179 research outputs found

    Pemikiran Aristoteles Tentang Kewarganegaraan dan Konstitusi

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    Citizenship includes elements of identity, participation, rights, obligations, and acceptance of shared social values. Aristotle, the ancient Greek thinker states that citizenship is a form of citizen participation in public life. Good citizens are those engaged in public life better while being ruled and governed. Citizenship can not be separated from the concept of the constitution. Determining who is a citizen based on the state constitution. There is a "Wrong Constitutions", which includes Tirany, Oligarchy and Democracy and the "Right Constitutions", covers Kingship, Aristocracy and Polity or Constitutional Government. The Constitution is important for a country as long as it is intended for the public good and reach a sense of justice

    Mengungkap Kembali Tafsir Atas Pancasila: Dibalik Pencabutan Ketetapan Mpr Tentang P4

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    Pancasila is the foundation of the state of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. The thought of Pancasila in state political lines are included in the MPR decree No. XVIII/MPR/1998 which also repeals provisions of Decree No. II/MPR/1978 about P4 (The Guidlines for Appreciating and Implementing Pancasila). The background of the issue the political determination is that the MPR decree on P4, the substance and implementation are no longer fit with the times. Pancasila charge in P4 is considered to have an expansion in interpretation of Pancasila. Implementation of the P4 upgrading program is considered to be the doctrinative, ineffective and spend a lot of costs. For the future, the interpretation of Pancasila should refer to the historical interpretation of the founding fathers and is developed through historical approach and juridical interpretations developed through legal approach. The implementation of Pancasila can be done with socialization through education

    Dinamisasi Hukum Islam: Suatu Pendekatan Dalam Kerangka Metodologi Ushul Fiqh

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    Islamic law broadly recognizes two kinds of sources oflaw, namely the source of law which is "naqli" and a source oflaw is the "aqli". Sources of law based on the proposition is theQur'an and al-Sunnah, while the source of the laws of logic isthe result of the effort to find the law by emphasizing theprocess to think with a variety of methods. Figures or imamsschools in exploring of legal values that not explicitly specifiesin detail and firm in the Qur'an and Sunnah, each of themoffers the methodological framework, the theory and principlesof ijtihad which became a reference in setting their law.Methodological framework in question is a methodologicalframework Usul Fiqh. Enterprises using ijtihad in issuing legalframework Usul Fiqh methodology is expected to produce legalproducts that are felt dynamic. This article will explore thedynamics of Islamic law with the rules of fiqh methodologyapproach.ملخص: یعترف القانون الإسلامي على نطاق واسع نوعین من مصادر القانون، التيھي مصدر القانون وھو" حجة الدین "ومصدر القانون ھو" المنطق ."مصادرالقانون بناء على اقتراح ھو القرآن و آل السنة، فیما أكد مصدر من قوانین المنطقھي نتیجة جھد للعثور على القانون مع التركیز على عملیة التفكیر مع مجموعةمتنوعة من الطرق .قادة أو الكھنة المدارس في استكشاف القیم القانونیة التي لم یتمتنظیمھا بشكل واضح في التفاصیل وشركة في القرآن والسنة، كل واحد منھم یقدمالإطار المنھجي والنظري ومبادئ الاجتھاد الذي أصبح مرجعا في محیطھم القانون .الإطار المنھجي في السؤال ھو إطار منھجي أصول الفقھ .ومن المتوقع أن تنتجمنتجات القانونیة التي شعرت دینامیكیة الشركات باستخدام الاجتھاد في إصدار الإطارالقانوني منھجیة أصول الفقھ .ھذه المادة سوف تستكشف دینامیات الشریعة الإسلامیةمع قواعد النھج منھجیة الفقھ

    Penerapan Scaffolding Learning Berbasis Karakter Dalam Meningkatan Hasil Belajar Materi Eksponen Dan Logaritma Kelas X.1 Pada Semester 1 Sman 1 Tanjung Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    The objective of this research is to improve the learning outcomes of Exponential and Logarithmic through character-based scaffolding learning of class X.1 of SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Semester 1 in the academic year of 2014/2015. The learning outcomes in this research include three aspects, (1) affective, sel-reliance characters variables; (2) psychomotoric, problem solving skills variables; and (3) cognitive, students' learning achievement. The primary and secondary data were used in this research.The data were gained from technique test in the form of essay test and non-test technique in the form of students' sel-reliance characters and problem solving skills observation. The descriptive comparative analysis is used to compare the result of the pre-test and the post-test score with the key performance indicator 85%. The result of analysis showed that the learning result with the Minimum Mastery Criteria of 75 at the pre-test was 51,28% from 39 students. Result of Cycle I was 64,10% for self-reliance character, 53,85% for problem solving skill, and 61,54% learning achievement. Cycle II was 89.75%, 87.18%, and 87.18%. The increasing of self-reliance character 25.65%, problem solving skills 33.33%, and learning achievement 25.64%

    Design and Implementation of Web-Based Lecture Evaluation System

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    This study aimed to produce a web-based lecture evaluation system in the Post-Graduate Program of IAIN Salatiga. The developed system was called SEVADO (Sistem Evaluasi Perkuliahan Dosen/Evaluation System of the Lecturer's learning). The method of this research was research and development (R&D). The data collection techniques were documentations, interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), and questionnaires. The research subjects were 10 students during the pilot study and 46 students in the main research. The aspects which was tested includes functionality, USAbility, reliability, performance and supportability. To test the aspect of reliability and performance, WAPT tools (Web Application Performance Testing) software was applied. The researcher concludes that the web-based lecture evaluation system of the Post-Graduate Program of IAIN Salatiga was feasible. It met the five aspects of system testing: functionality (score 4.2/excellent category), USAbility (score 4.3/excellent category), supportability (score 4.3/excellent category), performance (97%), and reliability (92%)

    Analisis Sumber Belajar Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan di SMA Negeri 1 Kartasura

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    The objective of research was to find out: 1) how the availability of learning source of Pancasila and Civic Education subject is used by the 10th grade of SMA Negeri 1 Kartasura, 3) whether or not the material in Pancasila and Civic Education subject learning source used by the 10th grade has met the qualification of Pancasila and Civic Education scholarship, and 3) how the facility of Pancasila and Civic Education subject learning source is used by the 10th grade of SMA Negeri 1 Kartasura. This research employed a qualitative method. The type of research used was a descriptive qualitative research. The data sources obtained were informant, place, event, and document. Sampling technique used was purposive sampling one. Techniques of collecting data used were interview, observation, document analysis, and focus group discussion. Data validation was carried out using data and method triangulations. Considering the result of research, the following conclusions are: First, the availibity of Pancasila and Civic Education subject learning source has not been adequate that available just: (1) book consisting of Students Worksheet, Student Book and Teacher Book, and (2) material that intended website. Second, Analysis of material existing in Pancasila and Civic Education subject learning source showed that particularly the content of Archipelago Insight material had not met the qualification of Pancasila and Civic Education scholarship because the material existing provides civic knowledge and civic disposition only, while civic skill had not been met completely yet as intellectual skill component only has been met while participatory skill component had not been met. Third, learning source used consisted of: 1) book consisting of Students Worksheet, Student Book and Teacher Book, and (2) material that intended website, in the sense that all students can use them as they neither need special skill to operate nor long preparation and other complicated supporting tool