2,055 research outputs found

    Alternating current losses in superconducting coils

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    Report examines relationship between coil loss and frequency and heat loss in coil as a function of the magnetic field H. Information is of value to manufacturers of superconducting magnets, motors and generators

    On the functional renormalization group for the scalar field on curved background with non-minimal interaction

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    The running of the non-minimal parameter (\xi) of the interaction of the real scalar field and scalar curvature is explored within the non-perturbative setting of the functional renormalization group (RG). We establish the RG flow in curved space-time in the scalar field sector, in particular derive an equation for the non-minimal parameter. The RG trajectory is numerically explored for different sets of initial data.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, 4 Figure

    Effective Actions for the SU(2) Confinement-Deconfinement Phase Transition

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    We compare different Polyakov loop actions yielding effective descriptions of finite-temperature SU(2) Yang-Mills theory on the lattice. The actions are motivated by a simultaneous strong-coupling and character expansion obeying center symmetry and include both Ising and Ginzburg-Landau type models. To keep things simple we limit ourselves to nearest-neighbor interactions. Some truncations involving the most relevant characters are studied within a novel mean-field approximation. Using inverse Monte-Carlo techniques based on exact geometrical Schwinger-Dyson equations we determine the effective couplings of the Polyakov loop actions. Monte-Carlo simulations of these actions reveal that the mean-field analysis is a fairly good guide to the physics involved. Our Polyakov loop actions reproduce standard Yang-Mills observables well up to limitations due to the nearest-neighbor approximation.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, v2: typos correcte

    Renormalization group flows and fixed points for a scalar field in curved space with nonminimal F(ϕ)RF(\phi)R coupling

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    Using covariant methods, we construct and explore the Wetterich equation for a non-minimal coupling F(ϕ)RF(\phi)R of a quantized scalar field to the Ricci scalar of a prescribed curved space. This includes the often considered non-minimal coupling ξϕ2R\xi \phi^2 R as a special case. We consider the truncations without and with scale- and field-dependent wave function renormalization in dimensions between four and two. Thereby the main emphasis is on analytic and numerical solutions of the fixed point equations and the behavior in the vicinity of the corresponding fixed points. We determine the non-minimal coupling in the symmetric and spontaneously broken phases with vanishing and non-vanishing average fields, respectively. Using functional perturbative renormalization group methods, we discuss the leading universal contributions to the RG flow below the upper critical dimension d=4d=4.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Renormalization group flows and fixed points for a scalar field in curved space with nonminimal F(ϕ)RF(\phi)R coupling

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    Using covariant methods, we construct and explore the Wetterich equation for a non-minimal coupling F(ϕ)RF(\phi)R of a quantized scalar field to the Ricci scalar of a prescribed curved space. This includes the often considered non-minimal coupling ξϕ2R\xi \phi^2 R as a special case. We consider the truncations without and with scale- and field-dependent wave function renormalization in dimensions between four and two. Thereby the main emphasis is on analytic and numerical solutions of the fixed point equations and the behavior in the vicinity of the corresponding fixed points. We determine the non-minimal coupling in the symmetric and spontaneously broken phases with vanishing and non-vanishing average fields, respectively. Using functional perturbative renormalization group methods, we discuss the leading universal contributions to the RG flow below the upper critical dimension d=4d=4.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Aharonov-Bohm effect in Presence of Superconductors

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    The analysis of a previous paper, in which it was shown that the energy for the Aharonov-Bohm effect could be traced to the interaction energy between the magnetic field of the electron and the background magnetic field, is extended to cover the case in which the magnetic field of the electron is shielded from the background magnetic field by superconducting material. The paradox that arises from the fact that such a shielding would apparently preclude the possibility of an interaction energy is resolved and, within the limits of the ideal situation considered, the observed experimental result is derived.Comment: Published version: Foundations of Physics, Vol. 23 (1993) 703-709 doi: 10.1007/BF01883804 arXiv-ed February 18, 1993 ; \LaTeX-ed May 1, 2023 Uploaded to arXiv to help researchers with limited library facilitie

    An in situ Electrochemical Study of Electrodeposited Nickel and Nickel-Yttrium Oxide Composite Using Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy

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    Electrodeposited nickel and nickel-yttrium oxide composite samples were studied in situ using scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM). The monitored probe currents in phosphate-citrate buffer (pH 4.2) in the presence or absence of Ru(NH3)63+ as an oxidizing mediator near the Ni surface show that the SECM is a useful tool for study of the electrochemical activity of heterogeneous metal surface at micrometer scales. The SECM ultramicroelectrode probe tip provides information about the shape, activity and location of particles, such as Y2O3 introduced (co-deposited) in the Ni-matrix of the composite. Experiments show that the Ni-matrix in the composite coating is more active than the pure Ni-coating. This fact is expected, because of texture changes in the Ni structure upon introduction (by co-deposition) of Y2O3 particles. In the absence of mediator in the solution, the electrochemical activity of heterogeneous metal surface at a micro-level is investigated by using O2 concentration changes. The rate of reaction for O2 reduction was found to locally vary at electrodes floating at the open-circuit potential (o.c.p) when compared to an electrode potentiostatically polarized at a more positive potential than the o.c.p. This behavior suggests that local anode and cathode regions are being observed at the o.c.p. sample

    Liouville and Toda Theories as Conformally Reduced WZNW Theories

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    It is shown that Liouville theory can be regarded as an SL(2, R) Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten theory with conformal invariant constraints and that Polyakov’s SL(2, R) Kac-Moody symmetry of induced two-dimensional gravity is just one side of the WZNW current algebra. Analogously, Toda field theories can be regarded as conformal-invariantly constrained WZNW theories for appropriate (maximally noncompact) groups