35,384 research outputs found

    Poultry Feeding Stuffs and Rations

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    Poultry Feeding

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    Strong Converse for Identification via Quantum Channels

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    In this paper we present a simple proof of the strong converse for identification via discrete memoryless quantum channels, based on a novel covering lemma. The new method is a generalization to quantum communication channels of Ahlswede's recently discovered appoach to classical channels. It involves a development of explicit large deviation estimates to the case of random variables taking values in selfadjoint operators on a Hilbert space. This theory is presented separately in an appendix, and we illustrate it by showing its application to quantum generalizations of classical hypergraph covering problems.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX2e, requires IEEEtran2e.cls. Some errors and omissions corrected, references update

    Distilling common randomness from bipartite quantum states

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    The problem of converting noisy quantum correlations between two parties into noiseless classical ones using a limited amount of one-way classical communication is addressed. A single-letter formula for the optimal trade-off between the extracted common randomness and classical communication rate is obtained for the special case of classical-quantum correlations. The resulting curve is intimately related to the quantum compression with classical side information trade-off curve Q(R)Q^*(R) of Hayden, Jozsa and Winter. For a general initial state we obtain a similar result, with a single-letter formula, when we impose a tensor product restriction on the measurements performed by the sender; without this restriction the trade-off is given by the regularization of this function. Of particular interest is a quantity we call ``distillable common randomness'' of a state: the maximum overhead of the common randomness over the one-way classical communication if the latter is unbounded. It is an operational measure of (total) correlation in a quantum state. For classical-quantum correlations it is given by the Holevo mutual information of its associated ensemble, for pure states it is the entropy of entanglement. In general, it is given by an optimization problem over measurements and regularization; for the case of separable states we show that this can be single-letterized.Comment: 22 pages, LaTe

    Law of Large Numbers for a Class of Superdiffusions

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    Under spectral conditions, we prove a LLN type result for superdiffusions, where the convergence is meant in probability. The main tool is a space-time H-transformation

    Relating quantum privacy and quantum coherence: an operational approach

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    We describe how to achieve optimal entanglement generation and one-way entanglement distillation rates by coherent implementation of a class of secret key generation and secret key distillation protocols, respectively. This short paper is a high-level descrioption of our detailed papers [8] and [10].Comment: 4 pages, revtex

    A Resource Framework for Quantum Shannon Theory

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    Quantum Shannon theory is loosely defined as a collection of coding theorems, such as classical and quantum source compression, noisy channel coding theorems, entanglement distillation, etc., which characterize asymptotic properties of quantum and classical channels and states. In this paper we advocate a unified approach to an important class of problems in quantum Shannon theory, consisting of those that are bipartite, unidirectional and memoryless. We formalize two principles that have long been tacitly understood. First, we describe how the Church of the larger Hilbert space allows us to move flexibly between states, channels, ensembles and their purifications. Second, we introduce finite and asymptotic (quantum) information processing resources as the basic objects of quantum Shannon theory and recast the protocols used in direct coding theorems as inequalities between resources. We develop the rules of a resource calculus which allows us to manipulate and combine resource inequalities. This framework simplifies many coding theorem proofs and provides structural insights into the logical dependencies among coding theorems. We review the above-mentioned basic coding results and show how a subset of them can be unified into a family of related resource inequalities. Finally, we use this family to find optimal trade-off curves for all protocols involving one noisy quantum resource and two noiseless ones.Comment: 60 page