1,493 research outputs found

    Derivation of greenhouse gas emission factors for peatlands managed for extraction in the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom

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    Drained peatlands are significant hotspots of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and may also be more vulnerable to fire with its associated gaseous emissions. Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from peatlands managed for extraction are reported on an annual basis. However, the Tier 1 (default) emission factors (EFs) provided in the IPCC 2013 Wetlands Supplement for this land use category may not be representative in all cases and countries are encouraged to move to higher-tier reporting levels with reduced uncertainty levels based on country- or regional-specific data. In this study, we quantified (1) CO2-C emissions from nine peat extraction sites in the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom, which were initially disaggregated by land use type (industrial versus domestic peat extraction), and (2) a range of GHGs that are released to the atmosphere with the burning of peat. Drainage-related methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions as well as CO2-C emissions associated with the off-site decomposition of horticultural peat were not included here. Our results show that net CO2-C emissions were strongly controlled by soil temperature at the industrial sites (bare peat) and by soil temperature and leaf area index at the vegetated domestic sites. Our derived EFs of 1.70 (±0.47) and 1.64 (±0.44) t CO2-C ha−1 yr−1 for the industrial and domestic sites respectively are considerably lower than the Tier 1 EF (2.8 ± 1.7 t CO2-C ha−1 yr−1) provided in the Wetlands Supplement. We propose that the difference between our derived values and the Wetlands Supplement value is due to differences in peat quality and, consequently, decomposition rates. Emissions from burning of the peat (g kg−1 dry fuel burned) were estimated to be approximately 1346 CO2, 8.35 methane (CH4), 218 carbon monoxide (CO), 1.53 ethane (C2H6), 1.74 ethylene (C2H4), 0.60 methanol (CH3OH), 2.21 hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and 0.73 ammonia (NH3), and this emphasises the importance of understanding the full suite of trace gas emissions from biomass burning. Our results highlight the importance of generating reliable Tier 2 values for different regions and land use categories. Furthermore, given that the IPCC Tier 1 EF was only based on 20 sites (all from Canada and Fennoscandia), we suggest that data from another 9 sites significantly expand the global data set, as well as adding a new region

    Universal asymptotic behavior in flow equations of dissipative systems

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    Based on two dissipative models, universal asymptotic behavior of flow equations for Hamiltonians is found and discussed. Universal asymptotic behavior only depends on fundamental bath properties but not on initial system parameters, and the integro-differential equations possess an universal attractor. The asymptotic flow of the Hamiltonian can be characterized by a non-local differential equation which only depends on one parameter - independent of the dissipative system or truncation scheme. Since the fixed point Hamiltonian is trivial, the physical information is completely transferred to the transformation of the observables. This yields a more stable flow which is crucial for the numerical evaluation of correlation functions. Furthermore, the low energy behavior of correlation functions is determined analytically. The presented procedure can also be applied if relevant perturbations are present as is demonstrated by evaluating dynamical correlation functions for sub-Ohmic environments. It can further be generalized to other dissipative systems.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Renormalization of Hamiltonian Field Theory; a non-perturbative and non-unitarity approach

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    Renormalization of Hamiltonian field theory is usually a rather painful algebraic or numerical exercise. By combining a method based on the coupled cluster method, analysed in detail by Suzuki and Okamoto, with a Wilsonian approach to renormalization, we show that a powerful and elegant method exist to solve such problems. The method is in principle non-perturbative, and is not necessarily unitary.Comment: 16 pages, version shortened and improved, references added. To appear in JHE

    Flow equation analysis of the anisotropic Kondo model

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    We use the new method of infinitesimal unitary transformations to calculate zero temperature correlation functions in the strong-coupling phase of the anisotropic Kondo model. We find the dynamics on all energy scales including the crossover behaviour from weak to strong coupling. The integrable structure of the Hamiltonian is not used in our approach. Our method should also be useful in other strong-coupling models since few other analytical methods allow the evaluation of their correlation functions on all energy scales.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 2 eps figures include

    Void elimination in screen printed thick film dielectric pastes

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    The problem is to understand the mechanisms for the formation and evolution of defects in wet screen printed layers. The primary objective is to know how best to alter the properties of the paste (rather than the geometry of the screen printing process itself) in order to eliminate the defects. With these goals in mind the work done during the Study Group reported here was as follows; to describe a simple model for the closure of craters, a model for the partial closure of vias, a possible mechanism for the formation of pinholes and finally a more detailed consideration of the screen printing process

    Juvenile root traits show limited correlation with grain yield, yield components and grain mineral composition traits in Indian wheat under hostile soils

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    Correlations between juvenile wheat root traits, and grain yield and yield component traits under optimal field conditions have previously been reported in some conditions. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that juvenile wheat root traits correlate with yield, yield components and grain mineral composition traits under a range of soil environments in India. A diverse panel of 36 Indian wheat genotypes were grown for ten days in ‘pouch and wick’ high-throughput phenotyping (HTP) system (20 replicates). Correlations between juvenile root architecture traits, including primary and lateral root length, and grain yield, yield components and grain mineral composition traits were determined, using field data from previously published experiments at six sites in India. Only a limited number of juvenile root traits correlated with grain yield (GYD), yield components, and grain mineral composition traits. A narrow root angle, potentially representing a ‘steep’ phenotype, was associated with increased GYD and harvest index (HI) averaged across sites and years. Length related root traits were not correlated with GYD or HI at most sites, however, the total length of lateral roots and lateral root number correlated with GYD at a sodic site of pH 9.5. The total length of lateral roots (TLLR) correlated with grain zinc (Zn) concentration at one site. A wider root angle, representing a shallow root system, correlated with grain iron (Fe) concentration at most sites. The total length of all roots (TLAR) and total length of primary roots (TLPR) correlated with grain S concentration at most sites. Narrow root angle in juvenile plants could be a useful proxy trait for screening germplasm for improved grain yield. Lateral root and shallow root traits could potentially be used to improve grain mineral concentrations. The use of juvenile root traits should be explored further in wheat breeding for diverse environments

    Two spatially distinct posterior alpha sources fulfill different functional roles in attention

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    Directing attention helps extracting relevant information and suppressing distracters. Alpha brain oscillations (8-12Hz) are crucial for this process, with power decreases facilitating processing of important information and power increases inhibiting brain regions processing irrelevant information. Evidence for this phenomenon arises from visual attention studies (Worden et al., 2000b), however, the effect also exists in other modalities, including the somatosensory system (Haegens et al., 2011) and inter-sensory attention tasks (Foxe and Snyder, 2011). We investigated in human participants (10 females, 10 males) the role of alpha oscillations in focused (0/100%) vs. divided (40/60%) attention, both across modalities (visual/somatosensory; Experiment 1) and within the same modality (visual domain: across hemifields; Experiment 2) while recording EEG over 128 scalp electrodes. In Experiment 1 participants divided their attention between visual and somatosensory modality to determine the temporal/spatial frequency of a target stimulus (vibrotactile stimulus/Gabor grating). In Experiment 2, participants divided attention between two visual hemifields to identify the orientation of a Gabor grating. In both experiments, pre-stimulus alpha power in visual areas decreased linearly with increasing attention to visual stimuli. In contrast, pre-stimulus alpha power in parietal areas was lower when attention was divided between modalities/hemifields, compared to focused attention. These results suggest there are two alpha sources, where one reflects the ‘visual spotlight of attention’ and the other reflects attentional effort. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that attention recruits two spatially distinct alpha sources in occipital and parietal brain regions, acting simultaneously but serving different functions in attention

    Highlighting when animals expend excessive energy for travel using dynamic body acceleration

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    Travel represents a major cost for many animals so there should be selection pressure for it to be efficient – at minimum cost. However, animals sometimes exceed minimum travel costs for reasons that must be correspondingly important. We use Dynamic Body Acceleration (DBA), an acceleration-based metric, as a proxy for movement-based power, in tandem with vertical velocity (rate of change in depth) in a shark (Rhincodon typus) to derive the minimum estimated power required to swim at defined vertical velocities. We show how subtraction of measured DBA from the estimated minimum power for any given vertical velocity provides a “proxy for power above minimum” metric (PPAmin), highlighting when these animals travel above minimum power. We suggest that the adoption of this metric across species has value in identifying where and when animals are subject to compelling conditions that lead them to deviate from ostensibly judicious energy expenditure
