55,785 research outputs found

    Novel results in STM, ARPES, HREELS, Nernst, neutron, Raman, and isotope substitution experiments and their relation to bosonic modes and charge inhomogeneity, from perspective of negative-Ueff boson-fermion modelling of HTSC

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    This paper seeks to synthesize much recent work on the HTSC materials around the latest STM results from Davis and coworkers. The conductance diffuse scattering results in particular are used as point of entry to discuss bosonic modes, both of condensed and uncondensed form. The bosonic mode picture is essential to understanding an ever growing range of observations within the HTSC field. The work is expounded within the context of the negative-U, boson-fermion modelling long advocated by the author. This general approach is presently seeing much theoretical development, into which I have looked to couple many of the experimental advances. While the formal theory is not yet sufficiently detailed to cover adequately all the experimental complexities presented by the real cuprate systems, it is clear that it affords very appreciable support to the line taken. An attempt is made throughout to say why and how it is that these events are tied so very closely to this particular set of materials.Comment: 36 pages pdf with 3 figures and 1 table included, Submitted to J. Phys. Cond. Mat

    The role of working hours, work environment and physical leisure activity on the need for recovery following a day's work among UK white-water raft guides: a within-subjects multilevel approach

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    Background: White-water raft guides are a growing workforce of the outdoor sector but little is known about how the working environment, workload and physical leisure activity impacts on the need for occupational recovery (the desire to replenish internal resources and recuperate in the time immediately following work) of those working in this physically demanding occupation. Methods: Longitudinal data were collected across an eight month working season at three month intervals. Multilevel analyses tested the within-subject associations between work environment, hours worked and physical leisure activity had on the need for recovery. Results: Working longer across the working season and participating in more physical leisure activity were directly associated with a lower need for occupational recovery. Furthermore, working on natural rivers significantly reduced the need for recovery experienced compared to work on man-made courses. This was regardless of the number of hours of worked in these environments. Discussion: Physical leisure activity may provide a distraction from work, allowing employees to replenish their physical and psychological energy, thus protecting themselves against work-related fatigue. The findings also expand upon the previous literature identifying that working in a natural environment reduces the risk of experiencing work-related fatigue

    An RF-Driven Josephson Bifurcation Amplifier for Quantum Measurements

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    We have constructed a new type of amplifier whose primary purpose is the readout of superconducting quantum bits. It is based on the transition of an RF-driven Josephson junction between two distinct oscillation states near a dynamical bifurcation point. The main advantages of this new amplifier are speed, high-sensitivity, low back-action, and the absence of on-chip dissipation. Pulsed microwave reflection measurements on nanofabricated Al junctions show that actual devices attain the performance predicted by theory.Comment: 5 Figure

    Rare earth spin ensemble magnetically coupled to a superconducting resonator

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    Interfacing superconducting quantum processors, working in the GHz frequency range, with optical quantum networks and atomic qubits is a challenging task for the implementation of distributed quantum information processing as well as for quantum communication. Using spin ensembles of rare earth ions provide an excellent opportunity to bridge microwave and optical domains at the quantum level. In this letter, we demonstrate magnetic coupling of Er3+^{3+} spins doped in Y2_{2}SiO5_{5} crystal to a high-Q coplanar superconducting resonator.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Wilson-like real-space renormalization group and low-energy effective spectrum of the XXZ chain in the critical regime

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    We present a novel real-space renormalization group(RG) for the one-dimensional XXZ model in the critical regime, reconsidering the role of the cut-off parameter in Wilson's RG for the Kondo impurity problem. We then demonstrate the RG calculation for the XXZ chain with the free boundary. Comparing the hierarchical structure of the obtained low-energy spectrum with the Bethe ansatz result, we find that the proper scaling dimension is reproduced as a fixed point of the RG transformation.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, typos corrected, final versio

    N∗N^{\bf *} decays to NωN\omega from new data on γp→ωp\gamma p\to \omega p

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    Data on the reaction γp→ωp\gamma p\to \omega p with ω→π0γ\omega\to\pi^0\gamma, taken with unpolarized or polarized beams in combination with an unpolarized or polarized proton-target, were analyzed within the Bonn-Gatchina (BnGa) partial wave analysis. Differential cross sections, several spin density matrix elements, the beam asymmetry Σ\Sigma, the normalized helicity difference EE, and the correlation GG between linear photon and longitudinal target polarization were included in a large data base on pion and photo-induced reactions. The data on ω\omega photoproduction are used to determine twelve N∗→NωN^*\to N\omega branching ratios; most of these are determined for the first time.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Perancangan Kemasan Cupcake

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    Serein Cake & Co cupcake adalah home made cupcake Surabaya yang didirikan pada tahun 2014 oleh Lidya Joyce. Kelebihan Serein Cake & Co cupcake adalah menjual home made cupcake yang fresh , lembut, dan moist. Selama ini Serein Cake & Co cupcake melakukan promosi secara online, yaitu melalui Instagram dan dari mulut ke mulut. Sayangnya Serein Cake & Co mendapatkan kendala bahwa produk cupcake ini kemasannya kurang menarik untuk konsumen dan tidak dapat melindungi cupcake yang di produksi pada saat proses pengiriman akibatnya banyak cupcake yang hancur bentuknya pada saat proses pengiriman serta media pendukungnya pun kurang. Perancangan kemasan Serein Cake & Co cupcake ini digunakan untuk meningkatkan brand awareness masyarakat akan produk serta menyampaikan pesan komunikatif mengenai keunikan dan kelebihan produk Serein Cake & Co cupcake
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