366 research outputs found

    Futter- und Körnerleguminosen im Biologischen Landbau

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    Ein Praxisbuch für alle, die im Biologischen Landbau tätig sind! + Alle Anbauverfahren der wichtigsten Futter- und Körnerleguminosen im Haupt- und Zwischenfruchtanbau + Wissen aus Praxis und Forschung in übersichtlicher Form mittels Tabellen, Graphiken und Bildern Das breite Standortspektrum, welches für die einzelnen Kulturen angesprochen wird, sowie unterschiedliche betriebliche Situationen erlauben eine auf den jeweils eigenen Betrieb angepasste Strategie für den Anbau. Jede Pflanze mit systematischer Übersicht über: Systematik, Herkunft und Bedeutung, Sorten, Erträge, Inhaltsstoffe, Boden, Klima, Vegetationsperiode, Anbausysteme, Bodenbearbeitung und Saatbettbereitung, Saattechnik, Nährstoffhaushalt, Beikrautaufkommen und Beikrautregulierung, Krankheiten und Schädlinge sowie deren Regulierung, Ernte und Lagerung sowie Verwendung

    Complete Weight Enumerators of Generalized Doubly-Even Self-Dual Codes

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    For any q which is a power of 2 we describe a finite subgroup of the group of invertible complex q by q matrices under which the complete weight enumerators of generalized doubly-even self-dual codes over the field with q elements are invariant. An explicit description of the invariant ring and some applications to extremality of such codes are obtained in the case q=4

    Bibliotheca antigua de los escritores aragoneses que florecieron desde la venida de Christo hasta el año 1500

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    Sign.: [ ]4, [asterisco]-2[asterisco]4, 3[asterisco]2, Aa-Zz4AntepLas h. de grab. calc., la primera es retrato de D. Felix de Latassa, entre port. y anteport. ; la segunda es escudo heráldico de D. Juan Martin de Goycoechea y Ciordia, a quien se dedica la obr

    Growth factor release by vesicular phospholipid gels: in-vitro results and application for rotator cuff repair in a rat model

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    Background: Biological augmentation of rotator cuff repair is of growing interest to improve biomechanical properties and prevent re-tearing. But intraoperative single shot growth factor application appears not sufficient to provide healing support in the physiologic growth factor expression peaks. The purpose of this study was to establish a sustained release of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) from injectable vesicular phospholipid gels (VPGs) in vitro and to examine biocompatibility and influence on histology and biomechanical behavior of G-CSF loaded VPGs in a chronic supraspinatus tear rat model. Methods: G-CSF loaded VPGs were produced by dual asymmetric centrifugation. In vitro the integrity, stability and release rate were analyzed. In vivo supraspinatus tendons of 60 rats were detached and after 3 weeks a transosseous refixation with G-CSF loaded VPGs augmentation (n = 15;control, placebo, 1 and 10 mu g G-CSF/d) was performed. 6 weeks postoperatively the healing site was analyzed histologically (n = 9;H&E by modified MOVIN score/Collagen I/III) and biomechanically (n = 6). Results: In vitro testing revealed stable proteins after centrifugation and a continuous G-CSF release of up to 4 weeks. Placebo VPGs showed histologically no negative side effects on the healing process. Histologically in vivo testing demonstrated significant advantages for G-CSF 1 mu g/d but not for G-CSF 10 mu g/d in Collagen III content (p = 0.035) and a higher Collagen I/III ratio compared to the other groups. Biomechanically G-CSF 1 mu g/d revealed a significant higher load to failure ratio (p = 0.020) compared to control but no significant differences in stiffness. Conclusions: By use of VPGs a continuous growth factor release could be obtained in vitro. The in vivo results demonstrate an improvement of immunohistology and biomechanical properties with a low dose G-CSF application via VPG. The VPG itself was well tolerated and had no negative influence on the healing behavior. Due to the favorable properties (highly adhesive, injectable, biocompatible) VPGs are a very interesting option for biologic augmentation. The study may serve as basis for further research in growth factor application models

    Growth factor release by vesicular phospholipid gels: in-vitro results and application for rotator cuff repair in a rat model

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    Background: Biological augmentation of rotator cuff repair is of growing interest to improve biomechanical properties and prevent re-tearing. But intraoperative single shot growth factor application appears not sufficient to provide healing support in the physiologic growth factor expression peaks. The purpose of this study was to establish a sustained release of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) from injectable vesicular phospholipid gels (VPGs) in vitro and to examine biocompatibility and influence on histology and biomechanical behavior of G-CSF loaded VPGs in a chronic supraspinatus tear rat model. Methods: G-CSF loaded VPGs were produced by dual asymmetric centrifugation. In vitro the integrity, stability and release rate were analyzed. In vivo supraspinatus tendons of 60 rats were detached and after 3 weeks a transosseous refixation with G-CSF loaded VPGs augmentation (n = 15;control, placebo, 1 and 10 mu g G-CSF/d) was performed. 6 weeks postoperatively the healing site was analyzed histologically (n = 9;H&E by modified MOVIN score/Collagen I/III) and biomechanically (n = 6). Results: In vitro testing revealed stable proteins after centrifugation and a continuous G-CSF release of up to 4 weeks. Placebo VPGs showed histologically no negative side effects on the healing process. Histologically in vivo testing demonstrated significant advantages for G-CSF 1 mu g/d but not for G-CSF 10 mu g/d in Collagen III content (p = 0.035) and a higher Collagen I/III ratio compared to the other groups. Biomechanically G-CSF 1 mu g/d revealed a significant higher load to failure ratio (p = 0.020) compared to control but no significant differences in stiffness. Conclusions: By use of VPGs a continuous growth factor release could be obtained in vitro. The in vivo results demonstrate an improvement of immunohistology and biomechanical properties with a low dose G-CSF application via VPG. The VPG itself was well tolerated and had no negative influence on the healing behavior. Due to the favorable properties (highly adhesive, injectable, biocompatible) VPGs are a very interesting option for biologic augmentation. The study may serve as basis for further research in growth factor application models

    Influence of supramolecular forces on the linear viscoelasticity of gluten

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    Stress relaxation behavior of hydrated gluten networks was investigated by means of rheometry combined with μ-computed tomography (μ-CT) imaging. Stress relaxation behavior was followed over a wide temperature range (0–70 °C). Modulation of intermolecular bonds was achieved with urea or ascorbic acid in an effort to elucidate the presiding intermolecular interactions over gluten network relaxation. Master curves of viscoelasticity were constructed, and relaxation spectra were computed revealing three relaxation regimes for all samples. Relaxation commences with a well-defined short-time regime where Rouse-like modes dominate, followed by a power law region displaying continuous relaxation concluding in a terminal zone. In the latter zone, poroelastic relaxation due to water migration in the nanoporous structure of the network also contributes to the stress relief in the material. Hydrogen bonding between adjacent protein chains was identified as the determinant force that influences the relaxation of the networks. Changes in intermolecular interactions also resulted in changes in microstructure of the material that was also linked to the relaxation behavior of the networks

    COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for spatial development

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    Background and aims of this position paper: Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, it has become ever clearer that it poses an enormous challenge for society. The lockdown imposed on large parts of public life, which hit all social groups and institutions relatively abruptly with a wide range of impacts, as well as the measures adopted subsequently have resulted in radical changes in our living conditions. In some cases, the crisis has acted as an accelerator of trends affecting processes that were already ongoing: the digitalisation of communications and educational processes, the growth in working from home and mobile working arrangements, the expansion of online retail, changes in travel behaviour (in favour of cars and bicycles), and the establishment of regional service networks. At the same time, there has been a braking effect on sectors such as long-distance travel, global trade, trade fairs and cultural events, as well as on progress towards gender equality in the division of labour for household responsibilities and childcare. Socio-spatial, infrastructural, economic and ecological effects are becoming increasingly apparent. For those involved in spatial development and spatial planning, urgent questions arise not only about the weaknesses that have become apparent in our spatial uses in terms of infrastructure and public service provision, the economy and ecology, and in our ways of life in terms of housing and the supply of goods and services, but also about what opportunities have emerged for sustainable and self-determined lifestyles. What conclusions for anticipatory and preventive planning can be drawn from these (provisional) findings? Using a critical, multidisciplinary and integrative examination of the spatially-relevant effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, this paper establishes connections between the crisis management of today and crisis preparedness concepts for potential future pandemics. Building on that, it proposes corresponding recommended actions. These actions relate not only to insights for medium-term space-related crisis management but also to conclusions on long-term strategic challenges for spatial development in view of pandemics to be expected in the future. For this position paper, the 'Pandemic and Spatial Development' Ad hoc Working Group at the ARL - Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association has compiled interdisciplinary perspectives from spatial development and spatial planning, public health services, epidemiology, economics and social sciences, and has condensed them into transdisciplinary recommendations for action. These recommendations are directed at the various action levels for spatial development and spatial planning
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