vessels, muscle weakness, permanent sensory loss, and bone damage. Hand Tractor Driver One of the workers affected by Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS). To reduce the vibrations received by the hand tractor driver, in this research an IoT-based hand tractor controller was built. The tractor controller implements the TCP/IP protocol in a small coverage area, namely a Local Area Network (LAN) with connecting access point devices. Android smartphone is used as the main remote control. An electronic circuit based on the Node MCU ESP8266 to translate commands from an Android smartphone into movements to move the main clutch lever to move forward and stop, the gas lever, and the shift clutch to turn left and turn right. The access point is used to connect Android applications with electronic circuits. This research uses the Research and Development method. The test results show that the controller can pull the handtractor clutch lever so that the tool is declared capable of replacing the handtractor driver

    Hand Sanitizer Otomatis Berbasis Internet of Things

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    Era Normal Baru atau New Normal merupakan kondisi yang normal secara aktivitas dan ekonomi dengan pola hidup yang baru. Memasuki era normal baru beberapa kebiasan masa pandemic Covid-19 masih tetap dijalankan pemerintah dan masyarakat. Pola hidup bersih dan sehat menjadi ciri utama protokol era normal baru jika mengukur dari pola hidup sebelum pendemi Covid-19.  Berdasarkan pengamatan yang dilakukan menunjukkan hanya sekitar 30% masyarakat secara kesadaran mandiri menerapkan pola hidup menggunakan masker dan menggunakan hand sanitizer.  Untuk mendukung penerapan protokol era normal baru maka setiap tempat yang menjadi tempat berkumpul orang banyak harus menyediakan fasilitas pendukung protokol era normal baru. Fasilitas yang disediakan secara bersama umum harus memberikan rasa aman penngguna dari penularan virus. Salah satu kriteria sebuah alat bebas dari media penyebaran virus ialah alat yang digunakan tanpa sentuhan tangan. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah menghasilkan alat yang dapat mengeluarkan hand sanitizer dan mengirim foto orang dengan suhu tubuh diatas 39 derajat celcius. Menggunakan metode Research and Developmnet (RD) dalam pengembangan alat.  Uji penggunaan pada tempat umum dilakukan untuk menguji tingkat kebermanfaatan alat bagi masyarakat. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa alat dapat bekerja dengan baik dengan tingkat keberhasilah 95% dan dapat menghasilkan data orang yang terdeteksi suspek COVID-19.New Normal is a normal condition of activity and economy with a new lifestyle. Entering the new normal era, some habits during the Covid-19 pandemic are still being carried out by the government and the community. A clean and healthy lifestyle is the main feature of the new normal era protocol when measuring from the lifestyle before the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on observations made, it shows that only about 30% of the community consciously implement a lifestyle of using masks and using hand sanitizers. To support the implementation of the new normal era protocol, every place that becomes a gathering place for many people must provide supporting facilities for the new normal era protocol. Facilities provided by the public must provide a sense of security for users from the transmission of the virus. One of the criteria for a tool that is free from the media for spreading viruses is a tool that is used without touching the hand. The purpose of this research is to produce a device that can issue hand sanitizer and send photos of people with body temperatures above 39 degrees Celsius. Using the Research and Development (RD) method in tool development. The use test in public places is carried out to test the level of usefulness of the tool for the community. The result shows that effects of this equipment is 95% and collect people are suspect COVID-19. 
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