5,766 research outputs found

    Impact of lens distrortions on strain measurements obtained with digital image correlation

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    The determination of strain fields based on displacements obtained via DIC at the micro-strain level is still a cumbersome task. In particular when high-strain gradients are involved, e.g. in composite materials with multidirectional fibre reinforcement, uncertainties in the experimental setup and errors in the derivation of the displacement fields can substantially hamper the strain identification process. In this contribution, the aim is to investigate the impact of lens distortions on strain measurements. To this purpose, we first perform pure rigid body motion experiments, revealing the importance of precise correction of lens distortions. Next, a uni-axial tensile test on a textile composite with spatially varying high strain gradients is performed, resulting in very accurate determined strains along the fibers of the materia

    Mining for viral fragments in methylation enriched sequencing data

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    Most next generation sequencing experiments generate more data than is required for the experimental set up. For example, methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) affinity purification based sequencing is often used for DNA-methylation profiling, but up to 30% of the sequenced fragments cannot be mapped uniquely to the reference genome. Here we present and evaluate a methodology for the identification of viruses in these otherwise unused paired-end MBD-seq data. Viral detection is accomplished by mapping non-reference alignable reads to a comprehensive set of viral genomes. As viruses play an important role in epigenetics and cancer development, 92 (pre)malignant and benign samples, originating from two different collections of cervical samples and related cell lines, were used in this study. These samples include primary carcinomas (n=22), low- & high-grade cervical intrapeithelial neoplasia (CIN1 & CIN2/3 - n=2/n=30) and normal tissue (n=20), as well as control samples (n=17). Viruses that were detected include phages, adenoviruses, herpesviridae and HPV. HPV, which causes virtually all cervical cancers, was identified in 95% of the carcinomas, 100% of the CIN2/3 samples, both CIN1 samples and in 55% of the normal samples. Comparing the amount of mapped fragments on HPV for each HPV-infected sample yielded a significant difference between normal samples and carcinomas or CIN2/3 samples (adjusted p-values resp. < 10^-5, < 10^-5), reflecting different viral loads and/or methylation degrees in non-normal samples. Fragments originating from different HPV types could be distinguished and were independently validated by PCR-based assays with a specificity of 98% and a sensitivitity of 66%. In conclusion, although limited by the a priori knowledge of viral reference genome sequences, the proposed methodology can provide a first but substantial insight into the presence, concentration and types of methylated viral sequences in MBD-seq data without additional costs

    \u3cem\u3eRhizobium etli\u3c/em\u3e CE3 Bacteroid Lipopolysaccharides Are Structurally Similar but Not Identical to Those Produced by Cultured CE3 Bacteria

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    Rhizobium etli CE3 bacteroids were isolated from Phaseolus vulgaris root nodules. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from the bacteroids was purified and compared with the LPS from laboratory-cultured R. etli CE3and from cultures grown in the presence of anthocyanin. Comparisons were made of the O-chain polysaccharide, the core oligosaccharide, and the lipid A. Although LPS from CE3 bacteria and bacteroids are structurally similar, it was found that bacteroid LPS had specific modifications to both the O-chain polysaccharide and lipid A portions of their LPS. Cultures grown with anthocyanin contained modifications only to the O-chain polysaccharide. The changes to the O-chain polysaccharide consisted of the addition of a single methyl group to the 2-position of a fucosyl residue in one of the five O-chain trisaccharide repeat units.This same change occurred for bacteria grown in the presence of anthocyanin. This methylation change correlated with the inability of bacteroid LPS and LPS from anthocyanin-containing cultures to bind the monoclonal antibody JIM28. The coreoligosaccharide region of bacteroid LPS and from anthocyanin grown cultures was identical to that of LPS from normal laboratory-cultured CE3. The lipid A from bacteroids consisted exclusively of a tetraacylated species compared with the presence of both tetra-and pentaacylated lipid A from laboratory cultures. Growth in the presence of anthocyanin did not affect the lipid A structure. Purified bacteroids that could resume growth were also found to be more sensitive to the cationic peptides, poly-L-lysine, polymyxin-B, and melittin
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