379 research outputs found

    "I had to give up so, so much": a narrative study to investigate the impact of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) on the lives of young people.

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    The aim of this research was to explore the experiences of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome among a small group of adolescents, through three research questions: What are the personal experiences of young people with CFS ā€“ how does the condition affect their daily lives ā€“ including educational, social and psychological perspectives. Secondly, how does CFS impact family life ā€“ how does the condition influence not only the lives of sufferers but also those closest to them? Finally, can the knowledge base be deepened to help guide practice for those caring for the needs of adolescent CFS sufferers and their families? The study used a narrative approach in an attempt to capture young peopleā€˜s stories, and to provide a window of insight into the personal impacts of CFS on the lives of individuals. Open-ended interviews with eight young CFS sufferers (11 to 18 year olds) were employed that explored personal experiences of CFS. In addition four email interviews were conducted with primary caregivers to explore the impacts of CFS from a carers perspective. Five themes arose from a generic qualitative analysis of data - adolescent CFS is experienced as: (1) having to adapt to debilitating physical symptoms; (2) living with changes in family relationships and loved oneā€Ÿs life experiences; (3) living with isolation and a disruption to a full and satisfying teenage life; and (4) feeling misunderstood and judged. Also a fifth and universal overarching theme, that CFS in adolescents is experienced as having to put life on hold. This is a major life adjustment, not only for the individual sufferers but for their family members also, who have to adapt to a new way of life accommodating for the limitations of one member. The implications for clinical practice and further research are discussed

    Pengaruh Permainan Huruf Punggung Berantai terhadap Kemampuan Anak Mengenal Huruf pada Usia 5-6 Tahun Ditaman Kanak-kanak Masmur Kecamatan Siak Hulu Kabupaten Kampar

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    The research is to know backs chain letters game to know your child's ability letters intelligence in masmur kindergarten district siak hulu kampar regency. The sample of population in this research is 5-6 years old to amount to 15 person's. to collect the data is observation technics. To analysis data used in this research is test-t. the result of research is obtained from the sample result of hypothesis test correlation, with the before and after values of r = 0,862 and the value of significance is 0,000. Because, p<0,05 (0,862<0,05) then Ho rejected. The means of research is backs chain letters game to know your child's ability letters on age 5-6 years children's intelligence. To receive or reject hypothesis based on SPSS data windows for version 17 then can be seen from a comparison t value and t table is calculation of the test-t, seen that result t value -13,412 from the parties of absolutely price, so the minus (-) price cannot be used(Sugiyono, 2010). Then value (-13,412). DK= 40 and the fault stage 5%= 2,021). The mean Ho= were rejected and Ha= accepted. From the research have conslussion that's the backs chain letters game is be effective to know your child's ability letters on age 5-6 years olds children's intelligence

    Buddhism east and west: Chinese Buddhism in Beijing and Houston

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    Although Buddhism was introduced in the United States over a century ago, only recently has it become part of the mainstream. In addition to the exponential increase in Buddhist practitioners in the United States, scholar Thomas Tweed argues that Buddhist images and references, devoid of religious context, have seeped into American society. The increasing popularity and prevalence of Buddhism in America is attributable to many factors including changes to the immigration laws in the 1960s and the episodic popularity of all things Eastern. This fascination with the East is epitomized by the current Dalai Lama, who has a pop-culture presence as well as political sway, as evidenced by his meeting with John McCain on July 25, 2008. Just as the pre-1965 immigration laws stifled Buddhism in the United States by limiting the number of Asian immigrants, Maoā€™s communist doctrines prevented the practice of Buddhism in China. As a result, in recent years Buddhism has emerged in the United States and remerged in China. By examining the state of Buddhism in Beijing and Chinese Buddhism in Houston this thesis shows that despite the comparable newness of the religion in both places, it is developing in very different ways, showing the impact region has on religion

    Examining Seasonal Trends of the Martian Polar Warming with the NASA Ames Mars Global Climate Model

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    The presented work focuses on polar warming as a diagnostic of the mean circulation to increase our understanding of processes that control the mean meridional circulation and transport in the Mars middle atmosphere. The NASA Ames Mars Global Climate Model is utilized to isolate physical processes to determine their impact on polar warming and its seasonal trends

    A Primary Care Response to COVIDā€19 for Patients with an Opioid Use Disorder

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    The Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19) has prompted adaptations and restructuring of almost every institution in the nation. While these efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 affect everyone, patients treated with buprenorphine/naloxone for an opioid use disorder (OUD) will feel these disruptions more acutely, especially in rural communitie

    Data Integration and Visualization for Transparent Communication in Read-Across: a Glycol Ether Case Study

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    Integration and communication of diverse information into human health assessments is often challenging given the wide variety of data types and sources under consideration. In this study, several new approaches are utilized for compiling and visualizing chemical structure and toxicological assay-derived information in support of both category and analogue read-across. A case study of propylene-based (P-series) glycol ethers was chosen, representing high production volume chemicals with a large database that includes physicochemical properties and various measures of mammalian toxicity. As a comparator, ethylene-based (E-series) glycol ethers were used to examine the potential for category separation and broader structural groupings. Two approaches for integrating and visualizing these complex data were used, Toxicological Priority Index (ToxPi) and Chemical-Biological Read-Across (CBRA), which allow for the unique incorporation of various types of data, differential weighting, relative ranking, and step retention to maximize transparency. The raw toxicity study data were transformed, scaled, and rendered to compose visualizations with alternate category grouping scenarios. We found overall that the glycol ethers group together within their structure-based category, as well as within series. Both ToxPi and CBRA facilitate effective communication of complex data and enable groupings and selection of most suitable analogues for read-across

    P43K-3884 Characterizing Martian Crater Circulations with the NASA Ames Mars GCM

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    Observations made in Gale Crater by instruments on the MSL Curiosity Rover show that the diurnal amplitude of the surface pressure is increased and the depth of the Convective Boundary Layer (CBL) is decreased relative to other lander locations on flatter regions of Mars (Haberle et al., 2014; Moores et al., 2015). Mesoscale modeling studies of Gale Crater suggest that crater circulations produce these effects. Tyler & Barnes (2013) show that local upslope/downslope flows along the crater rim and Mt. Sharp amplify the diurnal pressure cycle. These same flows are thought to be at least partly responsible for the suppression of the CBL because upward air flow at the rim and in the center (due to Mt. Sharp) forces subsidence over the lowest regions of the crater during the day. Regional flows, largely due to the location of Gale near the dichotomy boundary, may also play a role in shaping the circulation internal to the crater. Whether the behavior of the CBL and the amplified diurnal pressure cycle are phenomena observed in craters morphologically different from Gale (i.e. bowl-shaped, irregular, degraded) is not yet understood. We will explore these questions by characterizing the behavior of these processes as they are shaped by the morphology of craters greater than 100 km in diameter. We use the NASA Ames Mars Global Circulation Model (GCM) that now utilizes the NOAA/GFDL cubed-sphere finite-volume dynamical core to examine ~100 craters of varying size and shape from a database of known Martian craters (Robbins & Hynek, 2014). Run at 7.5 km resolution, the GCM is capable of resolving surface winds, temperature, and pressure inside craters of this size allowing for the analysis of dozens of craters simulated at various seasons and within the context of synoptic and global-scale phenomena

    Steroid hormone receptors in the developing brain

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    Sex differences exist in the behavioral patterns of adult vertebrate species. Many of these behavioral differences arise as a, result of the developmental imprinting of sex specific patterns in the anatomical, biochemical and molecular substrates of the brain. It is well established that steroid hormones play an important role during critical periods of development to organize the brain to a male or female specific pattern. In order to demonstrate that these hormones can act directly on brain tissue, ligand specific receptors for estrogen and androgen have been demonstrated in the developing brain, using a variety of techniques. Each class of steroid hormone receptor exhibits a unique distribution in the brain. Furthermore, each receptor undergoes a unique and tissue specific ontogenetic pattern of expression. A careful examination of the distribution and ontogeny of expression allows one to formulate specific hypotheses regarding the role of each of these receptors in the development and maturation of the brain.Biomedical Reviews 1997; 7: 51-66

    Effect of Duplicate Isolates of Methicillin-Susceptible and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus on Antibiogram Data

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://www.dx.doi.org/10.1128/JCM.41.10.4611-4616.2003
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