10 research outputs found

    GULA DARAH DAN BERAT BADAN TIKUS PUTIH SPRAQUE DAWLEY DIABETES MELITUS SETELAH TERAPI FRAKSI ETIL ASETAT MINUMAN SCJM: Blood Sugar Body Weight White Spraque Dawley Diabetes Melitus Rats After Treatment The Ethyl Asetat Fraction Scjm Drink

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    ABSTRACT           Sinom drinks mixed with lime and honey are made from rhizome of turmeric and young tamarind leaves which are added with lime juice and honey. The aim of the study was to determine the dose of ethyl acetate fraction of sinom drinks mixed with lime juice and honey (SCJM) which lowers fasting blood sugar and has an effect on body weight of spraque dawley (SD) white rats diabetes mellitus. Experimental research using RAK, testing consisted of two phases. Fiirst phase was  antioxidant capacity test of various solvents of  SCJM yielding 29691.1 µg AAEAC / g ingredients namely the highest number of ethyl acetate fractions of n- hexane, chloroform, and water. Second phase was in vivo  test of ethyl acetate fraction of SCJM  which can reduce the best GDP and weight to SD white rats with diabetes mellitus with various doses, namely: control (-) normal mice, 50, 100, 150, 200 mg/dl BW, control (+) of diabetic rats.  The data was statistically tested using ANOVA with further test BNT. The results of the study of the effect of the antioxidant compound SCJM  ethyl acetate fraction of various doses significantly affected (p <0.01) in decreasing fasting blood sugar (GDP) white SD diabetes mellitus rats, a dose that can reduce the lowest GDP based on statistical tests is 150 mg/kg BW of rats, 168.4 mg/dl from other doses. Rats body weight had no significant (p <0.01) effect after treatment of the SCJM etyl acetate fraction.   Keywords: antioxidant capacity, blood sugar, ethylacetate _ fraction, sinom mix of lime and honey   ABSTRAK              Minuman sinom  yang dicampur jeruk nipis dan madu terbuat dari rimpang kunyit dan daun asam muda yang ditambahkan air jeruk nipis dan madu. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menentukan dosis fraksi etil asetat minuman sinom campuran jeruk nipis dan madu (SCJM) yang menurunkan gula darah puasa (GDP) dan menimbulkan efek terhadap berat badan tikus putih spraque dawley (SD) diabetes melitus. Penelitian eksperimental menggunakan RAK terdiri dari dua tahap. Tahap pertama adalah uji kapasitas antioksidan berbagai pelarut (SCJM) menghasilkan 29691,1 µg AAEAC/g bahan yaitu angka tertinggi fraksi etil asetat dari n-heksana, khloroform dan air. Tahap ke-2 adalah uji in vivo fraksi etil asetat SCJM yang dapat menurunkan GDP terbaik dan berat badan tikus putih SD diabetes melitus dengan perlakuan berbagai dosis yaitu: kontrol (-) tikus normal 50, 100, 150, 200 mg/dl BB, kontrol (+) tikus diabetes. Data diuji statistik menggunakan Anova dengan uji lanjut BNT. Hasil penelitian senyawa antioksidan SCJM fraksi etil asetat berbagai dosis berpengaruh nyata (p<0,01) pada penurunan GDP tikus putih SD diabetes melitus, dosis terbaik yang dapat menurunkan GDP terendah berdasarkan uji statistik adalah 150 mg/kg BB tikus yiatu 168,4 mg/dl dari perlakuan dosis yang lain. Berat badan tikus tidak berpengaruh nyata (p<0,01) setelah pemberian fraksi etil asetat SCJM.   Kata Kunci: fraksi etilasetat, gula darah, kapasitas antioksidan, sinom campuran jeruk nipis dan mad

    Morfologi Sel-Sel Pulau Langerhans Tikus Putih Sprague Dawley Diabetes Melitus pasca Terapi Fraksi Etil Asetat Sinom Campuran Jeruk Nipis dan Madu

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    This study aims to determine changes in the morphology, the number, and diameter of Langerhans Islets cells in White Sprague Dawley rats with diabetes mellitus after treatment of ethyl acetate fraction synom lime and honey mixture. This study is an experimental study which divided into 5 groups, the control group (negative and positive control), the treatment group induced by alloxan and were then given the ethyl acetate fraction of mixed sinom, lime, and honey with a dose of 50; 100; 150; and 200 mg/kg. The histopathological features were observed by HE staining. The results of statistical tests on the average number of cells at a dose of 150 mg/kg BW showed a significant difference (p0.05) from other doses, as well as the observation of the morphology of the islets of Langerhans cells showed the best regeneration of islets of Langerhans in the treatment group with the ethyl acetate fraction of mixed synom drink. Lime and honey are characterized by an increase in the size of the islets of Langerhans, a uniform endocrine cell shape and an almost normal spherical cell nucleus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan morfologi sel pulau Langerhans, jumlah, dan diameter pulau Langerhans dari tikus putih Sprague Dawley diabetes melitus pasca terapi fraksi etil asetat sinom campuran jeruk nipis dan madu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yang terbagi dalam 5 kelompok, kelompok kontrol (kontrol negatif dan kontrol positif), kelompok perlakuan yang telah diinduksi alloxan kemudian diberikan hasil fraksi etil asetat minuman sinom campuran jeruk nipis dan madu dengan dosis 50; 100; 150; dan 200 mg/kgBB. Gambaran histopatologi diamati dengan pewarnaan HE. Hasil uji statistik rerata jumlah sel dosis 150 mg/kgBB menunjukkan perbedaan nyata (p0,05) dari dosis lainya, demikian juga terhadap pengamatan morfologi sel pulau Langerhans menunjukkan adanya regenerasi sel pulau Langerhans paling baik pada kelompok perlakuan hasil fraksi etil asetat minuman sinom campuran jeruk nipis dan madu ditandai dengan peningkatan ukuran pulau Langerhans, bentuk sel endokrin yang seragam serta intil sel berbentuk bulat hampir mendekati normal

    Morfologi Sel-Sel Pulau Langerhans Tikus Putih Sprague Dawley Diabetes Melitus pasca Terapi Fraksi Etil Asetat Sinom Campuran Jeruk Nipis dan Madu

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    This study aims to determine changes in the morphology, the number, and diameter of Langerhans Islets cells in White Sprague Dawley rats with diabetes mellitus after treatment of ethyl acetate fraction synom lime and honey mixture. This study is an experimental study which divided into 5 groups, the control group (negative and positive control), the treatment group induced by alloxan and were then given the ethyl acetate fraction of mixed sinom, lime, and honey with a dose of 50; 100; 150; and 200 mg/kg. The histopathological features were observed by HE staining. The results of statistical tests on the average number of cells at a dose of 150 mg/kg BW showed a significant difference (p0.05) from other doses, as well as the observation of the morphology of the islets of Langerhans cells showed the best regeneration of islets of Langerhans in the treatment group with the ethyl acetate fraction of mixed synom drink. Lime and honey are characterized by an increase in the size of the islets of Langerhans, a uniform endocrine cell shape and an almost normal spherical cell nucleus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan morfologi sel pulau Langerhans, jumlah, dan diameter pulau Langerhans dari tikus putih Sprague Dawley diabetes melitus pasca terapi fraksi etil asetat sinom campuran jeruk nipis dan madu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yang terbagi dalam 5 kelompok, kelompok kontrol (kontrol negatif dan kontrol positif), kelompok perlakuan yang telah diinduksi alloxan kemudian diberikan hasil fraksi etil asetat minuman sinom campuran jeruk nipis dan madu dengan dosis 50; 100; 150; dan 200 mg/kgBB. Gambaran histopatologi diamati dengan pewarnaan HE. Hasil uji statistik rerata jumlah sel dosis 150 mg/kgBB menunjukkan perbedaan nyata (p0,05) dari dosis lainya, demikian juga terhadap pengamatan morfologi sel pulau Langerhans menunjukkan adanya regenerasi sel pulau Langerhans paling baik pada kelompok perlakuan hasil fraksi etil asetat minuman sinom campuran jeruk nipis dan madu ditandai dengan peningkatan ukuran pulau Langerhans, bentuk sel endokrin yang seragam serta intil sel berbentuk bulat hampir mendekati normal

    PENAMBAHAN TEPUNG DAUN KELOR (Moringa oleifera) DAN TEPUNG KACANG KEDELAI (Glycine max. L) TERHADAP NILAI GIZI SNACK BAR: Addition of Moringa Leaf Flour (Moringa oleifera) and Soybean Flour (Glycine max. L) on Nutritional Value of Snack Bar

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    ABSTRACT Moringa leaf flour (Moringa olefera) and soybean flour (Glicine Max. L) is a food that has high nutrient content. The presence of these contents is good to be used as ingredients for making snack bar that are rich in nutrients .This study used a complete randomized trial (RAL) with five types of treatment and three replications. Data analysis used anova test with LSD and Duncan test. The treatment that used to the moringa leaf  flour and soybean flour in snack bar are K1P1 (0:100%), K2P2 (25:75%), K3P3 (15:15%), K4P4 (75:25%), K5P5 (0:100%). The analysis carried out was an analysis of nutrient content. The results showed that the higher addition of  soybean flour would affect the protein and fat content. The carbohydrate content is influenced by other components. Iron will be affected by the addition of moringa leaf flour. Key words: snack bar, moringa leaf flour, soybean flour, nutrient content   ABSTRAK Tepung daun kelor (Moringa olefera) dan tepung kacang kedelai (Glicine Max. L) merupakan bahan pangan yang tinggi kandungan gizi. Terdapatnya kandungan tersebut baik digunakan sebagai bahan pembuatan snack bar yang kaya akan zat gizi.Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan lima jenis perlakuan dan tiga kali ulangan. Analisis data menggunakan uji Anova dengan uji lanjut LSD dan Ducan. Perlakuan pada snack bar tepung daun kelor dan tepung kacang kedelai yaitu K1P1 (0:100%), K2P2 (25:75%), K3P3 (15:15%), K4P4 (75:25%), K5P5 (0:100%). Analisis yang dilakukan adalah analisis kandungan zat gizi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin tingginya penambahan tepung kacang kedelai maka akan mempengaruhi kandungan protein dan lemak. Kandungan karbohidrat dipengaruhi oleh kandungan komponen yang lain. Kandungan zat besi akan dipengaruhi oleh penambahan tepung daun kelor. Kata kunci: snack bar, tepung daun kelor, tepung kacang kedelai, nilai giz

    KOMPONEN SENYAWA DAN ANTIOKSIDAN BERBAGAI LOLOH PASCA PEREBUSAN DENGAN BERBAGAI BAHAN UTENSIL, PRODUK LOLOH: Compounds and Antioxidan Components of Various Post-Rushing Loloh With Various Utensil Ingredients, Product Loloh Of Ukm Pejeng Kelod Village, Tampak Siring Gianyar, Bali

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    ABSTRACT               The purpose of this study was to determine the antioxidant test of various utensils from pottery, aluminum and stainless steel against the antioxidants of loloh drinks produced by the village of Pejeng Kelod Tampak Siring, Gianyar, Bali. Loloh using water that is boiled first, then poured on the main ingredients and then packed. The tools used to cook loloh are inconsistent, while the public's ano if cooking loloh using pottery seems better. The research used the GC MS method, IC50 and antioxidant capacity after heating the loloh with various utensils. The results showed that there were 15 compound components, and there were significant differences in the use of pottery, aluminum and stainless steel cooking tools. Further tests of the Smallest Significant Difference (LSD) show that cooking turmeric loloh and using pottery shows the highest antioxidant capacity (623.91 μg GAEAC / g material), compared to the antioxidant capacity of aluminum (353.2 μg GAEAC / g material) , stainless steel (559.1 μg GAEAC / g material), and untreated (control) (631.1 μg GAEAC / g material). Inversely proportional to IC50 turmeric loloh control (2208.7 ppm), earthenware (3426.09 ppm), stainless steel (4792.46 ppm), aluminum (6122.40 ppm). The paiduh antioxidants were significantly different from heating with aluminum (7122.40 ppm), stainless steel (4426.09 ppm), and pottery (3208.7 ppm). The higher the antioxidant capacity of loloh paiduh, namely aluminum (423.2 GAEAC / g material), stainless steel (649.1 GAEAC / g material), pottery (723.91 GAEAC / g material)   Keywords: antioksidant, loloh turmeric, pejeng kelod, pottery, utensil   ABSTRAK Tujuan  penelitian ini untuk mengetahui antioksidan uji berbagai utensil dari bahan gerabah, aluminium dan stainless steel terhadap  antioksidan  minuman loloh  produksi desa Pejeng Kelod Tampak Siring Gianyar Bali. Loloh  menggunakan air yang dimasak terlebih dahulu, kemudian dituangkan pada bahan utama dan selanjutnya dikemas. Alat yang dipergunakan memasak loloh  tidak konsisten sedangkan anemo masyarakat jika memasak loloh dengan menggunakan gerabah terkesan lebih baik. Penelitian menggunakan metode  GC MS, IC50 dan kapasitas antioksidan  setelah pemanasan loloh dengan berbagai utensil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 15 komponen senyawa, da nada perbedaan yang signifikan dari penggunaan alat memasak gerabah, aluminium dan stainless steel. Uji lanjut Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) diketahui bahwa memasak loloh kunyit dan paiduh  dengan menggunakan gerabah, menujukan angka kapasitas antioksidan tertinggi (623,91 μg GAEAC/g bahan), dibandingkan dengan kapasitas antioksidan  aluminium (353,2 μg GAEAC/g bahan), stainless steel (559,1 μg GAEAC/g bahan ), dan tanpa perlakuan (kontrol) (631,1 μg GAEAC/g bahan). Berbanding terbalik dengan IC50 loloh kunyit kontrol (2208,7 ppm),  gerabah (3426,09 ppm), stainless steel (4792,46 ppm),  aluminium (6122,40 ppm).  Antioksidan loloh paiduh berbeda nyata secara signifikan terhadap pemanasan dengan aluminium (7122,40 ppm), stainless steel (4426,09 ppm), gerabah (3208,7 ppm). Kapasitas antioksidan loloh paiduh semakin tinggi yaitu aluminium (423,2 GAEAC/g bahan), Stainless  steel (649,1 GAEAC/g bahan), Gerabah (723,91 GAEAC/g bahan)   Kata kunci: antioksidan, gerabah, loloh kunyit, pejeng kelod, utensi

    NILAI ZAT GIZI MAKRO DAN AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN TEMPE KEDELAI (Glycine max L.) KOMBINASI BIJI KECIPIR (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L.): Value of Macro Nutrients and Antioxidant Activities Soybean (Glycine max L.) Combination of Winged Bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus L.)

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    ABSTRAK              Dangerous diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and degenerative diseases including diabetes are the roles of oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Antioxidants are needed by the body to overcome and prevent oxidative stress. Soybean (Glycine max L.) has been studied in recent years as an antioxidant. In addition to soybeans, winged bean is also a plant that has the same activity as soybeans.The purpose of this study was to determine the value of macro nutrients and antioxidant activity of soybean tempeh products with a combination of winged beans. The soybean with a combination of winged beans is made with several combinations, namely soybean (100%: 0%), D1: C1 (80%: 20%), D2: C2 (70%: 30%), D3: C3 (50%: 50%), D4: C4 (30 %: 70%) and D5: C5 (20%: 80%). This research is an experimental research conducted at the Gajah Mada University laboratory (UGM), which contains an analysis of water content using an oven, analysis of gold content using the dry fogging method, analysis of protein content using the kjeldahl method, analysis of fat content using the soxhlet method, analysis using different methods, analysis of antioxidant activity and total flavonoids using Uv-Vis spectrophotometer. The results obtained are soybean formulation (100%: 0%) has the highest protein and fat content, respectively 27.42% and 15.94%, while the formulation D5: C5 (20%: 80%) has the highest carbohydrate content, which is 60.19%. Tempe which contains the highest antioxidant is formulation D2: C2 (70%: 30%), equal to (78.34 ± 0,20)%. Tempe which has the highest flavonoid content is soybean formulation (100%: 0%), (0.33 ± 0.03) mg QE / ml.  Keywords: antioxidant, nutritional value, soybean, winged bean   ABSTRAK  Penyakit berbahaya, seperti, kanker, penyakit kardiovaskular serta penyakit degeneratif termasuk diabetes merupakan peran dari stress oksidatif yang disebabkan oleh radikal bebas. Tubuh memerlukan antioksidan untuk mengatasi dan mencegah stres oksidatif tersebut. Kedelai (Glycine max L.) telah diteliti beberapa tahun terakhir sebagai antioksidan. Selain kedelai, kecipir juga merupakan tanaman yang memiliki aktivitas yang sama dengan kedelai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan kandungan nilai zat gizi makro dan aktivitas antioksidan produk tempe kedelai dengan kombinasi biji kecipir. Tempe kedelai dengan kombinasi biji kecipir dibuat dengan beberapa perlakuan, yaitu kedelai (100% : 0%), D1:C1 (80% : 20%), D2:C2 (70% : 30%), D3:C3 (50% : 50%), D4:C4 (30% : 70%) dan D5:C5 (20% : 80%). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yang dilakukan dilaboratorium Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM), yang meliputi analisis kandungan kadar air menggunakan oven, analisis kandungan kadar abu menggunakan metode pengabuan kering, analisis kandungan kadar protein menggunakan metode kjeldahl, analisis kandungan lemak menggunakan metode soxhlet, analisis kandungan karbohidrat menggunakan metode by different, analisis aktivitas antioksidan dan total flavonoid menggunakan spektrofotometer Uv-Vis. Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu formulasi kedelai (100% : 0%) memiliki kandungan protein dan lemak tertinggi yang masing-masing sebesar 27,42% dan 15,94%, sedangkan formulasi D5:C5 (20% : 80%) memiliki kandungan karbohidrat tertinggi, yaitu sebesar 60,1951%. Tempe yang mengandung antioksidan tertinggi yaitu formulasi D2:C2 (70% : 30%) sebesar (78.34 ± 0.20)%. Tempe yang memiliki kandungan flavonoid tertinggi yaitu formulasi kedelai (100% : 0%), sebesar (0.33 ± 0.03) mg QE/ml.   Kata kunci: antioksidan, kecipir, kedelai, nilai giz

    Hubungan pola konsumsi minuman beralkohol terhadap kejadian hipertensi pada tenaga kerja pariwisata di Kelurahan Legian

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    Background:  The shift in lifestyle in tourism environment in Legian Village triggers alcohol consumption. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages will have an impact on long-term health of one of them increased levels of cortisol in the blood so that the activity of rennin-angiotensin aldesterol system (RAAS) increases and causes blood pressure to rise. Objectives: To determine the correlation between consumption patterns of alcoholic beverage with incidence of tourism labor hypertension in Legian. Methods: Design of crossectional study with sample of 87 tourism worker. Blood pressure measurement using Sphygmomanometer and stethoscope. The consumption pattern of alcoholic beverages is obtained by using the form of SQ-FFQ (Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Qualitiative). Results: The most common type of alcoholic beverage is beer with a percentage of 40.2%. A total of 48.3% of respondents consumed alcoholic beverages with a mild amount and as much as 56.3% of respondents often consumed alcoholic beverages. There was a significant correlation between beverage type and hypertension (rs = 0.433), total consumption and hypertension (rs = 0.566). Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between consumption pattern of alcoholic beverages with incidence of hypertension in tourism labor in Legian Villag

    Upaya Peningkatan Imunitas Tubuh melalui Edukasi Pangan dan Gizi bagi Pegawai dan Dosen di LLDIKTI Wilayah VIII: Efforts to Improve Body Immunity through Food and Nutrition Education for Employees and Lecturers in LLDIKTI Region VIII

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    The Covid 19 pandemic and unhealthy life style may lead to depression and anxiety followed by a decreasing of immune system. A healthy diet affects a person’s health and immune system. Objective: To provide education to the community, especially employees and lecturers in the LLDIKTI region VIII work environment, regarding food consumption and nutrition that can prevent stress and increase endurance during a pandemic. Methods: The activity begins with preparation, implementation and evaluation. Education is carried out using virtual media through zoom meetings, which are in the form of webinar series containing lectures and discussions. At the beginning of the activity, partners are given a pre-test and at the end of the discussion partners are given a post-test. Community service activities are carried out from October 13, 2021, to November 13, 2021. The evaluation was carried out using a knowledge questionnaire based on the material presented by the speaker.  The results of the community service activities showed an increase in partner knowledge about food and nutrition consumption that can prevent stress and increase endurance during a pandemic. Suggestion: It is necessary to conduct training and assistance in hygiene food processing to produce processed innovations that can be used to increase body immunity