44 research outputs found

    The Effect of Anti-Stigma Campaign to Depressive Disorders on Instagram towards Students’ Anxiety Attitude

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    Digital activism has rapidly developed thanks to technological advancements, including campaigns that utilize media to address the stigma surrounding mental illness. These anti-stigma campaigns aim to reduce stigma and raise awareness about mental health. According to the WHO, depression is a common mental disorder that is associated with high rates of suicide. This study aimed to determine the effect of an anti-stigma campaign for depressive disorders on Instagram on students' anxiety attitudes using quantitative method. The presence or absence of feelings of anxiety, nervousness, anxiety, and fear of physical danger when around people with depressive disorders was used to assess anxiety attitudes. The researcher collected data by distributing questionnaires online via Google Form to respondents who met the criteria they set. The population used in this study consisted of active students aged above 18 years residing in Java Island, and the sample size for this research was 383 individuals determined using convenience sampling technique. The data from respondents was analyzed using the IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26 software and a simple linear regression analysis. According to the research findings, the anti-stigma campaign for depressive disorders had no significant influence on students' anxiety attitudes

    Peran Ilustrator pada Produksi Animated Storybook di Ayoo Kreasi

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    Ayoo Kreasi adalah sebuah perusahaan manajemen industri kreatif yang berfokus pada penguatan kekayaan intelektual (intellectual property atau IP) secara bisnis maupun hukum. Pemilihan Ayoo Kreasi sebagai tempat magang penulis didasari pada keunikan produk utama Ayoo Kreasi yang berkaitan dengan kekayaan intelektual (intellectual property atau IP), serta berbagai produk kreatif seperti komik, animasi, dan games. Ayoo Kreasi juga memproduksi hiburan-hiburan edukatif yang dapat menginspirasi anak-anak Indonesia, sehingga tujuannya bermanfaat bagi masyarakat Indonesia itu sendiri. Setelah melakukan praktik kerja magang di Ayoo Kreasi, penulis lebih memahami bagaimana sebuah perusahaan kreatif bekerja. Penulis semakin paham mengenai pentingnya pipeline serta timeline pada produksi animasi. Kemampuan hard skills penulis, seperti membuat aset vector, menggunakan teknik cut-out, serta memanfaatkan komposisi desain, sangat diasah dan dipertajam melalui sesi mentoring maupun saran dari pekerja lain. Sedangkan dari segi soft skills, penulis belajar menjalin komunikasi yang baik dan nyaman dalam sebuah tim, bahkan dengan anggota tim yang berada di luar kantor

    Perancangan Tata Warna dan Pencahayaan untuk Adegan Imajinasi pada Film Animasi Hybrid "Crayon"

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    Maraknya produksi film animasi di Indonesia maupun luar negeri menyebabkan para pencipta film harus mencari keunikan dalam ciptaannya. Agar dapat bersaing dalam industri, para pencipta film mengeksploitasi salah satu elemen film style, yaitu tata warna dan pencahayaan, sebagai appeal dari ciptaannya. Menurut Holtzschue (2017), penggunaan warna bermanfaat untuk mengomunikasikan ide atau konsep, memanipulasi persepsi penonton, dan membangun emosi penonton (hlm. 6). Perancangan tata warna dan pencahayaan untuk adegan imajinasi pada film animasi hybrid "Crayon" dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan data-data kualitatif dari studi literatur mengenai teori warna, psikologi warna, tata pencahayaan dalam sinematografi dan emosi manusia, observasi dan analisis visual terhadap berbagai film animasi yang memiliki konsep serupa dengan "Crayon", serta eksperimen visual. Metode-metode tersebut menghasilkan pemilihan warna dan teknik pencahayaan yang tepat untuk menggambarkan perkembangan emosi tokoh Alvin terhadap tokoh Monomono dalam empat tahap, yaitu pertanda buruk diiringi suasana mistis, puncak bahaya dan agresivitas, tekad untuk melawan bahaya, dan hangatnya persaudaraan dalam situasi tidak aman

    The role of vasculature and blood circulation in zebrafish swimbladder development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recently we have performed a detailed analysis of early development of zebrafish swimbladder, a homologous organ of tetrapod lung; however, the events of swimbladder development are still poorly characterized. Many studies have implicated the role of vascular system in development of many organs in vertebrates. As the swimbladder is lined with an intricate network of blood capillaries, it is of interest to investigate the role of the vascular system during early development of swimbladder.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To investigate the role of endothelial cells (ECs) and blood circulation during development of the swimbladder, phenotypes of swimbladder were analysed at three different stages (~2, 3 and 5 dpf [day postfertilization]) in <it>cloche </it>(<it>clo</it>) mutant and Tnnt2 morphants, in the background of transgenic lines <it>Et(krt4:EGFP)</it><sup><it>sq33-2 </it></sup>and <it>Et(krt4:EGFP)</it><sup><it>sqet3 </it></sup>which express EGFP in the swimbladder epithelium and outer mesothelium respectively. Analyses of the three tissue layers of the swimbladder were performed using molecular markers <it>hb9</it>, <it>fgf10a</it>, <it>acta2</it>, and <it>anxa5 </it>to distinguish epithelium, mesenchyme, and outer mesothelium. We showed that the budding stage was independent of ECs and blood flow, while early epithelial growth, mesenchymal organization and its differentiation into smooth muscle, as well as outer mesothelial organization, were dependent on ECs. Blood circulation contributed to later stage of epithelial growth, smooth muscle differentiation, and organization of the outer mesothelium. Inflation of the swimbladder was also affected as a result of absence of ECs and blood flow.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data demonstrated that the vascular system, though not essential in swimbladder budding, plays an important role in the development of the swimbladder starting from the early growth stage, including mesenchyme organization and smooth muscle differentiation, and outer mesothelial organization, which in turn may be essential for the function of the swimbladder as reflected in its eventual inflation.</p

    Mercury-induced hepatotoxicity in zebrafish: in vivo mechanistic insights from transcriptome analysis, phenotype anchoring and targeted gene expression validation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mercury is a prominent environmental contaminant that causes detrimental effects to human health. Although the liver has been known to be a main target organ, there is limited information on <it>in vivo </it>molecular mechanism of mercury-induced toxicity in the liver. By using transcriptome analysis, phenotypic anchoring and validation of targeted gene expression in zebrafish, mercury-induced hepatotoxicity was investigated and a number of perturbed cellular processes were identified and compared with those captured in the <it>in vitro </it>human cell line studies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Hepato-transcriptome analysis of mercury-exposed zebrafish revealed that the earliest deregulated genes were associated with electron transport chain, mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation, nuclear receptor signaling and apoptotic pathway, followed by complement system and proteasome pathway, and thereafter DNA damage, hypoxia, Wnt signaling, fatty acid synthesis, gluconeogenesis, cell cycle and motility. Comparative meta-analysis of microarray data between zebrafish liver and human HepG2 cells exposed to mercury identified some common toxicological effects of mercury-induced hepatotoxicity in both models. Histological analyses of liver from mercury-exposed fish revealed morphological changes of liver parenchyma, decreased nucleated cell count, increased lipid vesicles, glycogen and apoptotic bodies, thus providing phenotypic evidence for anchoring of the transcriptome analysis. Validation of targeted gene expression confirmed deregulated gene-pathways from enrichment analysis. Some of these genes responding to low concentrations of mercury may serve as toxicogenomic-based markers for detection and health risk assessment of environmental mercury contaminations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Mercury-induced hepatotoxicity was triggered by oxidative stresses, intrinsic apoptotic pathway, deregulation of nuclear receptor and kinase activities including Gsk3 that deregulates Wnt signaling pathway, gluconeogenesis, and adipogenesis, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction, endocrine disruption and metabolic disorders. This study provides important mechanistic insights into mercury-induced liver toxicity in a whole-animal physiology context, which will help in understanding the syndromes caused by mercury poisoning. The molecular conservation of mercury-induced hepatotoxicity between zebrafish and human cell line reveals the feasibility of using zebrafish to model molecular toxicity in human for toxicant risk assessments.</p

    Digital Citizenship: 9 Icon Aspek

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    Rancangan icon yang digunakan untuk mewakili setiap aspek pada digital citizenship. Icon ini digunakan di dalam aplikasi digital citizenship, baik untuk tombol maupun untuk dijadikan barcode yang bisa di scan