373 research outputs found

    Comparison of Two Surgical Methods for SLAP Lesions

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    Różnice pokoleniowe w praktykach odbioru platform streamingowych

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    Przedmiot badań niniejszego artykułu stanowią praktyki odbioru platform streamingowych udostępniających filmy oraz seriale stosowane przez studentów oraz osoby starsze powyżej pięćdziesiątego piątego roku życia. Zastosowane metoda badawcze to sondaż i wywiady bezpośrednie, których połączenie składa się na podejście mieszane. Uzyskane wyniki badań wskazały, że młodsza grupa odbiorców częściej i w większym zakresie korzysta z platform streamingowych, a ich preferencje skupiają się na krótszych formach telewizyjnych, takich jak seriale; osoby starsze wykorzystują platformy w głównej mierze do oglądania filmów fabularnych. W badaniach porównano także najczęściej użytkowane platformy streamingowe, urządzenia do ich odtwarzania oraz kryteria wyboru treści. W obu grupach wiekowych dominuje serwis Netflix, który wybierany jest z uwagi na jakościową i różnorodną ofertę, ale także możliwość współdzielenia konta. W artykule poruszono także kwestię trudności związanych z wyborem treści na platformach streamingowych. Podkreślono również, że sposób dystrybucji ma kluczowe znaczenie dla satysfakcji użytkowników z platform streamingowych, co może stanowić wskazówki dla twórców treści i serwisów strumieniowych.Generational differences in streaming platform consumption practicesAbstract: The subject of the study of this article is the reception practices related to streaming platforms that provide movies and series among students and older people over fifty-five years of age. We applied the research strategy of mixed-method approach and research methods of surveys and in-depth interviews. The results showed that younger audiences use streaming platforms more frequently and to a greater extent, with their preferences focusing on shorter TV forms, such as series. While older people primarily use the platforms to watch feature films. The study also compared the most frequently selected streaming platforms, the devices used to play them and the criteria for choosing content. Netflix is dominant in both age groups, being chosen for its qualitative and diverse offerings, but also for its ability to share accounts. The article also addresses the difficulty of choosing content on streaming platforms. It also stresses that the method of distribution is crucial to user satisfaction with streaming platforms, which can provide guidance for content creators and streaming services

    Weighting Waiting: Evaluating the Perception of In-Vehicle Travel Time Under Moving and Stopped Conditions

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    This paper describes experiments comparing traditional computer administered stated preference with virtual experience stated preference to ascertain how people value stopped delay compared with stop-and- go or freeflow traffic. The virtual experience stated preference experiments were conducted using a wrap around driving simulator. The two methods produced two different results, with the traditional computer assisted stated preference suggesting that ramp delay is 1.6 Ð 1.7 times more onerous than freeway time, while the driving simulator based virtual experience stated preference suggested that freeway delay is more onerous than ramp delay. Several reasons are hypothesized to explain the differences, including recency, simultaneous versus sequential comparison, awareness of public opinion, the intensity of the stop-and-go traffic, and the fact that driving in the real-world is a goal directed activity. However without further research, which, if any, of these will eventually prove to be the reason is unclear. What is clear is that a comparison of the computer administered stated preference with virtual experience stated preference produces different results, even though both procedures strive to find the same answers in nominally identical sets of conditions. Because people experience the world subjectively, and make decisions based on those subjective experiences, future research should be aimed at better understanding the differences between these subjective methodologies.transportation, travel behavior, driving simulator, ramp meters

    A Quantative Study of the Relationships Among Teacher Social Capital, School Leadership and School Performance in Colorado Schools

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    This study examined the relationship between teacher perceptions of teacher social capital, school leadership and school performance in schools across Colorado. The following three research questions framed the study: l) What is the evidence of teacher social capital within teacher perceptions of their school working conditions; 2) What is the relationship between teacher perceptions of school leaders and teacher social capital; and 3) What is the relationship between teacher social capital and school academic performance? Using data collected by the Colorado Department of Education in the 2015 Teaching, Empowering, Leading and Learning (TELL) survey of teachers, school leaders and other professional staff on teacher working conditions, this quantitative study used exploratory factor analysis, correlation and multiple linear regression to analyze data from over 997 schools. The regression analysis resulted in a strong finding that teacher bonding social capital explained 10% of the variance of school academic achievement. Teacher bonding social capital in combination with precondition/energizers variables (a factor comprised of school environmental conditions including opportunities, motivations and abilities) can explain up to a total of 18% of the variance in school academic outcomes. These two factors together are important levers for school leaders, teacher leaders and district principal supervisors to focus on in their efforts to improve school performance. In addition, two key actions for leaders is to develop and support the parent and community culture in schools as these were significant and positive sub-factors of teacher bonding social capital

    Did the 2008 global economic crisis affect large firms in Europe?

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    The paper analyses the spatial distribution of the largest global corporations found on the Forbes Global 2000 list and with headquarters in Europe. The analysis includes the effects of the 2008 global financial crisis on changes in corporate financial performance. Research has shown that London has the largest economic potential in Europe, while companies in Central and Eastern European cities exhibit high rates of growth. The crisis triggered a decentralisation of corporate headquarters’ location resulting in more cities with corporate headquarters

    Breakthrough pain in cancer patients

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    Breakthrough pain is a brief episode of severe pain occurring in patients undergoing analgesic procedures in the course of cancer. It affects about 70% of patients and significantly influences their quality of life. It is important to identify specific types of pain and inducing factors. Treatment is based on modification of pain management including use of immediate-release drug formulations

    Central and Eastern European cities in globalized world

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the position of major corporations located in the cities of Central and Eastern Europe. Analyzes are also dynamics of city's growth in relation to their international connectivities. Therefore, the study was conducted using data obtained from the Forbes Global 2000. For the largest companies analyzed data on revenues, profits, market value, asset value and divided by the sectors. The analyzes related to the years 2006 and 2012. The study uses an indicator of normalization index by which determined the ranking of cities where there is at least one headquarter of corporation mentioned on the Forbes Global 2000 list. The results show the highest position of the following cities: Tokyo, New York, London, Paris and Beijing. Asian cities characterized by the highest growth rate. In turn, the analysis of statistical data show weakening the position of cities located throughout the United States. In the case of the region Central and Eastern European cities located in this area present a relatively low value of the examined indicator; the only exception is Moscow, a relatively high located in the hierarchy. A positive feature of cities in the region, however, is the positive dynamics of their growth, which in perspective can make that more of them have a chance to join the ranks of major cities in the world

    Economic resilience of the command and control function of cities in Central and Eastern Europe

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    The authors propose a new approach to the analysis of cities in a time of potential major crisis in a dominant sector consisting of the largest firms generating the command and control function of a city. This purpose is served by the creation of the Central and Eastern European Economic Centre Index (CEEECI), which reflects the potential of each studied city and its development and/or fields of economic specialisation of its largest companies capable of generating regional command and control (C&C) functions of cities. Research has shown that the C&C functions of cities such as Warsaw, Prague, and Budapest are the most resistant to economic crisis of the dominant sector. More than half of the analysed cities are economically dominated by the consumer business and transportation and manufacturing sectors

    ALK, ROS1 and EGFR next-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer

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    Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the most common cancer in men and the second most common in fe- males. In previous years the significance of some molecular disorders in pathogenesis NSCLC was proven and the value of targeted therapies in the treatment of patients was documented. In subjects with abnormalities of EGFR, ALK and ROS1 genes, appropriate tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) may be used. The use of these drugs in the first and second treatment lines has affected a significant improvement in the prognosis in this subgroup of patients. The article presents mechanisms of action and data on the clinical value of lorlatinib, brigatinib and dacomitinib in the treatment of patients with advanced lung of lung cancer.Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the most common cancer in men and the second most common in fe- males. In previous years the significance of some molecular disorders in pathogenesis NSCLC was proven and the value of targeted therapies in the treatment of patients was documented. In subjects with abnormalities of EGFR, ALK and ROS1 genes, appropriate tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) may be used. The use of these drugs in the first and second treatment lines has affected a significant improvement in the prognosis in this subgroup of patients. The article presents mechanisms of action and data on the clinical value of lorlatinib, brigatinib and dacomitinib in the treatment of patients with advanced lung of lung cancer