25 research outputs found


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    The second theme of the UN Conference on Human Settlements II in Istanbul in 1996 was sustainable human settlements development in an urbanizing world, which stated that waste is among ten important issues needing to be addressed. Apart from that the Post Agenda 2015 Goal 6 was to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Indonesia, where urbanization has grown significantly over recent years, is facing a waste problem. The central government released Sanimas program, which aimed to build sanitation infrastructure to upgrade its provision in urban settlements and to improve settlements’ environmental quality. Sanimas specifically targeted dense and poor urban settlements. In Surakarta, the program was implemented in 2006, Sanimas constructed public toilets and a communal wastewater treatment facility at Kelurahan Sangkrah,. This paper was designed to identify Sanimas’ implementation process and the networks of the related institution. This inductive research was based oninstitutions related to the program’s implementation and triangulation with secondary data.The research found that the implementation of the Sanimas Program has established a Community-based Organisation named KSM, which mediates between the local government and the community. Through KSM, inter-organisational networks have been developed, which indicated expanding linkages of the community to several organisations, and to higher level government and foreign agencies. Inter-organisational networks sustain the program, improve the quality of environment as well as increase community capacity


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    This paper evaluated the Program of Substandard Housing (RTLH) Renovation proposed for the agenda of “Surakarta Informal Settlements Clearance 2015” for solving the problem of improving the quality of 6612 substandard houses.  This research took case study in the small-scaled area of poor settlements in the prone area along riverbank of Bengawan Solo River namely Kelurahan Ketelan. How could this outcome contribute to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in terms of providing housing security to establish inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable city and human settlement as stated by SDGs? The case study research was conducted by multiple methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results showed that the program had the highest contribution on the improvement of sanitation, in terms of the use of septic tank (change value of 0.5750) and the use of toilet (0.203)as one of priorities of SDGs. However,there was only little contribution in increasing access to land tenure security ( 0.002); It was surprising that the improvement of housing construction itself was not high. This program involved the collaboration among state-civil-society-community and other development parties and increased channeling assistance for settlements sustainability and poverty reduction  


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    Abstract. The SapuLidi Program of Pekalongan city is city government program as safe house for the poor society in Pekalongan through the construction of core houses grow, restore the house and arrange the settlement environment by Tribina approach, namely the Community Development, Social Development and Human Development. This research aims to evaluate the success rate of the sapulidi program as arrangement of residential housing program for the poor society in poverty alleviation efforts Pekalongan City. This research is descriptive and uses analysis method such as descriptive qualitative methods and descriptive statistics. Sampling technique using cluster sampling, where all research sites are observed entirely with correspondents selected by sampling. The Sapulidi program implementation declared ineffective because the implementation of programs to decrease problems of uninhabitable house in Pekalongan have a small contribution in each year implementation of sapulidi program. Based on the results of this analysis, it can be concluded that the success rate of SapuLidi Program as arrangement of residential housing program for the poor society of Pekalongan city are ineffective because the program provides a small contribution towards handling RTLH Pekalongan even related though the mechanism and the role of government in the provision of aid has not been shown clearly flow process and government involvement in it so the implementation is less efficient. Based on the society’s judging related to the program implementation, the success of the sapulidi program is located at BEDAH KAMPUNG, where at these locations, the program implementation is successful in the physical aspect, social, and economic. furthermore, in these locations, the society receive benefit even the multiplier effect of the program implementation result and does’nt cause many problems related to the implementation stage of the program. Keywords: Sapu Lidi’s Program, Evaluatio


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    Abstrak. Pelaksanaan program di Kota Pekalongan, KPR Bersubsidi diselenggarakan dalam satu payung kebijakan pembangunan penataan permukiman Kota Pekalongan. Dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data secara trianggulasi, yang kemudian dilakukan analisis diskripsi kualitatif, kuantitatif maupun penggabungan pada tiap komponen pembiayaan bagi MBR yaitu peran pemerintah, mekanisme, produk KPR bersubsidi dan tingkat penghunian, serta deskriptif analitik dalam perumusan kondisi keefektivitasan pelaksanaan secara keseluruhan, maka diketahui bahwa masih terdapat beberapa kekurangan yang menyebabkan pelaksanaan program KPR Bersubsidi dinilai kurang efektif. Hal tersebut cenderung dipengaruhi oleh peran pemerintah sebagai perumus kebiakan dan kerangka kerja dan pengaruh adanya keterlibatan lembaga penengah (intermediate) yang secara teknis berperan dalam pelaksanaan program dimana memiliki sifat profit oriented dan sistem kerja formal yang belum bisa menyesuaikan dengan kondisi kelompok sasaran. Kurang efektifnya pelaksanaan program KPR Bersubsidi juga dibuktikan dengan kondisi dari tingkat penghunian di Perumahan Bumi Rejo Damai Pekalongan yang dinilai cukup rendah yaitu sebesar 57%. Kata Kunci : Pembiayaan Perumahan Bagi MBR, KPR Bersubsidi, Efektivita


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    This research isconducted based on high poverty rates in Indonesia (17,4% in 2003) as well as in  Surakarta (14,1% in 2009). This is an urban phenomenon indicating the poverty, where in fact most of urban poors live in slums area, characterized by substandard houses with inadequate infrastructure and urban services. The approach of housing policy has shifted from provision approach  to sustainable development and recently to integration with poverty alleviation strategy. Community-based Housing Development is one of Housing Delivery Systems in Indonesia , which is based on Community Empowerment. This is believed to be the instrument for poverty alleviation as housing sector contributes in alleviation of poverty in terms of increasing access to housing and shelter ;  increasing access to services and infrastructure; social development and eradication of poverty; Environmental management; Economic development and governance. Objectiveof this research was to analyzethe contribution on CBHD-based programs toward poverty alleviation in Surakarta. Results of the research showed that higher contribution of poverty alleviation of CBHD Programs was access to housing due to higher intervention of the program in housing improvement. Relocation Program had higher contribution to poverty alleviation for the most components had been significantly increased:  condition of house construction, land secure tenure, water supply, sanitation condition, eventhough the program had displaced the people from previous location and increased transportation costs

    Spatial Change of Resettlement Area and Location Vulnerability

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    This paper analyzes the Change of Livelihood ofResettlements Area in Mojosongo after being a destination area of aresettlement program. The program resettled 453 households devastatedfrom the flooding area of River Bank of Bengawan Solo. Many scholarsargue that the resettlement program commonly situate people into avulnerable situation, especially in the early stage of post resettlement. With regard to this common argument, spatial analysis was conducted todescribe spatial change of the resettlement area before implementation ofthe program (2006); in the middle of the implementation of programmes(2013) and in the current situation (2018). Interviews have been conductedto Head of Housing, human settlements and Land Government unit, andhead of the community. This results show that this resettlement programpartly creates a vulnerable situation. However, due to the commitment ofthe local government, and integrated program have been conducted alongthe resettlement process. This approach is able to accommodate thecommunity’s interests and government program. Such integration is ableto provide infrastructure and social services that in accordance tocommunity’s need and interests. Therefore, it is expected to reduce therisk of community to be exposed in a vulnerable situation after theresettlement program

    Khasiat Ekstrak Buah Markisa Kuning (P. Edulis Sims) sebagai Antiinflamasi Dilihat dari Jumlah Monosit pada Tikus Wistar Jantan (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Yellow passion fruit contains carotenoids and polyphenols which are believed to be used as alternative treatments. Yellow passion fruit is thought to provide anti- inflammatory effects. The objective was to determine the efficacy of giving yellow passion fruit extract to inflammation seen from monocyte counts. This study used 12 male Wistar rats were divided into normal groups, treatment groups, and control groups. In the treatment group, yellow passion fruit extract was given 100% concentration. On the 1st, 3rd, and 7th day the blood edge of the rat was taken and the number of monocyte cell counts was performed. Based on the results of One Way Anova analysis there were differences in the number of monocyte cells between all groups. Yellow passion fruit extract (Passiflora edulis Sims) is efficacious as anti-inflammatory due to a decrease in the number of monocytes

    Waterfront development concepts in Indonesia from the perspective of urban planning and environmental sustainability

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    Rivers, lakes, beaches or other public water bodies have substantial and precious environmental values, and if properly managed, they can be a tremendous element towards a sustainable city. Within the context of urban planning and environmental sustainability, the harmonious balance between built and natural environment could not be avoided. The riverfront development concepts attempt to accomplish this balance by developing the necessary built environment while keeping the natural environment intact and provides ecological service. Since the concept of riverfront development is new to Indonesia or to most cities in Indonesia, it would be a good initiative to promote this concept. The riverfront development concept would bring the positive multiplier effects to urban development and ultimately to the well-being of urban citizens. This paper attempts to address the possibilities of riverfront development concept for its existence from the viewpoint of urban planning and environmental sustainability. This thought is based on personal lookout as well as relevant references. The study was carried out by observing some examples of waterfront development in some cities. Assessment on the regulations of riverfront related development was also undertaken. The study found that present approach on rivers or lakes or other public water bodies as the backyard of the development has brought to various environmental degradation. The riverfront concept is expected to reverse the situation for its numerous social, economic and environmental advantages. We suggest that this concept must be implemented elsewhere in Indonesia due to foreseeable returns towards sustainable urban development and sustainable cities

    Creative Kampong and the Promotion of Sustainable Development Knowledge in Urban Grassroots: The Case of Surakarta

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    As the global trend is going into circular economy paradigm. The trend encourages business entities to focus on the production of durable, efficient, and reusable commodities to promote sustainable development. On the demand side, the market also gradually adjusts its preferences to commodities with sustainability values. With limited scale of capital, networks, and technology, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are usually lagged behind in catching new knowledge, especially those exchanged internationally. Sustainability, which is as an important knowledge under the circular economy trend, has caused serious problem for SMEs because those unable to catch the knowledge will be incompetent to serve the new market preferences and vulnerable to survive. Urban planning practices introduce the business district as one of spatial concepts to mediate the problem. It encourages enterprises with business linkages to locate next to each other and share activities and facilities. In Indonesia, the creative kampong is a local translation of business district concept, which emerges as a national hype. This research aims at studying the empirical case of the creative kampong and its knowledge transfer effectiveness for SMEs. By using the logic of Actor Network Theory (ANT) and focusing on the case study of four creative kampongs in Surakarta, we unravel the level of understanding of SMEs towards sustainability. Our data are based on stakeholder interviews and documentary reviews. The findings reveal that the majority of SMEs were understand of sustainability, and the creative kampong provided a significant contribution to ease the transfer knowledge process


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    This research explored the implementation of concept of Surakarta ecocultural city platform in the era of Pandemic Covid-19 in 2 case study areas of Balekambang Park as the Natural and Heritage Park and Jayengan Jewelry Kampung (JKP) as Heritage Creative Industry-based Kampung Tourism. Eco city is basically the concept to create new urban development to be more ecologically, liveable and Sustainable, while the cultural city refers to the city, which focusing on cultural and performance for branding the city.  Ecocultural city is mainly related to connectivity among people, place and culture and this concept is mostly applicated in the tourism world, where to maintain this sustainably, this has to address people, place and its cultural relationship with biophysical aspects. Therefore, in the era of disruption of COVID-19, the ecocultural based of tourist destination areas are highly affected due to the loss of tourists visiting the areas. The research found that the model of People, place, technology and government proposes for increasing adaptability of people to the disruption condition, initiating resilient, creative, healthy and smart places, exhalating technology for added value of tourism product and improving resilience  government to adapt, absorb the change, collaborating multi stakeholder partnership