29 research outputs found

    Relationships between Trust and Collaborative Culture in The Context of Tacit Knowledge Sharing

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    The literature review presents a lot of theoretical and empirical evidence that trust affects collaborative culture. The opposite also proves to be true: collaborative culture influences trust. The main hypothesis presented in this paper says that both these factors are strongly correlated and modify each other. This study examines the mutual relationship of the said variables in the context of tacit knowledge sharing based on research conducted among 514 Polish professionals performing different functions, and having various experience in managing projects, in the construction industry. The results obtained in the course of the study indicate that there is not only a strong correlation between trust and collaborative culture but both of them have a strong influence on tacit knowledge sharing. The main managerial implication of the study is the importance of stimulating the growth of both collaborative culture and trust. receiving a strong synergy effect will make it possible to leverage tacit knowledge sharing as an agent contributing to a company’s performance

    Prospective evaluation of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring parameters in children with white coat hypertension

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    Wstęp Izolowane nadciśnienie w warunkach gabinetowych zwane też nadciśnieniem białego fartucha jest dość powszechnym zjawiskiem, jego częstość waha się od 22 do 45% wśród dzieci z podwyższonym gabinetowym ciśnieniem tętniczym. Jak dotąd nie przeprowadzono długoterminowych obserwacji tego zjawiska u dzieci. Celem pracy była ocena parametrów 24-godzinnego automatycznego pomiaru ciśnienia tętniczego (ABPM) u dzieci i młodzieży z nadciśnieniem białego fartucha i ustalenie,czy jest to grupa pacjentów zwiększonego ryzyka rozwoju nadciśnienia tętniczego. Materiał i metody Badaniami objęto grupę 47 pacjentów w średnim wieku 15 lat (± 2,3) - 12 dziewcząt i 35 chłopców; po 2-letniej obserwacji - średnio 660 dni (SD ± 211) przeprowadzono badania kontrolne. Na powtórne badania zgłosiło się 35 pacjentów, w tym 10 dziewcząt i 25 chłopców, w średnim wieku 16,8 rż. (SD ± 2,6). Porównywano parametry ABPM w I i II pomiarze dla każdego pacjenta i poddano analizie statystycznej za pomocą programu Statistica. Wyniki W badaniu kontrolnym obserwowano znamienny wzrost wartości ciśnienia tak, że 34% pacjentów osiągnęło wartości 95. centyla dla średniego ciśnienia dobowego w ABPM, a więc po 2-letniej obserwacji rozwinęło się u nich utrwalone nadciśnienie tętnicze. Znamienny statystycznie był także wzrost ładunku ciśnienia skurczowego w drugim pomiarze ABPM ze średniego 17,7% do 31,2% w pomiarach dziennych i z 16,2% do 36,7% w pomiarach nocnych. Nie obserwowano zmian w profilu dobowym ciśnienia w tym okresie. Wnioski Izolowane nadciśnienie w warunkach gabinetowych u dzieci i młodzieży jest czynnikiem ryzyka rozwoju nadciśnienia tętniczego. W tej grupie pacjentów szczególnie wskazane jest okresowe monitorowanie ciśnienia tętniczego w celu oceny ewentualnej progresji. Nadciśnienie Tętnicze 2007, tom 11, nr 5, strony 412-417.Background Isolated office hypertension, so called white- -coat hypertension is a common cardiovascular condition in the general population. The prevalence of white-coat hypertension is about 22-45% of children with elevated casual readings. There are no data about long term observations of this kind elevated blood pressure in children. The aim of this study was evaluation of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring measurements in children and adolescents with white-coat hypertension and try to establish whether this condition is a risk factor for persistent hypertension in these patients. Material and methods The study population consisted of 49 patients mean age 15 years (± 2,3) - 12 girls and 35 boys. After a period of 2 years - average 660 days (SD ± 211) we reexamined 35 of them - 10 girls and 25 boys, prospectively. ambulatory blood pressure monitoring was performed and two readings was compared for each patient. Results were statistically analyzed. Results We observed significant elevation of mean 24-h blood pressure in the second ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. 34% of children with white-coat hypertension exceeded 95th percentile and were regarded as hypertensive. Significant difference was noted between the first and the second systolic blood pressure load measurementswhich rose - from 17,7% to 31,2% during daytime and from 16,2% to 36,7% during nighttime. There wasn’t statistical difference in 24-h blood pressure profile in children during the 2 years observation. Conclusions Isolated office hypertension seems to be a risk factor for developing persistent hypertension in children. It is recommended that blood pressure monitoring be carried out periodically in children with white-coat hypertension. Arterial Hypertension 2007, vol. 11, no 5, pages 412-417


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    Drawing on existing research dealing with time in brand and brand management, this paper aims at providing a comprehensive and coherent framework of some time-related concepts, with a special emphasis on what happens when a brand reaches the senescence stage. In addition, it strives to consider what happens when a brand becomes long-lived enough, looking at the brand\u2019s customer base. While undoubtedly time affects customers\u2019 age and generations, the demand side of the brand-customer relationship is actually under-researched. Finally, a research agenda is developed, in order to improve what is currently known about such an important but neglected topic as the effects that the passing of time has both on the brand and on the consumers it addresses to

    Relationships between Trust and Collaborative Culture in The Context of Tacit Knowledge Sharing

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    The literature review presents a lot of theoretcal and empirical evidence that trust afects collaboratve culture. The opposite also proves to be true: collaboratve culture infuences trust. The main hypothesis presented in this paper says that both these factors are strongly correlated and modify each other. This study examines the mutual relatonship of the said variables in the context of tacit knowledge sharing based on research conducted among 514 Polish professionals performing diferent functons, and having various experience in managing projects, in the constructon industry. The results obtained in the course of the study indicate that there is not only a strong correlaton between trust and collaboratve culture but both of them have a strong infuence on tacit knowledge sharing. The main managerial implicaton of the study is the importance of stmulatng the growth of both collaboratve culture and trust. receiving a strong synergy efect will make it possible to leverage tacit knowledge sharing as an agent contributng to a company’s performance

    Employee Commitment Matters for CSR Practice, Reputation and Corporate Brand Performance—European Model

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    So far, there have been no studies that explore how employee brand commitment moderates CSR practice outcomes. Employee brand commitment is often claimed as a focal input and output of the CSR. So, it means that it shapes CSR conditions. Then, it is a moderator. This study aims to verify it. Besides, commitment exists in many forms and can be achieved in many ways. Hence the question, if employees are committed to the brand, then how does it affect the outcomes of social responsibility practices such as corporate reputation or brand performance? This study analyzed a sample of 282 cases from the construction industry in Europe, using SPSS Amos and the PROCESS macro, to reveal the strong alignment of an excellent level of all three: CSR practice, corporate brand reputation, employee brand commitment. Still, it also shows that the high level of CSR practice may leverage corporate brand reputation even though employees are not brand committed. It exposes how meaningful the excellent level of CSR practice is. Moreover, the study also reveals that the lack of employee brand commitment may jeopardize reputation. So, the simplest way to achieve sustainability of brand performance is to keep employee brand commitment and CSR practice at the highest possible level to secure corporate brand reputation, which is a strong mediator between CSR practice and brand performance. The people are the company. So, in light of the study findings, it is clear that the future of corporate brands is in employees’ hands. Thus, companies should focus on improving employee commitment to achieve better corporate social responsibility practice outcomes. Moreover, the findings in this study present evidence supporting the importance of internal branding. This is the first study that has explored how employee brand commitment moderates CSR outcomes in a national context

    Consumer social network brand identification and personal branding. How do social network users choose among brand sites?

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    Brands’ social networking sites (fan pages) are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand value creation. The aim of this research is to understand better how users choose among social networking sites as an act of brand identification. The study presents a new model whose structure of identification drivers for social networking brand sites varies for customer brand identification in the real and virtual worlds. The presented model reveals that personal branding is a planned effect of brand identification and it is crucial for brand value creation in social networks

    Self-Perceived Personal Brand Equity of Knowledge Workers by Gender in Light of Knowledge-Driven Organizational Culture: Evidence From Poland and the United States

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    This study contributes to the limited literature on the personal branding of knowledge workers by revealing that a culture that incorporates knowledge, learning, and collaboration supports (explicit and tacit) knowledge sharing among employees and that sharing matters for knowledge workers’ self-perceived personal brand equity. Analysis of 2,168 cases from the United States and Poland using structural equation modeling (SEM) showed that this knowledge-sharing mechanism differs by country and gender. Findings revealed that in the United States, the knowledge culture and collaboration culture are highly correlated and dominate the learning culture. In both countries, the mistake acceptance component of the learning culture is not supported by knowledge culture as strongly as is the climate component. These findings reveal a bias concerning the acceptance of mistakes as a potential source of learning observed if the culture of knowledge dominates. Moreover, this study uncovers some significant gender differences that might be caused by the gender stereotypes existing in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). Finally, the study confirms that knowledge workers’ personal branding is a potent motive to smoothen and increase the knowledge-sharing flow in knowledge-driven organizations

    Effects of the ‘Family 500+’ government programme for families and for the professional activity of women

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    It has been a year since the government launched the ‘Family 500+’ (‘Rodzina 500+’) programme. Already at the stage of the debate, the idea evoke extreme emotions: from very positive to extremely negative ones, among both politicians and public opinion. Today, from the perspective of time and observation of the programme functioning, its first effects are noticeable. The author of this article uses the project method. The article discusses the influence of the 500+ benefits on the life of Polish families and of the youth at the early-adulthood age, as well as how the programme determines women’s professional activity, and thereby the labour market.Od uruchomienia rządowego programu „Rodzina 500 plus” minął pierwszy rok. Już w fazie debaty, idea programu budziła wiele skrajnych emocji. Od bardzo pozytywnych po skrajnie negatywne, zarówno wśród polityków, jak i opinii publicznej. Dziś z perspektywy czasu i obserwacji tego, jak program funkcjonuje w praktyce, widać już pierwsze efekty jego działania. W artykule wykorzystuję metodę projektu. Skupiam się na ukazaniu wpływu zapomóg 500+ na życie polskich rodzin, młodzieży w wieku wczesnej dorosłości oraz na tym, w jaki sposób determinuje on aktywność zawodową kobiet, wpływając tym samym na rynek pracy

    Consumer social network brand identification and personal branding. How do social network users choose among brand sites?

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    <p>Brands’ social networking sites (fan pages) are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand value creation. The aim of this research is to understand better how users choose among social networking sites as an act of brand identification. The study presents a new model whose structure of identification drivers for social networking brand sites varies for customer brand identification in the real and virtual worlds. The presented model reveals that personal branding is a planned effect of brand identification and it is crucial for brand value creation in social networks.</p

    Organizational IT competency, knowledge workers and knowledge sharing

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    © 2019 Academic Conferences Limited. All rights reserved. IT competency plays a vital role in knowledge management processes. Information technology affects an organization\u27s ability to store and recall knowledge that has been made explicit through codification, including different forms such as written documents, reports, presentations, patents, formulas, etc. This study aims to measure the influence of a company\u27s IT competency dimensions such as IT-knowledge, IT-operations, and IT-infrastructure on knowledge sharing. For this purpose, a survey of 910 Polish employees with different roles and experiences and across different industries has been conducted. The data were analyzed with a structural equation modeling method (SEM). Findings suggest that infrastructure is not a significant IT competency when it comes to knowledge sharing, whereas IT-knowledge and IT-operations are. It means that infrastructure should be perceived as a necessary but not sufficient factor to ensure the knowledge-sharing flow in organizations. This conclusion leads to the interesting implication that IT-operations and IT-knowledge are actually the vital factors to support effective knowledge sharing. It means that business case knowledge, which is pivotal for effective operations is fundamental for developing IT competency. It means that knowledge workers who act as “bridges” between IT and business operations became more and more valuable human capital assets