870 research outputs found

    On the existence of dyons and dyonic black holes in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory

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    We study dyonic soliton and black hole solutions of the su(2){\mathfrak {su}}(2) Einstein-Yang-Mills equations in asymptotically anti-de Sitter space. We prove the existence of non-trivial dyonic soliton and black hole solutions in a neighbourhood of the trivial solution. For these solutions the magnetic gauge field function has no zeros and we conjecture that at least some of these non-trivial solutions will be stable. The global existence proof uses local existence results and a non-linear perturbation argument based on the (Banach space) implicit function theorem.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures. Minor revisions; references adde

    Quality of service over ATM networks

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    Regular and Black Hole Solutions in the Einstein-Skyrme Theory with Negative Cosmological Constant

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    We study spherically symmetric regular and black hole solutions in the Einstein-Skyrme theory with a negative cosmological constant. The Skyrme field configuration depends on the value of the cosmological constant in a similar manner to effectively varying the gravitational constant. We find the maximum value of the cosmological constant above which there exists no solution. The properties of the solutions are discussed in comparison with the asymptotically flat solutions. The stability is investigated in detail by solving the linearly perturbed equation numerically. We show that there exists a critical value of the cosmological constant above which the solution in the branch representing unstable configuration in the asymptotically flat spacetime turns to be linearly stable.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, comments and one reference added, to appear in Class.Quant.Gra

    Location Based Services of University Town Based on OpenStreetMap: NUI Maynooth as an example

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    The university campus of NUI Maynooth forms a substantial part of Maynooth town. Location based services (LBS) could be important for visitors to the campus and town in assisting them to make the mast of their stay, particularly if they are not familiar with the town. In this paper we discuss an LBS application for Maynooth university campus and Maynooth town based on OpenStreetMap. The solution uses open source software and public participation rules to build its database. The work provides a prototype LBS system for NUI Maynooth which is currently under active development. The paper mainly describes some completed components of the work: data acquisition and pedestrian navigation algorithm design. Future work on path optimization and 3D applications is also discussed

    Decoherent Scattering of Light Particles in a D-Brane Background

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    We discuss the scattering of two light particles in a D-brane background. It is known that, if one light particle strikes the D brane at small impact parameter, quantum recoil effects induce entanglement entropy in both the excited D brane and the scattered particle. In this paper we compute the asymptotic `out' state of a second light particle scattering off the D brane at large impact parameter, showing that it also becomes mixed as a consequence of quantum D-brane recoil effects. We interpret this as a non-factorizing contribution to the superscattering operator S-dollar for the two light particles in a Liouville D-brane background, that appears when quantum D-brane excitations are taken into account.Comment: 18 pages LATEX, one figure (incorporated

    Geon black holes and quantum field theory

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    Black hole spacetimes that are topological geons in the sense of Sorkin can be constructed by taking a quotient of a stationary black hole that has a bifurcate Killing horizon. We discuss the geometric properties of these geon black holes and the Hawking-Unruh effect on them. We in particular show how correlations in the Hawking-Unruh effect reveal to an exterior observer features of the geometry that are classically confined to the regions behind the horizons.Comment: 11 pages. Talk given at the First Mediterranean Conference on Classical and Quantum Gravity, Kolymbari (Crete, Greece), September 2009. Dedicated to Rafael Sorkin. v2: typesetting bug fixe

    Abelian Higgs Hair for AdS-Schwarzschild Black Hole

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    We show that the Abelian Higgs field equations in the background of the four dimensional AdS-Schwarzschild black hole have a vortex line solution. This solution, which has axial symmetry, is a generalization of the AdS spacetime Nielsen-Olesen string. By a numerical study of the field equations, we show that black hole could support the Abelian Higgs field as its Abelian hair. Also, we conside the self gravity of the Abelian Higgs field both in the pure AdS spacetime and AdS-Schwarzschild black hole background and show that the effect of string as a black hole hair is to induce a deficit angle in the AdS-Schwarzschild black hole.Comment: 19 pages, 33 figure

    Alternating Subplinian and phreatomagmatic phases during the construction of a phonolitic maar-diatreme volcano (Caldera del Rey, Tenerife, Canary Islands)

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    The Early Pleistocene, well exposed, Caldera del Rey maar-diatreme volcano, Tenerife, Canary Islands was constructed during a ∌ VEI 4 phonolitic eruption that involved two cycles of magmatic-to-phreatomagmatic activity and resulted in two overlapping craters aligned NE-SW. Magmatic phases fed unsteady Subplinian eruption columns that reached 8–12 km altitude and dispersed tephra to the west and southwest of the volcano and shed pyroclastic density currents. Phreatomagmatic phases, driven by explosive interactions between magma and groundwater, constructed an extensive tephra ring via deposition from ballistic curtains, pyroclastic density currents, and tephra fall. Near-optimal-scaled depth phreatomagmatic explosions (strong and/or shallow) excavated a substantial diatreme beneath the north crater and constructed a substantial tephra ring. This abruptly transitioned to deeper-than-optimal scaled depth explosions (weak and/or deep) that erupted mostly fine ash which was dispersed by dilute pyroclastic density currents and fallout and filled the south crater. At distances of >4 km from the volcano, over a metre of ash and pumice accumulated during the phreatomagmatic phases. The Caldera del Rey volcano provides an instructive study on how interaction between ascending felsic magma and groundwater can modify Subplinian eruptions

    Gravitating sphalerons and sphaleron black holes in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetime

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    Numerical arguments are presented for the existence of spherically symmetric regular and black hole solutions of the EYMH equations with a negative cosmological constant. These solutions approach asymptotically the anti-de Sitter spacetime. The main properties of the solutions and the differences with respect to the asymptotically flat case are discussed. The instability of the gravitating sphaleron solutions is also proven.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, 8 Encapsulated PostScript figure
