24 research outputs found


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    U ovom završnom radu opisano je kako funkcioniraju neuronske mreže i dan je uvid u njihovu arhitekturu. Konvolucijske neuronske mreže su detaljnije opisane jer su se koristile u izradi rada. Detaljno su opisani konvolucijski i potpuno povezani sloj. U radu je detaljno opisan sustav za prepoznavanje i klasifikaciju slika, YOLO (You only look once). Nakon teoretskog uvoda navedeno je kako koristiti sustav i pokazani su primjeri proizišli iz testiranja neuronske mreže. Slike prikazuju kako dobru klasifikaciju tako i greške i poteškoče na koje nailazi sustav.This paper describes how neural networks work and gives insight into their architecture. Convolution Neural Networks are described in more detail because they were used for this paper. A convolutional and fully-connected layer is described in detail. This paper describes the system for recognizing and classifying images, YOLO (you only look once). After the theoretical introduction, it was stated how to use the system and demonstrated examples derived from the testing of neural network. The pictures show how good the classification is but also the mistakes and difficulties faced by the system

    Analysis of selected properties of warming system prepared with various plastering mortar

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    Nowadays, one of the most important challenge in civil construction is design, build and use buildings in sustainable development way. This article describes one of the most important thermo-modernization undertaking, which is increase of insulation of external walls. The research was prepared in special technology on samples with silicon, mineral, acrylic thin-layer plasters and with adhesive mass only. Purpose of the research was to analyze the physical and mechanical properties of the additional layer with this four variants of plastering mortar. The research, which was made by authors showed that the thin – layer plasters are characterized by resistance to environmental factors, which they are directly exposed. The connection between the individual layers of the thermal insulation system secures durability of the plasters. The samples with mineral plastering mortar were characterized by the highest interlayer adhesio

    Analysis of selected properties of warming system prepared with various plastering mortar

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    Nowadays, one of the most important challenge in civil construction is design, build and use buildings in sustainable development way. This article describes one of the most important thermo-modernization undertaking, which is increase of insulation of external walls. The research was prepared in special technology on samples with silicon, mineral, acrylic thin-layer plasters and with adhesive mass only. Purpose of the research was to analyze the physical and mechanical properties of the additional layer with this four variants of plastering mortar. The research, which was made by authors showed that the thin – layer plasters are characterized by resistance to environmental factors, which they are directly exposed. The connection between the individual layers of the thermal insulation system secures durability of the plasters. The samples with mineral plastering mortar were characterized by the highest interlayer adhesio

    Obtaining of bacteria with the abilities of decolourization of azo dyes

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    Barwniki azowe to najliczniejsza i najczęściej stosowana grupa barwników syntetycznych. W większości są to substancje odporne na działanie czynników fizycznych, chemicznych oraz biologicznych, co wpływa na trudności w efektywnym ich usuwaniu ze ścieków i stwarza ryzyko ich przenikania do środowiska wodnego. Badania nad zwiększeniem sprawności konwencjonalnych metod oczyszczania ścieków barwnych obejmują m.in. pozyskiwanie mikroorganizmów o wysokim potencjale dekoloryzacyjnym, które można będzie wykorzystać np. do bioaugmentacji układów biologicznego oczyszczania. Celem badań był screening bakterii wykazujących zdolność dekoloryzacji dwóch barwników azowych (błękitu Evansa (BE), czerwieni Kongo (CK)). Mikroorganizmy izolowano ze ścieków komunalnych, kompostu oraz spróchniałego drewna bukowego. W pierwszym etapie izolacji wykorzystano podłoża stałe (mineralne i agar odżywczy) suplementowane barwnikami należącymi do dwóch grup chemicznych (disazowy błękit Evansa (BE), trifenylometanowa zieleń brylantowa (ZB)). Izolaty kilkukrotnie pasażowano w celu potwierdzenia ich czystości i potencjału dekoloryzacyjnego. W drugim etapie badań zastosowano hodowle płynne na podłożu bulion odżywczy zawierającym barwniki syntetyczne (BE lub CK) w stężeniu 0,1 g/dm3. Pomiary spektrofotometryczne prób po dekoloryzacji posłużyły do określenia zawartości barwników i obliczenia ich procentowego usunięcia. Wykazano, że wszystkie wykorzystane materiały mogą stanowić źródło pozyskiwania bakterii dekoloryzujących. Największą ich liczbę izolowano ze ścieków komunalnych, następnie kompostu i próchna. Bardziej skomplikowany strukturalnie BE był efektywniej usuwany przez bakterie niż CK. Większą efektywność dekoloryzacji wykazywały szczepy izolowane na podłożu mineralnym. Spośród nich 3 izolowane na podłożu MM charakteryzowały się szczególnymi właściwościami, usuwały zadane barwniki już po 48 h hodowli z efektywnością przekraczającą 90 %.Azo dyes are the most numerous and most commonly used group of synthetic dyes. Most of them are resistant to physical, chemical and biological factors. It causes difficulties in effective removal of dyes from wastewater and creates the risk of their penetration into the aquatic environment. Research on increasing the efficiency of conventional methods of treatment of the coloured wastewater includes, inter alia, obtaining microorganisms with high decolourization potential. Such microorganisms can be used e.g. for bioaugmentation of biological treatment systems. The aim of the study was screening of bacteria showing the ability to decolorize two azo dyes (Evans blue (EB), Congo red (CR). Microorganisms were isolated from municipal sewage, compost and rotten beech wood. At the first stage of screening were used two kinds of solid growth media (mineral and nutrient agar) supplemented with dyes belonging to two chemical groups (disazo Evans blue (EB); triphenylmethane brilliant green (BG)). Isolates were passaged several times to confirm their purity and decolourization potential. In the second stage of research, liquid cultures on nutrient broth containing synthetic dyes (EB or CR) at a concentration of 0.1 g /dm3 were used. The content of dyes in samples after decolourization were measure spectrophotometrically and their percentage removal was calculated. It has been shown that all used materials can be a source for obtaining decolorizing bacteria. The largest number of them was isolated from municipal wastewater, followed by compost and rotten wood. Structurally more complicated EB was more efficiently removed by bacteria than CR. Strains isolated on mineral media showed greater decolourization efficiency. Amongst the strains isolated on MM, 3 of them removed dyes already after 48 h of culture with an efficiency exceeding 90 %