178 research outputs found

    Journalism Versus Cultural Studies

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    According to academics in the field of cultural studies, the belief that journalism can report the world truthfully and objectively is not only wrong but naive. However, they claim that the incorporation of cultural studies into academic teaching allows journalists to be trained to overcome illusions of this kind and to see behind the superficialities of traditional professional practice. This paper is a critique of these claims and a response to those academics who have disputed the author's previous work on this issue. It examines eight claims about journalism made by cultural studies academics and shows them all to be seriously flawed. They are either logically incoherent, ignorant of the nature of journalism, or seek to impose a political agenda onto the curriculum

    La historia como ciencia social

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    Este artículo es el capítulo séptimo de una obra de combate por la ciencia de la historia: The Killing of History, publicada originalmente en Sydney durante el año 1994 por Macleay Press. Después de tres ediciones en los Estados Unidos con un provocador subtítulo –Cómo los críticos literarios y los teóricos sociales están asesinado nuestro pasado–, esta obra ha desafado al tiempo varias modas que parecían establecidas defnitivamente en los ambientes universitarios: el relativismo cultural, el nuevo historicismo, el escepticismo radical, la reducción de la historia a una forma de la fcción literaria, el postcolonialismo, el postmodernismo, el deconstruccionismo y el “fn de la historia”. Solidario con el numeroso grupo de historiadores estadounidenses que en 1998 fundó The Historical Society después de abandonar las flas de The American Historical Association, cuyo tradicional medio de difusión (The American Historical Review) fue controlado por  la  infuencia postmoderna, Windschuttle ha convocado a  la preservación del  legado  intelectual de la historia científca que se hace remontar a la Historia del Peloponeso de Tucídides, y que recibió con Leopold von Ranke los nuevos criterios de rigurosidad respecto de la crítica de las fuentes disponibles

    Strange reading: Keith Windschuttle on race, Asia and White Australia

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    In his recently published book, The White Australia Policy, Keith Windschuttle accuses academic historians of errors of fact and judgement in their accounts of white Australia. This article examines these claims of exaggeration and distortion with particular reference to the nature and meaning of race, racism and representations of Asia in Australian history. The article rejects Winschuttle\u27s sweeping claim that academic historians have sought to make Australia appear a much more racist society than the historical record would suggest.<br /

    Nuevos tiempos, nuevos retos historiográficos: «Historia de América» como programa europeo en el Anuario de Estudios Americanos de Sevilla

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    Far reaching distribution of research results in specialized journals contributed to emancipate Spanish America from treatment as a part of geography converting it into a specialized part of history: particularly important the case of Sevillian Anuario de Estudios Americanos, founded in 1944, publishing research results from the Archive of the Indies in Seville just at the beginning of this process. The article’s purpose is to illustrate its impact on historiography from an eyewitness’ perspective.Hasta los años 1930 la historia colonial de Hispanoamérica era en gran medida objeto de la geografía. Nuevas revistas distribuyendo resultados de investigación de archivos centrales como el Archivo General de Indias de Sevilla contribuyeron a convertir la «Historia de América» en disciplina histórica propiamente dicha. El Anuario de Estudios Americanos, revista fundada en 1944 en Sevilla, tuvo un impacto central en este proceso, el cual un testigo trata de destacar y analizar en este artículo

    Cultural studies in journalism education: Obscurantism equals profundity

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    This essay first appeared in Quadrant, May 1998. It revisits the intellectual conflict between media/cultural theorists and vocational oriented journalism educators. The author argues that the convoluted theorisations and postmodernist verbiage used by cultural/media theorists to expound their ideas and assumptions are so obscure that very few people outside the field can understand what is being said, nor see their relevance to journalism education. Obscurantism is assumed to equal profundity. The author asserts that journalism educators should draw from their professional experience, write their own textbooks and develop their own \u27journalism theory \u27

    The myths of frontier massacres in Australian History

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    In his new book, journalist Phillip Knightley demonstrates how deeply the notion that Australian society was founded on dealy violence against Aborigines has penetrated the mentality of those who shape popular opinio

    Unemployment A social and Politicel...

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    xiv.343 hal.;18 c