4 research outputs found

    Moderate mental retardation with behavior disorder in cerebral palsy: a case report

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    Mental retardation (MR) is a condition where the cessation of mental development occurs or is incomplete, mainly marked by the disruption of skill during development, affecting intelligence (cognitive, language, motor, and social abilities). Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of motoric and physical posture development disorders caused by cerebral development impairment. Children with MR frequently have a co-occuring CP. In this case report, a 6 years old girl consulted to the psychiatric department because of emotional irritability. The patient was seen limping on one side, screaming, moving everywhere, uncooperative, imperfect sentence, not able to draw well and would scream in anger if not get what she wants. Since birth, she has weakness on her left side of the body, has a gross motor delay, still unable to take off her clothes. The patient was born through vaginal delivery at 8 months gestational age with premature rupture of membrane, cried spontaneously. During the pregnancy, the mother had routine antenatal care from the midwife and was said to be fine. The patient was diagnosed with moderate mental retardation with a significant behavioral disorder that requires attention or therapy. Pharmacological therapy of risperidone 0.3 milligram, vitamin B6 10 milligram, and folic acid 1 milligram all are taken once daily oral. MR can have a co-occuring CP and need to be treated. The treatment should consist of mental and physical therapy, as well as rehabilitation

    Signs and symptoms of depression in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus: A case report

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    Depression is a fundamental disorder characterized by changes in mood or affect toward depression with or without anxiety. Depression is a state of mental disorder characterized by three main symptoms and seven additional symptoms. Diabetes Mellitus Type-1 (T1DM) is a systemic disorder caused by impaired glucose metabolism, which is characterized by chronic hyperglycemia. Depression is common in patients with T1DM. In this case report, a 13-year-old girl was consulted because she looks sad. A feeling of sadness has been felt for 3 months and has been getting worse since a week ago, which was initially because of T1DM. Patients usually work at home and carry out daily activities as usual. Currently, the patient has no desire and gets tired easily, especially when doing usual activities, thinking the pain will get worse and thinking that she can't recover. Complaints are felt throughout the day and worsen at night, especially before bed or when alone. The patient feels that she is useless and his future is bleak. During pregnancy, the patient's mother routinely checks with the midwife and gets complete immunizations. The patient was born vaginally and cried spontaneously. The patient also received complete basic immunization

    Other mental disorders YDT due to brain damage and dysfunction and physical disease in patients with anti-NMDA encephalitis: Case report

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    Autoimmune encephalitis (AIE) is considered one of the most common causes of acute noninfectious encephalitis. Autoimmune encephalitis is usually of acute or subacute onset and may become chronic later. Suggested mechanisms that may trigger AIE include tumor (paraneoplastic), infection (parainfection) or may be cryptogenic. Autoimmune encephalitis has a wide range of clinical manifestations including behavioral and psychiatric symptoms, autonomic disorders, movement disorders and seizures. In this Case Report 13 year old boy, Hindu, Balinese, currently attending junior high school, unmarried, student. The patient was consulted to the psychiatry department while in the Cempaka room because he looked restless and confused. The patient experienced mood swings in the form of an unstable mood, accompanied by irritability, difficulty calming down, feeling uncomfortable, disturbed sleep, and decreased appetite after the patient underwent treatment at the hospital since last February. On physical examination, physical status was found within normal limits, nutritional status was good, and general status was within normal limits. Examination of psychiatric status found an unnatural appearance that looked confused and uncomfortable, verbal and visual contact was lacking, clear consciousness, mood and affect were labile, in thought processes there was preoccupation with the disease, in perception there were visual hallucinations

    Psychological and Behavioral Factors Associated with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome: Case Report

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    Introduction:Cyclic vomiting syndrome is a disorder of unknown etiology and pathogenesis characterized by recurrent and stereotypical vomiting episodes with varying intervals from baseline or normal health in between. The biopsychosocial model proposes that disease does not result from a single etiology but from systems that interact simultaneously at the cellular, tissue, organismal, interpersonal, and environmental levels. In addition, psychosocial factors have direct and reverse physiological and pathological consequences. Case: In this case report, A 17-year-old boy was consulted to the psychiatry department because of repeated vomiting suspected of psychological factors. The patient was hospitalized due to vomiting. This vomiting has been experienced by the patient since around 2 months before the examination. Patient’s father and stepmother actually really love this patient, but in the patient's perception, the patient's father and mother are less adequate in how to show their affection. The patient realized that his father loved him but felt in some ways, the patient was uncomfortable because he felt that he did not fit his father's mindset. Conclusion:The patient was diagnosed with Psychological and Behavioral Factors Associated with Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (F54). Pharmacological therapy with 12.5 mg Amytriptiline tablet, 0.5 mg Risperidone tablet, and 5 mg Clobazam tablet every 24 hours orally (evening), while the non-pharmacological therapy given was supportive psychotherapy and psychoeducation to the parent