524 research outputs found

    Do Austrian Men and Women Become more Equal? At Least in Terms of Labor Supply!

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    We study the development of wage elasticity of labor supply for Austrian men and women over time using comparable and representative survey data for the 1980s and 1990s. The elasticity of men is relatively low and constant over time, similar to the behavior of single women. Most remarkable is the almost continuous reduction in the labor supply reactions of married women: while their elasticity was still several times larger at the beginning of the 1980s, they approached rapidly the much less elastic behaviour of men. These developments are important for the analysis of deadweight losses of taxation as well as the effects of tax reforms and wage subsidy programs.Labor supply, gender, wage elasticity

    Do Austrian Men and Women Become more Equal? At Least in Terms of Labor Supply!

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    Similar to most industrialized countries, female labor supply in Austria has been increasing for the last decades, while labor force participation for men has been constant or even somewhat declining. This working paper - in cooperation with the University of Linz - provides an insight into wage elasticities concerning work participation and weekly hours for Austrian men and women between 1987 and 1999. It presents the almost continuous reduction in the labor supply reactions of married women. While their elasticity was still several times larger at the beginning of the 1980s, they approached rapidly the much less elastic behavior of men. These developments are important for the analysis of deadweight losses of taxation as well as the effects of tax reforms and wage subsidy programs. In this paper we differentiate between married and never-married women; which is very important in explaining labour force participation. As these differences are negligible for men we refrain from this distinction. Labor supply elasticities give an impression about attachment to the labor force; very high elasticities of (married) women have often been interpreted as evidence for low labor force attachment and a traditional family role model: the male bread-winner model where female market participation was considered as supplementary and more volatile. Due to increasing educational attainment of women, developments on the marriage market - lower marriage and higher divorce rates - and most importantly changing social roles and norms, it can be expected that this traditional male-breadwinner model will have considerably lost its importance

    Shell-Model Study of Shears Bands in Light Pb Nuclei

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    Spherical shell-model calculations have been performed in the configuration space ( s1/2h9/2i13/2) and (p1/2p3/2f5/2i13/2) for protons and neutrons, respectively, in order to interpret the sequences of strong dipole transitions found in neutron-deficient Pb isotopes. Regular dipole bands are found if several high-j protons and high-j neutron holes are interacting with neutrons in the low-spin (fp) orbitals. The calculated B(M1) values are in the order of several µN2 for the deltaJ=1 transitions, and the crossover E2 transitions are very weak. The mechanism generating the dipole bands is found to be the same as in the tilted axis cranking mean-field description

    Forschung am Rande des paläographischen Zweifels: Die EDV-basierte Erfassung individueller Schriftzüge im Projekt DAmalS

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    Das Pilotprojekt DAmalS (Datenbank zur Authentifizierung mittelalterlicher Schreiberhände) hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, neue Kriterien zur Unterscheidung von Schreiberhänden in mittelalterlichen deutschsprachigen Handschriften aufzustellen und zuverlässigere Methoden und Werkzeuge für diese Aufgabe zu entwickeln. DAmalS beruht auf den drei Säulen einer elementgetreuen Basistransliteration in XML, computerbasierten graphetischen Analysen und einem neuartigen Verfahren der bildorientierten Mustererkennung. Diese Säulen sind in eine Datenbankstruktur integriert, welche sowohl die Archivierung als auch die technisch hochkomplexe Verarbeitung der Bildund Textdokumente leistet. Auf diese Weise bietet DAmalS eine Art Brille, durch die paläographische ExpertInnen bei ihrer Schriftbegutachtung unterstützt werden. In einer weiteren Ausbaustufe soll das Projekt DAmalS in ein neues Projekt namens MOSES (Musterorientiertes System zur Erfassung von Schriftindividualität) eingebettet werden, welches sich auf neuzeitliche und aktuelle handgeschriebene Materialien ausdehnen lässt, um dann z. B. auch für forensische Zwecke hilfreich zu sein

    Signal characteristics of focal bone marrow lesions in patients with multiple myeloma using whole body T1w-TSE, T2w-STIR and diffusion-weighted imaging with background suppression

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    Objective: This study analyses the diagnostic potential of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging with Background Suppression (DWIBS) in the detection of focal bone marrow lesions from multiple myeloma. The signal and contrast properties of DWIBS are evaluated in correlation with the serum concentration of M-component (MC) and compared with established T1- and T2-weighted sequences. Methods: Data from 103 consecutive studies in 81 patients are analysed retrospectively. Signal intensities and apparent Diffusion Coefficients (ADC) of 79 focal lesions in the lumbar spine or pelvis of 38 patients are determined and contrast-to-noise-ratio (CNR) is calculated. Data from patients with low (20g/dL) MC are evaluated separately. Results: Signal intensities of focal myeloma lesions on T2w-STIR vary significantly depending on the MC, which leads to a loss in CNR in patients with high MC. No signal variation is observed for T1w-TSE and DWIBS. The CNR values provided by DWIBS in patients with high MC are slightly higher than those of T2w-STIR. ADC values in patients with low MC are significantly higher than in patients with high MC. Conclusion: Whole-body DWIBS has the potential to improve the conspicuity of focal myeloma lesions and provides additional biological information by ADC quantificatio

    Reducing the Pill Burden: Immunosuppressant Adherence and Safety after Conversion from a Twice-Daily (IR-Tac) to a Novel Once-Daily (LCP-Tac) Tacrolimus Formulation in 161 Liver Transplant Patients

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    Non-adherence to immunosuppressant therapy reduces long-term graft and patient survival after solid organ transplantation. The objective of this 24-month prospective study was to determine adherence, efficacy and safety after conversion of stable liver transplant (LT) recipients from a standard twice-daily immediate release Tacrolimus (IR-Tac) to a novel once-daily life cycle pharma Tacrolimus (LCP-Tac) formulation. We converted a total of 161 LT patients at baseline, collecting Tacrolimus trough levels, laboratories, physical examination data and the BAASIS(C) questionnaire for self-reported adherence to immunosuppression at regular intervals. With 134 participants completing the study period (17% dropouts), the overall adherence to the BAASIS(C) increased by 57% until month 24 compared to baseline (51% vs. 80%). Patients who required only a morning dose of their concomitant medications reported the largest improvement in adherence after conversion. The intra-patient variability (IPV) of consecutive Tacrolimus trough levels after conversion did not change significantly compared to pre-conversion levels. Despite reducing the daily dose by 30% at baseline as recommended by the manufacturer, Tac-trough levels remained stable, reflected by an increase in the concentration-dose (C/D) ratio. No episodes of graft rejection or loss occurred. Our data suggest that the use of LCP-Tac in liver transplant patients is safe and can increase adherence to immunosuppression compared to conventional IR-Tac

    Einfluss der VerfĂĽtterung von Kleegrassilage-Presskuchen auf Bio-MilchkĂĽhe

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    Ziel dieser Studie war es, Einmischungsraten von Presskuchen für die Fütterung von Bio-Milchkühen zu vergleichen. Der höchste Anteil (V2: 50%) reduzierte die Futteraufnahme. Es wurden weder Auswirkungen auf die Milchleistung noch auf die Energieversorgung und die Rückenfettdicke festgestellt
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