24 research outputs found

    Natural Language-based Visualization and Modeling for Updatable Process Views

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    Nowadays, an understanding of its own business processes is crucial for companies, to ensure an efficient and quick changing work flow. While several tools exists using graphical annotations, e.g. Business Process Model and Annotation (BPMN), an untrained staff member may not be able to understand business processes described in these annotations, resulting in additional investments into staff member training. Furthermore, some structures used in graphical annotations may not seem native to untrained users, causing misinterpretations of business process models. Fostering this issue, natural language-based process descriptions may used. These descriptions are automatic-generated from process models. Another problem of modern business process modeling is the communication between process modelers and domain experts. A thought of a domain expert can be misinterpreted by the process modeler. The results are discrepancies in business process models. Avoiding this problem, modeling mechanics for natural language-based process descriptions may used. Therefore, the thesis introduces fundamentals of the proView project as well as the generation and editing of natural language-based process descriptions. Subsequently, integration steps of natural language into the proView project, divided into two parts, are shown. The first part contains integration of a process model to natural language text converter. The second part discusses problems and solutions of natural language-based modeling. Further, the second part shows the integration of natural language-based modeling into the proView project. Finally, further steps in the future are discussed

    Workflows on Android: A Framework Supporting Business Process Execution and Rule-Based Analysis

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    In companies, Business Process Management is often supported by Process-aware information systems (PAIS). However, such systems are mostly restricted to stationary desktop computers. To overcome this restriction, smart mobile devices may be used for mobile business process execution. However, with traditional PAIS having a client-server architecture, the computation is done on server side, whereas the client only visualizes business process tasks and interacts with the user. Therefore, smart mobile devices must rely on their mobile connection to provide PAIS features to its users. A possible solution is the transfer of server side features to the smart mobile device itself, enabling the latter to instantiate business process models and analyze business process instances by itself, without the need of a direct connection to a workflow-server. This thesis presents Workflows on Android (WOtAN), a modular and flexible framework for business process management running on Android smart mobile devices. However, the thesis focuses on flexible and robust business process execution as well as the analysis of business process instances. For this, predefined evaluation rules are applied on data that was collected during business process instance execution. Different concepts and interesting implementation aspects are presented in this thesis. Further, an application scenario is shown, where WOtAN is used to properly support a mobile data collection application

    Compliance Challenges with the General Data Protection Regulation

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    The General Data Protection Regulation are coming as a response to the outdated Directive from 1995. With this, a lot tougher pressures are put on organisations regarding the demand for compliance, which is mainly done through higher penalties, giving organisations an in-citement to oblige. Seen from the perspective of information systems, organisations have to implement the requirements of the regulation into their data processes in order to stay compli-ant. In the literature there is a lack of understanding of what challenges organisations face when striving for compliance in information systems. The General Data Protection Regulation was used as a lens to examine the available compliance theory. This was done by interviewing employees working with and in organisations trying to comply with the General Data Protec-tion Regulation in positions such as security management, product management and project management. We found seven challenges and one sub-challenge concerning data processes that organisations face as they adjust to the General Data Protection Regulation.The General Data Protection Regulation are coming as a response to the outdated Directive from 1995. With this, a lot tougher pressures are put on organisations regarding the demand for compliance, which is mainly done through higher penalties, giving organisations an in-citement to oblige. Seen from the perspective of information systems, organisations have to implement the requirements of the regulation into their data processes in order to stay compli-ant. In the literature there is a lack of understanding of what challenges organisations face when striving for compliance in information systems. The General Data Protection Regulation was used as a lens to examine the available compliance theory. This was done by interviewing employees working with and in organisations trying to comply with the General Data Protec-tion Regulation in positions such as security management, product management and project management. We found seven challenges and one sub-challenge concerning data processes that organisations face as they adjust to the General Data Protection Regulation

    Time trials versus time to exhaustion tests: Effects on critical 1 power, Wâ€Č and oxygen uptake kinetics

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    Purpose: To investigate single-day time-to-exhaustion (TTE) and time trial (TT) based laboratory tests values of critical power (CP), Wprime (W') and respective oxygen kinetics responses. Methods: Twelve cyclists performed a maximal ramp test followed by three TTE and three TT efforts interspersed by a 60-min recovery between efforts. Oxygen uptake was measured during all trials. The mean response time (MRT) was calculated as a description of the overall V ̇O2 kinetic response from the onset to 2 min of exercise. Results: TTE determined CP was 279 ± 52W and TT determined CP was 276 ± 50W (P = 0.237). Values of W were 14.3 ± 3.4 kJ (TTE W') and 16.5± 4.2 kJ (TT W') (P = 0.028). Whilst a high level of agreement (-12 to 17 W) and a low prediction error of 2.7% was established for CP, for W limits of agreements were markedly lower (-8 to 3.7 kJ) with a prediction error of 18.8%. The mean standard error for TTE CP values was significantly higher than that for TT CP values (2.4 ± 1.9% vs. 1.2 ± 0.7% W). The standard error for TTE W and TT W were 11.2 ± 8.1% and 5.6 ± 3.6%, respectively. The V ̇O2 response was significantly faster during TT (~22 s) than TTE (~28 s). Conclusions: The time-trial protocol with a 60-min recovery period offers a valid, time-saving and less error containing alternative to conventional and more recent testing methods. Results however cannot be transferred to W'

    Laves Phase Precipitation Behavior in HiperFer (High Performance Ferritic) Steel with and without Boron Alloying

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    High-chromium ferritic stainless HiperFer steels were developed for high-temperature applications in power conversion equipment. The presented research describes the precipitation behavior of the Laves phase after the thermomechanical treatment of Fe-17Cr-0.6Nb-2.4W HiperFer alloys with and without the addition of 55 ppm boron. The boron-alloyed variant was produced with the aim of enhancing grain boundary strengthening and consequently increasing creep resistance. The focus is set on the effect of boron on the thermomechanically induced precipitation of (Fe,Cr,Si)2(Nb,W) Laves phase at grain boundaries. The addition of boron modifies the diffusion conditions in the area of grain boundaries. Consequently, the formation of Laves phase is promoted and the particle growth and coarsening process are suppressed. The impact of boron addition was validated by performing creep and thermomechanical fatigue testing in the standard processing state of HiperFer steel. In the B-alloyed variant, increased creep ductility through the modification of the particle-free zone widths at high-angle grain boundaries was encountered. Nevertheless, an optimized thermomechanical treatment is necessary to fully utilize the increased ductility effect for the creep strength optimization of the B-alloyed grade.&nbsp

    Scrums negativa konsekvenser

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    Scrum vÀxer fram som ett svar pÄ traditionell projektledning och har fÄtt mycket positiv kritik eftersom det anses vara bÀttre anpassat för mjukvaruutveckling. Denna studie behandlar Scrums negativa konsekvenser, ett omrÄde som delvis förbisetts av tidigare litteratur. Vi bygger upp ett teoretiskt ramverk med aktuell litteratur som sedan anvÀnds som grund till djupintervjuer. Vi finner stöd i litteraturen för problem under tre huvudomrÄden; tekniska problem, stora projekt och kommunikation. Dessa omrÄden bestÄr i sin tur av flera negativa konsekvenser. Intervjuerna har gjorts med fem personer med olika befattningar inom Scrum för att innefatta sÄ stor del av arbetsmetodiken som möjligt. Av studien framgÄr det att de tidigare identifierade problemen bÄde avvisas och bekrÀftas samt att vi fÄr stöd för andra negativa konsekvenser. Av totalt nio identifierade negativa konsekvenser avvisas tvÄ helt, ytterligare tvÄ kan varken avvisas eller bekrÀftas och fem fÄr stöd i empirin. Vi finner Àven stöd hos de intervjuade för ytterligare tvÄ problem som vi inte funnit nÀmnda i tidigare litteratur.Scrum vÀxer fram som ett svar pÄ traditionell projektledning och har fÄtt mycket positiv kritik eftersom det anses vara bÀttre anpassat för mjukvaruutveckling. Denna studie behandlar Scrums negativa konsekvenser, ett omrÄde som delvis förbisetts av tidigare litteratur. Vi bygger upp ett teoretiskt ramverk med aktuell litteratur som sedan anvÀnds som grund till djupintervjuer. Vi finner stöd i litteraturen för problem under tre huvudomrÄden; tekniska problem, stora projekt och kommunikation. Dessa omrÄden bestÄr i sin tur av flera negativa konsekvenser. Intervjuerna har gjorts med fem personer med olika befattningar inom Scrum för att innefatta sÄ stor del av arbetsmetodiken som möjligt. Av studien framgÄr det att de tidigare identifierade problemen bÄde avvisas och bekrÀftas samt att vi fÄr stöd för andra negativa konsekvenser. Av totalt nio identifierade negativa konsekvenser avvisas tvÄ helt, ytterligare tvÄ kan varken avvisas eller bekrÀftas och fem fÄr stöd i empirin. Vi finner Àven stöd hos de intervjuade för ytterligare tvÄ problem som vi inte funnit nÀmnda i tidigare litteratur

    The building damages mission:Risk assessment to avoid problems in construction projects : Final report of an assignment from the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning

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    Sammanfattningsvis kan det sÀgas att det Àr nödvÀndigt att samla in erfarenheter av fel och misslyckanden för att risker ska kunna bedömas. Det behövs ocksÄ mÀnniskor med rika erfarenheter och stort engagemang för att arbetet ska kunna gÄ vidare med vÀrdering av riskerna och förslag pÄ metoder för att undvika olyckor och skador. Detta Àr ocksÄ resurskrÀvande. I avsnitt 10 presenteras ett försök till riskanalys för vattenskador med hjÀlp av en Feleffektanalys. Det finns i vissa fall motiv för samhÀllets företrÀdare att begÀra kontroller för att sÀkerstÀlla att en byggnad uppfyller samhÀllskraven. Det finns ocksÄ mÄnga sammanhang som i och för sig ger skador och olyckor men dÀr byggherrar och fastighetsÀgare inte kan förvÀnta sig att samhÀllet ska efterfrÄga kontroller. En tanke i sammanhanget Àr att eftersom brukare av byggnader kan medverka till att skador uppkommer genom att vara nonchalera varningstecken och att hantera byggnaden vÄrdslöst sÄ Àr det klokt att utforma kritiska delar av byggnaden sÄ att de Àr robusta och tÄl att behandlas Àven pÄ ett klumpigt sÀtt.   VÄr reflektion efter att ha gÄtt igenom vittnesmÄl om skador och olyckor i byggandet Àr att fel kan uppkomma under alla faser av en byggprocess, men det kan dröja innan de blir upptÀckta. Felet eller misslyckandet kan hÀnda under projektering och upptÀckas genast eller under byggprocess, garantitid eller förvaltningsskede. Felet eller misslyckandet kan ocksÄ hÀnda under byggprocessen och kan upptÀckas genast eller under garantitid eller förvaltningsskede. Kontroller bör göras pÄ ett sÀtt sÄ att skador och olyckor inte intrÀffar. Givet att det övergripande mÄlet Àr att undvika byggskador tror vi att coachande frÄgor Àr en anvÀndbar arbetsmodell. RÀtt utformade skulle sÄdana frÄgor kunna lÀsas av aktörer pÄ flera olika nivÄer och i olika roller. Tanken Àr att frÄgorna skall leda till reflektion och pÄ sÄ sÀtt vara till hjÀlp för att fÄ exempelvis en byggherre med bristande erfarenhet att undvika misstag. Vi tror att feleffektanalys Àr ett anvÀndbart hjÀlpmedel för att sortera tankarna kring vad som en byggnadsnÀmnd ska ha fokus pÄ. Eftersom antalet kontroller hÀr Àr begrÀnsat sÄ gÀller det att skilja mellan det som Àr mycket viktigt och det som Àr mindre viktigt. Att ta fram ett riskprioriteringstal Àr dÄ nyttigt. En byggnadsnÀmnd kan samla in information som visar om det finns sÀrskilda risker anknutna till en byggherre. Detta krÀver dock resurser Byggnader kÀnnetecknas av att vara komplexa objekt som varar under lÄng tid. Vanligen lÀngre Àn en mÀnniskas livslÀngd. De kommer ocksÄ att pÄverka samhÀllet, sÀrskilt om de inte fungerar som avsett. DÀrför Àr det viktigt att samhÀllet gör kontroller av byggandet.In summary, it can be said that it is necessary to gather experiences of errors and failures in order for risks to be assessed. People with rich experience and great commitment are also needed for the work to be able to proceed with the assessment of the risks and suggestions for methods to avoid accidents and injuries. This is also resource intensive. Section 10 in the report presents an attempt at risk analysis for water damage using a Fault Effect Analysis. In some cases, there are motives for society's representatives to request inspections to ensure that a building meets societal requirements. There are also many contexts that in themselves cause injuries and accidents, but where builders and property owners can not expect the society to demand inspections. One idea in this context is that since users of buildings can contribute to damage occurring by being negligent warning signs and handling the building carelessly, it is wise to design critical parts of the building so that they are robust and can withstand also to be used in a clumsy way. .   Our reflection after going through testimonials about damages and accidents in construction is that errors can occur during all phases of a construction process, but it can take time before they are discovered. The error or failure can occur during design and be detected immediately or during the construction process, warranty period or management stage. The error or failure can also occur during the construction process and can be detected immediately or during the warranty period or management stage. Checks should be made in such a way that injuries and accidents do not occur. Given that the overall goal is to avoid construction damage, we believe that coaching issues are a useful working model. Properly designed, such questions could be read by actors at several different levels and in different roles. The idea is that the questions should lead to reflection and thus be helpful in getting, for example, a client with a lack of experience to avoid mistakes. We believe that Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is a useful tool for sorting out thoughts about what a building permit committee should focus on. Since the number of controls here is limited, it is important to distinguish between what is very important and what is less important. Producing a risk priority number is then useful. A building committee can collect information that shows whether there are special risks associated with a client. However, this requires resources Buildings are characterized by being complex objects that last for a long time. Usually longer than a person's lifespan. They will also affect society, especially if they do not function as intended. Therefore, it is important that society makes controls of construction.QC 20210324</p