122 research outputs found

    Types of governance in education: a quantitative analysis

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    This study creates a typology of education systems. It uses empirical analysis to deter-mine six types of education governance on the basis of various factors such as the de-gree of state involvement or funding sources, and structural differences of average time spent on homework or the degree of support for low achievers. It reveals differences in output among these types as measured by student performance, and relative equality of performance. The typology reflects similarities in governance of education among groups of countries, and indicates that common geography and history may be more of a linking factor than expected in a globalized world. --

    Deregulation of education: What does it mean for efficiency and equality?

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    This article analyses from a cross-national comparative perspective how deregulation of compulsory education affects two central educational outcomes: efficiency and equality. The conflict between public regulation on the one hand and the market model on the other hand describes one of the most fundamental political struggles. In several fields of societal life, such as compulsory education, the state traditionally holds a strong monopoly in almost all capitalist societies. However, using three waves of PISA school level data we show that the degree of public regulation varies cross-nationally. The central finding of our analyses is that deregulation of education increases educational achievement of individual students across all social classes and thereby fosters the educational efficiency of the national education systems. Nevertheless, it also becomes evident that higher social classes benefit more strongly from deregulation, which increases the degree of educational inequality. These results indeed confirm that deregulation of education provokes an efficiency-versus-equality trade-off in national education systems. -- Der Konflikt zwischen einer staatlichen Regulation schulischer Bildung auf der einen Seite und einem deregulierten Marktmodell auf der anderen Seite stellt eine der fundamentalsten politischen Auseinandersetzungen der letzten Jahrzehnte dar. Traditionellerweise hĂ€lt der Staat das Monopol der Bildungsorganisation, doch seit einigen Jahren haben verschiedene LĂ€nder verstĂ€rkt auf eine Privatisierung und Flexibilisierung schulischer Bildung gesetzt. Allerdings variiert der Grad der Standardisierung bzw. Deregulierung ĂŒber verschiedene nationale Bildungssysteme deutlich. Der Beitrag untersucht mithilfe eines internationalen Vergleichs wie sich eine Deregulierung des schulischen Sektors auf die zentralen bildungspolitischen Outcomes Effizienz (bzw. Leistung) und Chancengleichheit auswirkt. Mit Daten aus drei Wellen der OECD PISA-Studie zeigen wir, dass sich eine Deregulierung des schulischen Sektors positiv auf die Leistungen aller SchĂŒler auswirkt und somit die Effizienz von Bildungssystemen steigert. Allerdings wird auch deutlich, dass höhere soziale Schichten stĂ€rker von einer Deregulierung profitieren. Damit bestĂ€tigt sich die Annahme, dass die Deregulierung schulischer Bildung zu einem Trade-off zwischen Effizienz und Gleichheit fĂŒhrt.

    Marriage, Norm Orientation and Leaving the Parental Home: Turkish Immigrant and Native Families in Germany

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    This article investigates differences between native Germans and Turkish immigrants in the timing of leaving their parental homes in Germany. By using event history models, it is shown that leaving the parental home is closely linked to the intervening life-event of marriage, particularly among Turkish women. Moreover, there are interaction effects of religious norm orientation with gender which differ between native Germans and Turkish immigrants. In contrast to Turkish immigrants, the linkage of marriage and leaving home became much weaker over birth-cohorts with time in the group of German women. Finally, analyses of sequence patterns also show remarkable differences between native Germans and Turkish immigrants in the process of leaving home. Religious norm orientation turns out to be less important in the Turkish group than in the native German group.This article investigates differences between native Germans and Turkish immigrants in the timing of leaving their parental homes in Germany. By using event history models, it is shown that leaving the parental home is closely linked to the intervening life-event of marriage, particularly among Turkish women. Moreover, there are interaction effects of religious norm orientation with gender which differ between native Germans and Turkish immigrants. In contrast to Turkish immigrants, the linkage of marriage and leaving home became much weaker over birth-cohorts with time in the group of German women. Finally, analyses of sequence patterns also show remarkable differences between native Germans and Turkish immigrants in the process of leaving home. Religious norm orientation turns out to be less important in the Turkish group than in the native German group

    Types of governance in education : a quantitative analysis

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    This study creates a typology of education systems. It uses empirical analysis to determine six types of education governance on the basis of various factors such as the degree of state involvement or funding sources, and structural differences of average time spent on homework or the degree of support for low achievers. It reveals differences in output among these “types” as measured by student performance, and relative equality of performance. The typology reflects similarities in governance of education among groups of countries, and indicates that common geography and history may be more of a linking factor than expected in a globalized world

    Types of governance in education: a quantitative analysis

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    "This study creates a typology of education systems. It uses empirical analysis to deter-mine six types of education governance on the basis of various factors such as the degree of state involvement or funding sources, and structural differences of average time spent on homework or the degree of support for low achievers. It reveals differences in output among these 'types' as measured by student performance, and relative equality of performance. The typology reflects similarities in governance of education among groups of countries, and indicates that common geography and history may be more of a linking factor than expected in a globalized world." (author's abstract

    The network of international student mobility: Enlargement and consolidation of the European transnational education space?

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    In this paper, we investigate the impact of membership in the Bologna Process on patterns and driving forces of cross-national student mobility. Student exchange flows are analyzed for Bologna Process member states and non-Bologna OECD members over a ten-year period (from 2000 to 2010). We apply a social network approach focusing on outbound diploma-mobility. Based on social network analyses, we first visualize the exchange patterns between sampled countries. In doing so, we analyze the student exchange linkages to first gain descriptive insights into the development of the network. Second, we use exponential random graph models (ERGM) to test which factors determine transnational student mobility. The results of our network analyses reveal that cross-national student exchange networks are stable over time. At the core of these networks are the United States, Great Britain, France, and Germany; they attract the highest shares of students from the remaining countries in our sample. Moreover, the results of the ERGM demonstrate that homophily between countries determines student exchange patterns. The most relevant ties exist between bordering countries. Moreover, membership in the Bologna Process impacts mobility patterns, but surprisingly, it has a mitigating effect.In diesem Beitrag untersuchen wir den Einfluss der Mitgliedschaft im Bolognaprozess auf Muster internationaler MobilitĂ€t von Studierenden. Über eine Periode von 10 Jahren (2000 bis 2010) wird der internationale Austausch von Studierenden sowohl fĂŒr LĂ€nder analysiert, die sich dem Bolognaprozess verpflichtet haben, als auch fĂŒr LĂ€nder, bei denen dies zum jeweiligen Zeitpunkt (noch) nicht der Fall war. Wir bilden die internationale Verflechtung von 41 LĂ€ndern als Netzwerke ab, die aufgrund von Strömen von Studierenden entstehen. Im ersten Schritt stellen wir die Verflechtungen grafisch dar und beschreiben die VerĂ€nderung des Netzwerkes ĂŒber die Zeit. Sodann schĂ€tzen wir Exponentielle Zufallsgraphenmodelle (p*) und testen, welche Faktoren die Verflechtung bestimmen. In den empirischen Analysen zeigt sich, dass das untersuchte Netzwerk vergleichsweise stabil ist. Im Zentrum des Netzwerkes stehen die LĂ€nder USA, Frankreich, Großbritannien und Deutschland. Dies sind die hĂ€ufigsten Ziele der studentischen MobilitĂ€t. Die Ergebnisse weisen zudem darauf hin, dass sich die MobilitĂ€t eher zwischen LĂ€ndern mit Ă€hnlichem ökonomischen Leistungsniveau abspielt. Den stĂ€rksten Effekt weist die gemeinsame Grenze auf, d.h. die rĂ€umliche NĂ€he in Form von direkter Nachbarschaft ist letztlich entscheidend. Auch die Mitgliedschaft im Bologna-Raum hat einen Einfluss, der aber interessanterweise ĂŒber die Zeit abzunehmen scheint

    Ein Messwiederholungsmodell mit zufÀlligen Koeffizienten in der Regionalforschung: Anwendung am Beispiel rÀumlicher Determinanten der Fluktuation zwischen regionalen ArbeitsmÀrkten in Westdeutschland 1984-1997

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    'In dem Aufsatz wird das Potential eines Modells der LĂ€ngsschnittanalyse dargestellt und dessen Anwendung am Beispiel einer Aggregatdatenanalyse der MobilitĂ€t von BeschĂ€ftigten zwischen regionalen ArbeitsmĂ€rkten demonstriert. Es handelt sich um ein auf kurzen Zeitreihen von interregionalen MobilitĂ€tsquoten basierendes Messwiederholungsmodell, bei dem die MobilitĂ€t sowohl von direkt gemessenen erklĂ€renden Variablen - wie beispielsweise der regionalen Arbeitslosenquote - als auch von latenten zeitlichen Trends abhĂ€ngig sein kann. Dies ermöglichen zufĂ€llige Koeffizienten, mit deren Hilfe fĂŒr jede Region unter Kontrolle der manifesten Einflussfaktoren spezifische Entwicklungen erfasst werden können. Schließlich wird auf die Umsetzung des Modells in der SAS mixed Prozedur hingewiesen.' (Autorenreferat)'This paper deals with the random coefficient model in longitudinal analysis. Its potential benefits are shown by referring on an example from labour market research, investigating mobility between local labour markets by using short time series of aggregate data. In the model, the rate of interregional mobility depends on directly measured characteristics like regional unemployment rates. Furthermore, mobility is influenced by corresponding unobserved factors which are introduced into the model as random coefficients. By these random coefficients historical trends can be estimated conditionally on directly measured characteristics separately for each region. Finally, the implementation of this model in the SAS mixed procedure is shown.' (author's abstract)

    Deregulation of education: What does it mean for efficiency and equality?

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    This article analyses from a cross-national comparative perspective how deregulation of compulsory education affects two central educational outcomes: efficiency and equality. The conflict between public regulation on the one hand and the market model on the other hand describes one of the most fundamental political struggles. In several fields of societal life, such as compulsory education, the state traditionally holds a strong monopoly in almost all capitalist societies. However, using three waves of PISA school level data we show that the degree of public regulation varies cross-nationally. The central finding of our analyses is that deregulation of education increases educational achievement of individual students across all social classes and thereby fosters the educational efficiency of the national education systems. Nevertheless, it also becomes evident that higher social classes benefit more strongly from deregulation, which increases the degree of educational inequality. These results indeed confirm that deregulation of education provokes an efficiency-versus-equality trade-off in national education systems.Der Konflikt zwischen einer staatlichen Regulation schulischer Bildung auf der einen Seite und einem deregulierten Marktmodell auf der anderen Seite stellt eine der fundamentalsten politischen Auseinandersetzungen der letzten Jahrzehnte dar. Traditionellerweise hĂ€lt der Staat das Monopol der Bildungsorganisation, doch seit einigen Jahren haben verschiedene LĂ€nder verstĂ€rkt auf eine Privatisierung und Flexibilisierung schulischer Bildung gesetzt. Allerdings variiert der Grad der Standardisierung bzw. Deregulierung ĂŒber verschiedene nationale Bildungssysteme deutlich. Der Beitrag untersucht mithilfe eines internationalen Vergleichs wie sich eine Deregulierung des schulischen Sektors auf die zentralen bildungspolitischen Outcomes Effizienz (bzw. Leistung) und Chancengleichheit auswirkt. Mit Daten aus drei Wellen der OECD PISA-Studie zeigen wir, dass sich eine Deregulierung des schulischen Sektors positiv auf die Leistungen aller SchĂŒler auswirkt und somit die Effizienz von Bildungssystemen steigert. Allerdings wird auch deutlich, dass höhere soziale Schichten stĂ€rker von einer Deregulierung profitieren. Damit bestĂ€tigt sich die Annahme, dass die Deregulierung schulischer Bildung zu einem Trade-off zwischen Effizienz und Gleichheit fĂŒhrt

    Organizational Ecology and Labor Market Mobility in Periods of Social Change. The Example of East Germany

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    Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags stehen die Gelegenheitsstrukturen intragenerationaler MobilitĂ€t am Arbeitsmarkt. Es wird der Versuch unternommen, im Lichte des organisationsökologischen Ansatzes den Einfluss von GrĂŒndungen und Schließungen von Organisationen in die MobilitĂ€tsanalyse zu integrieren. Am Beispiel des ostdeutschen Transformationsprozesses, welcher in den ersten beiden Jahren sowohl von einer hohen ArbeitsmarktmobilitĂ€t als auch von einer hohen GrĂŒndungsintensitĂ€t sowie einer steigenden Zahl von Schließungen geprĂ€gt war, wird in der empirischen Analyse gezeigt, dass die extreme MobilitĂ€t im so genannten "Zeitfenster" der Transformation durch die hohe Zahl an GrĂŒndungen erklĂ€rt werden kann. DarĂŒber hinaus wird unter Verwendung einer einfachen Simulationsrechnung demonstriert, dass der Anteil der durch GrĂŒndungen und Schließungen von Organisationen hervorgerufenen MobilitĂ€t hinreichend bedeutsam ist, um eine eigenstĂ€ndige theoretische Fundierung des vom organisationsökologischen Ansatz betontenWandels der Umwelt von Organisationen auch in der MobilitĂ€tsforschung zu rechtfertigen.The main subject of this article is the structure of intragenerational mobility in the labor market. The author attempts to integrate the effects of the establishment and termination rates of organizations into an analysis of labor market mobility under an organizational ecological approach. The East German labor market transformation in the first two years after 1989 is characterized by high mobility in the labor market as well as by a high number of newly founded organizations and an increasing number of shut-downs. The empirical results show that the extreme mobility during the "window of opportunity" in the period of transformation can be explained by the high level of organizational foundings. Moreover, it is demonstrated by means of a simple simulation model that the proportion of job shifts evoked by the establishment and termination of organizations is sufficiently sizeable to indicate that the environmental change described by the organizational ecology approach deserves independent theoretical status within mobility research

    A Life-Course Perspective on Migration and Integration: Edited by M. Wingens, M. Windzio, H. de Valk, and C. Aybek

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    Over the last four decades the sociological life course approach with its focus on the interplay of structure and agency over time life course perspective has become an important research perspective in the social sciences. Yet, while it has successfully been applied to almost all fields of social inquiry it is much less used in research studying migrant populations and their integration patterns. This is puzzling since understanding immigrants’ integration requires just the kind of dynamic research approach this approach puts forward: any integration theory actually refers to life course processes. This volume shows fruitful cross-linkages between the two research traditions. A range of studies are presented that all apply sociological life course concepts to research on migrants and migrant groups in Europe. The book is organized thematically, indicating different important domains in the life course. Using a wide variety of methodological approaches, it covers both quantitative studies based on population census data and survey material as well as qualitative studies based on interviews. Attention is paid to the life courses of those who migrated themselves as well as their offspring. The studies cover different European countries, relating to one national context or a particular local setting in a city as well as cross-country comparisons.
Overall the book shows that applying the sociological life course approach to migration and integration research may advance our understanding of immigrant settlement patterns as well as further develop the life course perspective
