287 research outputs found

    Order-of-Magnitude Influence Diagrams

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    In this paper, we develop a qualitative theory of influence diagrams that can be used to model and solve sequential decision making tasks when only qualitative (or imprecise) information is available. Our approach is based on an order-of-magnitude approximation of both probabilities and utilities and allows for specifying partially ordered preferences via sets of utility values. We also propose a dedicated variable elimination algorithm that can be applied for solving order-of-magnitude influence diagrams

    Extending uncertainty formalisms to linear constraints and other complex formalisms

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    Linear constraints occur naturally in many reasoning problems and the information that they represent is often uncertain. There is a difficulty in applying AI uncertainty formalisms to this situation, as their representation of the underlying logic, either as a mutually exclusive and exhaustive set of possibilities, or with a propositional or a predicate logic, is inappropriate (or at least unhelpful). To overcome this difficulty, we express reasoning with linear constraints as a logic, and develop the formalisms based on this different underlying logic. We focus in particular on a possibilistic logic representation of uncertain linear constraints, a lattice-valued possibilistic logic, an assumption-based reasoning formalism and a Dempster-Shafer representation, proving some fundamental results for these extended systems. Our results on extending uncertainty formalisms also apply to a very general class of underlying monotonic logics

    A logic of soft constraints based on partially ordered preferences

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    Representing and reasoning with an agent's preferences is important in many applications of constraints formalisms. Such preferences are often only partially ordered. One class of soft constraints formalisms, semiring-based CSPs, allows a partially ordered set of preference degrees, but this set must form a distributive lattice; whilst this is convenient computationally, it considerably restricts the representational power. This paper constructs a logic of soft constraints where it is only assumed that the set of preference degrees is a partially ordered set, with a maximum element 1 and a minimum element 0. When the partially ordered set is a distributive lattice, this reduces to the idempotent semiring-based CSP approach, and the lattice operations can be used to define a sound and complete proof theory. A generalised possibilistic logic, based on partially ordered values of possibility, is also constructed, and shown to be formally very strongly related to the logic of soft constraints. It is shown how the machinery that exists for the distributive lattice case can be used to perform sound and complete deduction, using a compact embedding of the partially ordered set in a distributive lattice

    Sorted-pareto dominance: an extension to pareto dominance and its application in soft constraints

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    The Pareto dominance relation compares decisions with each other over multiple aspects, and any decision that is not dominated by another is called Pareto optimal, which is a desirable property in decision making. However, the Pareto dominance relation is not very discerning, and often leads to a large number of non-dominated or Pareto optimal decisions. By strengthening the relation, we can narrow down this nondominated set of decisions to a smaller set, e.g., for presenting a smaller number of more interesting decisions to a decision maker. In this paper, we look at a particular strengthening of the Pareto dominance called Sorted-Pareto dominance, giving some properties that characterise the relation, and giving a semantics in the context of decision making under uncertainty. We then examine the use of the relation in a Soft Constraints setting, and explore some algorithms for generating Sorted-Pareto optimal solutions to Soft Constraints problems

    Conditional lexicographic orders in constraint satisfaction problems

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    The lexicographically-ordered CSP ("lexicographic CSP" or "LO-CSP" for short) combines a simple representation of preferences with the feasibility constraints of ordinary CSPs. Preferences are defined by a total ordering across all assignments, such that a change in assignment to a given variable is more important than any change in assignment to any less important variable. In this paper, we show how this representation can be extended to handle conditional preferences in two ways. In the first, for each conditional preference relation, the parents have higher priority than the children in the original lexicographic ordering. In the second, the relation between parents and children need not correspond to the importance ordering of variables. In this case, by obviating the "overwhelming advantage" effect with respect to the original variables and values, the representational capacity is significantly enhanced. For problems of the first type, any of the algorithms originally devised for ordinary LO-CSPs can also be used when some of the domain orderings are dependent on assignments to "parent" variables. For problems of the second type, algorithms based on lexical orders can be used if the representation is augmented by variables and constraints that link preference orders to assignments. In addition, the branch-and-bound algorithm originally devised for ordinary LO-CSPs can be extended to handle CSPs with conditional domain orderings
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