966 research outputs found

    Schemata for reading and reading comprehension performance

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    Bibliography: leaves 51-56Supported by the National Institute of Educatio

    Properties of continuous Fourier extension of the discrete cosine transform and its multidimensional generalization

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    A versatile method is described for the practical computation of the discrete Fourier transforms (DFT) of a continuous function g(t)g(t) given by its values gjg_{j} at the points of a uniform grid FNF_{N} generated by conjugacy classes of elements of finite adjoint order NN in the fundamental region FF of compact semisimple Lie groups. The present implementation of the method is for the groups SU(2), when FF is reduced to a one-dimensional segment, and for SU(2)×...×SU(2)SU(2)\times ... \times SU(2) in multidimensional cases. This simplest case turns out to result in a transform known as discrete cosine transform (DCT), which is often considered to be simply a specific type of the standard DFT. Here we show that the DCT is very different from the standard DFT when the properties of the continuous extensions of these two discrete transforms from the discrete grid points tj;j=0,1,...Nt_j; j=0,1, ... N to all points tFt \in F are considered. (A) Unlike the continuous extension of the DFT, the continuous extension of (the inverse) DCT, called CEDCT, closely approximates g(t)g(t) between the grid points tjt_j. (B) For increasing NN, the derivative of CEDCT converges to the derivative of g(t)g(t). And (C), for CEDCT the principle of locality is valid. Finally, we use the continuous extension of 2-dimensional DCT to illustrate its potential for interpolation, as well as for the data compression of 2D images.Comment: submitted to JMP on April 3, 2003; still waiting for the referee's Repor

    Анализ метрологического обеспечения системы измерений количества и показателей качества нефти СИКН-25-РК-А002 на нефтеперекачивающей станции "Кропоткинская"

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    Объектом исследования является метрологическое обеспечение системы измерений количества и показателей качества нефти СИКН-25-РК-А002 на нефтеперекачивающей станции "Кропоткинская". Цель работы – проведение анализа обеспечения единства измерений на нефтеперекачивающей станции “Кропоткинская”. Для достижения цели работы были поставлены следующие задачи: рассмотреть обеспечение единства измерений системы измерений на НПС “Кропоткинская” и определить её погрешность в зависимости от условий эксплуатации и транспортируемой среды; рассчитать погрешность измерений массы нетто товарной нефти с помощью СИКН № 59462 НПС “Кропоткинская” и проанализировать её составляющие; рассмотреть безопасные условия эксплуатации НПС “Кропоткинская”.Object of research is metrological providing an oil quantity and quality measuring system of SIKN-25-RK-A002 at oil pumping station "Kropotkinskaya". The work purpose – carrying out the analysis of ensuring unity of measurements at oil pumping station "Kropotkinskaya". For goal achievement of work the following tasks have been set: to consider ensuring unity of measurements of measuring system on NPS "Kropotkinskaya" and to determine its error depending on service conditions and the transported environment; to calculate an error of measurements of net weight of commodity oil by means of SIKN No. 59462 NPS "Kropotkinskaya" and to analyse its components; to consider safe service conditions of NPS "Kropotkinskaya"

    Расчеты с персоналом по оплате труда в бюджетных организациях

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    В работе анализируются положения современного трудового законодательства, с чётом специфики бюджетных организаций. Рассмотрены основные вопросы начисления оплаты труда, удержания из заработной платы, предложены рекомендации по совершенствованию учета расчетов с работниками.The paper analyzes the situation of the modern labor legislation, with chёtom specifics of budgetary organizations. The main questions accrual of wages, deductions from wages, provide recommendations for the improvement of payments to employees

    Digital Quantum Simulation of the Statistical Mechanics of a Frustrated Magnet

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    Many interesting problems in physics, chemistry, and computer science are equivalent to problems of interacting spins. However, most of these problems require computational resources that are out of reach by classical computers. A promising solution to overcome this challenge is to exploit the laws of quantum mechanics to perform simulation. Several "analog" quantum simulations of interacting spin systems have been realized experimentally. However, relying on adiabatic techniques, these simulations are limited to preparing ground states only. Here we report the first experimental results on a "digital" quantum simulation on thermal states; we simulated a three-spin frustrated magnet, a building block of spin ice, with an NMR quantum information processor, and we are able to explore the phase diagram of the system at any simulated temperature and external field. These results serve as a guide for identifying the challenges for performing quantum simulation on physical systems at finite temperatures, and pave the way towards large scale experimental simulations of open quantum systems in condensed matter physics and chemistry.Comment: 7 pages for the main text plus 6 pages for the supplementary material