10 research outputs found


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    Cocoa black pod rot is caused by pathogenic fungi, Phytophtora palmivora, which decrease the cocoa production up to 90%. The use of biological control agents, Trichoderma spp., is one of the promising P. palmivora controllers since it is low-cost, easily found and safe for the environment. The aims of this research were to understand the compatibility, antagonistic and effectiveness of biofungicide containing active ingredient of Trichoderma spp. against P. palmivora in vitro and to test the effective concentration of biofungicide containing active ingredient of T. asperellum to control P. palmivora in vitro and in vivo. T. asperellum, T. harzianum, and T. viride were grown together on PDA medium to test their compatibility. Antagonistic and effectiveness test of Trichoderma spp. against P. palmivora were tested using the in vitro dual culture method. The effectiveness of T. asperellum biofungicide was tested in vivo on cocoa pot. Compatibility test showed that all three species were compatible and the best effectiveness showed by the combination of T. asperellum and T. viride. The result also showed that T. asperellum biofungicide had an ability to inhibit P. palmivora.   Keywords: Trichoderma spp., effectivity, compatibility, antagonistic, biofungicide  ABSTRAKPenyakit busuk buah kakao disebabkan cendawan patogen Phytophtora palmivora, yang dapat menurunkan produksi kakao sampai 90%. Penggunaan agensia pengendali hayati (APH), Trichoderma spp., merupakan salah satu pengendalian P. palmivora yang menjanjikan karena murah, mudah didapat dan aman terhadap lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kesesuaian, antagonistik, dan efektivitas biofungisida berbahan aktif Trichoderma spp. secara in vitro. Di samping itu juga bertujuan mengetahui konsentrasi efektif biofungisida berbahan aktif T. asperellum untuk mengendalikan P. palmivora secara in vitro dan in vivo. T. asperellum, T. harzianum, dan T. viride, ditumbuhkan bersama pada media PDA untuk mengetahui kesesuaian antarspesies. Antagonistik dan efektivitas Trichoderma spp. terhadap P. palmivora secara in vitro diuji menggunakan metode dual culture. Biofungisida berbahan aktif T. asperellum diuji efektivitasnya secara in vivo pada buah kakao. Hasil uji kesesuaian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga spesies yang diuji berkesesuaian dan efektifitas terbaik ditunjukkan pada kombinasi T. asperellum dan T. viride. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa biofungisida berbahan aktif T. asperellum dengan konsentrasi tertinggi terbukti dapat menghambat pertumbuhan P. palmivora.Kata kunci: Trichoderma spp., efektivitas, kesesuaian, antagonis, biofungisid

    Optimasi Produksi Empat Varietas Jagung Hibrida Di Kertosono, Kabupaten Nganjuk

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    Maize hybridization system would help Indonesia to become a maize exporter. But the development of maize hybrids in Indonesia is seemed too slow, this impacting in national maize production, which was only 13 million ton per year in 2003. In 2009, the maize hybrid has been planted in about 54% of maize yields. Fertilizing maize is on the most essential and critical parts about growing maize. The objective of the study was to obtain the maximum dosage of composed fertilizer for the highest productivity among four hybrids maize variety in dependingsoil type. The result showed that the prospecting hybrid variety of BI-1 has a maximum production yield of 7.7 ton/ha at the level of fertilizer 1,200 kg/ha and it was only 6.3 ton per ha at zero level fertilizer. Amount of 7.4 ton/ha was achieved by BI-3 maize hybrid at the level of 1,200 kg/ha fertilizer, where those only 5.8 ton/ha at the zero level of fertilizer. The highest productivity was archived by BI-4 where it was 7.1 ton/ha at zero level fertilizer and the highest production yield of 9.2 ton/ha at 900kg/ha of fertilizer, but it was decrease at the level of 1,200 kg/ha fertilizer. Maize variety of DK979 achieved highest productivity of 8.6 ton/ha at 1,200 kg/ha fertilizer and 5.8 ton/ha at zero level fertilizer

    Pertumbuhan, Kuantitas Dan Kualitas Rimpang Jahe (Zingiber Officinale Roscoe) Pada Cekaman Kekeringan Di Bawah Naungan

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    This research studied the growth, quantity and quality of ginger rhizome under drought stress condition. The drought stress condition was 60% of soil field capacity. This experiment was arranged in randomized complete block designed. The treatments were drought stress periods (6, 4, 2 and 0 week before harvesting) with six replications. The result showed that drought stress period affected the quantity (rhizome dry weight) and quality (gingerol content) of ginger. Rhizome dry weight was decreased with the increase of drought stress period, while gingerol content showed opposite trend


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    In Vitro Somatic Embryogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration of Three Varieties of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)ABSTRACTAlfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is a valuable plant as a source of food for animal, forage, pharmaceutical, medicine, food supplement, and human consumption.  In vitro selection technology combined with induction or spontaneous mutagenesis has been effective in altering or isolating genetic variability for desirable characters.  Consequently, a reproducible in vitro propagation technique of that plant is mandatory. The aim of the research was to obtain information on the embryogenic callus induction, somatic embryogenesis, and plantlet regeneration of three varieties of alfalfa. The results showed that an optimum embryogenic callus induction (82%) was obtained on Murashige & Skoog (MS) basal medium containing 2 ppm 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 2 ppm kinetin and 2 ppm a-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Those embryogenic calli could subsequently develop into somatic embryos, which germinated and regenerated into normal plantlets on R1 medium consisting of MS nutrients without the addition of plant growth regulator.Keywords: alfalfa, callus, embryogenic, plantlets, regeneration ABSTRAKAlfalfa (Medicago sativa) adalah tanaman berharga sebagai sumber makanan untuk hewan, yaitu hijauan pakan ternak, farmasi, obat-obatan, suplemen makanan dan konsumsi manusia. Teknologi seleksi in vitro yang dikombinasikan dengan induksi atau mutagenesis spontan telah terbukti efektif dalam mengubah atau mengisolasi variabilitas genetik untuk karakter yang diinginkan. Oleh sebab itu, keberhasilan teknik perbanyakan in vitro yang telah terbukti dapat direproduksi dari tanaman tersebut menjadi syarat yang harus terpenuhi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai induksi kalus embriogenik, embriogenesis somatik dan regenerasi planlet dari tiga varietas alfalfa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa induksi kalus embriogenik optimal (82%) didapat pada media Murashige & Skoog (MS) dengan  2 ppm 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 2 ppm kinetin dan 2 ppm a-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Kalus embriogenik tersebut dapat membentuk embrio somatik, embrionya berkecambah dan beregenerasi membentuk planlet normal pada perlakuan media R1 yaitu nutrisi MS tanpa penambahan zat pengatur tumbuh.Kata Kunci: alfalfa, embriogenik, kalus, planlet, regeneras


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    Growth Responses of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Plantlets upon Application of Different Formulations of Trichoderma spp.-Based BiostimulantPlantlet acclimatization is one of several critical steps in potato clonal seedling production which often hampers the availability of quality plant materials. Application of biostimulant formulation containing Trichoderma spp. may increase growth capability of potato plantlets due to the improvement of plantlets in absorbing nutrient from the growth media. The aim of this research was to obtain the best formulations of biostimulant containing several strains of Trichoderma spp. to be applied in the acclimatization stage of potato seeds. Nine formulations of biostimulant (i.e. S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9) each of which contained three to four different strains of five Trichoderma spp. isolates, were mixed with organic substrate carriers. The biostimulants were then applied to potato plantlets cv. Atlantic at the beginning of acclimatization. Plantlets without biostimulant were used as the control treatment (S0). The results showed that the S8 biostimulant formulation significantly increased the growth of the potato plantlets. The results of this experiment indicated that compared with the control and other formulations, the S8 biostimulant formulation significantly increased the growth of potato plantlets based on the number of leaves and number of shoots.Keywords: aclimatitation; biostimulant; potato; seedling; TrichodermaABSTRAKAklimatisasi planlet adalah salah satu tahapan kritis dalam produksi bibit klonal kentang yang seringkali menghambat ketercukupan bahan tanaman berkualitas. Penggunaan produk berbasis Trichoderma spp. diduga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan planlet untuk menyerap unsur hara dari media tumbuh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui formulasi biostimulan terbaik yang mengandung Trichoderma spp. yang diaplikasikan pada tahap aklimatisasi bibit kentang. Sembilan biostimulan (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9) diformulasikan menggunakan substrat pembawa organik dan masing-masing mengandung campuran tiga atau empat strain dari lima isolat Trichoderma spp. Kesembilan biostimulan tersebut kemudian diujikan pada planlet kentang varietas Atlantik siap aklimatisasi. Planlet tanpa aplikasi biostimulan digunakan sebagai kontrol (S0). Hasil percobaan ini menunjukkan bahwa dibandingkan dengan control maupun formulasi lainnya, formulasi biostimulan S8 secara signifikan meningkatkan pertumbuhan planlet kentang cv. Atlantik dilihat dari jumlah daun dan jumlah tunasnya

    Micropropagation of Java Cardamom (Amomum compactum)

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    Java cardamom (Amomum compactum) is hardly propagated with rhizome without the mother plant.  In vitro culture could overcome the problem through mass propagation for seedling production or other purposes such as genetic material for mutation breeding. The aim of the research was to generate protocol of establishing Java cardamom micropropagation.  This research consisted of 4 aspects i.e. shoot induction of mother plant (without Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) and using PGR BAP (6-benzylaminopurine) 1000 ppm), explant origin selection (main stem, rhizome bud height >3 cm, rhizome bud height ≤3 cm and lateral rhizome), sterilization procedure establishment (4 methods differ in the use of  detergent, HgCl2, Alcohol, NaOCl, Ethanol, Iodine and soaking time in fungicide and bactericide) and shoot multiplication (MS 0, MS 0 + BAP 1 ppm and MS 0 + BAP 1 ppm + NAA 1 ppm). Result showed the application of 1000 ppm BAP to mature plant could induce shoot emergence.  The best explant source was rhizome bud that smaller or equal to 3 cm.  The highest survival rate (71%) was recorded when explants disinfected with 70% alcohol for 30 seconds and 0.1 % mercuric chloride for 5 minutes.  Java cardamom in vitro culture showed highest shoot multiplication rate in MS 0 + BAP 1 ppm medium (multiplier of 10 shoots/explant in 18 weeks).  Keywords: explant, in vitro propagation, Plant Growth Regulator, rhizome, shoot multiplicatio

    Identification of MADS-box Gene in Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)

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    The bunch size represented by the fruit number is the main parameter of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) yield. The fruit number, which is determined during the initial phase of development, is related to various factors, including the genetic properties of the trees. Trees that have more pistillate flowers have more fruit. The diversity of MADS-box genes assumed can be used as a marker for trees that have a higher number of pistillate flowers. Therefore, the aims of this research were to isolate and identify the MADS-box genes from flowers of tenera oil palm using PCR techniques. The SQUAMOSA (SQUA) gene and the GLOBOSA (GLO) gene are members of the MADS-box genes family that are responsible for sepal, petal and stamen organ development. The genomic DNA of the staminate flowers of trees that have more staminate flowers (P1) and the genomic DNA of the pistillate flowers of trees that have more pistillate flowers (P2) were isolated using the CTAB+ PVP method. The CTAB+PVP method was more efficient for isolating pistillate flower genomic DNA than staminate flower genomic DNA. The genomic DNA of P1 and P2 was amplified with two primers: BMS and BMG. The BMS primers gave a PCR product size of 1250 bp for the genomic DNA of P1 and P2. Meanwhile, the BMG primers gave a PCR product size of 1250 bp and 1300 bp for P1 and P2, respectively. The PCR products were sequenced and analyzed for homology using the GenBank database. BLAST analysis showed the PCR products have high homology with the SQUA1 gene and the GLO2 gene. Alignment analysis showed that the DNA fragments amplified with the BMS primers of the P1 and P2 sequences have variations in the exons and introns, and the variations were observed only in the introns of the DNA fragments amplified with the BMG primers

    Identification of MADS-box Gene in Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)

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    The bunch size represented by the fruit number is the main parameter of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) yield. The fruit number, which is determined during the initial phase of development, is related to various factors, including the genetic properties of the trees. Trees that have more pistillate flowers have more fruit. The diversity of MADS-box genes assumed can be used as a marker for trees that have a higher number of pistillate flowers. Therefore, the aims of this research were to isolate and identify the MADS-box genes from flowers of tenera oil palm using PCR techniques. The SQUAMOSA (SQUA) gene and the GLOBOSA (GLO) gene are members of the MADS-box genes family that are responsible for sepal, petal and stamen organ development. The genomic DNA of the staminate flowers of trees that have more staminate flowers (P1) and the genomic DNA of the pistillate flowers of trees that have more pistillate flowers (P2) were isolated using the CTAB+ PVP method. The CTAB+PVP method was more efficient for isolating pistillate flower genomic DNA than staminate flower genomic DNA. The genomic DNA of P1 and P2 was amplified with two primers: BMS and BMG. The BMS primers gave a PCR product size of 1250 bp for the genomic DNA of P1 and P2. Meanwhile, the BMG primers gave a PCR product size of 1250 bp and 1300 bp for P1 and P2, respectively. The PCR products were sequenced and analyzed for homology using the GenBank database. BLAST analysis showed the PCR products have high homology with the SQUA1 gene and the GLO2 gene. Alignment analysis showed that the DNA fragments amplified with the BMS primers of the P1 and P2 sequences have variations in the exons and introns, and the variations were observed only in the introns of the DNA fragments amplified with the BMG primers.&nbsp

    Potensi Pesawat Udara Nir Awak (PUNA) Alap-Alap Sebagai Teknologi Artificial Intelegence Untuk Pemetaan Lahan Pertanian Produktif

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    Informasi sumber daya lahan berupa data digital merupakan salah satu data yang menjadi pertimbangan utama pembuat kebijakan dalam menentukan arah pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Sebagai negara agraris, pelayanan informasi mengenai produktivitas lahan yang cepat dan akurat diperlukan untuk memantau pemanfaatan lahan di Indonesia. Salah satu upaya penyediaan informasi produktivitas lahan adalah melalui implementasi teknologi 4.0 di sektor pertanian. Artificial intelligence (AI) merupakan teknologi utama yang mendukung implementasi teknologi 4.0. Keberadaan AI dinilai sangat potensial dan prospektif untuk memantau lahan pertanian produktif di Indonesia. Pengembangan Pesawat Udara Nir Awak (PUNA) Alap-Alap yang dilengkapi dengan muatan sensor kamera berpotensi diaplikasikan sebagai teknologi AI untuk pemetaan lahan pertanian produktif. Sensor kamera PUNA Alap-Alap berkemampuan 24 Mega Pixel mampu mendapatkan data kondisi lahan pertanian bahkan kondisi tanaman atau vegetasi yang tumbuh di lahan pertanian. Penggunaan sensor kamera mempunyai kelebihan dibandingkan sensor satelit yaitu tidak terkendala tutupan awan, data yang diperoleh realtime dan mempunyai akurasi yang sangat baik. PUNA Alap-Alap menawarkan solusi alternatif untuk melakukan indraja dalam mendukung kegiatan pertanian. Salah satu kelebihan teknologi ini adalah biaya operasional relatif murah dan pengaturan operasi fleksibel sesuai dengan kebutuhan, sehingga operasional PUNA Alap-Alap untuk menghasilkan gambar orthopoto di lahan pertanian produktif cukup efesien. Data akurasi yang dihasilkan oleh PUNA Alap-Alap yaitu Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) 10 cm/pixel dengan sapuan pengambilan data pemetaan 1700 Ha per jam pada ketinggian terbang 1500 ft. Kelebihan lain adalah PUNA Alap-Alap mampu terbang secara mandiri selama 6 jam tanpa henti, hal ini memungkinkan data pemetaan yang diperoleh mempunyai kualitas dan kuantitas yang baik.Informasi sumber daya lahan berupa data digital merupakan salah satu data yang menjadi pertimbangan utama pembuat kebijakan dalam menentukan arah pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Sebagai negara agraris, pelayanan informasi mengenai produktivitas lahan yang cepat dan akurat diperlukan untuk memantau pemanfaatan lahan di Indonesia. Salah satu upaya penyediaan informasi produktivitas lahan adalah melalui implementasi teknologi 4.0 di sektor pertanian. Artificial intelligence (AI) merupakan teknologi utama yang mendukung implementasi teknologi 4.0. Keberadaan AI dinilai sangat potensial dan prospektif untuk memantau lahan pertanian produktif di Indonesia. Pengembangan Pesawat Udara Nir Awak (PUNA) Alap-Alap yang dilengkapi dengan muatan sensor kamera berpotensi diaplikasikan sebagai teknologi AI untuk pemetaan lahan pertanian produktif. Sensor kamera PUNA Alap-Alap berkemampuan 24 Mega Pixel mampu mendapatkan data kondisi lahan pertanian bahkan kondisi tanaman atau vegetasi yang tumbuh di lahan pertanian. Penggunaan sensor kamera mempunyai kelebihan dibandingkan sensor satelit yaitu tidak terkendala tutupan awan, data yang diperoleh realtime dan mempunyai akurasi yang sangat baik. PUNA Alap-Alap menawarkan solusi alternatif untuk melakukan indraja dalam mendukung kegiatan pertanian. Salah satu kelebihan teknologi ini adalah biaya operasional relatif murah dan pengaturan operasi fleksibel sesuai dengan kebutuhan, sehingga operasional PUNA Alap-Alap untuk menghasilkan gambar orthopoto di lahan pertanian produktif cukup efesien. Data akurasi yang dihasilkan oleh PUNA Alap-Alap yaitu Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) 10 cm/pixel dengan sapuan pengambilan data pemetaan 1700 Ha per jam pada ketinggian terbang 1500 ft. Kelebihan lain adalah PUNA Alap-Alap mampu terbang secara mandiri selama 6 jam tanpa henti, hal ini memungkinkan data pemetaan yang diperoleh mempunyai kualitas dan kuantitas yang baik

    <i>Phyllanthus</i> Lignans: A Review of Biological Activity and Elicitation

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    The Phyllanthus genus exhibits a broad distribution spanning across the majority of tropical and subtropical regions. Due to their ability to synthesize medicinal bioactive compounds such as lignans, they have been utilized historically in traditional medicine to treat a wide range of ailments. This review discusses the current knowledge on the potency of lignans for medicinal purposes, the benefit of lignans for plants, various lignans produced by Phyllanthus, and how lignan synthesis could be increased through biotic and abiotic elicitation. Finally, we present a set of connected hypotheses to explain how signaling crosstalk between endophytic microbes and drought stress responses regulates lignan production. Although the mechanisms of lignan synthesis in Phyllanthus are not fully explored, this review strongly supports the view that endophytic fungi and drought stress can increase lignan production in plants belonging to the genus Phyllanthus. The medicinal plant–endophyte–drought stress relationship helps to improve the lignan yield of Phyllanthus, which is crucial for human health and can be optimized under in vitro and in vivo conditions