94 research outputs found

    Actions speak louder than words: outsiders' perceptions of diversity mixed messages

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    To attract a gender diverse workforce, many employers use diversity statements to publicly signal that they value gender diversity. However, this often represents a misalignment between words and actions (i.e., a diversity mixed message) because most organizations are male dominated, especially in board positions. We conducted 3 studies to investigate the potentially indirect effect of such diversity mixed messages through perceived behavioral integrity on employer attractiveness. In Study 1, following a 2 x 2 design, participants (N = 225) were either shown a pro gender diversity statement or a neutral statement, in combination with a gender diverse board (4 men and 4 women) or a uniform all-male board (8 men). Participants' perceived behavioral integrity of the organization was assessed. In Study 2, participants (N = 251) either read positive or negative reviews of the organization's behavioral integrity. Employer attractiveness was then assessed. Study 3 (N = 427) investigated the impact of board gender composition on perceived behavioral integrity and employer attractiveness using a bootstrapping procedure. Both the causal-chain design of Study 1 and 2, as well as the significance test of the proposed indirect relationship in Study 3, revealed that a diversity mixed message negatively affected an organization's perceived behavioral integrity, and low behavioral integrity in turn negatively impacted employer attractiveness. In Study 3, there was also evidence for a tipping point (more than 1 woman on the board was needed) with regard to participants' perceptions of the organization's behavioral integrity

    Im Schatten des BEM

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    Der Beitrag nimmt Stellung zu Gelingensbedingungen und Hindernissen der Rückkehr an den Arbeitsplatz nach psychischer Erkrankung. Mehr als ein punktueller Wiedereingliederungsvorgang ist die Organisation der Rückkehr an den Arbeitsplatz ein krisenhafter Veränderungsprozess, der eines adäquaten Managements und der Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Stakeholderinteressen bedarf. Es zeigt sich, dass die Komplexität betrieblichen Eingliederungsmanagements in Fällen psychischer Erkrankungen, die von Unsicherheit im Umgang mit Betroffenen, latenter Chronizität sowie hoher sozialer Stereotypisierung gekennzeichnet sind, besonders hoch ist. Da der Rückkehrprozess in soziale Verhandlungen zwischen Rückkehrern, Kollegen und Führungskräften um Normalität, arbeitsbezogenen Status und Nachhaltigkeit eingebettet ist, erfordert gelingende Reintegration eine Wiedereingliederungspraxis, die in Ergebnissen und Verfahren von allen Beteiligten akzeptiert und mitgetragen wird

    A Web-Based Multi-Screen 360-Degree Video Player For Pre-Service Teacher Training

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    This demonstration will showcase a new and innovative eLearning platform for pre-service teacher training. The core element of this platform is a multi-screen 360-degree video player with additional features for 360-degree video analysis. By using the videos in combination with a head-mounted display (HMD) we create a video-based virtual classroom, where the pre-service teachers “become part of the situation”. This offers students an immersive experience to get a first impression of realistic school praxis

    A Web-Based Multi-Screen 360-Degree Video Player For Pre-Service Teacher Training

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    This demonstration will showcase a new and innovative eLearning platform for pre-service teacher training. The core element of this platform is a multi-screen 360-degree video player with additional features for 360-degree video analysis. By using the videos in combination with a head-mounted display (HMD) we create a video-based virtual classroom, where the pre-service teachers “become part of the situation”. This offers students an immersive experience to get a first impression of realistic school praxis

    Zukunftstechnologien in der aktuellen Medienmanagementforschung und -praxis

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    Technologien und technologische Veränderungen sind eng mit der Weiterentwicklung von Medienindustrien und Medienmanagement verknüpft. Aus diesem Grund erscheint es sinnvoll, Medienmanagementforschung auch mit Blick auf die Weiter- und Neuentwicklung von Technologien zu gestalten, da bereits jetzt Technologien die konzeptionelle und empirische Arbeit in der Forschungsdisziplin beeinflussen. Der vorliegende Beitrag fasst in einem ersten Schritt drei empirische Studien zusammen, in denen Expertengruppen die Bedeutung von neun Zukunftstechnologien für das Medienmanagement einschätzen. In einem zweiten Schritt werden die Ergebnisse einer strukturierten Literaturanalyse dargestellt, bei der N=147 Publikationen aus dem Feld der Medienmanagementforschung (2009-2019) hinsichtlich der Berücksichtigung von Zukunftstechnologien analysiert wurden. In einem dritten Schritt werden aus diesen beiden Perspektiven Potenziale für die zukünftige Medienmanagementforschung abgeleitet. Mit diesem Beitrag sollen Vorschläge angeboten werden, wie etablierte Forschungsprozesse hinterfragt werden können und neue Theorieperspektiven Optionen neuer Fragen eröffnen.Technologies and technological changes are closely connected with the further development of media industries and media management. For this reason, it makes sense to keep an eye on the further and new development of technologies when designing media management research, as technologies already influence the conceptual and empirical work in the research discipline. In a first step, this paper summarizes three empirical studies in which experts assess the significance of nine emerging technologies for media management. In a second step, the results of a structured literature analysis are presented, in which N=147 publications from the field of media management research (2009-2019) were analyzed with respect to the consideration of emerging technologies. In a third step, potentials for future media management research are derived from these two perspectives. This contribution aims to offer suggestions on how established research processes can be questioned and how new theoretical perspectives can open up options for new questions

    Capturing the future!: an empirical investigation on trends in technology and a deduction of consequences for media management research

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    This paper will bring current technology trends in a far-seeing format directly to WME, with the aim to provide the community with new questions and dimensions of thought to inspire their and our future research

    Trends in technology and the future of media management (reseach)?

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    Based on analyses of emerging technologies and of media management as a research field, new questions of relevance for future media management research are created by applying ‘bricolage’ as an entrepreneurial technique