212 research outputs found

    Determination of physical parameters of the eclipsing binary V729 Cyg

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    We report new BVRI photometric observations of an eclipsing, massive binary V729 Cyg taken between 2008 and 2011. We performed light curve modeling of the new data and those available in the literature using the Wilson-Devinney code. The best fit was obtained for a contact configuration, similarly to results derived previously by other investigators. However, a huge temperature difference of about 10 000K - 12 000K was derived, inconsistent with theoretical calculations. Ruling out a possibility of V729 Cyg being a semi-detached system harbouring an accretion disk, we determined physical parameters of components

    Optical monitoring of FRII-type radio quasars

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    We present preliminary results of optical monitoring of sample of FRII-type radio quasars. The optical observations were made with three telescopes, among them one robotic, spanning a time interval longer than two years. Variability in the range of a fraction of a magnitude was observed for all eight targets. We applied the structure function to analyse the brightness changes. The slope of the structure function is only consistent with the disk instability model for two sources; the other sources show values between of the disk instability and starburst models. Finally we argue that such monitoring would be most suitable as a long-term, complementary program for robotic telescopes

    Lead, cadmium and aluminum in Canadian infant formulae, oral electrolytes and glucose solutions

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    Lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and aluminum (Al) were determined in 437 individual samples of infant formulae, oral electrolytes and 5% glucose solutions available in Canada. In the electrolytes, Cd and Pb concentrations were all below 0.01 and 0.041 ng g−1, respectively. In the 5% glucose solutions, Pb and Cd levels averaged 0.01 and 0.09 ng g−1, respectively. Reported on an as-consumed basis, Pb levels in milk- and soya-based formulae averaged 0.90 and 1.45 ng g−1, respectively, while Cd levels averaged 0.23 and 1.18 ng g−1, respectively Average Al levels on an as-consumed basis were 440 ng g−1 (range 10–3400 ng g−1) in milk-based formulae and 730 ng g−1 (range 230–1100 ng g−1) in soy-based formulae. Al concentrations increased in the following order: plain formula < low-iron formula < iron-supplemented formula < casein hydrolysate formula ≈ premature formula ≤ soy formula. For example, in the powdered formulae, average Al concentrations were 18 ng g−1 for plain milk-based, 37 ng g−1 for low-iron, 128 ng g−1 for iron supplemented, 462 ng g−1 for lactose-free, 518 ng g−1 for hypoallergenic and 619 ng g−1 for soy-based formula. Al concentrations, as-consumed, increased with decreasing levels of concentration: powder < concentrated liquid < ready-to-use. Formulae stored in glass bottles contained between 100 and 300 ng g−1 more Al than the same formulae stored in cans. The source of the increased Al did not appear to be the glass itself, because most electrolytes and glucose solutions, also stored in glass, contained less than 8 ng g−1 Al. Corresponding differences in Pb and Cd levels were not observed. Al concentrations varied substantially among manufacturers; however, all manufacturers were able to produce plain milk-based formulae containing less than 50 ng g−1 Al, i.e. within the range of Al concentrations found in human milk. Next to soya-based and hypoallergenic formulae, premature formulae contained among the highest concentrations of Al, ranging 851–909 ng g−1 from one manufacturer and 365–461 ng g−1 from another

    Mapping the meaning of "difference' in Europe: A social topography of prejudice

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    This paper draws on original empirical research to investigate popular understandings of prejudice in two national contexts: Poland and the United Kingdom. The paper demonstrates how common-sense meanings of prejudice are inflected by the specific histories and geographies of each place: framed in terms of ‘distance’ (Poland) and ‘proximity’ (United Kingdom), respectively. Yet, by treating these national contexts as nodes and linking them analytically the paper also exposes a connectedness in these definitions which brings into relief the common processes that produce prejudice. The paper then explores how inter-linkages between the United Kingdom and Poland within the wider context of the European Union are producing – and circulating through the emerging international currency of ‘political correctness’ – a common critique of equality legislation and a belief that popular concerns about the way national contexts are perceived to be changing as a consequence of super mobility and super diversity are being silenced. This raises a real risk that in the context of European austerity and associated levels of socioeconomic insecurity, negative attitudes and conservative values may begin to be represented as popular normative standards which transcend national contexts to justify harsher political responses towards minorities. As such, the paper concludes by making a case for prejudice reduction strategies to receive much greater priority in both national and European contexts

    Loss of the Orphan Nuclear Receptor SHP Is More Pronounced in Fibrolamellar Carcinoma than in Typical Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains a major problem in oncology. The molecular mechanisms which underlie its pathogenesis are poorly understood. Recently the Small Heterodimer Partner (SHP), an orphan nuclear receptor, was suggested to be involved as a tumor suppressor in hepatocellular carcinoma development. To date, there are no such studies regarding fibrolamellar carcinoma, a less common variant of HCC, which usually affects young people and displays distinct morphological features. The aim of our project was to evaluate the SHP levels in typical and fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma with respect to the levels of one of the cell cycle regulators, cyclin D1. We assessed the immunoreactivity levels of SHP and cyclin D1 in 48 typical hepatocellular carcinomas, 9 tumors representing the fibrolamellar variant, 29 non malignant liver tissues and 7 macroregenerative nodules. We detected significantly lower SHP immunoreactivity in hepatocellular carcinoma when compared to non malignant liver tissue. Moreover, we found that SHP immunoreactivity is reduced in fibrolamellar carcinoma when compared to typical hepatocellular carcinoma. We also found that SHP is more commonly lost in HCC which arises in the liver with steatosis. The comparison between the cyclin D1 and SHP expression revealed the negative correlation between these proteins in the high grade HCC. Our results indicate that the impact of loss of SHP protein may be even more pronounced in fibrolamellar carcinoma than in a typical form of HCC. Further investigation of mechanisms through which the loss of SHP function may influence HCC formation may provide important information in order to design more effective HCC therapy