1,774 research outputs found

    Birds in a partly clearfelled dry eucalypt forest on dolerite in southeastern Tasmania

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    An area of dry eucalypt forest on dolerite in southeastern Tasmania was clearfelled in 1981. A portion of this area was subsequently slash-burnt and aerially sown in 1982, whilst the rest of the area was left unburnt and unsown. A monthly bird census was conducted during 1983-1984 in surrounding uncut, mature forest and also on the clearfelled area. Species were recorded together with the habitat in which they occurred and the particular plant species being utilised. A total of 46 avian species were recorded during the monthly censuses, with most species and individuals being observed in the spring months. The numbers of species and individuals recorded on the burnt and unburnt clearfelled areas were low in comparison with those observed in the uncut forest. In general, those species able to utilise open-ground habitats tended to be the least affected by clearfelling followed by slash-burning. However, the unburnt clearfelled area provided foraging sites for certain species, in preference to the nearby slash-burnt area. Many individuals recorded in the clearfelled areas made use of trees left standing after logging. The use of fire in dry forest management practice and the importance of cull trees are discussed

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    Effects of Heat-Producing Elements on the Stability of Deep Mantle Thermochemical Piles

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    ©2020. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Geochemical observations of ocean island and mid-ocean ridge basalts suggest that abundances of heat-producing elements (HPEs: U, Th, and K) vary within the mantle. Combined with bulk silicate Earth models and constraints on the Earth's heat budget, these observations suggest the presence of a more enriched (potentially deep and undepleted) reservoir in the mantle. Such a reservoir may be related to seismically observed deep mantle structures known as large low shear velocity provinces (LLSVPs). LLSVPs might represent thermochemical piles of an intrinsically denser composition, and many studies have shown such piles to remain stable over hundreds of Myr or longer. However, few studies have examined if thermochemical piles can remain stable if they are enriched in HPEs, a necessary condition for them to constitute an enriched HPE reservoir. We conduct a suite of mantle convection simulations to examine the effect of HPE enrichment up to 25× the ambient mantle on pile stability. Model results are evaluated against present-day pile morphology and tested for resulting seismic signatures using self-consistent potential pile compositions. We find that stable piles can form from an initial basal layer of dense material even if the layer is enriched in HPEs, depending on the density of the layer and degree of HPE enrichment, with denser basal layers requiring increased HPE enrichment to form pile-like morphology instead of a stable layer. Thermochemical piles or LLSVPs may therefore constitute an enriched reservoir in the deep mantle

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    The role of agri-environment schemes in conservation and environmental management.

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    Over half of the European landscape is under agricultural management and has been for millennia. Many species and ecosystems of conservation concern in Europe depend on agricultural management and are showing ongoing declines. Agri-environment schemes (AES) are designed partly to address this. They are a major source of nature conservation funding within the European Union (EU) and the highest conservation expenditure in Europe. We reviewed the structure of current AES across Europe. Since a 2003 review questioned the overall effectiveness of AES for biodiversity, there has been a plethora of case studies and meta-analyses examining their effectiveness. Most syntheses demonstrate general increases in farmland biodiversity in response to AES, with the size of the effect depending on the structure and management of the surrounding landscape. This is important in the light of successive EU enlargement and ongoing reforms of AES. We examined the change in effect size over time by merging the data sets of 3 recent meta-analyses and found that schemes implemented after revision of the EU's agri-environmental programs in 2007 were not more effective than schemes implemented before revision. Furthermore, schemes aimed at areas out of production (such as field margins and hedgerows) are more effective at enhancing species richness than those aimed at productive areas (such as arable crops or grasslands). Outstanding research questions include whether AES enhance ecosystem services, whether they are more effective in agriculturally marginal areas than in intensively farmed areas, whether they are more or less cost-effective for farmland biodiversity than protected areas, and how much their effectiveness is influenced by farmer training and advice? The general lesson from the European experience is that AES can be effective for conserving wildlife on farmland, but they are expensive and need to be carefully designed and targeted.This is the final published version. It first appeared from Wiley http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cobi.1253

    Reduction of circulating cholesterol and apolipoprotein levels during sepsis

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    Sepsis with multiple organ failure is frequently associated with a substantial decrease of cholesterol levels. This decrease of cholesterol is strongly associated with mortality suggesting a direct relation between inflammatory conditions and altered cholesterol homeostasis. The host response during sepsis is mediated by cytokines and growth factors, which are capable of influencing lipid metabolism. Conversely lipoproteins are also capable of modulating cytokine production during the inflammatory response. Therefore the decrease in circulating cholesterol levels seems to play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of sepsis. In this review the interaction between cytokines and lipid metabolism and its clinical consequences will be discussed